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Started by some guy..., September 01, 2003, 02:41:28 AM

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I just rented this movie last night.  I just wish my favorite line was included in the sound clips:

"Now YOU da worm face!!!"

screaming worms...  BWAHAHAHA!!!


This is truly one hugely overrated, dull snoozefest. Just like all of Lieberman's flick, in fact.


I saw this in the movies when it first came out in the 70's. I was in the Army and stationed in Alabama. The theater roared, everybody loved it. Amazing how many redneck pot heads there were then.

It was on cable (Encore action) tonight and just a great as I remembered it.

Won't be surprised to see a remake starring Paris Hilton.

True, unrecognized classic.

Good stuff!! All the worm symboligies: spagetti, jewelry, others?


This movie scared the hell out of me as a kid and I enjoyed it.A VERY FUN B MOVIE flesh eating worms are scarier then flesh eating SLUGS any day.


This was one of the worst movies ever made. It's in my top 10 worst. I kept watching it to see how bad it could get.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....good ole' Squirm. I saw this as a kid on T.V. & it freaked me out!!! I've never been a fan of worms or anything that is slimy. Snakes, spiders etc. I can handle, but no worms, slugs, snails etc. This is a downright bad movie, but I'd still watch it. It has that grainy creepy feel to it, and I've read that it was based on actuak events, but who knows.


Actually, I looked up egg cream and turns out it is a popular New York drink!!  Imagine that.  :bouncegiggle: Not that it improves the movie any!! It is still one of the best, bad movies I have seen in a long time!!  Poor Roger!! Yet again the unrequited love of the slow-witted.  I think he would have made a better hero than skinny old Mick. :tongueout:


Say what you want about Squirm, anyone who loves B movies from the 70's as I do has to appreciate this one.  Yet another movie I watched with my mom as a kid (the only one she wouldn't let me watch back then was The Exorcist), it came on late one Saturday night and I never forgot the worms in the face scene. I found this dvd in a catalog called Nina's and had to have it. It did not disappoint!  I was expecting it to be crap even by B movie standards but it was surprisingly watchable! It was worth it just to get the writer/director commentary. He pokes fun at his own movie with a dry self depracating deadpan wit I found totally charming.


Isn't really PG rated only the vhs and some of the theatrical showings of it were PG rated. Really its rated R and it was cut later on for a PG rating. MGM gave the film a unrated release on DVD.


This looks really different is this just a really old forum topic?  Maybe it's just me?

Anyways.  Squirm on Blu-Ray!
This is my awesome signature.  Jealous?