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Songs/Bands/Albums That Have Grown On You

Started by Mr. DS, June 07, 2010, 11:20:26 AM

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Quote from: Flick James on June 16, 2010, 09:42:46 AM
I used to hold a very hardline position that U2 didn't do anything good since The Joshua Tree, and thus I didn't listen to anything they did after that high-water-mark release. My wife, who is a U2 fan, has tempered me a bit, and I actually like a few things they did after that.

Replace Joshua Tree with Achtung Baby, and that's the same way I felt for quite a while.   :smile:

An artist I loved as a child, "grew out" of, and recently started digging again, is Tom T. Hall. 
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me

God the Worms

Crash Test Dummies
I didn't dislike them or anything, I just never heard any other song except "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm". Having listened to their other songs, I find them to be funny, quirky, and rather unique.


Daft Punk
I foolishly dismissed them as your run-of-the-mill "techno" band years ago and have recently given them another try. This song and video made me a fan.


The Beatles---was never a big fan until recently.  Started buying their cd's and quite like them.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


I love the Dixie Chicks and since Maines is on a leave of absence, the sisters have formed a group called "The Courtyard Hounds". I thought it pretty much sucked for a while. Then one day I popped it on, and it's damn good.



The Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist album, im a huge DK fan but this album was not my favorite. But its gottan a lot better the more ive listened to it


CCR , Boston, Cheap Trick and Lynyrd Skynyrd have grown on me more and more over the year to where I really like their music nowadays...
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

Mr. DS

DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall

Psycho Circus

Motörhead - I've been listening to hard rock and heavy metal since I was 10 years old, but I never had any real interest in this band. I guess that may have been down to the fact that "Ace Of Spades" is incredibly overplayed and that I was attracted to more image conscious bands early on. What triggered it was when I found an old compilation cd I'd thrown together that had the song "Deaf Forever" on it (hadn't actually listened to this cd at all), and was subsequently blown away. I bought album after album, and now I almost have the entire Motörhead discography. I admit the band still sounds a little samey on nearly every record and Lemmy's vocals took me a while to properly appreciate, but they are just a kick ass rock n' roll band.


Quote from: Allhallowsday on June 07, 2010, 06:46:00 PM
The first time I heard Trout Mask Replica - "What the heck is this?"
The fifth time I heard it - "This is pretty good"


Cannibal Corpse I was never a big fan of Death Metal but these guys have grown on me a bit over the years.

God the Worms

Crispin Glover and New Wave in general. I'm not crazy about too many bands, but I've grown to appreciate certain songs.


The Bangles. I sort of liked them back in the day but wasn't exactly crazy about them either. In fact, "Eternal Flame" got on my nerves real quick.
Been listening to their version of Hazy Shade of Winter a lot lately. The more I listen to it the more I think it must be the greatest song of 1987.
Synced my iPod with Bangles Greatest Hits (except Eternal Flame) and have been playing them on my way to work every day.

Mofo Rising

Quote from: Assisted Living Dracula on July 11, 2011, 12:28:37 AM
Crispin Glover and New Wave in general. I'm not crazy about too many bands, but I've grown to appreciate certain songs.

Crispin Glover is a pretty good definition of hit-or-miss. I will say that I think the song "Getting Out of Bed" is the best example of schizophrenia set to music I have ever heard. The expansive craziness of the music, combined with the bizarre "flatness of effect" of the lyrics just strike me as sounding exactly what it must be like to suffer from schizophrenia. I love it, but it's unsettling.

Also, I love this version of "Ben."
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.

Mofo Rising

Puddle of Mudd.

When they first came to my attention they were associated (to me) with bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit, two bands I detest. That's not unwarranted, apparently Fred Durst was instrumental in getting the bands attention. According to Wikipedia, the band is not happy with that connection.

However, I think the band has made some great songs, although I haven't followed them. "Blurry" is a fantastic, heart-felt song, and "She Hates Me" is pop-rock perfection.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.



Pavement - Brighten The corners (1997)

I liked Pavement but wasn't that impressed the first few times I heard this. I thought it sounded quite samey and nothing really stood out except the 1st single "Stereo"'s probably now in my top 10 albums of all time, and I think every song on it is genius! - except the 2 tracks written by the bass player but they're pretty good as well