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Fact Of The Day

Started by Nightowl, February 10, 2011, 01:26:39 PM

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Lefts on the table.

Last time we talked about film rights, TV rights, and rides and attractions at amusement parks rights, but that is just some of the rights available, as there is . . .

Gaming rights
Both the characters from Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy are now available to be added to the basic Disney Infinity 2.0.

Merchandising rights
Actually, films are now just a means to bet people to buy the tie-ins associated with the films. For example, there are now Halloween costumes available for little boys that include . . .
The Avengers -- Captain America -- Guardians of the Galaxy -- Hulk -- Iron Man -- Spider-man -- Thor -- and Marvel in general.
Priced between $50.00 and $60.00 per costume, this and tie-ins in general will generate more money than the films themselves.

Publishing rights
Recently saw a book that was nothing less than a series of posters that feature the Marvel characters that could be detached from the book and posted on the walls of one's bedroom or wherever.

Recording rights
Audio books featuring the Marvel characters and the soundtracks from the films.

Staging rights
The Marvel Universe Live, featuring the Marvel characters, which is now touring the U.S. and seems likely, since the interest is there, to tour internationally. A show that allows little boys and big boys to get their inner geekdom on.

And to show that no one does it better than the Walt Disney Company, part of the children's area on board their cruise ships has been turned into a Marvel Training Academy, where after 2 days of training,  if one is young enough, one can help Captain America take on the Red Skull with Captain America putting in a live appearance.

And that is just domestic rights. Not to say what ever foreign rights are available.

Next time: something new


"People Magazine" celebrates its 40th anniversary this month with a special 40th edition. One of the features is the 40 worst murderers, as picked by the editors of "People," with some restrictions. The murderer has to be an American, which eliminates September 11, and the murder has to have happened within the past 40 years, which eliminates everything before 1974, but . . .?! having said that . . .?!

5 were of a racial minority or 12.5%
6 were female or 15%
29 were white males or 72.5%

Only 2 were free and walking around or 5%.
The rest were deceased or in prison.

--murdered in prison 1 or 2.5%
--died in prison 4 or 10%
--executed 5 or 12.5%
--suicide 10 or 25%

in prison. will die in prison 18 or 45%.

There were several things that surprised me. Not how few women were on the list, that I expected, but with the largest percentage of the prison population being a racial minority, maybe over half, what a large percentage of those murderers were white males.

And with our growing reluctance to execute anyone, even for murder, how many were actually executed, including one of the few women ever executed for murder, were actually executed for their crimes.

I was also surprised at how many committed suicide after their deed. I think which goes to show how disturbed some of these murderers actually were.

Next time: go for the shopping. Not the flying.


I am working tomorrow and Sunday. No pay. Whoopee.  :tongueout: :twirl:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Except for the smallest airports, all airports have a place to shop, as . . .

(a) . . . it serves as a revenue enhancer for the airport authority,
(b) . . . it gives passengers something to do, before their flight leaves,
(c) . . . and it allows passengers to pick up any last minute items they might have forgotten, such as souvenirs, etc.

And by some measures, one of the best places to shop is the Orlando International Airport in Orlando, Florida. Having been there, and maybe because it is such a mecca for tourists I'd have to agree. There you can find in the air terminal . . .

2 Disney stores
a Harley-Davidson store
a NASA store
a Sea World store
a Universal NBC store

Among all the other airports where I have been, both internationally and domestically, the only one that I think comes close is the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia.

Next time: More Marvel


More Marvel

10 films
$7.1 billion collectively worldwide box office

Marvel's the Avengers
#1 opening $207.4 million
3rd biggest film of all time

Iron Man 3
#2 opening $174.4 million
6th biggest film of all time

Captain America: the Winter Soldier
Record April opening $95 million
$714 million worldwide
5th biggest film of 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy
Record August opening $94.3 million
$757 million worldwide
biggest film domestically of 2014
3rd biggest film internationally of 2014

It is simpler to have a hit like "Frozen" or "Maleficent" overseas, which are based on foreign sources. It is harder to have a hit overseas on a film that is based on American sources, such as the Marvel films, but that is what happened to "Guardians of the Galaxy," which set an October debut record in China and has taken in $90 million so far. I wonder how "I am Groot" sounds in Cantonese.

Thus, it looks like a bargain basement price, when the Walt Disney Company bought Marvel Entertainment in 2009 for $4.24 billion, since it has already made the purchase price back in only 5 years, but what is more . . .

every movie ticket sold
+ every advertising dollar for every TV show
+ every book bought
+ every toy purchased
- the expenses occurred for all this
= the gravy from now on.

Next time: a new topic to be decided later


If ever a stray cat comes and has kittens under your shed, and you need to find good homes for the babies, make your ad say:

Free To Good Home
3 Cute Kittens & 1 Ugly Kitten

Seriously, you'll sell that one ugly kitten way fast, four times over.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


This is the last year for which I have statistics, but in 2008, 1494 children were murder victims. That averages out to about 4 a day.

As girls are more vulnerable to sexual assault than boys, boys are more vulnerable to physical assault than girls. Of the 1494 victims . . .

1035 were boys or 69%
and 459 were girls or 31%.

Next time: a billion $ doesn't go as far as it once did.


Wilmer McLean (May 3, 1814 - June 5, 1882) owned a farm on which the first Battle of Bull Run was fought, a cannon ball from the Union artillery damaged his kitchen fireplace. He moved himself and his family further south to the small town of Appomattox Court House and nearly four years later General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Grant in the parlor of his home.

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.


Between January 1, 2013, and November 15, 2014, the films released by the Walt Disney Company grossed over $8 billion, or about $135.17 every second. And that was before money made on Blu-ray/DVD sales and the sale of ancillary rights to TV. Or, to put it another way, between 1937 and 1967, or about the time that Walt Disney was CEO of the company, the films released by the company made $400 million. And that was when a $ was worth a $, so that's good money, but still today, the company is earning 10 times that amount each year, and that's for this year and last year, and it may earn that amount again next year. Here are some of the films and how they did.

Guardians of the Galaxy
#1 grossing film domestically so far this year.
$331 million domestic
$770 million international total

Captain America: Winter Soldier
#2 grossing film domestically so far this year
$260 million domestic
$714 million international total

$241 million domestic
$758 million international total

And here are some more films and their international totals for this year.

Transformers  : Age of Extinction
$1.087 billion

X-men : Days of Future Past
$746 million

Amazing Spiderman
$709 million

Domestic box office
11 of the top 12 grossing films so far this year were either superhero or animated films. The only one that was not was "22 Jump Street," which came in 10th.

It'll be interesting to see how the latest film in the "Hunger Games" series does, as it total at the opening box office was $123 million and change.

Next time: one of the few places and times Americans of all stripes and spots can come together and have fun.


The 1st initial inaugural running of the Avenger's Super Heroes Half Marathon was held this month in Anaheim, California, USA.

Beginning at Disneyland and ending at Angels' Stadium, 18,000 runners and spectators from all 50 states and 12 foreign countries participated.

There was a half marathon
and a 5K for the adults

and shorter races for the kids

and even a diaper dash for the toddlers.

And the costumes . . .

Runners came as . . .

the Black Widow -- Captain America -- Donald Duck --- the Falcon -- Hulk -- Lady Thor -- Mickey Mouse -- Ms. Marvel -- She Hulk -- Spiderman -- and Thor.

And then there was . . .

Dr. Dribbler, who dribbled not 1, but 2 basketballs, 1 with each hand, from the start of the race to the end.
The man who ran in full hockey regalia - the ice skates.
The U.S. Marine who ran carrying the U.S. flag.
The woman who wore mouse ears.
But the oddest and strangest costume has to go to the man who ran as Thor's Hammer. Not Thor. Just the hammer.

Even the kids and toddlers ran and dashed in costume.

Captain America -- Hulk -- Iron Man -- Ms. Marvel -- and Thor.

One need not run to dress up. The Cosplay Club wore costumes and stood on the sidelines to cheer the runners on. Though, lord knows, what some of them came as.

And Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Thor were there to have their pictures taken with the runners.

Of course, it was the kids who came out best.

1st. The medals. Every kid who finished got a medal.
2nd. They got to dress up in costume and have fun.
3rd. They got to have some exercise, which hopefully they will continue with when they get home.
4th. As parents were allowed to run with their kids, everyone got in something kids and parents could do together, which will hopefully continue when they get home.
5th. And a new generation of super hero fans were created.

Though, the last is more of a benefit for Marvel and its parent company The Walt Disney Company.

And there will be a 2nd Avengers' Super Heroes Half Marathon next year in 2015 on some weekend in November. So, if you want to dress up and run next year, you can. Just sign up early, as all the spots are often taken 6 months before the start of the race.


Popular Myths of History

George Washington had wooden teeth.
(His teeth were made of gold, ivory, lead, animal bone, and human teeth.)

The Red Baron was shot down by a fellow pilot, Roy Brown, of Canada.
(He was hit in the chest by a single bullet fired by an Australian ground gunner. He managed to land his tri-plane, and expired in a field behind enemy lines after smiling and uttering the ironic last word: "Kaput.")

On the subject of airplanes, it's said the Tuskegee Airmen never lost a bomber.
(Skilled though they may have been, according to USAF records, they lost twenty-five bombers in just five missions in 1944 alone.)

Guy Fawkes was a freedom fighting anarchist who stood up for the common man.
(Nothing could be farther from true. Fawkes was a Catholic supremacist who believed in absolute monarchy and the righteousness of the Spanish Inquisition. He plotted mass killings with a mind to establishing autocratic rule in England via the Catholic minority of the population, under whom Protestantism and Parliamentary democracy would soon be outlawed.)

Al Capone died of syphilis.
(He had syphilis but died of pneumonia.)

300 Spartans stood alone against the Persians at Thermopylae.
(There may have been as many as 8,000 other Greeks present in the battle.)

The British piled oppressive taxation on the American colonies.
(The colonists paid virtually zero taxes to England, and the tea tossed in Boston harbor was likely being sold at a loss.)

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
(He invented a telephone, but not the first telephone. That honor may rest with Antonio Meucci who in 1871 applied for a patent for a device that was to all intents and purposes a telephone.)

The American Civil War ended with Lee's surrender at Appomattox.
(Fighting under Johnston continued in North Carolina throughout April 1865, with some guerilla actions occurring during Reconstruction and after. In his self-justifying moments Jesse James regarded himself as an unconquered Confederate soldier and his crimes as patriotic acts carried out in an ongoing time of war. In truth he was probably your garden variety sociopath.)

Witches were burned at the stake in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.
(Convicted witches were hanged there, not burned.)

Birth rates soared nine months after the 1977 New York City blackout.
(People missed a great opportunity, because birth rates showed little change in those times versus surrounding months.)

Saxons invaded England after the fall of Rome.
(Saxons came in what was more like a centuries-long mass migration than an organized invasion.)

Medieval people were substantially shorter than modern people.
(Height has increased in the last century in most developed nations, but decreased significantly in industrial times, when crowded cities and poor nutrition took a toll. Medieval people were taller on average than urban dwellers at the apex of the industrial revolution, and in many parts of Europe, about the same height as their descendants are today.)

Dr. Guillotine, inventor of the device of like name, was executed by guillotine.
(He died of renal failure in 1814.)

Cleopatra was black.
(She was the product of generations of inbreeding by the royal family, who were of Macedonian---i.e. European---descent, having come to power in the chaos following the death of Alexander the Great, a Macedonian, who had conquered Egypt two and a half centuries earlier.)

And finally: Imbued with supernatural gifts, Rasputin survived being poisoned, shot, stabbed, clubbed, and finally drowned after being thrown into a frozen river, where he lived long enough to try to claw his way up from the ice, and expire while making the sign of the cross.
(No matter how Type-A the guy was, he couldn't have survived all that. More of a con-man faith healer and avocational serial rapist than a wizard, Rasputin was able to survive the poison intended for him because he explained to his host that he suffered from "an acidic stomach" which reacted badly to sugar, and did not partake of the cyanide-infused cake. His death came about largely after he was fatally shot multiple times by one "Prince" Felix Yusupov, husband of the Czar's half-niece. True Rasputin was beaten and stabbed as he lay dying, but by the time he was tossed into the Malya River off the Bolshoy Bridge, he was dead as a doornail and didn't supernaturally linger in the water. He was no more mystical than you or me, just a superior BS-er. End of story.)

What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Why . . .?!
The hardest question to answer, but the most intriguing (at least to me;)
therefore . . .

Why . . .?!
And this touches mainly the comic books and only lightly on the films and TV shows

Why. . .?!
When DC Comics (hereafter known as the DC Universe--near enough) got there first or in 1934.
Though the Marvel Universe is older than I thought. It's beginning being in 1939.

Why . . .?!
When the DC Universe still has the two best known inhabitants in Batman and Superman

Why. . .?!
When at one time the DC Universe once outsold the Marvel Universe in comic books

Why. . .?!
Has the Marvel Universe surpassed the DC Universe and is likely to maintain its lead in the future?
Here are some possible reasons.

Better management
I don't see any question that Marvel is, at the moment, a better managed company than DC.

Better managed parent company
There again, I don't see any question that at this time, the Walt Disney Company which is the parent company of Marvel better managed than Warner Brothers, which is the parent company of DC.

Less Bold
While the artwork in the Marvel comics can get a little bizarre, of what I seen, it is not as bizarre as some of the artwork in DC comics.

More Bold
I don't know whether this is true or not, but it has been said to be true, that while there are some GLBT characters, even some young characters, in DC Universe, there are more GLBT characters in the Marvel Universe, even among the younger characters.
Though, that does raise the issue, if we ever get to the Teen Titans, the Avengers' Academy, the Runaways, the Young Avengers, etc. are the TV and screenwriters going to deal with that issue or just ignore it completely.

Less Dark vs. More Dark
While the Marvel Universe can get dark, there again, from what I see, it is lighter and just more appealing (IMHO) than the DC Universe.

More Grounded in Reality
This is not the Gotham City of Batman. This is not the Metropolis of Superman. This is New York City of the Marvel Universe. With places often named. And when other earth locations are necessary, actual earth places are often used in the Marvel Universe.

More Consistent Storytelling
While the stories in the Marvel Universe are often all over the map, they tend, from what I have seen, to be more consistent than the stories in the DC Universe.

More Respect
There again I do not know whether this is true or not, but there again I have heard it said, that Marvel has more respect for its fans than DC.

Success Breeds Success
While there are people who have no interest in reading the comic books, either past, present, or future, you can hook some of  them with a successful film or TV show, and make them want to find out all they can about something or someone in a TV show or film. And so far, the films and TV shows featuring the Marvel Universe have been more successful than the same from the DC Universe.

Better Use of Characters
While the TV show "The Flash" on CW is generating positive buzz for the upcoming film "The Flash," that buzz is somewhat negated by the fact that the actor appearing in the TV show as The Flash will not be the same actor appearing as The Flash in the film. On the other hand, "The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is being better used to generate a positive buzz about the upcoming film "The Inhumans.' With the rumored appearance of Vin Diesel as Black Bolt. Who just might make a cameo appearance in the TV show.

Next time: In the history of the Earth, there have been three mighty empires.
The Roman Empire
The British Empire
As to the 3rd, we'll take that up the next time.


Since the dawn of man, there have been 3 mighty empires.

1st The Roman empire
2nd The British empire
and 3rd . . . ?

The entertainment empire of the Walt Disney Company.

How did they get so mighty?

1. Appeal to the powerless.
This really came through in "Big Hero 6," but thinking about it, their product has always appealed to the powerless. Of whom there may be less powerful than the powerful, but there are more of them, and their money is just as good.

Not bad
For a company that began as 2 brothers making black and white, silent cartoons in their uncle's garage.

2. Breed success with success.
There was a man, just a man, highly regarded in his field by his peers, who worked for 15 years making cartoons for the Cartoon Network. And where is he now? He is doing the same for the Company. Why? Because he wants to be with someone who shows more success than Cartoon Network.

Not bad
For a company that began with a bankruptcy and now has a total worth of over $150 billion, and that in less than a hundred years.

3. Mine what others do not.
When gold was struck in the past, most people would go where the gold was stuck, but there were some who went not where anyone else went, but someplace else that was similar, but not the same, and sometimes they found gold, and sometimes they did not, but if they did find gold, it was all theirs, because no one else was there. That's the company, but they are mining people.

If you look at the executives of the company, not the ones that are the public face of the Company, but the ones that are toiling in the trenches. It is woman after woman after woman.

Racial minorities
Not only does their ABC have the most racially diverse programming of all the major networks, but the Company itself is one of the most racially diverse Companies of American Companies.

The Company is/was considered one of the best places for a non-heterosexual to work, and has recently scored a perfect score of 100, in that regard, from the HRC.

Not bad
That for a company in the 1930's that was a cartoon studio into real estate development and merchandise. Now some 80 years later, it is . . . and/or into . . .

Weddings and honeymoons -- vacation resorts -- a tour company -- theme parks -- a film and TV studio -- sporting events -- shows: touring, on-Broadway, off-Broadway, ice shows -- retail -- real estate development -- radio -- publishing -- music -- merchandise -- gaming -- cruise ships -- corporate education and training -- advertising -- and patents pending. Both foreign and domestic.

How mighty is it?
Mighty enough that all it needs to do is snap its fingers and its apps are compatible both with Apple's ios and Google's android.

Not bad

Next time: Something new or blue or used or . . .?


And then there were 6. There are 6 major film and TV studios left in the U.S. The 6 being . . .

NBC Universal
Paramount Viacom
Sony Columbia
Time Warner
Walt Disney
21st Century Fox

Next time: trivia from NBC Universal


I was going to do it in alphabetical order, but after that, I decided to do this one first.

01. Bruce, the shark, in "Finding Nemo," was named after the mechanical shark in "Jaws," which was named after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.

02. Cast members of this company (i.e. employees) when in a public area, where they can be seen by guests (i.e. customers) cannot sit down, but have to stand on their feet all day.

03. This animated star's 1st appearance in a full length feature film was in the non-Company "Hollywood Party" in 1934.

04. There are over 4000 trash cans at this theme park which have to be emptied each and every day.

05. To differentiate these three: H. is in red, D. is in blue, and L. is in green. And there are hints that the three are illegitimate sons of this animated character's sister.

06. Both the founder of this Company and Ray Kroc trained for WWI in Sound Beach, CT. No word as to whether they ever met while at Sound Beach.

07. He was once married to she. The voice of he, Wayne Anthony Allwine, married Russi Taylor, who voiced she in 1991. The marriage lasted to 2009, when Allwine died.

08. The founder of this company once played Peter Pan in a school play.

09. This animated character was the 1st animated character to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

10. Between 1955 and 2012, 3 babies have been born inside this theme park.  Contrary to rumors, that did not entitle them to a lifetime pass.

11. Next to the U.S. military, this company is the biggest buyer of explosives in the U.S.

12. Of them all, the only two who are NOT an only child, is the one who appears in "The Littlest Mermaid," and the one who appears in "Brave."

Walt Disney Company trivia.

Next time: a billion here. a billion there. And it soon adds up. What $5,000,000,000 may look like.