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Ugh, so negative lately.

Started by akiratubo, October 06, 2011, 02:44:28 AM

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Can't seem to break out of the rut.  I'm seemingly unemployable, broke, and living with Mom and Dad at 32.  No one else I know has much reason to be positive right now, either.  Got a friend who's broke with a kid, another friend with a growth in his skull, another friend who's unhappy with her marriage, another friend who's a severe alcoholic, etc.
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!


Hey-I aint doing much better. Living in a low rent apartment complex. Single at 49 and on probation. Getting paid $11 dollars an hour at a s**tty job.
Look on the sunny side-it can't get much worse!  :cheers:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


I've been down in the dumps for a month now as well.  It's like there's something in the air.  I dunno, we got our girls an apartment off-campus from school so our house is quiet as a tomb.  They're growing up, getting independent - we don't want our little babies getting independent!  One of them's talking about moving to New York after she graduates.   :bluesad:  My wife doesn't handle stuff like this very well at all, and it just kind of gets me down in the dumps too.  And it's autumn, my most hated season when the glorious summer is over and it gets cold and gloomy and stays that way forever.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


It is like there's something in the air, you're exactly right. Yesterday my friend and I were grocery shopping and both agreed that we can't remember people as a whole in stores, on roads, at work, you name it, being so rude and looking so unhappy, and it's been that way for a noticeably long time now. It's as if happiness, good manners, politeness, all sense of contentment and optimism have been drained out from society. People seem troubled and down and out of patience.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Ed, Ego and Superego

Not to buck the trend, but things are going well in my neck of the woods...Girls are healthy and so much joy for me, I have a stable and well-paying, if stupid, job, my wife has a stable job she loves, and out ancient kitchen is getting  remodel. 

Please don't throw fruit... I just want to show it ain't ALL bad in the world. 
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes

Hammock Rider

I think a big part of the problem may be the economy. Money is tight for lots of people and it really impacts your life. It's not just that you maybe can't afford to take a nice vacation anymore, you have to scrimp just to pay the bills. Sometimes you can't even do that. If the economy were better Akira, you might have a job. And then you could move out. And the people that do have jobs are often working harder than ever to make up for a "reduced headcount" yet at the same time many employers have done away with bonuses and even frozen raises. So there is more stress at work.

  Add in the fact that the mass media tends to be pretty negative about everything and its no wonder so many people feel down nowadays.
Jumping Kings and Making Haste Ain't my Cup of Meat

Jim H

Ugh.  Yes.  I'm now working a crap retail job, living at home again, just had surgery, and am now single.  Five months ago was the happiest time of my adult life - living with my girlfriend, and trying to figure out my future but still having a good time.  The past two months have been awful.  Ugh.

The one bright spot is hoping my grad school admission goes through so I can throw myself into that. 



Quote from: RCMerchant on October 06, 2011, 02:57:18 AM
Hey-I aint doing much better. Living in a low rent apartment complex. Single at 49 and on probation. Getting paid $11 dollars an hour at a s**tty job.
Look on the sunny side-it can't get much worse!  :cheers:

Really?  Wow, not sound dickish or anything, but here the min wage is $7.25, $11 an hour sounds really good to me.  (Granted, I guess it'd depend on the job though...)

But yeah, I know how you're feeling Akira, I've gone through my list of troubles already on this board, doubt anyone needs me to repeat it.  I can't really speak for my personal life, but on the job front I just keep hearing, "Yeah, the economy's really bad out there these days." 

I don't know.
"Some people mature, some just get older." -Andrew Vachss

Flick James

I'll echo Hammock's sentiments here. We're in a deep recession. Times are very tough. We're 3 years into the 2008 crash and it's beginning to take it's toll.

On the bright side, it is NOT as bad as the Great Depression. We don't have thousands of people living in tents in Central Park just yet. Keep in mind that, while the stock market, housing market, and economy have been taking very serious hits and roller coaster rides, the stock market crash of 1929 was far worse. That crash quite literally took the stock market to zero.

Remember that people are having very hard times dealing with all of this. What's more, people in our generation are far more hurried than they were back then, so people expect this recession to bounce back right away and, in all likelihood, we're still a few good years from seeing any significant bouncing back. Further, our generation feels much more entitled than they did then, too. People expect the lights and the heat and the A/C to be on.

Another bright side, in my opinion, is that, while the economic recover is sure to be slow, it is very likely to be a real recovery. It's not going to be an illusory recovery dependent on credit expansion and over-inflated housing values. Those things just aren't possible anymore. People are only going to be able to spend what they actually have and live within their means. This means a very slow, but real recovery.

There's my 5 cents on the matter. Be good to people even if your life is not going well. Don't be the rude, surly, discontent that you see around you. Be better than that. That, my friends, is the only way things are really going to get better. It may seem corny, and uncharacteristically Pollyanna of one as cynical and misanthropic as I can be, but dammit, be the change.
I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer


Quote from: BTM on October 06, 2011, 10:43:36 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on October 06, 2011, 02:57:18 AM
Hey-I aint doing much better. Living in a low rent apartment complex. Single at 49 and on probation. Getting paid $11 dollars an hour at a s**tty job.
Look on the sunny side-it can't get much worse!  :cheers:

Really?  Wow, not sound d**kish or anything, but here the min wage is $7.25, $11 an hour sounds really good to me.  (Granted, I guess it'd depend on the job though...)

Yer not being "dickish." $11 dollars aint bad...except when you've been at that same job for 26's very depressing. It's a deadend job.I aint getting no younger,either.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!