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Extreme Music: Richard Youngs "Advent" LP

Started by lester1/2jr, November 05, 2007, 03:02:45 PM

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how much art can you take

Here's a swell little album for your next get together or shindig.  There are three tracks:

1.  two piano notes played again and again for about 10 minutes with an occasional depressed  very british radiohead-ish vocal

2.  two similar sounding notse played for another ten minutes.  this time with some oboe accompaniment and no vocal
3.  two similar sounding piano notes now with a distorted delayed sort of guitar noise over it.  and again no vocal.

   "okay I'll talk I'll talk!!!"

seriously though, if you are in the mood for it it can really hit the spot.  Not a very versatile piece of music, but it's better than the stuff they play in the gym.


It's interesting.  It could be boring, but I enjoy sound, ambient music, and the bizarre.  Certainly not pedestrian.  

Here's my version of extreme:

If that was available on CD, I'd buy it.  Seriously I love it. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


That is certainly extreme. The craziest thing I've heard lately are these Chinese opera cassettes the woman at this store uploaded for some reason.  Basically alot of crashing of cymbals, yelling and weird high pitched "singing"