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strange white banner appearing...

Started by zombie, July 07, 2013, 07:06:16 AM

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past few days a white Ad banner pops up at the bottom of my screen every time I look at any page on this site. The banner remains blank, so no ad actually appears, just an "X" in the top right corner to close it - but it comes back again if I go to another page on here

On iPad using safari browser. This only happens on badmovies no other sites.

edit: it's definitely a 'pop up' type thing, and not one of the normal ads on here.


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate what you are seeing so I'm making a guess that could be completely ineffective.  I am going to remove some ad campaigns from advertising partners that could be the source of this sort of thing. 
Andrew Borntreger


well I wouldn't want you to lose out on ad revenue if its only me this is happening to.

It is still happening though... wonder if its happening for anyone else. Could be a problem my end somehow if not, but like I say it's only this site that's affected, which is odd


Curses, issues like this can be difficult to track down.  I still haven't seen this, even though I made sure to use my iPad to browse the site.  It could be an ad targeted at your physical area (all the way down to the city at times), so I might never be able to see it. 

The ad revenue is no big issue.  Unless I go crazy wild on blocking then other ads from the network will fill in.  I'd rather take care of the error than worry about a few dollars.
Andrew Borntreger


cool... well I just found out how to take screenshots on iPad. Here's that banner, down the bottom of screen


I found where someone else has a similar issue.
They suggest trying to get the URL for the add so the admin can remove it.  Can you press and hold on th blank section to see if you can open it in a new window to get the URL?

Here was another similar issue, no real help other than to install ad blockers.

This is my awesome signature.  Jealous?


tried to copy the URL but no joy, iPad just thinks I'm trying to copy all the text on this page...
Yeah seems like a few people on that other site having similar problems - but from the screenshots their banners have proper adverts and not blank

Thanks for the help anyway


I'm now having the same issue with my iPhone. Did we ever find a resolution?

This is my awesome signature.  Jealous?


Quote from: Bushma on July 22, 2013, 09:49:41 PM
I'm now having the same issue with my iPhone. Did we ever find a resolution?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate this at all.  I've tried with my iphone and ipad, with the online emulator tool, and with my computer set to masquerade as an iphone.  I've tried from two different networks as well.  Still nothing.  

It looks like a blocked ad type, perhaps flash.  That would make sense since I believe iphones or ipads will display flash files.  
Andrew Borntreger


Update - the banners suddenly stopped and haven't shown for a few days now, so maybe the problem is resolved. Hope so!