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Plot twists you could make that would totally screw up a tv series!

Started by retrorussell, March 20, 2014, 12:59:13 AM

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Honey Boo Boo - the family uses some of the money they've made to buy a nice home in a legit area of town.
Check out my movie reviews and articles at:<br /><br />Or, don\\\'t check them out - see if I care.  You\\\'re not my real mom anyway.  Unless, you are.  In which case, whatever, I\\\'ll do what I want.  It\\\'s my hot body.  Y\\\'all don\\\'t know me.


just about anything I've been watching lately, I could throw in some Martian Tripods & an apathetic Cartaphilus St. Longinus...
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


Quote from: Trevor on March 26, 2014, 01:17:09 AM
The A Team just kept on running from the law.

I wish that happened.  The final season of the series had them finally caught and put on trial.  Eventually they were offered a pardon in exchange for doing various high-risk covert operations under the command of a former Army General.  They also had another member forced on the team. 

How well received was this? 
Well, when was the last time you heard anybody talk about General Stockwell or Frankie "Dishpan Man" Santana when they talk about the A-team?


Family Guy: An entire season of the family doing nothing but watching episodes of Bob's Burgers in which that family does nothing but watch episodes of Archer whose entire cast does nothing but watch Family Guy...watching Bob's Burg <BLAM!>

Heads across America would explode, either from radically altered reality or suicides, but I think that would actually kill 3 shows at once.


Quote from: Javakoala on August 08, 2014, 09:49:24 PM
Family Guy: An entire season of the family doing nothing but watching episodes of Bob's Burgers in which that family does nothing but watch episodes of Archer whose entire cast does nothing but watch Family Guy...watching Bob's Burg <BLAM!>

Heads across America would explode, either from radically altered reality or suicides, but I think that would actually kill 3 shows at once.
And on the final episode, we see Homer Simpson turn off the TV that was watching all of them. 



Near the end of the final episode, right as every loose end is about to be tied up, jump cut to a child playing with his cowboy and Indian toys, which look like and share the names of the major characters in the show.  His mother calls him to dinner and he runs off, leaving the toys piled on the floor.

The Mentalist:

Have Patrick Jane meet Red John and kill him after Red John taunts him about his family's murders, which will be one of the most perfect endings to a TV show ever.  Then keep going for another season or two.  Oh, wait ...


At the end of the final episode, reveal that the entire series was all in the imagination of a pimply, bullied, young teen.  All the villains are other kids who beat him up or teachers he doesn't like.  The show was nothing but his revenge fantasy.

Game of Thrones:

Suddenly have aliens invade out of nowhere and slaughter everyone with laser guns, force fields, mechas, and stuff.  No plot lines resolved, no loose ends tied up, nothing.  The entire show was a waste of time because nothing mattered in the end.

Mad Men:

The entire last season forgets everything that happened previously and introduces a new cast of characters: a spoiled young pop star and his handlers.  The show is now set in the present day and each episode deals with the pop star's handlers getting him out of a new sticky situation he's put himself in.  They constantly say things like, "We must be mad men to do this job."
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!


Quote from: akiratubo on August 16, 2014, 09:24:13 PM

The entire show was a waste of time because nothing mattered in the end.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up every single TV series ever made?


Castle: the writer is actually the criminal mastermind behind every case.  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Bones: it is discovered that no character on that show actually has any.  :tongueout: :twirl: :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Olivia Benson actually did all the crimes on SVU. the detective thing was fever dreams or something