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POLL: What video should I make next?

Started by AoTFan, June 16, 2016, 10:32:09 PM

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So, what video should I do next?

"Hemmorhage" by Fuel / Let The Right In
1 (25%)
"Send Me An Angel" - Zeromancer / Castle In the Sky
1 (25%)
"Counting Bodies Like Sheep" - Perfect Circle / Various animal clips
2 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: June 23, 2016, 10:32:09 PM


Well, as some of you may know, I used to make videos back in the day, mostly it was me taking mp3s and editing them to clips from movies.  I did about seven or so and posted them up on Youtube (sadly, a few got pulled cause they were being dicks about the copyright stuff).  Anyway, I'm back, and I just bought Adobe Premiere Elements 14 I'm ready to try my hand at some new videos.

Anyway, I got three ideas.  Once again, they'll be "put an mp3 to a movie" type as the only camera I got right now is on my tablet (but I might be trying original stuff a little later).  So, I want you guys to pick which of the three I should do next.  To help you out, I've included Youtube links to the mp3s I'm considering.  (On a sidenote, please don't steal these ideas!  :)

Idea Number 1
"Hemorrhage In My Heads" Fuel / Let The Right One In
If you haven't seen it (and I recommend you do), LTROI is about a lonely young boy who befriends a new neighbor girl who turns out to be a vampire.  The film was remade as Let Me In, but I think the original was better.  Anyway, I think the song really fits in with the movie.
LTROI Trailer

Idea Number 2
"Send Me An Angel" Zeromancer / Castle In The Sky
I've always loved Zeromancer's cover of this song even better than the original (and yes, I heard the original first) and thought it'd be a great fit for the Studio Ghibi.


Castle In the Sky Trailer

Idea Number #3
"Counting Bodies Like Sheep" Perfect Circle / Various animal clips
Okay, so, I made a bet with myself that pretty much ANY vids put to this song would come up creepy, but I think putting it to several vids of cute dogs and cats doing crazy/odd/funny things would be a bizarre (but interesting) contrast. 

"Counting Bodies Like Sheep"

So, what do you think? Vote and post any additional comments here!

Thanks for reading!

Also, if you want to see my old videos, you can check them out here...