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TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Started by TYTD Reviews, October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

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TYTD Reviews

This week! We continue our journey into the "Sleepaway Camp" movies as we take a look at 1988's Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers. A Movies that seemingly looked at the first sleepaway camp movie and though "Hmm...well this is okay...if you like reasonably well made movies"

TYTD Reviews

This week! Double Bubble! as I take a look at 2 movies in 1 review! (Calm yourselves) 1989's "Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland" and the barely started incomplete movie "Sleepaway Camp 4: The Survivor" and if your asking "Can these movies get any worse!?" week's the season finale while I go on leave for the prepare yourself for TRUE pain...

Also out today! a full length commentary for the 1977 Japanese psychadelic horror movie "House"

TYTD Reviews

Well! after 17 and a bit weeks! we've finally arrived at seasons end! I've totally enjoyed the last few weeks, it's been a pleasure in talking on and off with my fellow filmies and I really want to thank you all for helping to make this season the biggest and best so far! I give to you; the finale: 2008's "Return to Sleepaway Camp" a movie that damn near defeated me.  :buggedout:

I'll be on Vacation now through most of the summer in terms of reviews, But dont worry! I'll still be dropping in on and off to post a few goodies and hang fact; I made an update video that explains everything:

So! Until September! thats Season 7! and I hope you'll join us again in the Autumn! thanks all!  :teddyr:

TYTD Reviews

Hi All!

Well! I've had a hell of a summer (Literally) but the important thing is, im back, im getting back into the groove and im hoping to have a new review out this coming friday! In the meantime I thought I'd share a few of the commentaries and other film review related stuff that's happened over the last couple of months or so! (I'll do a couple of posts over this week just so that I dont overload things)

So! Heres the first batch!

TYTD Reviews

As promised! here's part 2 of the videos that went out over the summer! and today it's a commentary and a bonus review! :) the last commentary will be posted alongside the first episode of my new run of reviews starting this Friday :) be there! and be square! ;)

TYTD Reviews

Well! We're here at last ladies and Gents! Season 8 has landed! starting today we have 16 weeks of thrills, chills and christmas kills to help get you through the absolute worst that humanity has to throw at us! Before we get started here's the last of the "Comedy Dining Experience" episodes which came out a week or so ago! as myself and Ben take a look at the 1985 OTT horror "Reanimator":

And! without further Ado! here's Truck turner!:

TYTD Reviews

This week! I lose all sensation in my arms, legs and brain. as we take a look into what is arguably the strangest bad kids movie i've ever seen...1993's "Robot in the Family" also known as "A Robot Called Golddigger"  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

This week! We take a look at an audiophiles dream or nightmare depending on your interpretation. As we take a look at a movie that looks at frogs and asks the question: "If we make these scream, can we fight facism"  :hot:

TYTD Reviews

This week! it's October! and that can only mean one thing! I dedicate a month to movies you may want to check out this halloween! and this year! im making things family friendly! (No Wait! come back!) I've been part of multiple conversations with parents recently who bemoan that a lot of kids halloween specials are a bit rubbish, SO! I thought i'd go through the old TYTDArchive and pull out a few movies that I thought were pretty neat! and I hope you like them too!

TYTD Reviews

This week! the family thrills continue to get spookier and spookier as we shift things up a bit and talk about the 1960 William Castle Tour De Force that is "13 Ghosts" I hear a lot of love for the remake of late, but to me? the original will always hold a special place in my heart <3

TYTD Reviews

This week! not *strictly* a movie. but a TV special that has a warm fuzzy place in most peoples hearts. here's "Garfields Halloween Adventure" a movie with more charm than a charming person doing something really charming on prince charmings birthday!  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

Hi all!

It's been a couple of weeks but im back and im going to slowly be catching up with some reviews that have gone out over the last couple of weeks (I've been in isolation for 2 weeks, but It turns out I was fine and I've spent most of the last fortnight sat in a beanbag watching movies and drinking whisky!)

ANYWAY! Halloween! *WOoOoOoOoOoOoOo* yeh....I know it's a bit late. but we're only 2 behind in fairness! so here's "The Halloween that almost wasnt"! (Also known as "The Night Dracula Saved the World!")  one of the most charming and entertainingly written young kids halloween movies I've ever seen!

Also! because I seem to have missed it off last months reviews! here's a full length commentary for "You Only Live Twice" as we continue our Bond Marathon!

TYTD Reviews

Well! We're nearly caught back up! so here's the final raft of halloween specials while im still able to sit up (these last few days have been insane thanks to my love of watching elections play out)  :bouncegiggle:

Anyway! Here's the last of the halloween specials: "Creepshow!" which features several close friends and special guest critics to help me go through each section :) I had a real good time with these people and I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Also! I sat down with the Missus and my partner in crime Ben to take a look a the halloween classic 1993's "Hocus Pocus" (this was recorded in march before any lockdown measures were introduced. so it's kind of interesting to see how times have changed)

And thats all for now! I'll probably be back in a couple of days to post last fridays episode but for now; stay safe guys!

TYTD Reviews

And we're finally back up to date ladies and Gents! this weeks review is a sword and sandals epic! as we take a look at the Sequel to Luigi Cozzi's Masterwork of absurdism Here's "The Adventures of Hercules" Also known as Hercules 2!  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

This week! I FINALLY review a GOOD 50's Bmovie!!!  :buggedout: (You may want to take a seat for this one!)