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TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Started by TYTD Reviews, October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

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Quote from: TYTD Review on December 22, 2017, 04:25:33 PM
Happy Holidays all! I dont post as often as I should but all you guys have been super awesome and this message boards really been a total eye opener (I thought I was alone! xD) Hopefully 2018 will be as awesome as the last few months have been :)

I just want you to know, that you are ne'ver alone when it comes to the love of "bad" movies. When you post to this board, you will find a lot of us also love "bad" movies, including myself. And may 2018 be as awesome as the last few months have been for you.

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on December 23, 2017, 01:49:39 PM
Quote from: TYTD Review on December 22, 2017, 04:25:33 PM
Happy Holidays all! I dont post as often as I should but all you guys have been super awesome and this message boards really been a total eye opener (I thought I was alone! xD) Hopefully 2018 will be as awesome as the last few months have been :)

I just want you to know, that you are ne'ver alone when it comes to the love of "bad" movies. When you post to this board, you will find a lot of us also love "bad" movies, including myself. And may 2018 be as awesome as the last few months have been for you.

Hey thanks very much! :) everyone here's been so friendly and awesome since I landed its just a shame I dont get as much time free as I'd like otherwise i'd probably be on here a lot more! and a Happy new year to you too!  :teddyr: :cheers:

TYTD Reviews

Kicking off the new year with a Giant Monster Movie as any good year should!  :teddyr:

TYTD Reviews

This week we go Stallone Light with this VHS Atrocity!

TYTD Reviews

This week! I accidentally record a review for a terrible movie in advance and then have the lead star (And a *Mostly* much loved UK national treasure) die in the interim making me look like a heartless monster WERHAY!  :tongueout:

TYTD Reviews

This week! My most obscure film review to date and one I highly reccommend you look out for! (Full descriptions in the description on where to find this movie!) :) Seriously it's a total head trip in a good way :)

TYTD Reviews

This week! A positively true adventure that left me genuinely concerned for the state of Texas.  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

Y'know...I was doing some SEO work this morning trying to improve my reviews chances of being viewed (Always looking for new subscribers and feedback!)  :smile: and while going through some of my older videos I realised that I promised that last year between August and October I would post an update video after halloween where I'd share some of the videos I hadnt backfilled; but then I never did! so both for the sake of completion (And because I realise that there are some people who might check me out on here but whome dont go to my youtube channel I thought I'd finally oblige my commitments. So here's 4 videos that have never been seen before on here!:

First! A public domain classic featured on MST3K!:

Next! a very unusual Japanese horror film that has a production history thats totally unusual:

Then; The season finale of my first series and a video nasty thats still banned in the UK to this day! (I dont usually tag videos NSFW...but this ones a bit've been somewhat warned!)

And finally for now the first episode of my second season! and one of "Full moon entertainments" first features:

I'll probably do a second post at some point in the week (If not then it'll be this time next weekend) that'll finish off the other 4 videos that never made it up here! but yeh! sorry for the very long wait and I can only hope im spared the punishment of a week in Torgo's closet ^_^; 


I loved the first Puppet Master movie, although the sequels not so much.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Dark Alex on February 04, 2018, 02:43:13 PM
I loved the first Puppet Master movie, although the sequels not so much.

I loved the first one too...I havent seen any of the sequels but after watching the first I did really wonder how they could stretch the premise out to a sequel...letalone 12 direct sequels and a cross over movie...I mean...I could imagine them maybe being able to scrape together enough good material for a Prequel movie showing Toulon creating the first set of living puppets and escape Nazi persecution...but the first movie ended in such a way that I really cant see how or why they'd need to revisit it...everythings kind of tied off quite nicely in my opinion...


As far as I can recall, the sequels are set back in time and deal with the nazi's and the dolls are heroes. The Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys one... well its a lot like a episode of Power Rangers. They are bad, but not bad enough to be note worthy.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Dark Alex on February 04, 2018, 04:29:51 PM
As far as I can recall, the sequels are set back in time and deal with the nazi's and the dolls are heroes. The Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys one... well its a lot like a episode of Power Rangers. They are bad, but not bad enough to be note worthy.

Ahh thats a shame :/ I'll probably still cover at least a couple more of them for my channel though I might leave it a while before doing them xD then again Im still surprised that Troma didnt milk the Toxic avenger for all it was worth...they stopped at 4 movies and the first 2 are pretty good (In a so bad its funny kinda way) I have the 3rd one still sealed on my  "To watch shelf" next to my "To watch" bin bags xD though im not holding up much faith xD

TYTD Reviews

This week! A totally unmemorable collab'd troma movie thats literally so generic it shares its IMDB listing with 3 other completely different movies O.o

! No longer available


Have you ever saw a movie called The Strange?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Dark Alex on February 09, 2018, 12:59:11 PM
Have you ever saw a movie called The Strange?

Y'know I honestly cant say I have D: I tried looking it up as well to see if i'd maybe seen it under an alternative title but I didnt have any luck  :bluesad: I'd be curious to know more about it though :)