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TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Started by TYTD Reviews, October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

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TYTD Reviews

I've been reviewing schlock now pretty consistantly for the last 7(ish) months and I thought now would be the best time to share my findings humbly with the people of this fine fine forum. I've been doing 2 shows; "TYTD reviews" which covers basically everything that simply stinks through to the kind of movie you shouldnt screen near and open flame. and "The Red Triangle" which deals with more "adult" films, exploitation cinema, video nasties, Art house films, experimental productions, cult cinema. All that good stuff. I'm actually in the midst at the moment of a month on Romero which I had a lot of fun putting together :) Im going to do them in batchs so I dont overload my post too much, here are my first 5 reviews:

The Dragon Lives again:
The American Ninja 2:
The Last man on earth:
Time Adventure - 5 Seconds to Climax:
Quatermass and the pit:

I'll pop a few more in a little later in the week but in the meantime please do check out my youtube channel if you like these as there are plenty more over there as well! Thanks for dropping by! :)

Rev. Powell

Welcome to the forums! Insider hint: remove the "s" from "https" to embed a YouTube.

You have a nice voice and delivery and the review is very well researched!
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 18, 2017, 07:35:23 AM
Welcome to the forums! Insider hint: remove the "s" from "https" to embed a YouTube.

You have a nice voice and delivery and the review is very well researched!

Hay there!, thank you so much for the welcome and for the compliment!!! :) also cheers for the tip!  I'll bear it in mind going forward :)

I should have also said if anyone here has any reccommendations do please feel free to let me know I have a stack of films up to my waist to get through but im always looking for new and strange things :)

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: TYTD Review on October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

I've been reviewing schlock now pretty consistantly for the last 7(ish) months and I thought now would be the best time to share my findings humbly with the people of this fine fine forum. I've been doing 2 shows; "TYTD reviews" which covers basically everything that simply stinks through to the kind of movie you shouldnt screen near and open flame. and "The Red Triangle" which deals with more "adult" films, exploitation cinema, video nasties, Art house films, experimental productions, cult cinema. All that good stuff. I'm actually in the midst at the moment of a month on Romero which I had a lot of fun putting together :) Im going to do them in batchs so I dont overload my post too much, here are my first 5 reviews:

The Dragon Lives again:
The American Ninja 2:
The Last man on earth:
Time Adventure - 5 Seconds to Climax:
Quatermass and the pit:

I'll pop a few more in a little later in the week but in the meantime please do check out my youtube channel if you like these as there are plenty more over there as well! Thanks for dropping by! :)

^I wasnt quite sure how to fix my previous post so I quoted and amended them to save you having to copy/paste or follow the links over to youtube :) Anyway! Hope everyones doing well today :) I thought I'd post a few more of my reviews through on here:

I have a new review due up tomorrow So I might share my latest 3 videos out of order from the rest of these (As they're all connected) and then chuck some more up next week :) thanks again all!

TYTD Reviews

Hi all!, Well A new reviews gone up today so im going to take things very briefly out of sequence and post up this trilogy of films I've been covering over the last 3 weeks or so. I'll return to uploading my back catalogue at some point over the weekend but for now Here's a slice of Romero:


TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Nathan45 on October 20, 2017, 07:08:43 PM
Nice reviews and well researched.

Hay! thanks so much for watching! :) and glad you liked it! :) If you have any reccomendations for films for me to look into please do let me know :) I have a couple of shelves full of films lined up for the show but im always on the lookout for more! :)

TYTD Reviews

Hi all! :)

Well in light of an announcement coming tomorrow I thought I'd celebrate by popping up another review a little bit earlier than planned! :) so here's "Zombie Flesh Eaters" :)

! No longer available

TYTD Reviews

So! Here's the big announcement and honestly It was really hard to keep it a secret for this long! :) This halloween my Channel is putting on a horror-thon marathon! :) a 6 hour non stop monster movie marathon featuring 4 classic movies! :) the marathon even comes complete with its own "Creepy host" ;) I hope you can tune in as I'll be in the comments for most of the night hoping to have a darn good time with you guys! :)

! No longer available

TYTD Reviews

rounding off my halloween specials here is quite possibly the most mainstream film Ive reviewed so far :)


i suck at time zones, would that be 3:30 PM in kansas?

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: 316zombie on October 27, 2017, 07:11:53 PM
i suck at time zones, would that be 3:30 PM in kansas?

I've just had a quick look online and I believe that'll be 1:30pm  or 2:30pm in Kanses (It says Kansas is both "Central time" and "Mountain time" zone depending where  you are) :) I hope to see you there! :)


i'll certainly try to be! depends on how many little monster faces i need to paint, lol!

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: 316zombie on October 29, 2017, 04:38:15 PM
i'll certainly try to be! depends on how many little monster faces i need to paint, lol!

xD! Well I hope you can make it and I hope your monster faces are the talk of the town! :)