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Written Anything Lately?

Started by ER, December 26, 2017, 12:32:41 PM

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The NES: Why Did it Win? - How did Nintendo's First Console Grab & Keep 80% of the Late 80's Console Market?


 i wrote some new poetry maybe  a week or two ago i forget when it was i did date it though. i just haven't posted any of it online yet



i never could get into Pokeman but my nephew got into it out of nowhere really as kids do i guess and he now loves it but me not so much so to each their own i guess.

Sitting Duck

A while back, I went on an MST3K marathon where I watch one episode a day in production code order, starting with The Crawling Eye and finishing with Ator, the Fighting Eagle. After each viewing, I would write down some musings about the movie and episode and post it on my Facebook timeline. Recently I've been compiling them into a Word document, cleaning up the writing some. At my current rate of progress, I should be done by next Sunday.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Sitting Duck on June 06, 2021, 08:06:08 AM
A while back, I went on an MST3K marathon where I watch one episode a day in production code order, starting with The Crawling Eye and finishing with Ator, the Fighting Eagle. After each viewing, I would write down some musings about the movie and episode and post it on my Facebook timeline. Recently I've been compiling them into a Word document, cleaning up the writing some. At my current rate of progress, I should be done by next Sunday.

Will you be sharing the results here? I, for one, would be curious to see it.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


i enjoy all of MSTK even the KTMA years too but that's just plain hated and i think is underrated if you watch the show in order you will slowly see the show getting better with each episode as they are learning their craft. but yeah post your results

Sitting Duck

If someone could recommend a good free document hosting site, I can make it available there. I'm also thinking of converting it into a PDF, as certain issues crop up when it's viewed on Open Office Writer.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Sitting Duck on June 07, 2021, 07:49:43 AM
If someone could recommend a good free document hosting site, I can make it available there. I'm also thinking of converting it into a PDF, as certain issues crop up when it's viewed on Open Office Writer.

I've had no issues with Google docs.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


a NEW one ladies and gents i just wrote it this weekend!  the title comes from the goo goo dolls song SO Alive and upon writing it honestly it feels like a pretty good song lol so here it is.

So Alive Dated 8-1-2021

My Love for you and your love for me makes me feel like i am alive so alive.
Your love for me and my love for you makes me feel like i'm flying

Flying high up in the air High Above the birds in the sky
High Above The Clouds

My Love for you and your love for me makes me feel alive so alive
I Feel that love from the top of my head to the top of my fingertips to the bottom of the soles of my feet.

You are the love of my life my whole reason for being
My Whole Reason For Living

You Make Feel Alive so alive
when you are back in my arms again
I Live my life for you and only You

I love my life because of you and only you.


Been working on a book since 1997. It initially started as a short story; a really bad Lovecraftian-influenced horror story set in the North Slope of Alaska in the dead of winter that I wrote for a local newspaper contest that didn't get published. I wrote a couple of short stories after that which were also horror stories and I didn't think too much of them until I realized that they would work a lot better if they were all connected into one overarching story. I added bits and pieces over the years, then lost interest in the project until a few years ago when my dad was cleaning out his garage and found a bunch of my old handwritten manuscripts stuffed in a box and gave them back to me. I transcribed a couple of them to my computer and now I'm trying to figure out how to start the damned thing and maybe make a full-fledged book out of it. I would have to rewrite everything because they haven't aged very well since I was only 23 when I wrote the first one and now I'm 47 and more articulate; enough to realize how bad they were in the 1990s anyway.  :teddyr:
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Sitting Duck on June 13, 2021, 08:39:30 AM
Hope this works.

I must have missed this before. "Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more"  :bluesad:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Sitting Duck

Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 01, 2021, 03:26:09 PM
Quote from: Sitting Duck on June 13, 2021, 08:39:30 AM
Hope this works.

I must have missed this before. "Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more"  :bluesad:

Since then, I've starting writing at the Mutant Reviewers From Hell blog. For my second post (my first was a review of Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood), I put up my thoughts on the first season of MST3K.


Something I've slowly been working on.


              It was a warm summer that year. The rivers that normally the kids would play in to keep cool had dried up into little more than narrow streams, but the neighbourhood had plenty of pools and law enforcement that wouldn't get all bent out of shape over someone breaking the hosepipe ban, not really believing the water shortage would affect them. For the children it was the kind of summer that in years to come, as adults dealing with the weight of the world, jobs, and bills they'd look back on and say, "Those were the best days of our lives." The cool wind in the evenings stopped it feeling too hot and carried a hint of the autumn yet to come.

The nights, while short in the summer held their own attractions for the young. The hot weather had caused numerous forest fires. None of them were close enough to cause the town any problems. During the day all that could be seen was a dirty black smog in the distance, but at night, the flames provided a backdrop worthy of any Hollywood disaster movie. Two consecutive nights just the previous week had provided an unexpected light show when meteors had shot across the sky, burning up in the atmosphere.

The world, even a small town one, can be a source of endless adventure for those of the right age and mindset. Dangers are never something to worry about, at least not until it is too late.

Chapter One.

              Parents thought Tommy are downright weird, as and his friends clambered down the stony slope. The quarry was one of their favourite places to hang around. He'd been caught there yesterday by his parents and dragged home. He'd been yelled at and lectured about the dangers of the place then sent to bed early with promises of a punishment to be decided in the morning. When he'd came downstairs in the morning, his parents had barely noticed him, or even each other. Tommy wondered if they'd had a big argument and forgotten all about his punishment. Not wanting to push his unexpected luck, he quickly wolfed down an overcooked breakfast and ran out the house, shouting to his parents he was off outside to play without waiting for a reply. He knew exactly where his friends would be and headed off once more to the quarry.

It was the middle of the summer break. The long hot days seemed to stretch out forever. Going back to school was a lifetime away and growing up even further off. Tommy watched as William slid down the steep, grey stone slope, raising a small cloud of dust as he went and causing a small avalanche of stones. Tommy followed quickly. In previous year the quarry would be half filled with water and could be swam in (another thing his parents strictly forbade). This year though, the hot and dry weather had meant there wasn't even a puddle. Tommy noticed that William had stopped about a third of the way from the end of the slope. He was standing on a ledge, looking at the rock face with a quizzical look on his face.

The rest of the gang made their way down the slope until they joined him. In the side of rock, hidden from sight from anyone above by a rocky outcropping, was a hole in the rock. Roughly circular, and not large, perhaps a meter wide. Greig spoke first. "That wasn't there yesterday." Other voices piped in with their own opinions. "Must've been. Holes just don't appear."

"Maybe it is a sinkhole", Tommy said. He'd seen something on the news about a sinkhole in China. He wondered if this hole was the other end of it and if he climbed through if he'd come out on the other side of the world. In the way of children though he decided he'd heard enough to be an expert on the matter. The others were still talking. Phrases like "If it gets bigger inside it would make a great den", "What if it rains and floods", and "Wonder how deep it goes", drifted past his ears. He was aware of the words, but they drifted over him without him taking any real notice of them. He walked over to the hole and peered deep inside. The shadows from the hanging rock prevented him from seeing in very far so he pulled out his mobile and used the light from the screen. As the interior lit up, Tommy exclaimed in surprise "There is something down there!"

The others crowded in closer, trying to see for themselves. Everyone was asking what he'd seen but all he could tell them was he didn't know. He'd just saw it move further down the passage quickly. "Maybe it's a dog. Climbed in there and its too stupid to turn around and get back out." In a concerned voice Sarah asked if it was hurt and couldn't get out?

Thoughts of a potential reward for returning a lost pet crossed Tommy's mind. His hands grabbed the cold rocky sides of the tunnel and before anyone could say anything he climbed into it, crawling on all fours. It was awkward because of the narrow space and the rough surface. Small stones bit painfully into his knees and having to hold his phone up for a light source made it even harder. Every time he could see the thing moving, it moved further down the tunnel back into the darkness. Thinking that the light must be frightening it, he angled the torch down, so it only lit up the ground in front of him. He tried coaxing the animal in a gentle voice while wondering again just how deep this thing went. It also occurred to him that he didn't have room to turn around, so he'd need to crawl backwards, pulling the dog (if that is what it was) with him and he wouldn't be able to keep his light on, so he'd need to do it all in the dark. With the dim light from his phone, he could see the dog had stopped moving further down the cave. Had it reached the end of the tunnel? He brought his phone up to cast more light and get a better look.

He got a brief impression, something brown in colour that moved more like an eel than a dog. It thrashed around to face him and rushed up towards him in a terrifying burst of speed. He barely had time to scream.

Chapter Two.

              It was late evening when the kids walked back to town. Had any adults been around to see them, they have noticed that they walked back in perfect silence. Rather than being in a ragged group, they more resembled troops in formation, marching along. As they reached each child's home, they would peel off with a precision that would have brought a tear to the most hardened drill instructor's eye. No farewells were said. The rest of the group just walked on without breaking step, or even looking to the side.

Each child quietly entered their house as the sun was sinking beneath the trees and wordlessly went up to their rooms. Their parents did not see them until the next morning.

In the morning, breakfast was made without a word passing between Tommy or his parents. For the second day it was burnt, although Tommy chewed mechanically, without noticing or really tasting. He left the house without asking permission. He gathered up his friends and in much the same way as they had marched home the previous night, they returned to the quarry.

The children sat around in a circle, each in turn discussing their families. They talked about what their parents did for a living, where their relatives lived and worked. Not in an excited chatter or any of the usual "my dad could beat your dad in a fight". Instead, they sat calmly, each taking a turn to pass on information. Tommy nodded and stared intently at each speaker in turn, silently making mental notes. They passed the day in this fashion, listing seemingly endless details and leaving out nothing no matter how trivial.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.