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Started by RCMerchant, February 06, 2019, 01:48:37 PM

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Who do you think was the Worst President?

Andrew Jackson
1 (7.1%)
Warren G. Harding
1 (7.1%)
Andrew Johnson
1 (7.1%)
Franklin Roosevelt
0 (0%)
Richard Nixon
0 (0%)
Donald Trump
4 (28.6%)
7 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: Allhallowsday on February 06, 2019, 10:06:06 PM
I'm disappointed, Happy.  

Indy, I feel the need to point out that Sven had praised TR.   

Thanks,  I also stick up for that that well known democrat liberal socialist communist nazi Dwight D.  Eisenhower.  :bouncegiggle:
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 06, 2019, 10:22:24 PM
I based my vote on who I believed harmed america the most,  and ronny raygun wins that hands down.  His slashing of the top tax rates from 70 to 28 percent enriched the rich and has hurt everyone else.  He was the first to tax social security.  His drive to deregulate everything in sight lead to one economic disaster after another. The S&L bailout (anyone remember that?)  Which we're still laying for, was a direct result of raygun's deregulation. Rich people just went into an orgy of theft after the regulations were gutted on S&Ls and taxpayers were  handed the bill. We've gone from one economic disaster after another after raygun started the deregulation ball rolling and in each case the rich got richer and everyone else got poorer.

As I said,  I don't  know if there is a hell but if there is something like it I hope that evil prick is working for minimum wage in it as a public bathroom attendant.  

And I know some sources call him a great president,  those sources tend to have a clear bias to the right.

The American Historical Association is NOT biased to the right at all.
You are ALL ABOUT class warfare.  Hate the rich, hate everyone who has more than you do.  If you devoted half the energy to improving yourself that you do to these endless screeds against everyone who falls outside your narrow perspective of acceptability, you might have a happier life.
FWIW, Reagan's policies raised incomes ACROSS THE BOARD for the next six years. Every income level grew, from the lowest to the highest, according to the IRS tax files.  He restored hope and faith to a country that had fallen into a morass of despair following our defeat in Vietnam and the disastrous Presidency of Jimmy Carter (good man, good Christian, woefully inept President!).  And he, more than any other person, deserves credit for casting the Soviet Union onto the ash heap of history where it belonged.
But none of that matters.  Some Americans did better than you, so Reagan is Satan.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Svengoolie 3

As Lloyd Benson put it to Dan quayle "If you let me write 200 billion in hot checks I can give you  the illusion of prosperity too! "

Reagan's "prosperity" was based mainly on massive deficit spending.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Actually, much of it was plain old economic growth.  America was open for business again!
And that deficit spending was what put the Soviet Union, one of the most evil regimes in history, in its grave.
We could afford the arms race, they couldn't.  It broke them, and they threw in the towel.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The three worst in order: Harding, Buchanan, and dead last, Obama.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Svengoolie 3

Conveniently ignoring Duhbya who sacrificed america's credibility in the world by his invasion of irag, his murder of hundreds of thousand ds of Iraqi citizens, his attempt to steal iraq's oil,  his wasting of trillions of dollars on a false and illegal war based on lies,  the fact he removed a stable secular   dictator who would not  tolerate radical Islam and left iraq open to the formation of ISIS,  who turned america into a nation that has committed a vale flat war,  mass murder and attempted grand larcenary on a national level and left us with thousands of dead sevicdemen and hundreds of thiousands of badly wounded ones.

Indy attacked me for my hate of the right blinding me to reagan's perfection, yet you  will no doubt not be attacked for your clear case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


I also think President Obama's semi-concealed sexual orientation will come to light one day, much as President Kennedy's private life later emerged. Couldn't care less that he's into men, I don't entirely credit the fact so many young gay men from his past turned up dead circa 2008 means they were silenced, his sexuality has nothing to do with my ranking him as the most ineffective President, but I do believe that of him and time will possibly prove that true.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Virtually everything you said about W was wrong, but of course you won't believe that.
IN all honesty, it is FAR too soon for there to be any rational analysis of him, or Obama, yet. Everyone races to their partisan talking points and bashes away. I think, when the dust settles, Bush will be pretty far from the bottom, and Obama much further from the top than he is now.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 12:14:53 AM
Conveniently ignoring Duhbya who sacrificed america's credibility in the world by his invasion of irag, his murder of hundreds of thousand ds of Iraqi citizens, his attempt to steal iraq's oil,  his wasting of trillions of dollars on a false and illegal war based on lies,  the fact he removed a stable secular   dictator who would not  tolerate radical Islam and left iraq open to the formation of ISIS,  who turned america into a nation that has committed a vale flat war,  mass murder and attempted grand larcenary on a national level and left us with thousands of dead sevicdemen and hundreds of thiousands of badly wounded ones.

Indy attacked me for my hate of the right blinding me to reagan's perfection, yet you  will no doubt not be attacked for your clear case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Wayne, bury as many of your friends as I did mine from Mr. Bush's war before you speak to me about it. I found little to admire in GWB, yet even considering the cost of his wars, our forty-fourth President was more damaging, mostly because I do think he harbored enmity toward his own country.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


And, no, Sven, I'm not going to smite you for your political views, like you just did me, lol.

I swear once upon a time we all but held hands and sang campfire songs together on this site. Hmm, that was before you came here, now I think about it, Sven.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:16:01 AM
I also think President Obama's semi-concealed sexual orientation will come to light one day, much as President Kennedy's private life later emerged. Couldn't care less that he's into men, I don't entirely credit the fact so many young gay men from his past turned up dead circa 2008 means they were silenced, his sexuality has nothing to do with my ranking him as the most ineffective President, but I do believe that of him and time will possibly prove that true.

Where do you get your information from, Ann Counter,  who routinely and reflexively referers to democrats as "faggots"?

I gotta go take some aspirin.  You'll be happy to know you're  giving me a headache.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:22:19 AM
And, no, Sven, I'm not going to smite you for your political views, like you just did me, lol.

I swear once upon a time we all but held hands and sang campfire songs together on this site. Hmm, that was before you came here, now I think about it, Sven.

Someone just smited me,  I assumed it was you.  Also you attacked RCM for no reason and drew fire for it.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Well, you know what they say about assuming, eh?

Tell you what, if in ten years it appears I was wrong in my assertion about President Obama's homosexuality, I'll buy you a season pass to the Field Museum. If it turns out I was right, you have to vote Republican. We on?

As for Ann Coulter, I barely know little more about her than who she is and that she is extreme. I don't listen to talk radio, don't watch FOX News, don't visit right-wing forums, have few right wing friends and no right-wing family. I am not a registered Republican, and I am the only non-Democrat in a long line of them. I supported Democrats up until 2008. I've told you before I grew up going to Democrat fundraisers where high-profile Democrats came, John Glenn (a hero), Tipper Gore (a funny lady), many others. so if anything I know the inside of that party much better than the other. I also know I have my reasons for believing Mr. Obama was a dismal President. It is my sincere conviction and I wouldn't say so out of hyperbole or to create controversy.

Or to give you a headache. (Honestly, you should be able to face dissenting views without manifesting physical illness. Practice tolerance, it'll help you mature.)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: indianasmith on February 07, 2019, 12:17:10 AM
Virtually everything you said about W was wrong, but of course you won't believe that.
IN all honesty, it is FAR too soon for there to be any rational analysis of him, or Obama, yet. Everyone races to their partisan talking points and bashes away. I think, when the dust settles, Bush will be pretty far from the bottom, and Obama much further from the top than he is now.

Ok,  outside the fox news alternate universe,  how is anything I said about duhbya wrong?

He attacked iraq claiming they we'qre involved with 911, no evidence of an Iraqi link has ever been found.  

He attacked iraq on the pretense of "WMDs",  none have been found outside the fox news continuum.

Documents have come to light making it clear duhbya intended from the first day of us presidency to remove Saddam Hussein from power and was looking for a pretense to.

Saddam Hussein paid lip service to Islam but was a secularist.  When radical Muslims demanded to demonstrate he forbade them to.  When they defied him and demonstrated anyway he massacred some 1500 of them,  effectively nipping radical islam's efforts at taking root in iraq in the bud.

No credible source has found any evidence ce Hussein was behind 911 (I'm sure he was happy when it happened)  or was building WMDs.  Bush's  whole justification for the war was a pack of lies and he really wanted to take their oil.  He made america gyuoty of aggressive war and mass murder.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


PS: Since you found out I did not give you negative karma, you should make up for your mistake and give me good karma tomorrow, lol.

Night, everyone. Pace!
What does not kill me makes me stranger.