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Started by RCMerchant, February 06, 2019, 01:48:37 PM

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Who do you think was the Worst President?

Andrew Jackson
1 (7.1%)
Warren G. Harding
1 (7.1%)
Andrew Johnson
1 (7.1%)
Franklin Roosevelt
0 (0%)
Richard Nixon
0 (0%)
Donald Trump
4 (28.6%)
7 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:46:37 AM
PS: Since you found out I did not give you negative karma, you should make up for your mistake and give me good karma tomorrow, lol.

Night, everyone. Pace!

I'd  decided to.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:46:37 AM

Night, everyone. Pace!

Great!  I still have plenty of tortilla chips left from the Super Bowl.
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:22:19 AM
And, no, Sven, I'm not going to smite you for your political views, like you just did me, lol.

I swear once upon a time we all but held hands and sang campfire songs together on this site. Hmm, that was before you came here, now I think about it, Sven.
Do you think about it, Evelyn?   :question:  
I'd guess when you're reading your lips don't move (like mine  :teddyr:) but I'd guess when you're writing your bowel moves.  
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


QuoteGlad to see Harding make the list.  The litany of scandals under his regime cannot be ignored.  Plus he cheated on his wife for many years and was a drunk scumbag.

how exactly did this affect Americans? who btw prospered mightily during his tenure

number one worst is abraham Lincoln. of all the resolutions to the issue of slavery he chose the worst: a massive war that killed hundreds of thuosands of people, virtually none of whom had anything to do with the slave trade. also began loathsome trends of centralization of government, suspended writ of habeas corpus.

when it was all over he was the first to have black guests to the white house. during the visit he implored them to go back to Africa! unbelievable that this loser is considered a hero, though ending slavery was one unqualified good


I included FDR, not because I didn't-like him-I thought he was great-but because many believe he was a Socialist and created the Welfare state. But at the time-, he was despised by many.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: RCMerchant on February 07, 2019, 12:18:50 PM
I included FDR, not because I didn't-like him-I thought he was great-but because many believe he was a Socialist and created the Welfare state. But at the time-, he was despised by many.
And beloved by more.  FDR ranks high on the list of BEST.  I understand why you'd include him, detractors he certainly had and has. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 07, 2019, 12:11:40 PM
number one worst is abraham Lincoln. of all the resolutions to the issue of slavery he chose the worst: a massive war that killed hundreds of thuosands of people, virtually none of whom had anything to do with the slave trade. also began loathsome trends of centralization of government, suspended writ of habeas corpus.

when it was all over he was the first to have black guests to the white house. during the visit he implored them to go back to Africa! unbelievable that this loser is considered a hero, though ending slavery was one unqualified good
Didn't states start leaving right after he was elected?

Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 06, 2019, 10:22:24 PM
I based my vote on who I believed harmed america the most,  and ronny raygun wins that hands down.  His slashing of the top tax rates from 70 to 28 percent enriched the rich and has hurt everyone else.  He was the first to tax social security.  His drive to deregulate everything in sight lead to one economic disaster after another. The S&L bailout (anyone remember that?)  Which we're still laying for, was a direct result of raygun's deregulation. Rich people just went into an orgy of theft after the regulations were gutted on S&Ls and taxpayers were  handed the bill. We've gone from one economic disaster after another after raygun started the deregulation ball rolling and in each case the rich got richer and everyone else got poorer.

As I said,  I don't  know if there is a hell but if there is something like it I hope that evil prick is working for minimum wage in it as a public bathroom attendant.  

And I know some sources call him a great president,  those sources tend to have a clear bias to the right.
Wasn't the U.S. ecconomy fairly poor in the 70's? Stagflation & Whip Inflation Now & the Oil Crisis & all that? Also, can you use the presidents' real names. I know you're trying to be a satirist, but it makes your posts hard to understand.

Svengoolie 3

America has become a country where peolle feel that not onky are they free to choose their own opinions,  but their own facts,  truths and realities.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 05:49:44 PM
America has become a country where peolle feel that not onky are they free to choose their own opinions,  but their own facts,  truths and realities.
Doesn't the right complain about the same thing?


Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 12:43:32 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on February 07, 2019, 12:17:10 AM
Virtually everything you said about W was wrong, but of course you won't believe that.
IN all honesty, it is FAR too soon for there to be any rational analysis of him, or Obama, yet. Everyone races to their partisan talking points and bashes away. I think, when the dust settles, Bush will be pretty far from the bottom, and Obama much further from the top than he is now.

Ok,  outside the fox news alternate universe,  how is anything I said about duhbya wrong?

He attacked iraq claiming they we'qre involved with 911, no evidence of an Iraqi link has ever been found.  

He attacked iraq on the pretense of "WMDs",  none have been found outside the fox news continuum.

Documents have come to light making it clear duhbya intended from the first day of us presidency to remove Saddam Hussein from power and was looking for a pretense to.

Saddam Hussein paid lip service to Islam but was a secularist.  When radical Muslims demanded to demonstrate he forbade them to.  When they defied him and demonstrated anyway he massacred some 1500 of them,  effectively nipping radical islam's efforts at taking root in iraq in the bud.

No credible source has found any evidence ce Hussein was behind 911 (I'm sure he was happy when it happened)  or was building WMDs.  Bush's  whole justification for the war was a pack of lies and he really wanted to take their oil.  He made america gyuoty of aggressive war and mass murder.

Point by point:  Bush NEVER claimed Iraq was responsible for 9/11; he hung it around the necks of Al Qaeda from the very beginning. He did speculate that Iraq may have been behind the string of anthrax attacks that followed 9/11, however, since Saddam was known to have been experimenting with weaponized anthrax.

As far as WMD's, that right wing rag THE NEW YORK TIMES reported that multiple stockpiles of sarin gas shells were recovered in Iraq after the invasion.  They were older shells, made in the 1980's, but the fact is Saddam had signed a treaty promising to destroy them and he had not done it.  Several of our troops suffered chemical poisoning when insurgent forces used some of those sarin shells in roadside bombs.  Saddam signed off on some 13 UN Resolutions after the first Gulf War and proceeded to violate all 13 at one time or another.  He fired on UN peacekeepers; kicked  weapons inspectors out of the country when they got close to stuff he didn't want them to find, he repeatedly violated the "no-fly zones" over Southern Iraq, and then to top it all off he tried to assassinate a former U.S. President, when George H.W. Bush visited Kuwait after leaving office.

Keep in mind that the armistice ending the Gulf War clearly stated that if Saddam violated the resolutions he signed, that would constitute a basis for renewal of hostilities.  The Iraq War can be laid at the doorstep of one man - Saddam Hussein.

As for ISIS - the insurgency was pretty well crushed and the country pacified when Bush left office.  Obama yanked all our troops out before the new government was stable enough to keep the peace - AGAINST the advice of his Joint Chiefs, Defense Secretary, and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to keep his promises to the anti-war brigade. And guess what?  ISIS happened almost immediately thereafter.

And, incidentally, can you produce a smidgen of evidence, anywhere, that we "stole Iraq's oil"? I know some on the right proposed taking possession of the oil fields to pay for the cost of the war, but Bush rejected that from the outset.

Once more, your answer is long on emotion and short on facts.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


QuoteThey were older shells, made in the 1980's, but the fact is Saddam had signed a treaty promising to destroy them and he had not done it

when they said WMD I don't think thats what most people had in mind.

Quote. And guess what?  ISIS happened almost immediately thereafter.

the status of forces agreement was signed by Bush before he left office. that BUsh had "won" iraq then obama lost it is a complete and total fantasy.

I'm surprised you are a bagholder on this conflict Indiana. It was clearly the wrong decision for our country in many obvious and measurable ways. I know you like George Bush but theres a thing called accountability.

re: Saddam  not a fan but holy crap he was at least a better leader than this guy maduro in Venezuela. the guy is meatball just sitting there watching his country go into the dirt. Walter mondale had more testerone

Svengoolie 3

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


ehh... I think they wanted saddam to not have the power that selling oil provided him with, but Iraq was a long time project for DC going back to the 90's and even earlier. it was mostly the brainchild of neoconservatives who were motivated out of a concern for israels security. when saddam launched scuds at tel aviv that pretty much sealed his fate. That was their whole shot though, America is never ever going to consent to another war over there


Quote from: ER on February 07, 2019, 12:01:36 AM
The three worst in order: Harding, Buchanan, and dead last, Obama.
Why Obama? Just curious.

"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 09:28:22 PM
The iraq invasion was about oil. Bush regime documents prove it.

There is a difference between not wanting an unstable and hostile dictator to have a stranglehold on a significant chunk of the world's oil supply and taking it for ourselves.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"