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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"Deadlier Than THe Male" (1967)
One of the best James Bond knock-offs to come out of the mid Sixties"Eurospy" craze, this slick flick stars Richard Johnson (whom, legend has it, was a candidate to play 007 in "Dr. No," but he turned it down) as the suave, globe trotting investigator Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond, on the trail of a pair of lovely female assassins (Elke Sommer and Sylva Koscina) who are killing off the executives of a major oil company.
"Deadlier" is a fairly lavish production that raises it above the usual cheap-o Eurospy fare, with lots of gorgeous Riviera scenery and female eye candy. Seriously fellas, just watch this one to ogle German mega-babe Elke Sommer. She was so hot back then, it's ridiculous.
Followed by a 1969 sequel, "Some Girls Do."
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Phantasm - I had never seen this somehow. I had seen a prior movie made by the director which was a pretty fun kids movie. There are elements of that genre in this, in fact its a pretty strange mashup of after school special teen drama and drive in style horror with some weird the Manitou style sci fi thrown in. The director might want to check out  my "Like Normal people vs Zombies" movie suggestion it would be right up his alley.

3.75 / 5

Rev. Powell

BIG MAN JAPAN (2007): A cameraman follows around Big Man Japan, who protects Japan from various kaiju attacks by growing to enormous size; far from enjoying the glamorous life of a national hero, he's paunchy and depressed, deserted by his wife and child and suffering from plummeting ratings. The main attraction here is the imaginatively cheesy monster design: the stink monster mating dance is crazy enough, but have you ever seen a giant kaiju with a combover? This was recommended to me by Mofo Rising not long after it came out and I'm just getting around to it. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


" i am the pretty thing in this house", or whatever the title is. this was SO BAD. not only for the acting and the film work, but IT IS SO BORING. it took me 3 days to get through it because i kept falling asleep. in the afternoon. and i DON'T nap. AVOID LIKE COVID 19!
don't EVEN...EVER!


really you never saw Phantasm?  i have a fan edit of it that's l really need to look at the time but it's i think around 5 minutes longer or so cause it's got a few deleted scenes put back in. such as the Ice Cream fight that was cut, or Jodie at the bank that was extended with his Girlfriend showing up.

it's also got a bit longer of a scene between Reggie and Mike  singing as well. and than the hanging scene in the dream that was cut, anyways, i watched a pretty good one from (1971) called When Eight Bells Toll (1971) it 's also Anthony Hopkins 1st Lead role apparently and what it really is a Bond Clone but a pretty good one actually and it's well worth watching at least once.

i watched it on you tube and it was the Earliest Anthony Hopkins film i had since of his the Earliest i had seen of his films before was (1978)'s Magic which i have on VHS and it's a decent film.

this one the one i watched i give it a 8/10 check it out it's not that long of a movie either.

anyways i do have a workprint of Phantasm 2 in fact and it's weird to watch because the film is pretty complete but there's no music in it at all it's just Surreal to watch without it and it's not bad but it's amazing how when you watch any movie that's got music no matter how much or little there is and you don't think about it at all, than you watch a film that's got none at all and it's the workprint it just weakens the film i think, the difference it makes is just so Surreal


and i just got to say one more thing Boooooooooooooooooooooooy! 

Rev. Powell

THE GHOST OF PETER SELLERS (2020): Director Peter Medak looks back at 1973's "The Ghost in the Noonday Sun," a pirate comedy so bad that the studio refused to release it, revealing how star Peter Sellers erratic behavior--firing producers, refusing to work, demanding on-the-spot rewrites by his pal Spike Milligan---destroyed the film. The entire fiasco is kind of funny, except that it's clearly not funny to Medak, whose career was nearly destroyed, and it suggests that Sellers suffered from severe depression, or worse. An exorcism. 3.5/5. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Peter Sellers was a really talented guy but he was they say a horrible human being, a terrible husband, a worse father and a really unpleasant guy in general but when it comes to his movies.... it's  just a shame that he was such a horrible human being, i hadn't realized that he even had any movies at all that didn't get released


Sadly comedians seem to be really messed up one way or another in their private lives.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Haunt (2019)

A couple of friends hook up with others for a joyride on Halloween night. They eventually come across a haunted house attraction and decide to enter. Once inside they are separated and stalked by disfigured "employees" while looking for a way out.

Well made low budget slasher with creepy scares, decent cast and a few surprise twist and turns. Haunt is pretty much doing the same Hell Fest (2018) did a year before but Haunt did it better. My rating 4/5


"Some Girls Do" (1969)
In this sequel to "Deadlier Than The Male," Richard Johnson returns as swinging investigator Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond, assigned to find out who's sabotaging the test flights of Britain's latest supersonic aircraft. The trail leads to Drummond's zillionaire arch-enemy Carl Peterson, who's holed up on his own private island surrounded by an army of scantily clad robotic females. Shag-a-delic, baby!
This one is much more tongue in cheek than the first Drummond adventure and plays more like a spoof,  but it's goofy, action packed fun with plenty of lovely female eye candy.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - take "The Road Warrior", remove all trace of character or story, and stretch the car chase scenes out to 2 hours.  Except replace the exquisite brutality of the real car crashes in Road Warrior with the typical "looks pretty fake" CGI crap.  And replace the bad guys with cartoon caricatures of themselves.  Good grief.  Plot points, and I'm being totally serious here, consist of things like "truck engine sputters and dies." 

So Max...oh give me a break..."some guy" gets captured by a bunch of screwballs who I'm guessing are the 10th generation of inbred descendants of the bad guys from The Road Warrior.  Meanwhile a one-armed, grease-smeared Charlize Theron takes one of the screwball's trucks and makes a run for it.  A big group of screwballs follow in various vehicles, lots of crashes take place (the tornado within the sandstorm thing was actually kind of cool), and wouldn't ya know it, Max is one of only two survivors among the group of pursuers.  He meets up with Theron and a half dozen girls who I'm guessing were supposed to be in the "Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity" remake that never got made.  They speak two, possibly three sentences to each other.  Many car chases and unimpressive crashes follow.  Two or three more lines of dialogue are spoken!

Meh, I made it all the way to the end, so I'll give it a 2/5.  I've liked Charlize Theron in pretty much every thing I've seen her in but she never got the opportunity to do any acting here.  Tom Hardy as Max...I'm not sure he was actually in this, might have been CGI judging by the performance.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


ABNORMAL ATTRACTIONS (2019) This was a funny and kind of cute film about fairy tale monsters and the humans who love them.  I ran across it on Amazon Prime and found it pretty amusing; the costumes are cheap but the performances are effective and the story keeps moving.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Killer Fish" (aka "Deadly Treasure of the Piranha," 1979)
A team of professional jewel thieves (including Lee "Six Million Dollar Man" Majors and Karen "Trilogy of Terror" Black) pull off a massive jewel heist in Rio de Janeiro, and hide the loot in a local lake till the heat dies down. When they come back to retrieve the goods, however, they discover that the lake is home to hordes of hungry flesh eating fish, which may make recovery impossible. Don'cha hate when that happens?

Don't go into this one expecting a water logged gore fest ala "Piranha," because even though the "Killer Fish" get top billing, they don't really come into play till the last third of this entertainingly schlocky Italian-French co-production, which starts out as a crime/caper/heist flick, then briefly turns into a disaster movie (when a hurricane strikes the thieves' island hideaway) before finally becoming a creature feature as promised in the title.  

Lee Majors displays all the charm of a plank of wood, as usual, and just in case this movie wasn't '70s enough already, Margaux Hemingway also turns up as a fashion model to give us some eye candy.

"Killer Fish" is far from essential viewing, but Lord knows I've seen worse.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


"Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981)
Harrison Ford makes his debut as whip crackin', pistol packin' archaeologist/adventurer Indiana Jones, racing around the globe to beat the Nazi regime in a search for a precious Biblical treasure. Lucas and Spielberg's ode to the serials of the 30s and 40s is still one of the best action/adventure movies ever made. I've lost count of how many times I've seen this, but I never get tired of it.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Quote from: indianasmith on June 01, 2020, 08:43:32 AM
ABNORMAL ATTRACTIONS (2019) This was a funny and kind of cute film about fairy tale monsters and the humans who love them.  I ran across it on Amazon Prime and found it pretty amusing; the costumes are cheap but the performances are effective and the story keeps moving.
i tried this one, but the T&A became overwhelming in 15 minutes. being a straight female, NOT into that. BUT. because i trust you indy, i'll try again and see if i can see the storyline you say is there. *meanwhile, men here, GO FOR IT, BIG BOOBS GALORE, LOL!*
don't EVEN...EVER!