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On This Day: Your History

Started by claws, November 10, 2022, 07:29:22 AM

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May 20, 1995 Still keeping me in a restricted state, Dad had to be in Virginia for a few days, so he shipped me across town to stay with my Aunt Christie, with the situation being that except for school I was to be nowhere but her house. Normally I wouldn't have minded, I liked being with her, but truthfully life sucked, and I refused to say a single word to my father on the drive down or even tell him goodbye before when he left for his trip, even though travel is always slightly dangerous.

"All this is overkill," I complained, walking into my aunt's living room and hurling my backpack onto her posh sofa about as hard as I could.

She sympathized, but asked what could she do?

I told her my dad had changed and wasn't always nice like he used to be, and she said I should understand that recent events of life had affected him too, and asked didn't I understand it wasn't just me who was going through a lot? I told her I got that (but honestly I don't know how much time I had spent thinking about it).

I explained I was coming to see my father as dangerous in a way, that he was trying to break me and brainwash me, and that how he'd always treated me growing up was only a version of him, maybe the least real version of all, and that realizing this was yet another scar after also finding out about Grandpa's  "kept women," or learning my mother was unhappy for years in her marriage, or losing my tennis career after my own near-death, or grandma having a stroke, or the possibility my cousin may have tried to kill our grandma, or much else of late, and along with all that I was also now seeing my father as a person who could take away my freedom, if he wanted, for the next two years, and nobody could really stop him.

She said I wasn't being fair toward him, since every good parent was a flawed person hoping to do what was best.  She also said my dad was an extremely intelligent person, always thinking far ahead, but that I should remember he wanted good things for me.

I opened up for a second and told her about something that had been puzzling me, that I didn't understand why my father wasn't mad about parts of my behavior you'd think he'd be upset about, how all he seemed to be interested in was getting me to confront that I was angry and upset because of things that had hurt me, and to get past them. It was like he was focused only on wanting to heal my mindset, not punish my deeds. Except for the glaring fact he was keeping me in virtual lockdown, he had actually never been nicer to me or more patient. There was a weird dichotomy and I didn't trust it.

My aunt said she thought I was probably right about his motives and said I should be smart then and cooperate with what he was after so I could get through this and put it behind me and begin living again.

Thing was, I didn't want to put it behind me or cooperate, I wanted

I took a long walk with her after studying for Hell Week exams, and saw Reform Jews going to the Valley Synagogue for Saturday services, including some neighborhood party girls I knew who were modestly wearing long skirts that one day a week, making them look silly considering how they usually dressed. We saw squirrels chasing each other up and down century-old oak trees, and she asked if I'd heard Connie Chung got canned from the evening news, and because I was full of self-pity I said good, she deserved it.

She asked didn't I feel like all women sort of benefited from her opening up new fields by anchoring the news, and I said I thought the best person should get a job and gender shouldn't be a factor, which made Aunt Christie say, "Well maybe your generation will live in a world where that's possible."

It's almost thirty years later and my aunt's been gone for eight years; do we live in that world?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I was bored today.  Boring.  Long windiness is so boring. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Quote from: Allhallowsday on May 20, 2023, 11:33:23 PM
I was bored today.  Boring.  Long windiness is so boring.  
And yet you apparently read it!  :bouncegiggle: Your icky obsession with me makes me feel like I'm in high school again. I'll have another for you later, so you can go back to pretending you don't read my every post.

PS: just gave you good karma for being such a faithful follower.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on May 21, 2023, 12:26:57 PM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on May 20, 2023, 11:33:23 PM
I was bored today.  Boring.  Long windiness is so boring.  
And yet you apparently read it!  :bouncegiggle: Your icky obsession with me makes me feel like I'm in high school again. I'll have another for you later, so you can go back to pretending you don't read my every post.

PS: just gave you good karma for being such a faithful follower.

What I wrote wasn't about you; I didn't and don't read most of what you write, but you are indeed long winded.  It's a coincidence.  Do not write to me privately again.
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


May 21, 2010 Living in a new house might've spared us some of the wear and tear issues that come with owning a place built in 1920, but there's a quaint archaeology that goes with having an inherited house, like that day when we discovered metal tubes under the soil at the wood's edge, and when we pulled them out from the clinging grass, we saw there were six in total, all varying in length from a meter to around half that, and we couldn't figure out what they were til by chance my dad saw a picture and said, "Those were my mom's wind chimes from the 1960s that she had hanging from an old locust tree." We cleaned up Grandma's chimes and restrung them and hung them on our patio, where to this day they make a merry noise in the breeze, like faint church bells. We wouldn't get finds like that with a new house!
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


May 22, 2005 Began the day visiting Landon's cousin's wife Lindsey in a mental institution, where she'd self-committed after her most recent "bad spell." (Think Zelda Fitzgerald.) She was cheerful, though understandably less sparkly than in her manic episodes, and asked, "Guess you heard I went too far, huh?"

I'd come to love Lindsey, and it wasn't pleasant seeing her in there.

Talked then to my friend Rob, and almost went with him to see Star Wars---or for purists, A New Hope---then in limited re-release. He told me geometrical bruises were his new thing, brought about by taking a wooden dowel with an image cut into the end, and hammering it into the flesh til a deep tissue bruise in that shape formed. (I can't think why the fad never caught on....)

Ended the day by going with my father to Covington, Kentucky's magnificent Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, to hear a choral event known as May Festival. The concerts had been part of the local arts scene since 1873, and arose among the German community as a New World continuation of the traditional sangerbundfests of their Mother Country.

Had tea with him afterward at a 24-hour dive called Anchor Grill, which literally had not been closed since the 1950s, and watched some drunks have a shoving match right outside the front door. Sat in the same booth I'd sat in almost exactly a decade before, then a teenager in love out with college students older than me, and felt memories of that night so strongly my throat tightened up and for a moment I was lost in a cruel time warp of heartache: the past always with me, but out of reach.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


On this day in 1970... I was born.

On this day in 1992 ... I graduated from college.

On this day in 1999 ... I got married.

Big day! :D
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on May 22, 2023, 06:29:46 PM
On this day in 1970... I was born.

On this day in 1992 ... I graduated from college.

On this day in 1999 ... I got married.

Big day! :D

Hope you had a good day  :smile: :thumbup:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


23rd May 2016.

My rather drunk roommate Loz decided to cut a chunk of my hair off. He spent the rest of the night in mortal dread of what I was going to do back to him when I fixed him with my stare of death. He was too afraid to return to our room to sleep and instead slept on the pool table at work. I would actually take my revenge, but it would be in a form he would never expect. This wouldn't happen for some months as I carefully bided my time and chose the right moment to strike (the day we went home).

23rd May 2015.

I was playing an online wargame. The player commanding the US betrayed and backstabbed me, but I defeated his invasion and launched a counterattack, landing in Miami and advancing northward from there. Originally I'd planned on stopping in South Carolina, but I figured "You know what, I had this huge army sitting here, he (or it could have been a she), has nothing left to stop me. So I kept on advancing north. I happened to mention to Kristi about what had happened when I was marching on Washington. She got out of her chair, started running in circles around the man cave shouting "The British are coming, the British are coming!"

23rd May 2011.

Today I wished everyone in the world, a very happy Monday. Well almost everyone. I made 49 exceptions. Who those exceptions were and why I left them out I have no idea.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


May 23, 1996 Wanted to study for junior-year Hell Week with Gina, whose classes were much easier than my own, so I came home, gulped down some leftover stir fry, and ran to her house.

Came back brain-fried three hours later and my father was in the family room pointing at the bowl which in my rush I'd left on the coffee table, and in an aggrieved/amused tone he said, "Why don't you tell me to go wash that up for you?"

"Ummmm, why would I do that, Dad?"

"Ummmm, beeeeecause when you don't take care of your own mess, you're expecting somebody else to do it for you, so I figured you might as well at least ask."

Seriously? I was going to do it when I came back, but I'd been in a hurry to nobly save my friend from bad grades. If it bothered him so much you'd think he'd have just taken the one little bowl to the sink instead of going for a teachable moment. Not like he'd have had to haul it "down to the crick" risking the arrows of aboriginal warriors hidden among the wilds of the Miami Slaughterhouse, as our area was called in the 1700s on account of it being filled with warriors of the Miami tribe, highly talented at slaying white people.

Anyway, I washed out the stupid bowl, which so made Dad's day he grabbed me by the hands and did a goofy dance around the kitchen singing, "Praise God, my kid's learned responsibility at last!"

Wow, glad to make your day there, Dad. (Um, he's not coming off looking too nice in these recollections, is he? lol)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


May 24:

1994: Dreamed Jim Morrison revived in his casket, screaming in terror, buried alive.

1996: As we were heading out, Brian stopped to see his dad, and when we walked in Joe was dressed casually but nicely, and I thought, wait, he's coming with us? I decided if so, I would go home. Turned out, ever the he-slut, he was waiting to meet a woman across town. He gave me a hug when we were leaving, something I always thought he could surely tell I didn't like him doing, and the whites of his eyes were peculiarly discolored, one of the first signs of an illness doctors would soon say was going to kill him within a year. That night everybody seemed to be talking about an upcoming movie called Independence Day, and afterwards we went for the last time to The Red Frog, which was closing down. I asked if I could take a menu for a souvenir, and the bartender said, "Take a whole f**king table, babe, I don't give two s**ts." I tried but it was too unwieldy.

2007: Rode in a hot air balloon in New Zealand, and dropped little rubber super balls over the side.

2016: My friend Edie came home after taking a tour of Auschwitz with her temple, and seemed more upset by the fact it had a gift shop than by it being a site of mass murder. When I mentioned that observation, you'd think I'd given her temper a wedgie.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


24th May 2014.

Kristi asked me to get her a surprise from the fridge. I brought up a cold can of beer and put it down her back. Mission accomplished.

24th May 2013.

Following the murder of Lee Rigby, David Cameron said that all military should continue on as normal and keep coming into work in uniform. Nice to be told that by a man who lived in a street that is blocked off from public access by a big iron gate and guarded by the police 24/6 and who has his own security detail who will quite happily arrest a jogger for accidentally bumping into him. He should have stuck to f**king pigs instead of going into politics.

24th May 2011.

Despite the recent volcano eruption disrupting international air travel, we had a perfectly clear sky today. One of the guys I worked with, well known for getting away with every scam he pulled was trapped in Cyprus due to the ash clouds. He thought he'd lucked in once more and would get free time off, but was gutted when he was told he would have to put leave in for it. I wasn't sure that was a legal decision, but since I didn't care for the guy I didn't mention anything about that to him when he got back.

24th May 2010.

In contrast to the weather a year later, today I got to see the first cloud in weeks. It was a hot month and I was glad for a break in the weather.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


25th May 2020.

For reasons that were important at the time, I had to balance a sock on one ear. I have vague memories of doing this, but the reasons why have gotten lost in the mists of time.

25th May 2019.

Since I'd been advised to turn toilet rolls around to stop Ash from spinning them until they were all unwound and lying across the floor I decided to film what he would do. Sure enough Ash walked into the toilet and span the roll around on the holder. When he didn't get a strip of toilet paper hanging down, he looked underneath, saw what had happened and simply span the roll the other way around. I sent a copy of the video to Mike who after 4 kids of his own was impressed that Ash had figured out this one so quickly.

25th May 2018.

Kristi went out to the local shop by herself. She was gone for twenty minutes. By the time she got back, I'd drawn a Ming the Merciless-style beard on Ash's face. I had meant to send the picture to my brother via FB messenger, and then clean Ash up before Kristi got home. Unfortunately I stuck it up on facebook instead and Kristi saw it before she got back home.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


May 25: This day in 2011 would be among my happiest, since my beautiful son was born, but in 2000 it was the last day for months I wouldn't be owned by a powerful sense of sadness that followed word of a loss so horrible it would leave me almost dysfunctional all summer, and still echoes as a dividing line across my life.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


May 26, 2017 It was the last day of school, and Daisy was fretting, being the rare sort who truly liked going. She read late in bed, and when I went in to see if she was all right, I ended up staying up with her, and she told me more than I strictly wanted to know about a woman named Corrine, whom my husband had asked to marry him in the '90s, and who turned him down for reasons I perfectly understood. Across town in the present Corrine was dying from a virus that damaged her heart, and my husband had been going to see her at the hospital almost daily for several weeks, and had begun taking Daisy with him. In true Daisy fashion, she'd quickly gotten close to Corrine on these visits, and told me she and Corrine played cards, and Corrine told her about her daddy as a younger man; about when they went to Jamaica together in 1998, three years before he and I met. After hearing about the trip, Daisy became obsessed with going to Jamaica herself. Corrine said she hoped Daisy went there with Landon, so maybe he could show her places they saw together long ago. Poor dying Corrine comfortably earned Daisy's highest praise: "Corrie's totally nice, Mom. You'd like her." I'm sure it was true. Whatever my faults, let it never be said I am a possessive or jealous sort, right?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.