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The feel-good Satanist movie we've all been begging for?

Started by Rev. Powell, November 08, 2023, 12:43:20 PM

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Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


So I'm intrigued by the movie through the paucity of progress. It includes Mickey Rourke as a priest?! And it was announced in 2022 and is slated for this year.

It's a joint UK/Bulgaria production?!

Why can I not find a trailer for this movie?

"Upon my first encounter with Ben Charles Edwards in London a few years ago, I felt a compelling sense of magic, inexplicable metaphysical, spiritual and a creative attraction. After a five-hour conversation, we both knew we would create a film someday together. A few development projects later, the idea of a 'love letter' to the Devil was born. Ben had been inspired for years by Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger, so was I by Goethe's Faust and Mikhail Bolgakov's Woland from The Master and Margarita. Now, I want to pay special thanks to my UK coproducer Kirsty Bell and Goldfinch for all the support and belief. For me it is an honour to collaborate with such an established and elite UK independent company. My executive producers, the cult British actor and former legendary boxer Gary Stretch, and Neli Beshirova helped me a lot as well", lead producer Dessy Tenekedjieva told FNE.
"Many others since have tried & failed at making a watchable parasite slug movie" - LilCerberus