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minor error in 'look and layout'

Started by zombie, September 13, 2024, 03:13:57 AM

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if you go into 'Look and Layout' in your profile, there's this option:

QuoteReturn to topics after posting by default

if you tick this box it *doesn't* return you to topics after leaves you in the thread you were in... and vice versa if you leave the box 'unticked' it takes you back to the main board as soon as you post a comment.

it should be the other way around?

(this confused me until today, and was pretty annoying, as I don't like being returned to the main board whenever I post, I prefer to stay in the thread... I'd just assumed there was no way to do it, as I'd left the box unticked and it was still taking me back to topics after posting a comment)

like I said, minor, but flagging it anyway  :thumbup:

Rev. Powell

I suspect it's just ambiguously written. I imagine the writer meant "return to topics" as "return to the topic you just posted in."

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


ah yes that could be right.......

"stay in thread" or something similar would've made more sense (to me)

topics (plural) suggests the main list of threads in a board.

ok well not a big issue - but if anyone else was confused like me then this may be why