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House of 1000 Corpses

Started by Josh Leman, March 07, 2001, 07:05:07 PM

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Josh Leman

Yesterday, the IMDb ran a news piece stating that Universal had decided NOT to release Rob Zombie's very cool-looking horror film House of 1000 Corpses because they're afraid that any acceptable version of the movie would get an NC-17 rating.  Does anyone know what's going to happen to it now?


Mr. Zombie informed that he would be more than happy to deliver an R-rated cut of the movie.  Universal said the movie was just to violent and disturbing (hey dorks horror = violent and disturbing).  Grrrr.

Anywho Mr. Zombie is currently shopping around for a distributor and still expecting a summer release.  I vote that it will go direct to video.  GRRRR.


I meant to say that Mr. Zombie informed Universal that he would be more than happy to cut the movie to get an R-rating (he felt/feels that only a minor trimming of the old ultra violence is required).  Nonetheless the suits decided to eat the loss and concentrate on more wholesome entertainment.  Dorks.

Josh Leman

Well, that sucks.  It looks like an awesome movie, too, a return to a time when horror movies actually tried to be scary instead of hip and ironic.  Seems strange to me that Universal would do that, since they helped distribute Hannibal.  I guess it's acceptable when it's Anthony Hopkins slicing up someone's brain...

Amazing Colossal Puma Man

Well, Anthony Hopkins and Ray Liotta are celebrities, so you know it's not real.  Zombie's movie doesn't have any real big stars, so for all anybody knows, it's actually a snuff film.

Oh and this really is what the idiots at Universal said, more or less.  Something that stupid couldn't be made up.,1419,L-LATimes-Movies-X!ArticleDetail-23908,00.html


It's people like Snider that keep Hollywood movies in the lowest common denominator cesspool.  Stupid comments like that give me a headache.  Why don't you just admit you're a money grubbing hypocrite and get over it lady?  Lions Gate will take it and make the money that Universal looses.  More power to them.  Hell this studio shuffling will probably add another five to ten million in opening box office receipts alone.

Stupid Jacob

Oh my god!
What dumb broad. Her reason for dropping 1000 Corpes is because, I quote, "I can tell 'Hannibal' is a fantasy because when I watch Tony Hopkins or Ray Liotta, I know I'm going to see them in People magazine next week. But with Rob's movie, I was concerned that there was just an über-celebration of depravity."?
What is this? Some kind of sick joke? Lordy.
I was really looking forward to this movie. It seemed more old school horror movie. Well, let's just hope it gets picked up by a another company.


I vote that Lion's Gate (a true independent company, not some fancypants Hollywood company tax shelter) will pick it up and make lots of money.