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Author Topic: What the top 10 worst movies of all time  (Read 27450 times)
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2002, 03:31:44 PM »

For me, most of the movies mentioned [and indeed, many reviewed on the site] don't make the grade, mainly because for the most part they're direct-to-video B movies that would have zero impact even if they were great movies.  To qualify, I think a movie probably has to be a big budget turkey.  It helps if it ruins the career of some of the people involved in it, or nearly sinks a studio.  But the biggest rule is that years and years later, it's still mentioned whenever people in the general public [not just bad movie fans] think of bad movies--many times, it will be better remembered than the "good" movies released in the same year.  

Now I actually LIKE some of these, but they're still's not a list of movies I hate, just movies that are terrible.  And it's in no particular order---I'm not God, and I can't say that one is worse than another, though there are some I would never willingly sit through again, and some I enjoy a lot.   And if you haven't seen or at least heard of most of these, you can't call yourself a real bad movie fan!

Heaven's Gate
Hudson Hawk
Exorcist II: The Heretic
Freddy Got Fingered [I like Tom Green, but this title will be synonymous with "bad movie" for at least the next decade.]
The Swarm
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Robot Monster
and Night of the Zombies is still pretty bad, though I can't seem to tear myself away from it.  
I can't think of a solid tenth, but it's interesting how quick people turned on Pearl Harbor as compared to Titanic, where it took a few years [and nearly a billion dollars] before people decided they didn't like it.
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2002, 03:49:39 PM »

Restricted to movies I've seen (otherwise I'd throw in most Steven Segal flicks), and not in any particular order: (Sorry for the length)

Gremlins-- Was this supposed to be a comedy, horror, drama?  To me, this movie did not know what it was supposed to be.

Air America-- I couldn't even finish watching this.  Dull and dumb.

_____'s Way (?)  Not Carlito's Way.  Story of a disabled (missing leg & arm) alcoholic , bitter Viet Nam vet and friends.  V. V. stumbles on a blackmailing scheme and takes it over.  Couldn't find the title or plot in IMDB.  Another movie I didn't-- couldn't--- finish watching.

Dave.  Let's see, the answer to unemployment is to just pass a law giving everyone  a job.  Hell, while we're at it, raise minimum wage to $1 million a year.  Everyone's a millionaire!  While I equally hate Sneakers for its politics (moral of that movie, it is ok to steal all the money of the political party you oppose) its story was at least a bit interesting.

Smokey & the Bandit III.  OK, Burt Reynolds, of Cannon Ball Run II,  et al., would not do a third Smokey.  That should tell you this movie shouldn't have been made.

Barry Lyndon.  As Mad magazine skewered it, Borry Lyndon.  

Moonraker.  Um, isn't James Bond supposed to be a SECRET agent.  Is there any intelligence organization that doesn't know who he is now?  Going into space is a definite shark jump.

Dune.  Needlessly complicated book (IMO) gets put into a 2 hour movie, while trying to keep all the complexity.  LOTR is a good example of distilling an epic story into a movie.

Knife in the Water.  God freaking awful.  Polanski is a creep and overrated.  

Number ten could be The Tenant (same reason as Knife in the Water). Or Showgirls (I do have to agree, lots of plot integral nudity can't save it.  I haven't sat through the whole thing yet.)
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2002, 05:07:14 PM »


1. Dangerous Minds (I tried to sleep in the theater on this one)
2. Castle Freak (before Dagon I thought Gordon's career was through)
3. The Phantom Menace (saw it opening night and was stunned silent by it's  
    awfulness.  AOTC wasn't much better)
4. Sleeping With the Enemy (tried to sneak out on my girlfriend to play video
     games in the lobby)
5. Mission Impossible 2  (whole family watched it, whole family hated it)
6. Keeping the Faith (Edward Norton is a jerk for making this)
7. Sombre (Look into the mind of a serial killer and yawn)
8. Three Musketeers (The 90's one.  I had to pretend to like this because it  
     was one of my girlfriend's favorite movies.  God forgive me.)
9. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (It almost makes me hate his previous        
10. The Patriot (Who greenlighted this film?  Satan?)

Also, am I the only one who loved (that's right "loved" not "liked") Freddy Got Fingered.  I never stopped laughing through the whole thing and almost everyone I talk to thought it was hillarious also.  What's to hate?  I think the reason critic's despised it so much is that it riduculed everything these movies hold dear ("I'm proud of you son" or "All I wanna do is suck your...").  Plus I learned a great deal about farming and how one would become a farmer.  It's already become something of a cult film and I believe in the years to come it'll be looked back on one of the craziest films ever to come out of the studio system.  Hope Green gets another chance to direct.
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2002, 05:13:55 PM »

I cannot believe nobody mentioned CARNOSAUR.   Ugh.  No entertainment value whatsoever.
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2002, 05:25:32 PM »

chris wrote:

> Also, am I the only one who loved (that's right "loved" not
> "liked") Freddy Got Fingered.  I never stopped laughing
> through the whole thing and almost everyone I talk to thought
> it was hillarious also.  What's to hate

Although I agree with you on all the other films how can anyone like Freddy Got fingered....I mean anyone who is over the age of 12....remember when it was funny to fart in a jar and make your friend smell it....that was when that movie was funny to a person and even that is a stretch.  Putting aside Writing (what writing) ,coninuity (which is really a non-issue when you are going for shock humour only) and a tractor trailer load of other points of abhorment in this film I really have no idea how anything about this even comes close to a decent film  I am sure the backers onthis "movie" were trying to hand themselves with the film stock but probably could not find any copies that had not been destroyed by fans who burned the movie for being ripped off.  

Tom Green's time has past...if he even has a show anymore I am sure its days are numbered.  The man is a horrible director, actor and for that matter a poor comedian at best...but heh who doesn't find airbrushing Lesbians on the hood of their fathers car guess is he was not beaten enought as a child
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2002, 05:50:45 PM »

I can't even begin to count the funny parts in this film, Rip Torn generally being the funniest.  I agree that Tom Green's time is past, but generally that's when I start liking people.  The less popular most people become is usually equal to their work becoming better.  Now I know that there is no way you can prove something I find funny is wrong or I can prove something you don't find funny is wrong, but if a 12 year old did write this he was probably mentally insane.  Just thinking of Green and Harvey writing some of that stuff is hillarious.  eg. H:"Okay you're driving.  Now what?" G: "How about I see a horse?" H: "Yeah!  Perfect!"  G: "Then I grab it's schlong!" H: "Tom, you're a genius!" G: "But to justify why I do that I"d better say I'm a farmer, can't forget the audience you know."
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2002, 06:16:32 PM »

Well if we are working under the asuption that the less popular people are the better they get Tom better hurry up and p**s of a lot of people-die-then come back and haunt a seniors home....something I am sure he would think it hour sit-com worthy.  Rip Torn is the only reason that I even watched that movie and he was amusing but I think that is like finding the needle in a large vat of chicken manure...rewarding yes...worth it NO!!! guess is this was a favor that Torn owed someone in the studio and it was either this or a pound of Flesh- and I am sure he is now kicking himself for not giving up the flesh!   If I were torn I would write this off as something that people will know about but never speak poor ned beatty in "Deliverence"-"Squeel like a Pig boy!!" *SHutter*

AT least that role broke down doors for Beatty.  AS you said I can not prove youw rong nor I - But I just wish people would stop encourging this assanime behaviour (spelling-sorry).  THis is paramount to the people who keep buying Britany Speares albums or *nsync allowing the studios to keep making them.....  If Tom even hopes of having a legitiamate or a career in movies in GENERAL...he should desociate himself with all his previous mistakes including present day and back!!!...You Alanis Morisette did....."ALways to Hot!!! Never to Cold...."
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2002, 07:38:17 PM »

Sorry to keep arguing, I usually say my piece and leave, but Rip Torn is one of the more daring actors in Hollywood.  And even if he did just consider this movie a paycheck (which I doubt, it seemed he had fun) he should be more ashamed of Down Periscope and other mediocre atrocities.  This is the man who recieved an on screen blow job in The Man Who Fell to Earth and uttered worse profanities and did more perverse things in Tropic of Cancer.  Only after Larry Sanders was he considered a "Hollywood Legend", I mean he did The Beastmaster for God's sake.  And to take Freddy Got Fingered as anything more than Green being given 15 million dollars, then saying f**k it to the studio and critics is fooling yourself.  He took the word "bad" to a whole new level and I thiink it was quite daring considering his "popularity".  This is the kind of film Andy Kaufman would of made, some of his specials are just as jawdropping.  The man deliberately tried to get booed off the stage and sabotaged his own rising career.  Not saying Green is as good as Kaufman, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2002, 12:04:14 AM »

My Picks:

1) GODZILLA (1998) - Simply the most imcompetent piece of Blockbuster filmmaking I have ever seen in my life. Like an Albert Pyun film with a $130 million budget. At least ID4 was an actual movie. I actually sat in the theater in utter shock at how awful this film really was.

2) TOYS - Robin Williams' most excrutiating movie. Siting through this one in the theater was nothing short of agonizing. I no longer fear hell for I have seen TOYS!

3) CREMAINS - This is some no budget horror film that the CHUD site actually gave a positive review to. Clearly they have no taste in film because this film is virtually unwatchable. Only reason I watched it was because it co-starred a co-worker. Even she hates the movie.

4) ADRENALINE: FEAR THE RUSH - How does Albert Pyun keep getting people to greenlight his movies? Who does he have compromising pictures of? Who is he blowing? How? Why? This one is a headache inducing incoherent mess.

5) CHUD 2: BUD THE CHUD - I actually enjoyed the original. I was actually happy when I heard this was coming out. Then I rented it. Nothing more need be said.

6) MUTATOR - Ultra lowbudget ALIEN rip-off with the late Brion James wandering around a research facility where some pink cat-man monster is lurking about killing people. The effects of the monster are accomplished entirely through the use of hand puppetry and its just the same shot repeated over and over. Hell, the actors never even interact with the monster because they clearly had nothing on the set to work with.

7) SANTA WITH MUSCLES - Hulk Hogan has made many bad movies, but few are as agonizing as this one. Getting a colonoscopy from Edward Scissorhands would be more enjoyable than watching this movie ever again.

8) THE TWONKY -  Very, very obscure sci-fi comedy from the early 50s that tells the story of a mild mannered man who recieves a TV set that can walk, freeze people, light cigarettes with a laser, counterfeit money, and cure sickness amongst other things.  There's a very good reason why this one only played in one theater one time three years after it was made before sitting on the shelf for decades.  

9) TEENAGE CATGIRLS IN HEAT - Quite possibly Troma's absolute worst film and not on purpose either!

10) INDEPENDENCE DAY - Or as I like to call it: IQ4. I can't remember the last time I walked out of a movie feeling as p**sed as I was after I saw this movie. Just a totally braindead movie that is just a collection of plot holes they tried to mask with constant one-liners.

Honorable Mentions:
And just about everything produced by Charlie Band in the 90s.
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2002, 04:54:02 PM »

Let's see, what movies make me wince and shudder and makes me fear watching it again, ever?

1. Octopus (the contempt this movie had for its audience is more terrifying than anything in it)

2. Hollow Man (cinematic excrement so pungent it almost killed me while watching it on DVD.  I could not believe that the director of Robocop and other strong films directed a movie so utterly stupid and offensive to the intellect)

3. Dario Argento's Phantom of the Opera (Crikey what crappy!)

4. Edge of Sanity (Anthony Perkins smokes crack, becomes Jack Hyde and connect the dots from there, dull, poorly acted (with the exception of Perkins) and raunchy as hell).

5. Spontaneous Combustion (the movie that made me think that Hooper's good stuff was a fluke)

6. Death Ship (my wife bought this for me because she loves me and knows I love horror movies, especially ghost stories - I watched it once and swore never again.  I later sold it to Half Price Books for something good)

7.  Return of the Livind Dead Part 2 (Proof that writer/director Ken Weiderhorn's Shock Waves was a fluke)

8.  The Guardian (1988) - William Friedkin directed this utterly worthless piece of s**t which features an unstoppable evil force that cannot work an answering machine!

9.  13 Ghosts - This remake of the William Castle cult classic  simply chugs a  box of Exlax and then proceeds to void itself all over the original.  No whit, no scares, no sense.  With the exception of the ghost in the bathtub scene, this movie shows absolutely no life whatsoever.  I read recently that they had nstarted filming with an incomplete script. Gee I couldn't tell that!

10. Virus - Jamie Lee Curtis, a Baldwin, and Donald Sutherland (who so completely and utterly humiliated in this movie it make you cry) in a botched Alien on the Seas thriller that just sucks.  There is absolutey nothing that you have not seen in this movie in some other better movie.
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2002, 05:36:45 PM »

>>Hollow Man (cinematic excrement so pungent it almost killed me while watching it on DVD. I could not believe that the director of Robocop and other strong films directed a movie so utterly stupid and offensive to the intellect<<

The film's main fault was that in the end the writers forgot it was about an invisible man..not an invincible man.

« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2002, 05:50:27 PM »

Nick Wrote:
>"Scary Movie 2 was bad but what did you exect--it was a satirical look at all the >pop horror films-and the only reason they made a sequal was because Scream >had made sequals."

I hoped it would have a plot and "good" writting. (no cursing every second of the movie) I know that was asking too much.
mr. henry
Bad Movie Lover

Karma: 1
Posts: 519

« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2002, 09:44:14 PM »

1, feeders
2. feeders
3. feeders
4. the horrible feeders sequal that haunts me only in my nightmares
5. feeders
6. feeders
7. feeders
10 and lastle...feeders.

AKA the "non-moving-grey-puppets-on-sticks"

-mr. henry

"to be is to do" - Socrates
"to do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre
"do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
- kurt vonnegut

« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2002, 02:22:34 AM »

>8) THE TWONKY - Very, very obscure sci-fi comedy from the early 50s that tells
>the story of a mild mannered man who recieves a TV set that can walk, freeze
>people, light cigarettes with a laser, counterfeit money, and cure sickness
>amongst other things. There's a very good reason why this one only played in
>one theater one time three years after it was made before sitting on the shelf for

 I actually watched this one a couple years ago on one of the cable channels, just to be able to say that I'd seen it. Ouch!

>9) TEENAGE CATGIRLS IN HEAT - Quite possibly Troma's absolute worst film
>and not on purpose either!

 I've only seen this one on USA. Does the uncut version at least have gratuitious nudity?

>The film's main fault was that in the end the writers forgot it was about an invisible
>man..not an invincible man.

 I've always wondered; how do invisible people see? If light passes through their entire body, that means it passes right through their eyes too. In other words, their corneas wouldn't focus the light on their retinas so at best they'd just see colored blobs.
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2002, 02:26:15 PM »

The Parasite -   the only DVD i have ever removed from existance with a shotgun.

I dare you to watch this Andrew!   You think Galactic Gigilo was bad, you aint seen nothing yet :)
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