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Anybody remember Living Death???

Started by voltron, September 22, 2007, 09:14:17 PM

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These guys were a metal band from Germany. I haven't heard their first couple of albums, but I bought Protected from Reality and it blew me away. I just recently dowloaded it and it's still good as I remembered. What was it about German thrash bands that was so cool?
"Nothin' out there but God's little creatures - more scared of you than you are of them"  - Warren, "Just Before Dawn"


Hey I remember them! When I was based out in Lahr, Germany, there was this bar (la BooM i believe it was called) that played them all the time. I found them a tad annoying at first, but they grew on you like some kind of itchy mold (you just had to listed to them every once an a while to scratch the itch). It has been a few years and my german really sucked, but that is what I believe they were called. Where did you pick up your copy? I would like to pick it up and see...
I see you are playing stupid... Looks like you're winning


Well, I bought the cassette aeons ago at a local Sam the Record Man, but I wound up losing it. If you've got Soulseek you can find it on there.
"Nothin' out there but God's little creatures - more scared of you than you are of them"  - Warren, "Just Before Dawn"