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Documentaries: What are the Worst?

Started by InformationGeek, August 28, 2011, 02:16:27 PM

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Quote from: RCMerchant on January 10, 2015, 08:52:52 AM
Quote from: Phantomgrift on January 10, 2015, 01:50:51 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on December 13, 2014, 08:18:46 AM
I saw BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE-I didnt realize Charleton Heston was such a dick. He had a painting of himself as Moses hanging on his wall!
What a self important ass.

Charleton Heston was given that painting as a gift as he was the original actor for the "Moses" movie back in the days of Sword&Sandal movies in the sixties and seventies.

It's been provided in pretty accurate detail that Moore fudged most of his "facts" in "Bowling" and straight up made up a good chunk of them. Some of the stuff to make Heston look "awful" involved piecing together clips from two different presentations to make them seem like one speech. The "interview" he wrangled with Heston was obtained when Heston was fighting Alzheimer's.

mooreexposed dot com

It's an older site, but it neatly breaks down most of Moores films. I would even go so far as to say that Moore shouldn't be considered a "documentary" film director on account of how little fact is actually documented in his films.

I know he played Moses-it doesnt give away from the fact that he is a MORON.
f**k Micheal Moore-I could give a flying fig about his fat ass! I care that there are guns floating around this country in the hands of IDIOTS.
The NRA blocked a bill for backroundchecks and gun show sales-just selling to anybody-any body-that means terrosists and psychos.
I believe in the Right to Bear Arms-I own a 12 gauge shotgun. Do YOU feel safer knowing that?
Yeah-I seen that site-aint my first day here...Micheal Moore is very far left-but that site is very far right. I take the middle ground....and the fact is-there are WAAAY to many guns in the hands of idiots-I hope you have a gun. I really do-Because you will need it. Because people like you are asking for it. You WANT it to happen so you can use your f**kING GUN.
I saw my brother in law murder somebody with a gun he bought at a flea market-my brother killed himself with a gun from the same place.
You love guns-I love people.
Wayne La Pierre-NOT a gun freak-he wouldnt know how to shoot a gun if it was up his ass-is a paid proffesional loud mouth. His solution to the murder in schools? Security guards with GUNS!!!!
What?  :buggedout:
That aint the America I wanna live in.

Backround checks wouldnt solve the problem,but it wouldnt hurt. What are the NRA afraid of?
They are afraid of losing POWER. They dont wanna be WRONG. Hunters and law abiding citizens would not have to worry. WTF is the problem?
I must say, when I agree with you, when I admire your writing, it is 100% and because you are the man.   :thumbup:
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Quote from: RCMerchant on January 10, 2015, 08:52:52 AM

I must say that was quite a bit more vitriol than I would have expected for something like that.

I won't fault you for the "idiots" comment. The U.S. is chock full of idiots in all walks of life. To try to blanket-statement or make a sweeping handwave that somehow the majority of firearm owners in the U.S. are "idiots" is, well, naive.

My primary point in the first place to highlight that I wouldn't consider Moore a "documentary" film director.
Maybe "fauxumentary" perhaps?

I don't post often on these forums as I've been away for a while, but something tells me this isn't the thread to get into a random gun debate in any regards.


Anything made by a two-bit hack with a YouTube account.
Kleel's rule is harsh :-B


Quote from: Phantomgrift on January 10, 2015, 11:03:25 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on January 10, 2015, 08:52:52 AM

I must say that was quite a bit more vitriol than I would have expected for something like that.

I won't fault you for the "idiots" comment. The U.S. is chock full of idiots in all walks of life. To try to blanket-statement or make a sweeping handwave that somehow the majority of firearm owners in the U.S. are "idiots" is, well, naive.

My primary point in the first place to highlight that I wouldn't consider Moore a "documentary" film director.
Maybe "fauxumentary" perhaps?

I don't post often on these forums as I've been away for a while, but something tells me this isn't the thread to get into a random gun debate in any regards.
Yeh, after yer few postings 4 and a half years ago, you suddenly pop up... reactionary dope. 
You neither understand and maybe didn't even read what RCMerchant wrote.  He is a gun owner.  He is also an individual AMERICAN.  He has also been a member and contributor to this forum a long time. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


I was forward deployed out of Japan for the last three and a half years.


+1 on the two-bit hacks with YouTube accounts.  The number of so-called 'documentaries' that are really rambling conspiracy mishmashs is constantly growing. 

I love good documentaries - the Australian TV channel ABC has a series called Four Corners that has been producing high quality, incisive and fascinating documentaries on local and international issues for decades.  But the conspiracy weirdos on YouTube who drone on and on about reptilians and the world banking system while close ups of the US dollar bill pan across the screen are just cringeworthy.
"Many others since have tried & failed at making a watchable parasite slug movie" - LilCerberus


The thing that Bowling for Columbine didn't explain was why when he went up to Canada and they also had guns was there not the same level of violence there?

Agree with others that some of the youtube stuff is really low grade. There is a kind of nexus of insane conspiracy stuff that starts somewhere around the part of Genesis when giants walked the earth and ends up with lizard people and stuff.


The plethora of conspiracy documentaries comes to mind (illuminati, fake moon landings, and UFOs, for example) are some of the worst.

Michael Moore's bulls**t is right up there, too (and I'm pretty left of center). Lying and misleading is unforgivable. Not necessary to make a point.

And, most especially, the Kubrick documentaries that focus on cover-ups (Room something or other, for example). There is so much depth to Kubrick's work that those kind of BS documentaries are unnecessary.

My two copper pieces.
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Quote from: clockworkcanary on January 15, 2015, 02:13:16 PM
The plethora of conspiracy documentaries comes to mind (illuminati, fake moon landings, and UFOs, for example) are some of the worst.

Michael Moore's bulls**t is right up there, too (and I'm pretty left of center). Lying and misleading is unforgivable. Not necessary to make a point.

And, most especially, the Kubrick documentaries that focus on cover-ups (Room something or other, for example). There is so much depth to Kubrick's work that those kind of BS documentaries are unnecessary.

My two copper pieces.

Yeah ROOM 213 is...goofy. You can read religious overtones in a comic book if you look for it. I like the SHINING because its fun and scary.Period. I bought a book about Tod Browning-the author does all this psycho babble about the author-and than says HORROR OF DRACULA (known just as DRACULA in the UK) was made by AIP. And all horror fans know its a Hammer film.
Critics are not horror film fans. That is like having Paul Anka comment on the Dead Kennedys.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: lester1/2jr on January 11, 2015, 09:30:25 PM
The thing that Bowling for Columbine didn't explain was why when he went up to Canada and they also had guns was there not the same level of violence there?

Agree with others that some of the youtube stuff is really low grade. There is a kind of nexus of insane conspiracy stuff that starts somewhere around the part of Genesis when giants walked the earth and ends up with lizard people and stuff.

You don't have the concentrated poverty like you do the US.  Zoning in Canadian cities spreads out the low class housing so there aren't low class neighborhoods or 'ghettos'.  Its the concentration of poverty that leads to crime.  People that grow up in those neighborhood look around and the only successful people they see are criminals.  It only makes sense they turn to crime to try and make ends meet as well.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: clockworkcanary on January 15, 2015, 02:13:16 PM
The plethora of conspiracy documentaries comes to mind (illuminati, fake moon landings, and UFOs, for example) are some of the worst.

Michael Moore's bulls**t is right up there, too (and I'm pretty left of center). Lying and misleading is unforgivable. Not necessary to make a point.

And, most especially, the Kubrick documentaries that focus on cover-ups (Room something or other, for example). There is so much depth to Kubrick's work that those kind of BS documentaries are unnecessary.

My two copper pieces.

ROOM 213, though, isn't a bad documentary, even though the theories it explores are crazy. The movie doesn't actually support any of the theories, the point is to show how far-out fans can get when they fall in love with something and start over-analyzing it, laying their own agendas over someone else's work.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


rebel - gentrification, of all things, is actually helping to overcome this problem in NYC and LA


Quote from: lester1/2jr on January 11, 2015, 09:30:25 PM
The thing that Bowling for Columbine didn't explain was why when he went up to Canada and they also had guns was there not the same level of violence there?

That was the really infuriating thing about BfC for me - he'd raise an interesting question and then immediately drop it to go into heavy-handed rhetoric mode.

Surprised nobody's brought up Morgan Spurlock and his "ermagahd look at this amazing revelation that surprises absolutely nobody outside of Hollywood which I'm bravely bringing to light!" schtick.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me

Derelict Coin-op

The Culling comes to mind, and that horrible AIDs denialist movie House of Numbers. ....Oh...I've gone and depressed myself. Thanks a lot stupid terrabad documentaries.
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