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Internet Confessions

Started by claws, June 29, 2015, 05:24:10 PM

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I never used a credit card online.
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


My mom usually has the radio on in the morning and keeps it on through lunchtime.  I noticed a lot of times that the signal was full of interference and the like.  It was so bad sometimes that you couldn't hear the broadcast.  So I went and got them an internet radio receiver for Christmas last year.  I was able to set up the local radio station on the receiver for them so all they have to do is turn it on like any other radio.  The reception is so much better pretty much all the time.  (Occasionally the stream goes down on the station's end so they still have a regular radio as a backup).  Plus I've set up a few other stations - including WSM in Nashville so they could listen to Grand Ol' Opry if they wanted. 
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.


I've signed up and tried twitter once years ago but lost interest pretty fast. I still get notifications from twitter telling me about people I don't know are following me. Kind of funny as I only posted like two meaningless sentences.

I was told by Facebook friends to join Instagram but it felt like twitter with pics. And it's all about followers as well. Again, lost interest pretty fast.


I don't want to alarm everyone but I post daily on a website called ;)
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


QuoteI've signed up and tried twitter once years ago but lost interest pretty fast. I still get notifications from twitter telling me about people I don't know are following me.

Same here. I joined Twitter a year or so ago just to take part in a contest that SyFy was having to come up with a sub-title for "Sharknado 2," cuz Twitter was the only way to send in entries. So I signed up and Tweeted them several dozen silly suggestions, none of which were used, of course (i.e. "The Shark Knight Returns," "The Shark Who Shagged Me," "A Good Day to Shark Hard," etc.) and I haven't been back on it since.... but every day I get a couple of e-mails from them telling me that so-and-so is "following" me, or telling me that so-and-so "in my network" has made a post, etc., etc. I'm like "I have a 'network?' Really?"
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Olivia Bauer

I hacked a guy's Facebook. Wasn't that hard, the moron had personal information lying around the web that let me reset his password.

I know it's not right but I still don't feel that bad. The guy was a con-artist.


Quote from: Trevor on July 02, 2015, 10:15:15 AM
I don't want to alarm everyone but I post daily on a website called ;)


Yeah, me too.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.

Derelict Coin-op

I have a google+ account that I only made to login to youtube,its completely sandboxed, no friends, no circles and has absolutely no reason to exist other than that one feature.

I have a twitter account with only 4 followers, been that way for a long time. I only made it to follow people not because I think the sandwich I had yesterday is so fascinating.

I have no idea what a vuvuzela is and I'm kind of not sure I want to find out.

Ive gone from full time gamer to strictly casual, I only get a game off of steam if I REALLY want to try it,which is practically never. Otherwise I just use GOG.

Ive never made a meme.

I havn't been really interested in a new triple A videogame since skyrim. And frankly have been pretty put off by them ever since.

I like to watch thrift store VHS's on my crappy VCR even though I have a dozen HD quality DVDs Ive never watched.

I have every episode of MST3K on my computer and have been playing them on my tv, I have watched them so many times alot of the dialog is burned into my brain even though the quality is really crumby.
This machine is temporarily out of order.


Quote from: Derelict Coin-op on July 04, 2015, 01:03:53 AM
I have a google+ account that I only made to login to youtube,its completely sandboxed, no friends, no circles and has absolutely no reason to exist other than that one feature.

I have a twitter account with only 4 followers, been that way for a long time. I only made it to follow people not because I think the sandwich I had yesterday is so fascinating.

I have no idea what a vuvuzela is and I'm kind of not sure I want to find out.

Ive gone from full time gamer to strictly casual, I only get a game off of steam if I REALLY want to try it,which is practically never. Otherwise I just use GOG.

Ive never made a meme.

I havn't been really interested in a new triple A videogame since skyrim. And frankly have been pretty put off by them ever since.

I like to watch thrift store VHS's on my crappy VCR even though I have a dozen HD quality DVDs Ive never watched.

I have every episode of MST3K on my computer and have been playing them on my tv, I have watched them so many times alot of the dialog is burned into my brain even though the quality is really crumby.

I'm a fan of the MST3K myself.  Sometimes I copy episodes over to my iPad and take them with me to the Y so that I can work out while watching the episodes.  Makes the workouts go faster when The Master is not away and Gamera is showing what a big friend he is of the children.

A vuvuzela is a noise maker from the very depths of hell.

I was in Italy back in 2010 to among other things take pictures of mostly nude statues to post in the humorous captions part of this forum.  One evening before dinner I turned on a soccer match and the fans had those damn vuvuzelas going full blast.  I had to mute the television, that's how irritating the sound of those things was getting.  Thank GOD those accursed things are banned in stadiums over here.  I don't think I could watch, let along sit in a stadium with those things being used all the time.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.

Derelict Coin-op

Quote from: sprite75 on July 04, 2015, 11:09:33 AM
Quote from: Derelict Coin-op on July 04, 2015, 01:03:53 AM
I have a google+ account that I only made to login to youtube,its completely sandboxed, no friends, no circles and has absolutely no reason to exist other than that one feature.

I have a twitter account with only 4 followers, been that way for a long time. I only made it to follow people not because I think the sandwich I had yesterday is so fascinating.

I have no idea what a vuvuzela is and I'm kind of not sure I want to find out.

Ive gone from full time gamer to strictly casual, I only get a game off of steam if I REALLY want to try it,which is practically never. Otherwise I just use GOG.

Ive never made a meme.

I havn't been really interested in a new triple A videogame since skyrim. And frankly have been pretty put off by them ever since.

I like to watch thrift store VHS's on my crappy VCR even though I have a dozen HD quality DVDs Ive never watched.

I have every episode of MST3K on my computer and have been playing them on my tv, I have watched them so many times alot of the dialog is burned into my brain even though the quality is really crumby.

I'm a fan of the MST3K myself.  Sometimes I copy episodes over to my iPad and take them with me to the Y so that I can work out while watching the episodes.  Makes the workouts go faster when The Master is not away and Gamera is showing what a big friend he is of the children.

A vuvuzela is a noise maker from the very depths of hell.

I was in Italy back in 2010 to among other things take pictures of mostly nude statues to post in the humorous captions part of this forum.  One evening before dinner I turned on a soccer match and the fans had those damn vuvuzelas going full blast.  I had to mute the television, that's how irritating the sound of those things was getting.  Thank GOD those accursed things are banned in stadiums over here.  I don't think I could watch, let along sit in a stadium with those things being used all the time.
*takes off shades* mother of god...
This machine is temporarily out of order.


Quote from: sprite75 on July 04, 2015, 11:09:33 AM
A vuvuzela is a noise maker from the very depths of hell.

I was in Italy back in 2010 to among other things take pictures of mostly nude statues to post in the humorous captions part of this forum.  One evening before dinner I turned on a soccer match and the fans had those damn vuvuzelas going full blast.  I had to mute the television, that's how irritating the sound of those things was getting.  Thank GOD those accursed things are banned in stadiums over here.  I don't think I could watch, let along sit in a stadium with those things being used all the time.

That was the song of the South African world cup: let me play you the song of my people, if you will.  :smile: :smile:

Sitting in a soccer stadium hearing hundreds of those things going off is like sitting in a hive of very angry bees.  :buggedout: :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Since I only buy and prefer physical media, I've never bought music downloads online except for this one time. Someone gave me a $10 iTunes Gift Card for my birthday once years ago (most useless birthday present I ever got btw) so I randomly picked one song from the store just to see how this works. I don't even remember what song it was, but it cost like $0.69 or something. I deleted the song afterwards. This was also my first and last time I've ever logged into the iTunes Apple store. I'm pretty sure whatever money left on the card must be expired by now.

On a related note, my cell phone provider was offering a free download of the latest Foo Fighters album last year around Christmas. I had no interest whatsoever so I ignored the text message. They send me two more, and then they broke protocol sending me a personal message. Basically they couldn't believe I was refusing such an "awesome" offer for free. They didn't say it directly but in so many ways. Sorry but I don't care about Foo Fighters even if its for free.

I do own mp3s on my iTunes though the majority are rare / odd tracks either online friends send me or I ripped from YouTube. I have a pretty good stereo system and I prefer to listen to music on that.


1st internet I had was WEBTV - 1996. No mouse just a remote.

1st thing I've researched = Godzilla photos, movies.
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


Quote from: VenomX73 on July 16, 2015, 08:25:26 PM
1st internet I had was WEBTV - 1996. No mouse just a remote.

1st thing I've researched = Godzilla photos, movies.

I used to have to drive back and forth to the Quad Cities (Iowa/Illinois) for work quite a bit, it was about 75 miles one way.  During the winter if the weather got really bad I would stay in a hotel.  If I thought I would have to stay in a hotel I'd take my personal laptop along so I'd have internet access if I spent the night.  I usually kept a change of clothes in my car all the time in case I had to spend the night.  One time I think in 2007 I forgot to take my laptop along and wound up having to use the WEBTV the hotel provided in the rooms to check my email.  The web browser on the TV had a hell of a time with the Yahoo email.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on July 01, 2015, 07:46:51 PM
I started using the Net in 2000. I didn't have a computer in my house till 2006 so until then I took care of all of my Net doin's on a PC at the public library.

My first Internet browser was Netscape Navigator.

The first thing I ever ordered online was a CD from a now-defunct site called CDNow.

I've never bought, sold or bid on anything on eBay.

I use Facebook but I never had a MySpace page.

I used to go to the library and use their internet stations.  I haven't done that in about ten years now.  I had a laptop with wi-fi, this was an excuse to get out of the house and be around people.  The library at the time didn't have wi-fi access.

I've used Facebook since 2008.  I had a MySpace account for a while that I used fairly regularly back in 2008 but as the year wore on I stopped looking at it as much.  I deleted my account a few years later.  MySpace seemed clunkier than Facebook.  Facebook seemed to run better and Facebook remembered my login, unlike MySpace which required me to log in every time I visited the site and didn't have the option to save the logon. 

I remember the ol' Netscape Navigator.  It's what the University was using as their standard web browser when I went to school.  After a year they made Internet Exploder available too.

I've bought a few things on eBay.  I bought a Commodore 64 a few years back.  Earlier this year I needed an extra monitor so I was able to get one from there for only $30. 
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.