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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"The Car" (1977)
A murderous, apparently demonic automobile is cruisin' around a small western town, running over random residents, and the only one who can stop it is the local sheriff (James Brolin).
The last time I saw this movie I was about 11 years old, and of course I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I was expecting it to have aged horribly of course, and it did, but in spite of (or perhaps because of) its absolutely ridiculous premise, "The Car" turned out to be a pretty fun, watchable slice of '70s supernatural cheese.
Followed by a decades-too-late sequel (!), "The Car: Road To Revenge," in 2019, which I have added to my watch list too, since I'm apparently a glutton for punishment :D
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"City On Fire" (1979)
An explosion at an oil refinery creates a chain reaction of blazes that eventually threaten an entire city, which a variety of characters played by the usual assortment of Hollywood has-beens (incl. Ava Gardner, Shelley Winters, a pre-"Airplane" Leslie Nielsen, and even Henry Fonda) must struggle to survive.
This enjoyably cheap late-inning entry into the '70s disaster-movie craze (which was already on its way out by the time this was released) takes a while to get going (and of course, the silly personal dramas between characters are there just to pad out the run time), but once things started burning down and blowin' sky-high, my inner ten year old was entertained.

"The Mad Bomber" (aka "Police Connection," 1973)
Vince "Ben Casey" Edwards is a tough L.A. cop who must capture a serial rapist (Neville Brand) because he's the only one who can help I.D. a mysterious mad bomber (Chuck "The Rifleman" Connors) in this sleazy-but-fun exploitation flick from Bert I. Gordon of "Empire of the Ants" and "Food of the Gods" fame. The movie's nothing special, but the fashions, the vintage cars and the ancient police technology are outasite, man.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Patterns (1956) - Anyone ever see this? Written and directed by Rod Serling, it bears very little resemblance to Twilight Zone. Instead, its a pretty interesting if a little cliched diatribe against/ about capitalism.

An engineer gets transferred from Ohio to the Big Apple. After settling in to his huge office with sophisticated decoration that he doesn't understand, he soon realizes something is a little weird with the workplace dynamic. Briggs, who strikes him as a wise and affable guy, is at odds with the boss. Its a liberal/ conservative sort of split and you can guess which one is the sympathetic character.

On the one hand, he wants to do whats right, on the other he's been at his new job for like a minute and its a great job that he's good at. Yeah, not exactly "Nightmare at 20,000" feet.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

It's pretty awesome. not sure what you'd call it: "business noir"? The cinematography is nonexistent it could probably have been a play. It works up a good head of steam for its purposes. The biggest drawback is probably the opening section which is too long and meandering. Also, The whole concept which may have been novel at the time is pretty familiar now

4.75 /5

Also watched The Creeper (1948) - a horror movie featuring a cat named The Creeper who is more comic relief than anything else. some good dream seqences with a giant cat's paw and general dark atmosphere, but I wasn't watching it all that closely so can't really comment on the plot and so forth

Dr. Whom

War of the Robots (1978)

Another cheap Italian cash in off the success of Star Wars, cheap being the operative word. While a lot of these knock offs have enough script for about 30 minutes, and have to make up the runtime by needless complications and padding, this one has a lot happening. It is full of action, very ineptly filmed action, but action nevertheless. In fact, this could have been quite an enjoyable action romp, had the director known how to inject pace into the movie, and had the budget been bigger than that of an episode of Blake's Seven. They can't even keep the lettering in the opening credits steady.
The titular robots must be the least effective force in the universe, and are mainly there to be shot down in droves.

Fun fact, the ship is called the Trissi, and the crew have these jump suits with 'Trissi' marked on them. Turns out the costumes were provided by a company called Trissi Sport. That is how cheap it is.
Another notable point is that, to make it look like an American production, the cast and crew are listed under the kind of obvious pseudonyms, one usually associates with erotic productions.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

Gabriel Knight


A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich.


Well, well... this was some hell of a ride. I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie, but certainly not this drug fueled trip. I really wanted to like this film, but sadly it has so many flaws that, at least for me, ended with a sour taste in my mouth.

First of all, the good things: I liked the concept, the acting (I recognized Cameron Diaz but I had to check it out to make sure), John Cusack is great as the loser hopelessly in love, and the puppet work is amazing - probably the best part of the movie. I loved all the comedy that had nothing to do with the main plot: the silly office, the deaf secretary, the crazy boss, Charlie Sheen cameo... basically, after the first half of the movie, it had its moments of laughs. Sadly it went downhill from there.

Now, the bad: the plot went nowhere. I was hoping for some kind of conclusion or idea behind the ego or something like that, but it never came. It basically dwelled 100% in the sexual side of the characters, and never moved away from there. For example, when Craig takes full control of John and he performs in front of Maxine, I was really hoping for him to discover that his skills with the puppets were gone, since he was using another body and his fingers weren't the same, but sadly that didn't happened. That would've been amazing to show us that, regardless of how bad our lives are, everything that makes us "us" is unique and personal, yet here it seems that if you're very strong and transport to a skinny guy, your strenght goes with you, in your mind I guess. Stupid.
The whole old-people-trying-to-live-forever thing was plain retarded. Who took control of John's body after all? Just the main guy? The rest of the people were just prisoners in his mind? What kind of eternal life is that?
While I think the actors were good, the characters sucked. Maxine is really cruel and mean, then suddenly she's nice, she hates Craig's puppets, then she asks him to perform for no reason, she doesn't like Lotte physically, then she spends her life with her. Craig only wants to perform with puppets, then he completely forgets about them because he "fell in love". Lotte is simply bizarre. At the end, I didn't cared about any of them, because they didn't cared about themselves.
The ending is just bitter, at least for me. Basically, nobody learned anything, except that the chicks are lesbians. Nobody seemed to care about John like, at all. Why not a single one of the hundreds of people going into his mind managed to take hold over it, by the way?

So, whatever. I'm pretty sure this movie doesn't get bad reviews because it's "psychological, original, and deep", therefore if you say anything bad about it it's because "you didn't get it". I'm sorry, I think it's just a mess. Great idea, but poorly executed and went nowhere. It does have its moments tho, but they're short and crammed in the beginning. 5/10  :bluesad:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:

Rev. Powell

WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE! (2018): Matvey goes to Andrey's apartment with a hammer, intent on killing him, but finds the task harder than he bargained for; flashbacks explain why the young man is trying to kill this stranger. Memorable gruesome melees, a truly despicable villain or two, and a heaping helping of twists and suspense make this ultraviolent Russian thriller, mostly set in a single apartment, a noteworthy low budget debut for writer/director Kirill Sokolov. He should move on to bigger things; with the way he directs fight scenes, I wouldn't be shocked if Hollywood called.  4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


the 27th Day (1957) - Some high ratings on IMDB but ehhh....not quite. A pretty interesting set up: an alien abducts 5 seemingly random people and gives them the power to destroy the whole world with these little box things. The print is really nice and the acting is decent, it just doesn't go for the jugular the way you want it too and there's never any real tension. and the ending was not satisfactory.

Imagine "demon With A Glass Hand" if it ended up being an ad for Wheaties or something.


Rev. Powell

IMPOSSIBLE MONSTERS (2019): A psychiatrist sets up a (very small) sleep study for people who suffer from sleep paralysis and nightmares; one of the subjects turns up dead. The eerie music is good, if comically overused in just about every scene; the rest, right up to the eye-rolling final twist, is not so good. 1.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


the Finger Man (1955)  - no, its not a doc about my time in the Northeastern U dorms, instead its a really solid 1930's style flim noir made in the 50's. The reason its not more well known is the probably the basic ness of it and also the lead, while talented, is not really leading man material. It's a typical story about a guy who gets out of jail then has to turn stoolie for the cops in order to yadda yadda

The most memorable character by far is Lou, the bizarre sidekick of the main villain.

the actor, Tim Carey, is somewhat of a legend in Hollywood. He actually turned down roles in godfather and godfather 2 and Reservoir Dogs is dedicated to him. very interesting IMDB page if you have the chance. He was in that Monkees psychedelic movie

4.5 really good but the plot is extremely basic and the casting is nondescript. The lead villain reminded me of Alex Trebek more than say, Atilla the Hun

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on June 12, 2020, 12:42:24 PM
the Finger Man (1955)  - no, its not a doc about my time in the Northeastern U dorms

:buggedout: :bouncegiggle:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


i have seen City on Fire the MSKT3000 in the KTMA episodes that's a good episode and a good flix actually


"Running Scared" (1986)
Two wise-cracking Chicago cops (Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines) want to retire and head to Florida, but first they have to take down a drug dealer (Jimmy Smits) who's still holding a long time grudge against them.
This is pretty typical for the '80s shoot-em-up buddy cop genre, but Crystal and Hines made a great team so it was fun to watch.
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THEY REMAIN (2017)  Two scientific researchers are occupying a mobile lab in the middle of nowhere, in an area where a cult once murdered dozens of innocent victims.  They're studying the environment trying to find clues in animal behavior as to why this cult became so murderous.  And they slowly go crazy.  In between lengthy stretches of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENING and brief flashbacks to cultists playing and killing in the woods.  This movie put me to sleep repeatedly; it was shooting for "taut psychological thriller" and somehow achieved "deathly boring snoozefest" instead.  Avoid.  2/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


wow i haven't seen Running Scared since Sh*t since the 90's i don't think. anyways, i'v e just been watching some old episodes of "The Cinema Snob' i dunno if anyone here is a fan here but i've been a massive fan since i'd say March i think or April of (2011)

Rev. Powell

BUSTER'S MAL HEART (2017): Rami Malek plays three characters: a hotel night clerk, a renegade mountain man, and a shipwreck survivor adrift on a boat in the ocean. How are they connected, and how are they all related to an apocalyptic event called "the Inversion"? Expect great performances, don't expect easy answers. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...