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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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Night of Terror (1972) - Donna Mills and a guy who looks like Ernest Borgnine but isn't star in this made for tv movie. I've seen a bunch of these lately and they are all about as good as each other. Gangsters are looking for some sort of object that they lost. They're murdering people and terrorizing nice ladies to find it. What is it??

The first half is pretty good and tense with the gangsters, led by Chuck Connors, menacing the women and car chasing them around. The second half seems more geared to women, involving the fake Ernest Borgnine detective and Mills bonding in a jovial way. ugh. It could be worse but it's not what I wanted to see.

The ending is pretty ridiculous. 1 hour 15 minutes went by more or less smoothly

3.75 /5


"Alien Predator" (2018)
An elite black-ops team is sent to investigate the crash of an apparent extra-terrestrial craft in the wilds of Honduras. After a long slog through the jungle they finally meet the ship's occupants, who naturally are not in a very good mood. Much blasting and zapping ensues.
This was The Asylum's attempt to ride the coat tails of 2018's "The Predator," though the plot actually resembles the original "Predator" flick from '87 - without the budget, the cool special effects, or a cast with acting ability.
By the time the "aliens" were finally revealed (nearly an hour into the movie!) I was so bored that I just wanted them to kill off the remaining human characters so the film would be over. Even by Asylum standards, this one is pretty poor.
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"Death Is Nimble, Death Is Quick" (aka "3 Golden Cats," 1966)
Two American agents are sent to the island paradise of Ceylon to protect a lovely U.S. diplomat from a mad scientist and his criminal organization of karate killers. Chop-socky, butt kickin' fun.
This stylish German/Italian James Bond knock off was the second of seven (!) "Kommissar X" films, based on a popular series of European pulp crime novels. This movie obviously had a higher budget than your average "Eurospy" cheapie. The story's a bit of a muddle (which is not unusual for these 007 wanna-bee's) but there's lots of exotic locations, elaborate stunts, and (of course) plenty of pretty girls. This was my first time seeing any of the "Kommissar" flicks, but I'm definitely interested in checking out more.
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"We Summon The Darkness" (2019)
It's 1988, and three girls travel to a heavy metal concert, where they meet a couple of nice guys in the parking lot, invite them home for an after-show party... and then things take an unexpectedly sinister turn.
I can't say much more without spoiling the movie's "twist," but honestly, most viewers will probably see it coming from a mile away, anyway. Despite that, I enjoyed this B-grade horror/thriller, which captures the '80s metal/Satanic Panic vibe nicely (and the girls are cute too!).
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Kill The messenger (2014) - fact based drama about the plight of journalist Gary Webb, who wrote an expose of the CIA's involvement in the cocaine trade circa the contras and all that stuff then was subject to a backlash over it.

The first part involves Webb making the trek to South America, risking his life and bribing and journalisting his way to the story. The "Kill the Messenger" happens in the second part. As he's riding high, a friend informs Webb of whats gonna happen: the CIA and other happy with the status quo people will make the story about HIM and pull out all the stops in doing so.

Its like the Gospel of Mark, everyone abandons him and its all unrequited heroism and so forth. Did the CIA really do this? I don't know. I don't doubt it. Ollie North was involved. its just the sort of thing that would happen during the wacky cold war. Logic went out the window "hey the Soviet Union is evil, lets goad them into building thousands of nukes pointed at al our major cities!"

likeble but mostly educational, wikipedia come to life movie a la "Straight Outta Compton"



"So Darling, So Deadly"
(aka "Kommissar X: In The Clutches of the Golden Dragon," 1966)
In the third installment of the "Kommissar X" Eurospy series, the "International Bureau" sends swingin' agents Walker and Rowland to Singapore to protect a scientist and his lovely daughter from a criminal gang called the Golden Dragon, who want to steal the professor's high tech laser weapon.
There's not much plot in this one, but there sure are lots of car chases, fistfights, and pretty girls. An entertaining time killer for a lazy summer afternoon

Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


The Signal (2014) -  first let me say this: in one scene in this movie there is a pay phone. Why? It wasn't vital to the plot in any way. just pointless nostalgia or something from the director that takes the audience out of the movie. There are no pay phones anymore except one in Chinatown in Boston for some reason. That aside, this was a cool movie. Hackers are having a hacker war with a guy called Nomad, who has an uncanny ability to find where people are and use their computers as cameras and so forth. Things escalate and the hackers have to use their hacker ingenuity to get out of a trap in the woods and to surpass other obstacles.

a little different than what I'm used to but enjoyable. The more or less attractive girlfriend character certainly doesn't do very much. There's even a bit of a sci fi element toward the end.

4.5 /5

Rev. Powell

INVENTION FOR DESTRUCTION (1958): In a story based on multiple Jules Verne tales, a band of pirates kidnap a scientist who has developed a super-explosive (possibly an A-bomb prototype) to use his invention for destruction. The story is slight, but the visual style mixes cutout animation with live actors on stylized sets, and the effect is like viewing a woodcut come to life---fascinating and tremendous fun. Czech, b&w. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Vivarium" (2019)
A house-hunting young couple (Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots) take a tour of a seemingly tranquil suburban development called "Yonder," and soon find themselves trapped and alone inside the seemingly endless labyrinth of identical houses, unable to find their way out.
...and then it gets even WEIRDER.
A strange, artsy, surreal sci-fi/horror hybrid with a heavy "Twilight Zone" feel. It's not so much scary as it is unsettling. Stuff like this is not usually my kind of meat but it kept my interest throughout. Worth a look if you're in the mood for something out of the ordinary.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

Quote from: FatFreddysCat on August 13, 2020, 04:57:11 PM
"Vivarium" (2019)
A house-hunting young couple (Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots) take a tour of a seemingly tranquil suburban development called "Yonder," and soon find themselves trapped and alone inside the seemingly endless labyrinth of identical houses, unable to find their way out.
...and then it gets even WEIRDER.
A strange, artsy, surreal sci-fi/horror hybrid with a heavy "Twilight Zone" feel. It's not so much scary as it is unsettling. Stuff like this is not usually my kind of meat but it kept my interest throughout. Worth a look if you're in the mood for something out of the ordinary.

I recommend it.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


here's one ladies and gents that i didn't expect to ever say this too, Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) but the Producers cut NOT the Theatrical cut.

i watched that late last night and freaking LOVED IT! i did not expect to and it would have been an interesting film if done right and with the right script if Loomis had been maybe a villain in the next one had he not died and had they not went with the cut they ended up using. i posted this elsewhere apparently they had kept that ended but than a bunch of 14 year old boys didn't like the ending so... i didn't like it either but it was a freaking masterpiece compared to what we did end up getting


"Parker" (2013)
A high-end thief (Jason Statham) is double crossed by his "crew" and left for dead after a big heist. He then follows them to their next score in Palm Springs to teach them the error of their ways. Needless to say, it doesnt end well for his former partners.
Statham is his dry-as-usual self and Jennifer Lopez adds some comic relief as a gal who gets caught up in the revenge scheme and becomes Statham's unwilling partner. A decent butt kicker.

Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Gabriel Knight

Quote from: FatFreddysCat on August 13, 2020, 04:57:11 PM
"Vivarium" (2019)
A house-hunting young couple (Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots) take a tour of a seemingly tranquil suburban development called "Yonder," and soon find themselves trapped and alone inside the seemingly endless labyrinth of identical houses, unable to find their way out.
...and then it gets even WEIRDER.
A strange, artsy, surreal sci-fi/horror hybrid with a heavy "Twilight Zone" feel. It's not so much scary as it is unsettling. Stuff like this is not usually my kind of meat but it kept my interest throughout. Worth a look if you're in the mood for something out of the ordinary.

Oh dear, Jesse Eisenberg. As soon I read that name I instantly think in doing anything else but watch a movie. How much I hate that guy can't be calculated by normal means.  :bouncegiggle:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:

Rev. Powell

CAPONE (2020): Impressionistic biopic covering the last year of Al Capone's life, when he was paranoid and dying of dementia, with much of the action seen in flashbacks and hallucinations. You may have heard people talking about Tom Hardy's "interesting" performance choices, which include croaking most of his dialogue incoherently and adopting a blank death stare for most of the film. Integrated into the film's fluid and sometimes disturbing alternate realities, these choices lead to some very odd collisions of camp with genuinely startling images. 2.5/5 as a bad movie.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Super reverend Monk - I think they mean reverent but its a very cool movie at any rate. This I believe is a Mainland as opposed to HK kung fu offering which often means really excellent kung fu but so so film making. It's definitely low budget, but the strong story sees it through.

Green Dragon and White Tiger village hate each other and things come to a head one day. A plan is hatched for 2 recently born children to fight each other in 18 years and this will decide everything. Since the one kids parents are dead he goes and lives in the local Shaolin style temple. His training is kept secret for the 18 years. He is guarded by a weird monk who has incredible drunken style kung fu.

really enjoyed this. One funny thing is how people keep attacking the secret kung fu kid trying to see what they are teaching him and he just goes "buddha bless you"

5/5 would probably a good one to play the kevin bacon game with. remember stolen bible? it had the most degrees. rev powell found it I think