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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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The Chase (1946) - a down on his luck guy gets a dream job as a gangsters chauffer. Soon though, he encounters the guys wife who is a hot European MILF. Thing escalate quickly from there.

Pretty decent film noir type thing which features some good shots of the ocean and what I'm guessing is a studio approximation of Havana. pretty baffling (for me) plot twist aside its solid and enjoyable crimey deal

Peter Lorre is awesome as the sidekick gangster. He's a little more tough and less weird than usual



Hurricane Strip (2007) - has it really been 15 years since Katrina?

doc about normies who turn to stripping to make ends meet in the post apocalypse. director wisely focuses on the girl with the biggest boobs, who makes a fortune while p**sing off her grandma and doomed boyfriend. Girls Gone Wild 5/5


ABSURD (1981)
Big George Eastman plays a psycho who has amazing regenerative abilities. So you can't kill him unless you bash his brains in. He never speaks and is pursued by a priest. It seems to have been inspired by HALLOWEEN (1979), but oh so much gorier. A nurse gets a surgical drill threw her brain, a man gets his head stuck in a band saw, a woman gets her head stuck in a lit oven, etc...etc.. you get the picture.
Eastman is a scary monster! I just wish he killed the whiny little brat that pollutes this movie!
Another Joe D'Amato messterpiece!

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


APOLLO 18 - A fake documentary purporting to show footage from a final, secret mission to the moon in 1974 - in which the astronauts discover that the Russians have landed on the moon, only to meet a horrible fate at the claws of an indigenous life form that the earlier missions had missed.  Slow at first, but surprisingly tense and believable by the end.  Fun flick!   4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

MURDER PARTY (2007): A group of NYC art students decide to kill a stranger on Halloween night as a performance art piece, but prove to be incompetent killers. Executes its goofy premise pretty well and is done in a brisk 80 minutes. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I thought Murder Party was pretty good ^

Phobia 2 - I've never seen phobia 1 but this thai horror collection is way above par for netflix instant horror.

part 1 - a troubled kid gets sent to juvenile Hall: the thailand equivalent which is living with monks in the woods. Unluckily for him, its almost time for the Festival of the Hungry Ghost so he has to deal with all kinds of sinister forces. hate it when that happens. This was the strongest and most thailandish offering

2- an illegal immigrant smuggling operation goes horribly, horribly wrong. guilt seems to be a running issue in these. I like when horror movies have meaning but when its all about comeuppance it can be like a chick comic

3 - a used car dealer doesn't tell drivers when the cars have been in accidents. I think this might connect with people in thailand more than here? It's one thing to be a crook, but I don't know that you are like disrespecting the dead by fixing their cars and re selling them.

4- A Scream type horror comedy that's a breath of fresh air from all the moralizing. Enjoyable if not laugh out loud funny with some insider horror jokes

While the execution isn't great they have the right approach. I will definitely watch the first one if I can find it

4.25/ 5



A group of motley hippie pot growers get sprayed with some experimental paraquat and turn into cannibalistic   zombies, and start killing unlucky campers in a remote area of federal land. Judy Brown is the biggest name in this very low budget flick, along with a minor role played by John Ampalas (the Captain who screams "Choke on 'em!" as he's getting his guts ripped out in DAY OF THE DEAD!). Passable, gory stuff by director Charles McCrann, who died in the WTC collapse.

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


"Kiss Kiss Kill Kill" (1966)
First film in the German "Kommissar X" series of 007 knock-offs, with suave private eye Joe Walker and his police captain buddy Tom Rowland assigned to locate a missing nuclear scientist. The trail eventually leads them to the secret island fortress of a gold-hoarding super-villain (hey that sounds familiar) called "Oberon" and his private army of brainwashed, machine-gun toting females.
Shag-a-delic, baby!
As usual for these cheap spy flicks, "Kiss Kiss" doesn't have the most coherent story, but there's lots of two-fisted action, gorgeous European scenery, and (of course) plenty of pretty girls. Joe Walker is so cool that he even has his own swingin' theme song! This is the third "Kommissar" film I've seen and I'm really enjoying them, they're silly as hell, but lots of cheesy fun.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


the DEAD NEXT DOOR (1989)
Holy fvcking sh!t! Sam Raimi backed a 19 year old J.R. Bookwalker's Z budget opus about a future of a world overcome by flesh eating zombies!  His only good film! Yeah- it's been done a hundred times, but this film is so low budget and so over the top gore (good F/X too!). A goverment Zombie extermination group vs. weird cultists (lead by a Rev.Jones, no less!) who use the zombies to attack our heros! Fast paced, bloody as hell. Decapitation by hand grenade, disembodied zombie heads biting people, blood squirting like a drinking fountain on meth- awesome!
Bruce Campbell dubs the main character of zombie hunter Raimi! Why? I don't know!
One of my favorite zombie movies of all time now!
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Rev. Powell

LABYRINTH OF CINEMA (2019): Japanese teenagers find themselves thrown into the movies screening at a cinema on the last night before it closes. Nobuhiko "HAUSU" Obayashi's final movie is an exuberant, monumental, poetic, and confusing ode to the power of cinema; at an epic three hours, it arguably could have used some editing, but much of the movie's ramshackle extravagance would have been lost. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Flesh Easters (1964) - A long time ago I gave this 5 stars. I think I was won over by the initial Tarantino ish decadence (or his various influences'). Upon second viewing, the middle part could have been punched up a bit, but it's still pretty awesome.

An "I'm not flying into that storm, are you crazy?" straight laced pilot gets offered more money and does indeed fly into that storm. Soon, they make an emergency landing on an uncharted desert isle, but without Gilligan or even the Skipper. Hampering their escape efforts are flesh eating lightning bug things in the water.

This is like a slightly later, proto grindhouse version of The Killer Shrews. The version on youtube included the "Nazi experiment" scene, which featured a swastika and vats of acid. The director definitely saw which was things were going in the exploitation movie world.

I could tolerate the beatnik but the Nazi doctor guy was annoying. The assistants ultra innocent sexuality and quality genetics made her an easy favorite, but I appreciated the bitter Judy garland ish so done with the world drunk actress too.  

4.5 /5  I will no doubt watch it again

edit - This was the directors only film. He was mainly a voice actor on Speed Racer. Thank you for taking the time out of your day, dude!


^ I LOVE that movie! I just re-watched it again on Tubi! I love when the Nazi gets his face eaten!
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Gabriel Knight

I just watched the final episode of MYSTERY SCIENCE TEATHER 3000, which happens to be DIABOLIK, a quite bad and morally inept movie about some kind of thief who, among other incredibly feats, manages to lift a 20ton lingot with balloons. Honestly, I have no idea what they were tring to accomplish with this. Should I cheer for that murderer for some reason? Just stay away, it's generic garbage.

As I commented long time ago, I had a rough time getting into this show. The first two times I tried it stroke to me as incredibly dumb and stupid, which usually doesn't bother me but in this case it did. Yet somehow, after picking MONSTER A GO-GO, I became addicted to it. I think having watched the movie previously helped a lot.
I never recalled hearing about the show except from this very site. Back then I didn't had cable and as far as I know it never got dubbed into spanish, so it wouldn't mattered anyways (remember that the Sci-Fi channel we got in LA was different, everything was dubbed, not sure if it's still the same nowadays).

These are my final observations about the show:

* Even when I think they're both great, I prefer Joel over Mike. Somehow I think the whole premise of the show, explained in detail in the intro, was somewhat lost when they changed leads, and it felt in the segments. Most of the Mike era are terrible, and for some reason very rarely they actually made jokes about the movies or actors.
* Kevin Murphy's voice is far better than Josh Weinstein's. In fact, I think the latter isn't even funny. Like, at all. Also Kevin sings like a champ; while I don't enjoy the musical segments, I really loved his love song to Creepy Girl. Also Bobo was amazing.
* Crow was always my favorite character. When they changed his voice I thought everything was lost, but I actually barely noticed. Bill Corbett did an excellent job at capturing the witty personality of the robot. He was also great as the Observer.
* I still consider Mary Jo Pehl as a terrible comedian, and simply awful to look and hear at. Her presence in the screen was boring and completely forced. It's sad how in the episode in which she spends her time in the first segment "riffing", Crow says to her "you're funny" and she replies "you bet I am". It felt as if they were trying to remind the audience that she was supposed to make them laugh.
* My favorite episode is still MONSTER A GO-GO, followed closely by POD PEOPLE. I never considered MANOS, THE HANDS OF FATE that great of an episode, not sure why everyone raves so much about it.
* TV's Frank was stupid but lovable, and I really felt sad when he had to go. The episode SOULTAKER, in which both him and Joel make a cameo visit, was a real treat.
* I still think they handled the goodbye from Joel like crap. It felt so cold and distant, even his previously mentioned visit felt too short. I know it's just a show and I should really just relax, but come on, we get attached to those characters, make them show some emotions goddammit!
* One of the best riffings I recall was in MONSTER A GO-GO when, in the movie, they use their voice to make the telephone ring. I bet the laughs of the crew were genuine.

Welp, now to start over I guess. It's been 10 seasons, I don't remember the older episodes!
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


RC- he fooled them all with the tape recorder playing the beatnik screams on the raft. that was clever

Dr. Whom

Beyond the Time Barrier (1960)

During a test flight of a space plane, the pilot is hurled into the distant future of 2024! He finds a postapocalyptic world, where the few survivors are besieged by mutants. All but two of the survivors are deaf mute, and they strangely seem to have forgotten not only the use of sign language, but even that of writing. How they manage to run their city is beyond me. There is also the paranoid military commander, whose beard sticks out in way to make any pharaoh jealous, and the benign supreme leader, complete with granddaughter who falls for the pilot. With the help of some scientists who likewise got stuck there from other times, he tries to get back to 1960 to warn the earth of the impending doom. 

This is another one of those scripts that would have been effective enough for a 30-40 minute episode of a TV series, but is hopelessly drawn out to movie length. Still, there is some nice footage of an F102, as the high speed space plane. Also, in the distant future of 2024, the M1 carbine is still in service.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.