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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"Friday the 13th: Vengeance" (2019)
30 years after the events of "Jason Lives," a now-grown Tommy Jarvis has gone missing in the woods around Camp Crystal Lake, prompting his teenage daughters to mount a search mission. Of course, a certain hockey masked maniac will eventually crash their party, but he's not the *only* Voorhees family member out there causing mayhem...

This elaborate feature length "fan film" (funded via Kickstarter and viewable for free on YouTube) suffers from a few scripting issues (there are enough characters and sub plots in this thing to fill three movies, so it gets a bit muddled by the three quarter mark) and the acting is amateur night at best, but otherwise this is a fairly impressive production, with lots of gory kills and an all around professional look.

Since the future of the "real" F13 franchise is currently held up in copyright court, fan films like this and "Never Hike Alone" are doing a nice job of filling the void. Apparently a sequel to "Vengeance" is already in the works. I say "bring it on."
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 30, 2020, 01:59:06 PM
SHAKESPEARE'S s**tSTORM (2020): Very loosely following the plot of Shakespeare's "The Tempest," the story involves a party ship packed with pharmaceutical executives washed up on the shores of Troma, New Jersey, after a storm of whale feces. "s**tstorm" may not be quite as surreal as "Tromeo & Juliet," but it represents a capstone Troma's transgressive punk aesthetic; it may just be their most offensive movie yet---and one of their smartest and funniest. I saw it via Fantasia Festival online; not sure when it will be widely available, but a lot of folks here should remember to look for it. 4/5.

That sounds as good / bad as "Up Yours, Brutus": the other version of what Caesar said when Brutus stabbed him  :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

Gabriel Knight

JOKER (2019)

In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society. He then embarks on a downward spiral of revolution and bloody crime. This path brings him face-to-face with his alter-ego: the Joker.

I finally made some time to watch this incredibly overhyped film, and boy was it painful. Grab a cup of coffee my friends, this is going to be a long ride. Wanna join?


1) First, I'm going to address the title character: it has nothing to do with the infamous villain. The movie can be called anything you like, just remove the three names from the comic, which are Joker, Gotham, and Wayne, and it has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with it. I'm convinced that this was a movie about some crazy guy and they just slapped the title at the last minute as a marketing ploy, since it was the whole craze at the time. It clearly worked like a charm.
But it goes even further than that: by using the name Wayne to portrait a selfish rich guy, you undermine the whole story of the comic that has been built for generations, in which Thomas Wayne was always a wise and generous man, and Bruce tried to keep that legacy going in the form of Batman. So basically they not only made the movie nothing like the comic, they also took a huge dump on it. And that's coming from someone who doesn't even read comic books.

2) Now, the other constantly mentioned thing, the "cinematography". The movie is composed mostly by grey buildings, dull faces, and boring insides; you will only see some color when the main character paints himself. It's so grim to look at, and I understand that that was maybe the whole point, but it's just dreadful. I was sick of watching those mind-numbing streets filled with random people while hearing a constant and depressing chelo as a soundtrack - and by constant I mean 80% of the film. Yes, when it's not that chelo, it's some kind of inappropriate song in the background, and that's it. My ears hated me for two hours.
Other stuff placed by the director are simply hilarious, and I felt like an idiot just for watching this movie. For example, when the lead character discovers that his whole relationship was an illusion created by his mind, the simple use of the dialog already told me that. Yet for some reason the director felt the need to show me each indivual scene of him with the girl and without her, just to remind me that OMG she wasn't there!!1. Like, could he spoonfed me more this stupid and extremely overused twist?

3) The other thing that everyone raved about: Phoenix's acting. That forced laugh he uses the entire movie is terrible, terrible bad. I actually cringed every time he did it - just try right now to laugh out loud and record yourself. Now hear it... do you feel how stupid you sound? Now make that half of the dialog in this movie. A lot of scenes are taken straight from other movies, like when he talks by himself with the gun like TAXI DRIVER, or the relationship with the girl, very similar to THE KING OF COMEDY. Hell, even the whole visit to the show reminded me of that movie. At no point I felt sad for the character, or any character at all for that matter, it was impossible for me to connect with anyone.

4) The character is completely unbelievable. Are you telling me that he suddenly took the courage to go and kiss the girl just because he killed some guys? Like, he could barely speak normally before that, but then he became a total stud; I understand that it only happened in his mind, but he clearly didn't knew that, since his surprise later in the movie is genuine, so in his mind, he did went and kissed her.
Not to mention... he was on seven medications, stopped taking them, and no side effects, like, at all? Hell, with seven medications you wouldn't even be able to remember where you live, imagine stopped taking them just like that. And this guy, who's clearly rather dumb because he can't do anything properly, somehow became the mastermind that is the Joker? The villain who could manage to confuse the best detective in the world? Yeah right. Not to mention, he would be pretty much an old guy by then. No wonder he dyes his hair.

5) And last, yet the most important issue to me: I felt that the whole point of the movie was not to entertain or move me, but instead just to make politics. Now, I don't want to turn this thread into a political discussion, so feel free to write me a PM if you like, I'm just sharing my feelings about this particular movie. It's a huge vehicle for socialist propaganda, which sadly I can see every day of my life, destroying my society from the core for generations to come. From the very start you'll see how the garbage pickup service is suspended because union protests, turning the city into a huge dump (you never know why they're doing that, only that it's the rich's fault somehow); you'll see constant approval of rioting, destroying of property, violence (especially against the authority), a complete disregard for human life, and a total hate for everyone who has money, who apparently are responsible for every problem anyone could have in this city. Funny how this hate machine for capitalism is brought to us thanks to capitalism, isn't it? I truly wonder if the $1,074,251,311 that this movie made worldwide was donated to some charity or country with problems much more serious than "people are mean to me!".

So, is there anything good about this? Well, there's no shaky camera, except for one scene, because it's oh so deep I guess and totally needs to shake. Other than that, it's one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. I ended up feeling bored and depressed, and not a good depression like the one you feel when a hero dies after an epic battle in which he manages to save his friends, but more the depression you get after watching a ten hours golf match. A soul crushing need to go and do anything else to forget this mess.

Avoid this garbage like the plague! 1/10 :thumbdown:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


Deepwater Horizon (2016). I avoided this movie for a few years even though I've owned it for about that long. I just can't get too crazy about Mark Wahlberg anymore since he's making a lot of forgetful films these days. He was on a roll of good movies back in the 2000s decade, but he kind of fell south after The Happening (2008); even though I 100% blame M. Night Shymalan for that hot mess, it did something to Wahlberg's career that he never seemed to be quite able to recover from. So imagine my surprise when I finally sat down and forced myself to watch Deepwater Horizon (2016) and found myself entertained by it; not necessarily Wahlberg's performance per se, but the scope of the movie itself, which had its faults to be sure but all in all it was not a bad movie. I'm normally not a big fan of dramatizations of real-life disasters, but this one was decently done. I was actually impressed with John Malkovich's portrayal as the "bad guy" of sorts, even though he was more of just an ignorant bureaucrat than an actual villain in the movie. This movie reminded me a lot of the Chernobyl (2019) HBO miniseries because of the way that the movie portrayed the response to the disaster, which both powers-that-be (Soviet Union and British Petroleum, respectively) seemed to try to cover up and downplay at first before finally admitting that they had a real problem on their hands. Some of the special effects and visuals in Deepwater Horizon (2016) seemed a bit on the cheap side and cheesy, but for the most part I thought that the movie worked.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


Nightmare (1981) - unlike modern horror movies this one really seems to have a voice behind it. I wish the story itself had been a little clearer, but the elements left a strong impression for sure.

When he was a little kid, a guy sees his father tied up by a hooker and, thinking he's in danger or just generally being disturbed, attacks the woman with an axe. Years later, a psycho is let out of a mental institution and tries to survive in the NYC of that era. good luck!

Most of the action takes place in Florida or something, where the psycho guy hangs around on the beach and seemingly infects a random family with his sinister urge to kill. The atmosphere is really on point. If you are in a bad mood you will really really enjoy this.

4.5/ 5

Rev. Powell

GEMINI (1999): A successful doctor with an amnesiac wife discovers he has previously unknown twin brother, who causes him lots of problems. Based on a story by Edogawa Ranpo (the "Japanese Edgar Allan Poe) and directed by Shinya Tsakomoto in his typically surreal style, it's often confusing, but that's what gives it its psychological power. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"One Last Time: Live in New York City" (2020)
A fan-made documentary (free on YouTube) about KISS' "End of the Road" Tour, culminating in the band's umpteenth sell out show at Madison Square Garden in NYC.

I haven't seen KISS since the '96 Reunion Tour, but from the  "End of the Road" live footage on display here, it looks like their stage show is as spectacular as ever. However, it's hard not to notice how much Paul Stanley's voice (and stage moves) has deteriorated.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic put a premature stop to the tour, only time will tell if the date promised in the film for the last-ever KISS show (supposedly it will take place in July of 2021 in New York) will truly be "the end."
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Lake Mungo (2008) - very interesting Australian horror movie that will probably divide viewers. It's a found footage/ documentary style for one and it also has ...well I won't give it away.

A young woman tragically drowns and film footage of her former home reveals there may be a supernatural presence. The grieving family consults a psychic and attempts to figure it all out. We're mostly left with a backstory of a young woman who faces some sort of mysterious issue in her life that may or may not be related to her tragic death.

While not perfect, its a thousand times better than most of the dreck on netflix instant ( I watched it on Tubi) though more on the "dark psychological"  than slasher side

4.25/ 5

edit: in fact it does divide viewers. IMDB reviews were 3-1 either a 9 or 10 or a total "this sucks" drubbing


the St Francisville Experiment (2000) - I can appreciate the formal integrity: it very much feels like a bunch of college kids doing a project in a haunted house and it gradually works up a decent head of steam, but a LOT depended on the ending and the director just wasn't up to the task.

3/5 I enjoyed it for the most part but this was the kind of project they should have come up with the ending FIRST. It's found footage style


MARK OF THE DEVIL (1970) Udo Kier stars as the underling of Witchfinder General Herbert Lom, who is in a power stuggle with a rival witchfinder, scary looking Reggie Nadler. Lots of torture, burnings, and such grue. For it's time, it was very shocking and bloody.
Great acting between Lom and Nadler; watch for the scene when the General attacks his fellow torturer after calling him impotent. Udo is his usual brooding self, the luscious Olivera Katrina is his main squeeze! (drooling emoji here!)

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


"Burial Ground" (aka "The Nights of Terror," aka "Zombie 3," 1981)
An archaeologist opens an ancient tomb, which unleashes a horde of zombies (don'cha hate when that happens?). The undead soon find their way to a country estate, where three jet setting couples have just arrived for a weekend of fun and fornication. You can probably figure out the rest.  
This below-average slice of Italian zombie schlock doesn't have much plot, but it's got plenty of cheap, splattery gore, sleazy T&A, terrible acting/dubbing, and idiotic characters who deserve everything that happens to them.
"Burial Ground" is probably best remembered for the creepy child character "Michael," whose Oedipal fixation on his boob-a-licious Mom results in the movie's most memorable/disturbing scene. (The "kid" was played by a 25-year-old midget, which makes the whole thing even more bizarre!)
"Burial Ground" was not a great movie by any means, but it was certainly entertaining, in a "What the f*** did I just watch?" kind of way.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


^ That's one of my favorite zombie movies of all time! OF ALL TIME.

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


^ oh man I remember that one with the guy and his Mom

Slumber Party Massacre - I remember reading about how this movie had feminist overtones. There's one scene where the guy's drill is positioned so it looks like its his dick and this sort of comparison is made a couple times. That and the fact that the girls are not cheerleaders but basketball players are about it for the feminism, the rest is a pretty typical and enjoyable slasher film. I watched it before and I'll watch it again.



"The Faculty" (1998)
A group of small town high school misfits must battle against the alien parasites that have taken control of their teachers and the rest of the student body before they can conquer the world (yikes!).
... Kevin "Scream" Williamson wrote this action packed sci-fi/horror thriller that's essentially an update of "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" set in a high school, directed by Robert "From Dusk Til Dawn" Rodriguez and featuring an impressive cast that includes Robert "Terminator 2" Patrick, Salma Hayek, Jon Stewart, Elijah Wood, and more. Lots of fun.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


"Death Trip" (aka "Kommissar X: Three Green Hounds" and "Kill Me Gently," 1967)
In the fourth "Kommissar X" adventure, swingin' P.I. Joe Walker and his police captain pal Tom Rowland are in Istanbul, where a criminal cartel has stolen a large amount of LSD (!), and plans to use it as a weapon against NATO troops.
As usual for these cheap James Bond wanna-bees, the story/dubbing is mostly a mess, but the movie is campy fun anyway, thanks to its combination of exotic scenery, impressive stunt work, and hot Sixties babes.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"