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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Starting a new D&D campaign tonight with some of the people I play Warcraft with. Most of them have never played before, but Kristi is playing so there is at least some experience. Giving them a basic dungeon bash to start with and see how it goes from there.

Back at work tomorrow for our one week of the month where we need to be in the office.


The less I am at work, the more I don't want to be there at all lol. Going back to full time is going to be tough after this past year, although it will be nice to get back to the old normal at some point.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Anyone else finding the more free time they have, the less they are getting done?
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


What is this mysterious "free time" of which you write?   :wink:
The other day I told someone, "You don't get much done when you're not doing anything."
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


For my new D&D game I am going to have the party climb down ropes into a big hole in the ground. I've been doing a map for this online, and have tried several different designs, but no matter what I try the result looks like a giant anus. We had a lot of fun in the last session and we've had another player join, so we are a full group of six people. Everyone had a lot of fun with the first session, so I'll see what we can do to keep that up.

Our unseasonably good weather is continuing. I am still expecting a cold snap though before winter is truly over and then a weak summer. Looking outside, it would seem to be a summers day, but look carefully at the grass and you can see it was frosty last night and outside isn't as warm as it looks.

Watching assorted free bad movies on Amazon at the moment. Not a lot seems to be appealing to me though. I did watch a documentary about my favourite Nile crocodile, Gustav when they attempted to capture him.

Still awaiting word on when I can go get my vaccine. Kristi has had her offer. Not worried about waiting for it or anything, but more curious about how long it will take. It will come in its own time. After all the arguing about vaccine distribution with Europe, it seems mainland Europeans don't want the AstraZenica one, preferring to wait for one of the more locally made ones, do the degree where vaccines are having to be dumped after going out of date.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


The end of another working week with no work dawns. Woohoo!

It's Ash's birthday on Tuesday. Hard to believe that he is three years old already. Has it really been that long?


Moving his bedtime back half an hour seems to have sorted the problems we were having with him not sleeping through the night. Mostly anyway. He did wake up about 1 this morning, but this is rare, whereas before it had started happening every damn night.

It is going to be a musical birthday. So far he has a piano, banjo and a drum kit (we got him two of those). He has a little plastic guitar and as soon as he saw it he picked it up, started strumming and singing. It has become one of his favourite toys. Kristi is baking a cake for him. I've picked him up aa load of Scoobie-Doo DVD's since he loves those cartoons, but I am going to have to go into town at the weekend and pick him up a toy or two. He doesn't need any, but it feels wrong not to be giving him something he can play with.

Watching a lot of films that are somewhere between horror and drama this week. Not a deliberate thing, but it hasn't been bad either. Caught some decent films that would otherwise have escaped my notice. One of them was made using practical effects that were created for the The Thing prequel and then abandoned when they decided to go with CGI instead. Having seen The Thing, I think they made a bad mistake switching to computer effects myself. Then again, I doubt they were aiming for a film that would have quite the longevity or cult status that John Carpenter's version has maintained.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


The government is bringing in new laws to force manufacturers to make household goods longer lasts and easier to repair. About damn time. When I was studying electronics, as part of the course we were taught how to design items to fail after a certain number of years.

Ash seemed to enjoy his birthday yesterday. Pretty sure he had no idea that it was any different from any other day, but he enjoyed playing with his new toys. He's got a piano, drum, guitar, harmonica, flute and various other musical items as well as yet another train set and some other toys. He just bounced between what he was playing with.

Fallout continues over Harry and Meghan... *yawn*. I remember hearing a lot of complaints long before they announced they were leaving the UK from other people about how she treated them with claims of bullying and he is the guy who turned up to a fancy dress party in a nazi uniform. They also said they were leaving so they could have a life outside the spotlight. Yeah right, going to call bollocks on that one.

The rest of the family is sleeping. The last few nights we've ended up having quite late nights although since I am using some time off work. That alas ends today and tomorrow I am back on call.

Raiding has finally started paying off for me in World of Warcraft. After not making much progress in gearing up, suddenly last night I won a lot of new gear as did quite a few others in the guild. Still not as into the game as I was first time around, but it is the people you play with that make an online game and I have a mostly good bunch.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


I was sitting downstairs yesterday while Ash was upstairs in the shower. Kristi shouted my name with a panicked tone of voice I had never heard from her before. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. My first thought was that blood was pouring from Ash's mouth. He was covered in it. After a couple of seconds though I could see it was running out of a gash in his forehead. When Kristi had gone to get him out of the shower, he'd thrown a tantrum and slammed his head off of the wall.

We did our best to clean up the blood, but as tends to be the case with head wounds, there was a lot of it. I could see the injury was deep enough to potentially need stitches or glued. Took him out to the local A&E where they put some strips to close the wound and a plaster to stop him picking at them. At first they wanted to keep him in for a couple of hours for observation and gave him a private room. He immediately climbed up on the bed, lay down on it and started doing the cutest fake snore.

After a while, they ran some tests on him and decided they didn't need to keep him in and let us take him home. I know the signs to look for in a head injury anyway and could get him back out there quickly if needed.

Anyway, after I got him home he was back to his usual self. The bandage is to stay on for four days. I can't imagine this will be the last time I have to take him to A&E with some injury, he really is 100% little boy.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Scary account, Alex. I'm glad your boy is going to be all right. Now if he has a scar from this this, be sure he knows to make up a good story about how he acquired it, so he can impress women with it someday.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


The plaster comes off tomorrow and we'll have a better idea of the damage. I'd imagine at his age though the wound will heal and hopefully not leave a mark.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Today has been a good day for getting rid of irritating things and it has put a big old smile on my face.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


So that's me had my first Covid-19 vaccine jab today.

Not dead yet.

No side effects of any kind, not even the usual slight pain after getting any injection. I have no doubt they will come in time though. Got paracetamol in the medicine cabinet already and I've done my bit to get the country back up and running as well as protecting number one (by which I mean my son. I don't overly care for people who think that number should be themselves. Strikes me as being somewhere between pure selfishness and downright cowardly. I find patriotism to be a nebulous concept at best, but not getting the jab would seem to fit into the unpatriotic side of things if anything does, other than y'know treason type stuff).

Anyway, I digress.

Kristi wants to watch the new Godzilla Vs Kong movie tomorrow. I am more interested in the Synder cut Justice League. Not that I am a huge fan of Synder, it is more out of curiosity than anything else. I've heard either it is great or it sucks. Not much in the way of the middle of the road reviews-wise.

I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Ordered a model of a monster I've had my eye on for a while.

This is what it looks like when other people paint it up.

I won't be able to make it look as good as that alas, but I figured it would be good for when we can play D&D around a tabletop once again. It is supposed to represent Father Dagon from the Lovecraft universe. Not how I've pictured him when I read the stories, but it works.

Went out to the park today with Kristi and Ash along with another woman from our street and her daughter (who is Ash's age). They've been playing out. They played together for several hours in the unseasonably warm weather. It was good to see him interacting with another child. I hope things open up again soon and he can get back to mixing with others.

Still no side effects from my jab.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


The cold snap I've been predicting for a while seems to have hit today. We woke up to high winds and snow outside. I was hoping for nicer weather today so we could all go out for a nice long walk, but the high winds have put paid to that idea.

Hope everyone had a good zombie Jesus day yesterday. I am still limiting Ash to one egg per day this year. Next year I figure he will be old enough to eat himself sick, but for the moment I'll ration his chocolate intake. He has managed to climb out of his cot and we've had a couple of nights where it has turned into a battle of wills of us putting him in his bed and him clambering back out. I am determined we will win this battle though. The alternative would be much more painful.

I appear to have had zero initial side effects from my Covid jab. Studies are showing at least some of the vaccines are providing a level of protection from the varients too. So much for those who immediately claimed they were useless against them. Not that I imagine being proved wrong will make any difference to them, they'll just move onto other claims. I wonder if they ever stop to consider why people don't listen to them after they've been found to be wrong for the umpteenth time? Certainly doesn't seem so. Oh well, not my problem.

Got one of the guys I play Warcraft with into listening to Conan audiobooks. He was complaining he never had time to read so I linked whatever I'd been listening to, to him. Just so happened to be a Conan story and now he is looking for more to listen to.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Well, Ash is now using his potty. We've been working on potty training in fits and starts, but he has recently taken to using it himself even going so far as to take his pull-ups off so he can pee.  Now if I can just get him to do it sitting down instead of standing up. Kristi wants to move onto toilet training, but I want to get him using the potty correctly first rather than push him onto the next thing.

The cold snap continues. We had something of a blizzard yesterday although the snowstorms here really do not compare to what we had when I lived further inland as a child. Still, we have had some impressive ocean storms in this region that make up for it somewhat.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Heard earlier that prince Phillip has died.

Meh. My biggest worry there is that I might have to line the funeral route or something. By all accounts, he was a nasty old bastard. I am sure his family loved him though. I'd offer them my sympathy but I don't seem to have any to spare. Plenty of other people more deserving. The fallout from his grandson's interview has continued longer than I thought it would. PR-wise it sounds like the interview went down better in the US than the UK. Then again stories about her bullying staff members and so forth had been heard before they left the UK, and the press has been full of stories pointing out the inconsistencies in their story. I haven't watched it and don't plan on and other than noting for people who claim to want privacy and away from royal life they are certainly doing all they can to court publicity and cash in on their titles (which they could give up at any time they so chose).

I have an urge to watch Flash Gordon. One that I think I am going to indulge myself on.

I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness