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Films you're surprised that you like...

Started by zombie, November 12, 2023, 09:17:20 AM

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A fed up and bored Liverpudlian housewife goes on holiday to Greece to 'find herself' and ends up having an affair. Includes scenes of breaking of the fourth wall throughout.

>> If you asked me to invent the synopsis of a film that I would have exactly zero interest in, it would probably look something like that. but somehow this is one of my all time favourite films. It's so honest and raw. parts of it make me tear up a bit  :bluesad:
please do not mock my potato.


There's a few of them:

Spencer: I was expecting it to be the usual hack job about Princess Diana but Rev assured me it wasn't and he was right. Great movie.

Wonder Woman 1984: I liked it although I thought it was going to be a woke-fest with men being bad etc. It wasn't and I actually cried during the mid credits scene when someone from my childhood made a welcome cameo appearance.

Ghostbusters Afterlife: that was another one which surprised me greatly and I genuinely blubbed at the end where Egon meets his old buddies, his grandchildren, hugs his daughter and melts away. I sat there crying for a few seconds and then a certain song started playing over a shot of New York, then the tears turned into a grin.

My initial reaction when I heard the music was to say "F you, Paul Feig: that is how you make a sequel!"  :teddyr: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Hairspray (2007), the musical version. The original Hairspray (1988) is one of my favorite comedies, and I knew what to expect when I watched the musical. It's a

m u s i c a l.

It's not like I hate all musicals. I actually own a few.

Still, sitting through the first song from the 2007 musical was very, very hard. It was like super cringy. Once that passed and the film went on, I got used to the singing. It also helped a lot that it had famous actors in it.

At the end I thought this was pretty good. The original is still the better movie though.
Is it October yet?


Claws, I REFUSED to watch the original on VHS w/ my parents when it was released because I was terrified of Divine. I was 11-12 years old and had seen much worse stuff, yet somehow Divine, who was loud, garish, neither quite man nor woman, and are dog poop (and people, in the same movie where they ate dog poop) freaked the heck out of me. I hid in the bathroom and wouldn't come out. Eventually I relented and joined them. Great movie, of course! No dog-poop consumption (which obv isn't that shocking to me now either, though I still don't much like P. FLAMINGOS). Watch Without Prejudice!  :bouncegiggle: :cheers:


one brother is a huge John Waters fan, but I've never really got the appeal.

Quote from: Trevor on November 12, 2023, 10:21:31 AM

Wonder Woman 1984: I liked it although I thought it was going to be a woke-fest with men being bad etc. It wasn't and I actually cried during the mid credits scene when someone from my childhood made a welcome cameo appearance.

I actually can't think of a single 'superhero' type movie I've ever liked (not that I've seen many)... might give this one a go to see if I can buck the trend
please do not mock my potato.


Quote from: zombie on November 12, 2023, 03:39:59 PM

Quote from: Trevor on November 12, 2023, 10:21:31 AM

Wonder Woman 1984: I liked it although I thought it was going to be a woke-fest with men being bad etc. It wasn't and I actually cried during the mid credits scene when someone from my childhood made a welcome cameo appearance.

I actually can't think of a single 'superhero' type movie I've ever liked (not that I've seen many)... might give this one a go to see if I can buck the trend

Just one man's opinion, but I don't think WW84 will buck the trend for you. I consider it one of most confused and frustrating superhero movies of the past several years, not to mention one of the worst. I'm glad Trevor likes it, though. :)


arf... well seeing the trailer I probably agree I won't like it but who knows. (the amount of comments on that trailer claiming it's the best trailer of all time, and fans of the film have come back just to watch the trailer again?...weird)

oh yeah. I'm not into 100% CGI animated movies (ok TOY STORY was original at the time but I find them very draining to watch) but then I was babysitting for some friends kids once and they put on SHARK TALE, and I thought it was great.... this prompted me to check out a few other CGI kids movies but I didn't like them.
please do not mock my potato.