
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Olivia Bauer on April 18, 2012, 11:02:55 PM

Title: The Worst Things
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 18, 2012, 11:02:55 PM
Bad stuff. Just things that suck.

-Stepping on legos
-Bee stings
-Being covered in tics
-Burping so hard you puke
-Dropping perfectly good food on a floor you haven't seen cleaned since Bush was in office*


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: indianasmith on April 19, 2012, 06:35:44 AM
When what you think is going to be a nice, silent fart . . .

comes out lumpy!!!!! :buggedout:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Saucerman on April 19, 2012, 07:39:40 AM
Walking around in socks and stepping in a puddle.

Worse: It's a warm one. 

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Flangepart on April 19, 2012, 08:31:54 AM
The sudden shock of finding out how cold and deep the water in the toilet bowl is.
A problem women will never know...

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: LilCerberus on April 19, 2012, 12:52:34 PM
installing & removing snap rings.
stripped out screw threads.
everything to do with woodruff keys.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Chainsawmidget on April 19, 2012, 02:23:35 PM
-  That feeling where you're falling asleep but not quite there yet when all of a sudden, you feel like your falling and you jolt back up wide awake. 

-  When you put money in the vending machine for a drink only to find out the ones that you want are out and the machine won't give you your money back so you end up having to pick something you don't actually want.

-  when people greet you with "what's up?" and you respond "fine and you?" 

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: JaseSF on April 19, 2012, 07:34:03 PM
When you suddenly wake up to realize you're driving and heading off the road.  :buggedout:

When you climb to an height so great you freeze and cannot move.

When you have to spend time with people who are annoyingly crazy on a regular basis.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: indianasmith on April 19, 2012, 08:16:21 PM
That moment when the blood starts to spurt and you know it's REALLY gonna hurt, but your brain hasn't quite gotten the message yet . . . :buggedout:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Pacman000 on April 19, 2012, 08:42:23 PM
When WyreWizard starts a new topic...

(Actually I don't mind him much.  At least he doesn't just post "ThIs Is StUpID!!!!!" with no explanation. Consider this a good-natured jab, rather than an all-out attack.)

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: LilCerberus on April 19, 2012, 08:56:08 PM
People who assume that I don't have stuff to do...

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 19, 2012, 09:15:48 PM
all elements of the sobering up process

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 04:49:00 AM
I ordered a book through the mail called the FILMS OF TOD BROWNING.
I excepected an in depth review of his films.
Instead I got a lot of Freudian insights.
Worse-the reviewers didn't even know thir horror film history!
A review of DRACULA(1931) mentions that the Chistopher Lee version was directed by Roger Corman for AIP!  :buggedout:
So it made all the other "facts" in the book suspect.  :lookingup:
Sigh.  :bluesad:

Sure-I sometimes get my facts mixed up when I post about a film on the internet.
But I don't charge over $30.00 f**king dollars for people to read my f**k ups!

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Doggett on April 20, 2012, 05:04:09 AM
When you want to buy a book/dvd off amazon and someone ruins the end in the review section.


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Jack on April 20, 2012, 06:25:28 AM
When you're eating something and bite into something really hard, only to discover it was one of your fillings.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 20, 2012, 11:58:49 AM
Living on earth.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Flick James on April 20, 2012, 12:08:40 PM
When an online community about bad movies I've come to love, and that also has been a source of some of the most fascinating intellectual debates I've ever been a party to, begins to become a platform for partisan agendas and frequent manifestations of Godwin's Law.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Pacman000 on April 20, 2012, 01:05:57 PM
Nazis!  Nazis are the worst thing!  (Sorry Flick James, you gave me an idea.)

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 20, 2012, 01:28:23 PM
Pointlessly rude/mean people

My boss

Folks who say "What Up?" instead of the slightly less annoying "What's Up?'
(Chainsaw midget made me think of that...thanks)

Commercials that yell at me

This current trend of radio stations hacking classic songs up and shrinking their playlists...I guess it makes more room for commercials

Rotten @#$%&! people who abuse children,women and animals

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: alandhopewell on April 20, 2012, 01:41:29 PM
Professional victims
People who encourage professional victims, and make their living off them
Willfully ignorant people
 People who have no respect for women, the elderly, or those who give of themselves

No-load asshats who have an "opinion" on everything, yet have no real-world experience in anything

Pedophiles who claim that their heinous activities are actually "rites of passage" for youth, and should be encouraged.

Pendejos who choose candidates for cosmetic (or genetic) reasons

Yippie-skippie dingbats who think the world works THE WAY THEY WANT IT TO

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 04:04:59 PM
Living on earth.

"-take a trip to the moooon-on gossamer wings!"

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 04:35:02 PM
and frequent manifestations of Godwin's Law.

Whoah-whoah! WHOAH!

Thats one of the few laws I DO like!

" I'm a Republican because-"
"I'm a Democrat because-"
"I like grenn olives-"

Thats why I dont usually get involved with political debates-or on religion.
I believe what I believe in-and I'm not interested in converting anyone to my crazy ass beliefs.
I just put in the picture of Josef Goebbels on the Ted Nugent thingie because I thought it was funny-(and I said so in the post as well.)

I do it because I have no valid arguments.
And it's an easy way out.
Hell-I managed to get it in about Ted Nugent-and I actually LIKE Ted Nugent-the music AND the man.
He's got balls.
I just did it because I could.  :twirl:

Because I'm EVIL.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 20, 2012, 07:55:47 PM
and frequent manifestations of Godwin's Law.

Whoah-whoah! WHOAH!

Thats one of the few laws I DO like!

" I'm a Republican because-"
"I'm a Democrat because-"
"I like grenn olives-"

Thats why I dont usually get involved with political debates-or on religion.
I believe what I believe in-and I'm not interested in converting anyone to my crazy ass beliefs.
I just put in the picture of Josef Goebbels on the Ted Nugent thingie because I thought it was funny-(and I said so in the post as well.)

I do it because I have no valid arguments.
And it's an easy way out.
Hell-I managed to get it in about Ted Nugent-and I actually LIKE Ted Nugent-the music AND the man.
He's got balls.
I just did it because I could.  :twirl:

Because I'm EVIL.

I'm a  Republican now, but, I question my own membership to anything including the freak'n Human Race, i want out of this P!$$ and $#!* bag homosapein, they don't represent me.. But, I'm no NAZI ...not like  Sid.. :drink: :twirl:


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 20, 2012, 07:58:18 PM
Living on earth.

"-take a trip to the moooon-on gossamer wings!"

I can't I have to struggle for every last breath, still, it wil be over sooner or later, just  hope whenever it happens it's swift, Afterall, I'm a  pretty nice guy. :smile:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 08:12:49 PM
Living on earth.

"-take a trip to the moooon-on gossamer wings!"

I can't I have to struggle for every last breath, still, it wil be over sooner or later, just  hope whenever it happens it's swift, Afterall, I'm a  pretty nice guy. :smile:

Hey man-cant listen to Brubeck when your dead.
I dunno.
Much as I drink-ill find out.
Ill comeback and tell ya somehow.
Like Houdini.
You need to relax,buddy-ignore the poltical stuf-concentrate on what brought you here first-cool old s**tty movies.
I love The same movies as all he fols who got a different cop thouht-or god thouht-
I believe in old movies.
And if that is weird-it is.
No weider thatn what you beleive.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 08:25:24 PM
and frequent manifestations of Godwin's Law.

Whoah-whoah! WHOAH!

Thats one of the few laws I DO like!

" I'm a Republican because-"
"I'm a Democrat because-"
"I like grenn olives-"

Thats why I dont usually get involved with political debates-or on religion.
I believe what I believe in-and I'm not interested in converting anyone to my crazy ass beliefs.
I just put in the picture of Josef Goebbels on the Ted Nugent thingie because I thought it was funny-(and I said so in the post as well.)

I do it because I have no valid arguments.
And it's an easy way out.
Hell-I managed to get it in about Ted Nugent-and I actually LIKE Ted Nugent-the music AND the man.
He's got balls.
I just did it because I could.  :twirl:

Because I'm EVIL.

I'm a  Republican now, but, I question my own membership to anything including the freak'n Human Race, i want out of this P!$$ and $#!* bag homosapein, they don't represent me.. But, I'm no NAZI ...not like  Sid.. :drink: :twirl:


I actually put a gun ( 12 gauge shot gun-single shot) in my mouth and pulled the trigger.
I aint trying to be-f**k-I did it-I hope you aint serious.
But now-if I say anything I mean I might get arrested-like-gee-


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: JaseSF on April 20, 2012, 08:30:43 PM
I'm just wondering where all this political talk originated but I honestly have no idea...

On a personal level, I'm about as anti-nazi, anti-hate as one can get.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2012, 09:14:56 PM
I'm just wondering where all this political talk originated but I honestly have no idea...

On a personal level, I'm about as anti-nazi, anti-hate as one can get.

MAD magazine was my favoreite as a kid.
I think we should laugh at everything-and ourselves.
Its just stupid to fight.
I know that is real simplistic-but it works for me.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 20, 2012, 09:32:30 PM
I'm just wondering where all this political talk originated but I honestly have no idea...

On a personal level, I'm about as anti-nazi, anti-hate as one can get.

MAD magazine was my favoreite as a kid.
I think we should laugh at everything-and ourselves.
Its just stupid to fight.
I know that is real simplistic-but it works for me.

The old MAD , up till maybe ten years  ago was the best, but, it to has succumbed to PC/Lefty BS. It is amusing that  people  worked up on a message board like our opinions are having a real impact?

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Leah on April 21, 2012, 09:09:30 AM
Ads that gets past AdBlock Plus. :hatred: I hate that the world is getting more commercialized, seeing that there isn't much escape from it. :thumbdown:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 21, 2012, 12:03:04 PM
Living on earth.

"-take a trip to the moooon-on gossamer wings!"

I can't I have to struggle for every last breath, still, it wil be over sooner or later, just  hope whenever it happens it's swift, Afterall, I'm a  pretty nice guy. :smile:

Actually,Frank is indeed a pretty nice guy....I think NYC can make anyone stressed. Plus he sounds a lot like Robert De Niro on the phone which is cool.
Love ya,Frank! :smile:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 21, 2012, 08:45:36 PM
Living on earth.

"-take a trip to the moooon-on gossamer wings!"

I can't I have to struggle for every last breath, still, it wil be over sooner or later, just  hope whenever it happens it's swift, Afterall, I'm a  pretty nice guy. :smile:

Actually,Frank is indeed a pretty nice guy....I think NYC can make anyone stressed. Plus he sounds a lot like Robert De Niro on the phone which is cool.
Love ya,Frank! :smile:


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: JaseSF on April 22, 2012, 03:12:57 PM
You have mulitple TV channels yet you cannot find anything to watch and the airwaves are dominated by boring sports events, reality TV and mindless talk and game shows.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 23, 2012, 01:25:43 PM
Wasting perfectly good airtime with endless infomercials...isn't there a good old show you could put on?

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: alandhopewell on April 23, 2012, 01:34:05 PM
     TV shows that showcase accidents, toilet jokes, and people being hit in the crotch as the height of humor.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 23, 2012, 03:43:46 PM
     TV shows that showcase accidents, toilet jokes, and people being hit in the crotch as the height of humor.
So much for America's Funniest Home Videos..... :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Menard on April 23, 2012, 05:38:50 PM
...people being hit in the crotch as the height of humor.

But that is the height of humor. :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

( (

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Saucerman on April 24, 2012, 09:36:42 AM
Having a centipede drop from the ceiling on to my face while I'm sleeping. 

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Doggett on April 24, 2012, 09:50:19 AM
Self service tills in supermarkets!


I dont even get angry about them anymore. I just curl and and cry in the corner.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 24, 2012, 11:39:15 AM
MAD  magazine is run by clueless  people  and it has ADS! :thumbdown:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Kaseykockroach on April 24, 2012, 12:53:03 PM
95% of everything.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Frank81 on April 24, 2012, 12:59:56 PM
95% of everything.

Yup, but, better  be careful you may  bring down the amused  to death audience and watch your spelling.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 24, 2012, 01:36:43 PM
Dr.Joyce Brothers facial surgery.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: alandhopewell on April 24, 2012, 01:45:40 PM
Dr.Joyce Brothers facial surgery.


Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: zombie on April 24, 2012, 03:31:52 PM
Toothache. your entire existence becomes null and void, and your only conscious thought is intense agonizing toothache

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: alandhopewell on April 25, 2012, 02:36:33 PM
Toothache. your entire existence becomes null and void, and your only conscious thought is intense agonizing toothache

     You reminded me of a dreadful experience I had....
January, 1992....I'd moved to Cleveland a few months before, in the employ of a professional magician who owned the building I was living in. My pay, basically, was a place to live, in return for cleaning up the property, and providing security; at the time, I and my cat were the only tenants.

     One weekend, we were hit with a snowstorm. My boss was out of town, and I had no money. In those days, I smoked, and I'd smoked my last cigarette on Friday afternoon, and I really didn't know anyone.

     Thanks to the weather, I was stranded indoors. To make matters worse, my cat was in heat, and stuck in the apartment with me, I had an abcessed tooth which was giving me indescribable pain, and a rat had crawled up into the cold air return system, and died, permeating my digs with the stench of the charnel house.

     All that, and no cigarettes....where was Edgar Allan Poe?

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Andrew on April 25, 2012, 02:56:19 PM
Bad stuff. Just things that suck.

-Stepping on legos

A few years back we were boo'd around Halloween.  That's when somebody rings the doorbell and runs off, but they also leave a bag of treats for the kids.  Andy was mortified that we might get boo'd again. 

One night I got home late and the house was dark.  I took off my shoes at the front door and started to walk through the front room to the kitchen to get something to eat before bed.  I stepped on something excruciatingly painful.  Immediately stepped off it and I stepped on something else excruciatingly painful.  When I hit the third one I stopped moving and started cursing.  My wife turned on the light at the top of the stairs and asked what was wrong.  I yelled, "What the @&#$! is all over the floor?"  She replied, "Oh, Andy was afraid we might get boo'd again, so he made traps."

That little bugger had built caltrops out of LEGOs!  They were all over the front room.  I don't think that Andy had ever even seen a picture of caltrops, but he knew that they would hurt to step on.  Man, that boy was lucky that it was midnight and he was asleep.  I had a few hours to cool down before talking to him about booby-trapping the house.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: alandhopewell on April 25, 2012, 03:02:16 PM
Bad stuff. Just things that suck.

-Stepping on legos

A few years back we were boo'd around Halloween.  That's when somebody rings the doorbell and runs off, but they also leave a bag of treats for the kids.  Andy was mortified that we might get boo'd again. 

One night I got home late and the house was dark.  I took off my shoes at the front door and started to walk through the front room to the kitchen to get something to eat before bed.  I stepped on something excruciatingly painful.  Immediately stepped off it and I stepped on something else excruciatingly painful.  When I hit the third one I stopped moving and started cursing.  My wife turned on the light at the top of the stairs and asked what was wrong.  I yelled, "What the @&#$! is all over the floor?"  She replied, "Oh, Andy was afraid we might get boo'd again, so he made traps."

That little bugger had built caltrops out of LEGOs!  They were all over the front room.  I don't think that Andy had ever even seen a picture of caltrops, but he knew that they would hurt to step on.  Man, that boy was lucky that it was midnight and he was asleep.  I had a few hours to cool down before talking to him about booby-trapping the house.

     Gotta love 'em, wot?

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Menard on April 25, 2012, 03:04:13 PM
Bad stuff. Just things that suck.

-Stepping on legos

A few years back we were boo'd around Halloween.  That's when somebody rings the doorbell and runs off, but they also leave a bag of treats for the kids.  Andy was mortified that we might get boo'd again. 

One night I got home late and the house was dark.  I took off my shoes at the front door and started to walk through the front room to the kitchen to get something to eat before bed.  I stepped on something excruciatingly painful.  Immediately stepped off it and I stepped on something else excruciatingly painful.  When I hit the third one I stopped moving and started cursing.  My wife turned on the light at the top of the stairs and asked what was wrong.  I yelled, "What the @&#$! is all over the floor?"  She replied, "Oh, Andy was afraid we might get boo'd again, so he made traps."

That little bugger had built caltrops out of LEGOs!  They were all over the front room.  I don't think that Andy had ever even seen a picture of caltrops, but he knew that they would hurt to step on.  Man, that boy was lucky that it was midnight and he was asleep.  I had a few hours to cool down before talking to him about booby-trapping the house.

Now you know you are proud of him...

...I am :thumbup:

Reminds me of myself as a kid. :teddyr:

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 28, 2012, 11:48:11 AM
Bad stuff. Just things that suck.

-Stepping on legos

A few years back we were boo'd around Halloween.  That's when somebody rings the doorbell and runs off, but they also leave a bag of treats for the kids.  Andy was mortified that we might get boo'd again. 

One night I got home late and the house was dark.  I took off my shoes at the front door and started to walk through the front room to the kitchen to get something to eat before bed.  I stepped on something excruciatingly painful.  Immediately stepped off it and I stepped on something else excruciatingly painful.  When I hit the third one I stopped moving and started cursing.  My wife turned on the light at the top of the stairs and asked what was wrong.  I yelled, "What the @&#$! is all over the floor?"  She replied, "Oh, Andy was afraid we might get boo'd again, so he made traps."

That little bugger had built caltrops out of LEGOs!  They were all over the front room.  I don't think that Andy had ever even seen a picture of caltrops, but he knew that they would hurt to step on.  Man, that boy was lucky that it was midnight and he was asleep.  I had a few hours to cool down before talking to him about booby-trapping the house.

Home Alone 5: Attack of the Boos

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: tracy on April 28, 2012, 12:09:32 PM
This current fad of women wearing clothes about 2 sizes too small....ick! I'm sorry but I am a full-figured lady and I would never insist that I am that small.

Title: Re: The Worst Things
Post by: Trevor on April 30, 2012, 08:51:44 AM
Nothing is worse than this: my review of Gymkata from  :buggedout: :buggedout:

Wow. Where to begin? I cannot now join the happy bunch at as I own a copy of this film on VHS and have thus broken the eleventh commandment. What to do?

The film starts with a John Frankenheimer inspired shot (low to the ground) of what appears to be either an elongated male organ or a huge baseball bat. Music starts, ominous music, sounding like someone scratching a tune on his genitals with a hacksaw and then strangling a cat. Then, two powdered hands grab the ‘male organ’. Wow, this is getting exciting or what?. Oh, no wait. Damn. It is actually one of two parallel bars mounted by some gymnast with a serious mullet. This is intercut with shots of some poor bugger hurtling hell-for-leather through the woods and some horsemen pursuing the aforementioned poor bugger through those woods, ending up with that guy swinging like a frightened monkey on a children’s rope. “Come along, Cabot!” says Mullet #2 (Richard Norton). “The Khan (who he?) explained the game! Now back off!” screams the pursued one. “And you believed a fool!” says Norton, dispatching the pursued one with a bow and arrow. Guy falls, perhaps el splatto on the rocks. Urgh. But waittttt! We didn’t see him fall on the rocks below! Dat mean he not ded? Spoiler and loophole #1 of many. Anyway, back to the story.

Stunt upon stunts by the gymnast (he of the male organ and mullet) who eventually, unlike this film, lands on his feet when he leaps from the bars, and not on his head. The mullet would have saved him, though. His girl tries to approach him and some guy puts his hand out to stop her, makes eye contact with the gymnast and looks at her as if to say “This one’s mine, duckie.” Cut to a house in the woods and to a shot of Kurt Thomas, failed Olympic gymnast and soon to be failed actor. Mumbo jumbo between him and his boss about his unresolved issues with his father who was the pursued one. Yawn, scratch my ass time. Recruitment time as Paley (Edward Bell) gets Cabot Jr to play for the other team. “You know……your FATHER was HAMPERED by a lack of KNOWLEDGE about the Game.” says Paley. “Fortunately, WE have a BREAK. Jonathan Cabot, MAY I present the PRINCESS RUBALLIE of PARMISTAN. The Princess is an EXPERT at the game and SHE’LL be handling your TRAINING from now on.” Enter the exotic Princess Ruballie (Tetchie Aygbayani) who begins Cabot’s training by proceeding to kick his backside and his front side six ways to Sunday. And tie him up! Ooooh. Paley (who acts…..LIKE…..a…..WILLIAM Shatner…. clone…..and looks as though he could use some sun)says: “What she’s saying is: don’t trust anybody.”

Cabot’s training in the art of ‘gymkata’ (a combination of serious butt kicking and my-trousers-have-split-and-I-have-no-underpants-on gymnastics) continues under the watchful eye of Ruballie and her duo of torturers. Among these latter gents is a guy who can be blindfolded and then lay down some amazing moves with scythes without offing himself in the process. He also mumbles terrible purple prose such as “Do not hear the wood split. Hear the only sound of axe. Cutting air. Read the air itself. It has much say to you.” Steve O and Johnny Knoxville could probably learn something from this guy. Cabot is then forced to do a handstand (so that the girls can check out his nads) and walk up the stairs on his hands. He eventually makes it (after falling on his ass a couple of times: Torturer #1: “No, no, dumb dummy!!”) and after he knocks down Torturer #2 with a bo staff, his training is complete. No, wait, he hasn’t gotten it on with his leading lady. Wham, bam, thank you m’am. Now my training is complete.

Cut to ‘Karabal ~ on the Caspian Sea’. Trevor breaks off and pulls up Uh, uh. No such place. Forget it, this film was shot in Yugoslavia, so it must have been filmed there somewhere. Enter one John Mackle, known as the Stork. A guy who runs a salt mine is not to be trusted and ‘Stork’ is one shady character, who resembles most of the actors who attempted to act in some fly by night South African film productions of the 1980’s. Oh yes, major plot development: the previously mute Ruballie speaks her first words! (“Fine piece of work.”)

Karabal nightlife ~ in a word or two, bad. Americans are not welcome, their bodyguards get offed in the worst way (hello, major overkill!) and their girls get kidnapped. Cabot is out for revenge, sorts out the baddies, discovers that firearms do not suit him, finds Ruballie, they get chased through the streets of Karabal, bullets just miss them (why are these guys using Schmeisser MP40’s, are they Nazi remnants?) and they wind up at the salt mine again, where Stork is waiting. They discover to their horror THAT NOTHING HAS BEEN PACKED!!!
Cabot: [smelling a rat or something bad] “What’s the story, Mackle?”
[Mackle points pistol.]
Cabot: “Aw, sh*t!”
Mackle: “Thees ees a reeel shame, Cabot.”
[Huge burst of automatic gunfire, Mackle he go owwww, he dead.] Production designer and art director very angry, scratch one glass door and the whole office.
Paley: “I always said that Special Operations should have handled this whole operation.”
[Two guys burst in, Paley cuts them down with a slow motion burst from his AK 47 (huh?).]
Paley: “Double blackmail. [gives camera a goofy look] Well, that takes care of things here, you’ll leave in the morning.”

Cut to a river down which our heroes are travelling in a dingy dinghy to Parmistan (??) and the heroine is trying not to get her hair wet. They make landfall and are immediately attacked by a bunch of ninja like warriors (Ninja Zombies?) who, after getting knocked about by our hero, open up a can of proverbial whoop-ass on Cabot and kidnap his girl. Again. Fade to black as Johnny Boy gets clonked on the head.
Cue wolf howls. This is actually the hungry cast moaning for food and their pay cheques. Cabot wakes up in a room being caressed by a toothless, mute urgh ugly lady. Standing over him is Zamir (Richard Norton, yes, the same guy who smoked his Dad) who welcomes him with an expression that suggests either that someone has farted terribly in the room or one of his ninjas has his bo staff jammed up his boss’ rear end. Zamir leaves Cabot to be caressed by the mute one.

The Khan (stylin’ hat, man!) explains the game rules to the assembled warriors and gives them courage and assurance for the game that anyone violating the rules will be instantly killed. Gee, thanks. The Khan (how’s that Brooklyn accent, Buck?) then says “Excuse me now, gentlemen, I must go play king for my people.” He greets his people with what is probably the Parmistanian version of “Yo, wazzup?” namely the cry of “Yakmullah!” He magnanimously lets three prisoners go free… play the game. Needless to say, all of these poor guys are slaughtered ~ Zamir even kills one of his own Ninja Zombies when he breaks the rules, showing us what a nice guy Zamir is. He is hard, fair and a stone killer.
Cue wildlife shot and we are at a party. There is a table of champions and some gooey-eyed looks between Ruballie and Johnny. Here we meet Thorg (Bob Schott), a man mountain whose primary function in life and in this film it seems, is to make Cabot’s day by killing him, one is never told why, but that’s showbiz for you. One is never told if he is the reigning Game champ, but, considering what happens to him in the forest and later in the village, he wouldn’t even be able to fight his way out of an outhouse. Cabot recognizes him as a fellow athlete: Thorg blows him off. There is also another person at the”table of champions” who we see once and never again, perhaps she chickened out? Zamir is also there and jealously starts showing off with two ‘sai’ weapons tucked into his pants. After this show-off display, serious damage to certain members of the cast (especially Zamir’s members) and introductions by the Khan, Johnny meets the Princess who warns him that he is going to get his butt seriously kicked by Zamir tomorrow if Cabot doesn’t stop playing hide the sausage with Zamir’s girl. Duh. Fight time: two Ninja Zombies suck wall courtesy of Cabot’s feet. Okay, we then cut to the courtyard of the castle the next morning. Cabot gets threatened by Zamir, but what he should worry about is standing right behind him and not muttering such sweet nothings as “Death becomes you” into his left ear, namely the hulking Thorg who trips Cabot up when the Game starts and kicks him in the face for good measure.

The Game starts in earnest with Cabot hiding in a cornfield (this was used again in “Blind Fury” also written by this film’s screenplay writer Charles Robert Carner) and trying to escape his pursuers before they kill his ass or before Jeff Probst kicks him off Survivor. He manages, by hook, crook or sheer idiocy to evade getting turned into porridge in the cornfield and also getting nailed in the back by an arrow when he is climbing the cliff. No such luck for the poor bugger climbing the rope next to him, down he go and dead he be. Oh, hang on, there’s more: Zamir tries to fry Cabot by setting fire to the rope he’s climbing on. When this fails, Zamir throws a paddy and chucks away the still burning torch, causing a bigger fire. Cabot makes it to the top of the cliff safely (it’s amazing how fast you can climb when your ass is about to become toast!) and his next target is the gorge where his father took a nose-dive onto the rocks, courtesy of Prince Zamir.

Uh oh, black screen……..where’s the editor? Someone else gets hit on the head, and falls into the gorge. Despite Zamir chopping the rope, Cabot makes it to the other side and kicks one of Zamir’s NZ’s into the gorge. Thorg is still after him though (“The finish line for you is right here, Cabot.”) and while these two are kicking each other’s butts, we see Zamir directing his soldiers / ninja zombies to use Cabot for target practice. Cabot hears most honourable master say “Hear the only sound of axe. Cutting air.” and gets his ass out of the way: Thorg, hearing nothing except the pee trickling gently down his leg, gets nailed in the chest by an arrow. Bye Thorg, it’s been a pressure knowing you.
“Cuckoos next hey? Yeah, don’t waste your breath.” Marvellous line from Kurt to one of the NZ’s, I wish I wrote that one. Well I did. Just now. Okay, now to the village of the crazies, housing people who didn’t pay their TV license, have traffic fines outstanding, and still have a few installments owing on the bread knife. These guys are out for blood, or beer or just a partyyyyy…..something like those, anyway. Wait up……..what happened to John Barrett, a.k.a. Gomez?

 Oh there he is: nailed to the door by a variety of gardening tools and a friendly dog licking his spilled blood up. Ewww. This place is seriously creepy, smoky dry ice everywhere, people laughing for no reason, a woman that sounds alarmingly like a crow, guys with hospital gowns on (check that ass…..yuck!) and one guy who forgets that you shouldn’t touch a cold pipe with a warm hand. No problem, quick slash with a razor-sharp object, quick cut to a severed hand still holding onto the pipe. Aha: time for two face man! Two face man challenge Cabot. Cabot no run away. Two face man get two cheeks of butt kicked. Twice, once for every face. Along the way, Thorg (still alive, looking like someone has spilt a chocolate milkshake on his shirt) attacks Cabot and gets turned into sushi by the locals and the pigs have a feast.
Cabot starts running away from the people chasing him and the dogs running in slow motion. Uh oh…trap, Cabot runs straight into the village square and gets himself surrounded by a bunch of crazies trying to sell him things that were rejected on ‘Home Improvement’. What’s this? Ah, a eighteenth century pommel horse! Right, Kurt has some ass-kicking for you. No time to chalk up, just kick or die! Kick, swing, kick, knock down, swishing sounds on the soundtrack, Kurt runs away with all of the loonies in pursuit. All of a sudden, things start to slowwwwwwww down. Even the dogs start running in slow motion. The townspeople also start screaming in slow motion. Cabot is trapped in an alley and tries to climb his way out. Nahh, me too much of a wussy, can’t make it. One of the rooftop NZ’s approaches. Extends his hand. Cabot looks up. Yeah, right. I’ll grab your hand, you’ll drop me and the psychos’ll have my ass. The NZ pulls him up, pulls off his mask. Hi Dad!

Cabot Sr and Jr get away, embrace and Sr gets nailed in the back by an arrow. Shot by Zamir. Again. Dad collapses after saying “Win, Johnny…”. Now Meester Kurt, he seriously p**sed off and starts laying the opposition low, one by one while Dad is no doubt screaming “No wait, you *&^%$#@ loser! Help me with this arrow first, then win!”
Meanwhile, back at the castle, the dopey Khan has realized that Zamir is up to no good, Ruballie strips down to her cat-suit (scrummy!) and both of them (aided by the rabble in the courtyard) kick the seven colours of crap out of the Ninja Zombies. Cabot is pursued by Zamir and throw some hands. Cabot traps the unlucky Zamir between his legs and his BO makes Zamir first throw up and then die. Or was it the other way around? Dunno.
Back at the castle, a messenger passes along the message that for the first time in 900 years, someone has won the game and Johnny Boy (plus wounded Dad who still has the arrow in him) is seen coming up on his horse. Ruballie joins them, freeze frame on the two of them, fade out. Uh, Whazzat title about Star Wars? Oh, never mind.

Oy, what was I thinking?  :buggedout: :buggedout: