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Zombie Films: Which Are Your 10 Favorite? (New Voting Poll)

Started by Scott, November 22, 2006, 03:42:39 PM

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Which Are Your Top 10  Zombie Film?

Night of the Living Dead
19 (70.4%)
Zombie (Fulci)
11 (40.7%)
Last Man On Earth
6 (22.2%)
Revolt of the Zombies
0 (0%)
Dawn of the Dead (original)
13 (48.1%)
Day of the Dead
9 (33.3%)
Tombs of the Blind Dead
5 (18.5%)
Return of the Blind Dead
2 (7.4%)
Army of Darkness
8 (29.6%)
Return of the Living Dead
16 (59.3%)
King of the Zombies
0 (0%)
White Zombie
8 (29.6%)
Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
2 (7.4%)
Evil Dead
10 (37%)
Evil Dead II
5 (18.5%)
Plague of the Zombies
1 (3.7%)
Plan 9 From Outer Space
5 (18.5%)
Dead Alive (a.k.a Braindead)
5 (18.5%)
28 Days Later
8 (29.6%)
Rainbow and the Serpent
0 (0%)
1 (3.7%)
Hard Rock Zombies
0 (0%)
The Believers
1 (3.7%)
Omega Man
2 (7.4%)
Resident Evil
1 (3.7%)
Resident Evil: Apocolypse
0 (0%)
Shaun of the Dead
10 (37%)
I Eat Your Skin
0 (0%)
Nightmare City
3 (11.1%)
3 (11.1%)
The Beyond
3 (11.1%)
Oasis Of Zombies
1 (3.7%)
I Walked with a Zombie
2 (7.4%)
Land of the Dead
7 (25.9%)
Burial Ground
1 (3.7%)
Zombie 4 (a.k.a. After Death)
1 (3.7%)
Kung Fu Zombie
1 (3.7%)
Return of the Living Dead II
2 (7.4%)
Return of the Living Dead III
1 (3.7%)
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown
1 (3.7%)
Ghost Ships of the Blind Dead (Blind Dead 3)
1 (3.7%)
Night of the Seagulls (Blind Dead 4)
1 (3.7%)
Night of the Creeps
1 (3.7%)
Teenage Zombies
0 (0%)
Zombie Lake
1 (3.7%)
Astro Zombies (original)
0 (0%)
8 (29.6%)
2 (7.4%)
Children Shoudn't Play With Dead Things
3 (11.1%)
0 (0%)
Dead and Buried
1 (3.7%)
Dead Men Walk
0 (0%)
1 (3.7%)
Horror Express
3 (11.1%)
House By The Cemetary
1 (3.7%)
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
2 (7.4%)
Redneck Zombies
1 (3.7%)
Wild Zero
2 (7.4%)
Zombies of the Stratosphere
0 (0%)
Night of the Zombies
0 (0%)
Hide and Creep
0 (0%)
Hell of the Living Dead (a.k.a. Zombie Creeping Flesh/Virus)
2 (7.4%)
Zombie Holocaust (Dr. Butcher M.D.)
2 (7.4%)
Cemetery Man
2 (7.4%)
0 (0%)
Zombies of Mora Tau
1 (3.7%)
0 (0%)
The Dead Hate the Living
0 (0%)
Zeder (Revenge of the Dead)
1 (3.7%)
Dead Next Door
0 (0%)
Zombie Doom
2 (7.4%)
0 (0%)
Biker Zombies
0 (0%)
Death Becomes Her
0 (0%)
Weekend at Bernies 2
0 (0%)
My Boyfriends Back
0 (0%)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
0 (0%)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
0 (0%)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
0 (0%)
The Stuff
0 (0%)
Bad Taste
2 (7.4%)
Vengeance Of The Zombies
0 (0%)
Corpse Eaters
0 (0%)
All Souls Day
0 (0%)
Ghost Lake
0 (0%)
After Sundown
0 (0%)
House Of The Seven Corpes
0 (0%)
28 Weeks Later
3 (11.1%)
Warning Sign
0 (0%)
Shock Waves
2 (7.4%)
Messiah Of Evil (a.k.a. Dead People)
1 (3.7%)
City Of The Living Dead (a.k.a Gates Of Hell)
4 (14.8%)
Dead Pit
1 (3.7%)
Wiseguys vs. Zombies
1 (3.7%)
Revenge Of The Zombies
0 (0%)
Resident Evil: Extinction
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 27


Hell, they even call them Deadites in Army of Darkness!! Yew can't ignore that! And there are all KINDS of Deadites! not just humanoid ones. There izza bat like one, there are skeleton types, and what aboot that zaney thing that that thing turned into at the end of E.D.2? Ya know the one with the long neck and made monkey noises? Dont even TRY to tell me that THAT thing wuzza zombie.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


I kinda feel the same way as Kygotic about the EVIL DEAD films as they seem spirit possessed, except the ones that rise from the grave in ARMY OF DARKNESS, but I keep them up as many strongly feel they are Zombie films.

A few films that feel more like Zombie films than others are NIGHTMARE CITY, I DRINK YOUR BLOOD, and even THE CRAZIES.

Menard, maybe for Jason we can just put FRIDAY THE 13TH FILMS as a catagory or should they all be listed? If so give me a complete list of titles. I forget all the names to this series.

Anyone else like to put JASON on the list of Zombie films? Are they considered Zombie films?


NOO!!! he duzznt EAT  people! He just chops um up! Just because something is dead, does NOT make it a zombie. 
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Quote from: KYGOTC on December 02, 2006, 11:22:59 PM

NOO!!! he duzznt EAT  people! He just chops um up! Just because something is dead, does NOT make it a zombie. 

Did you mean to say that because something is the living dead that it doesn't make it a zombie? If your definition of zombies limits them to just eating people, then I guess we'll have to disclude White Zombie, King of the Zombies, I Walked With a Zombie and a whole bunch more of zombie movies which does not fit your narrow definition. There were zombies in movies before George Romero, and there have been movies with zombies which did not eat people after George Romero too.


I understand that. And my definition of a zombie in not limited to them just eating people. I mean, just look at Plan 9.
My personal insight of what a zomie is is that it doesnt even have to be dead all the time( 28 days later) but usualy they are. Zombies are phisicly aggressive, USUALY eat people, but not all the time. They often travel in groups, they don't seem to be all that bright. Most of the time they dont talk. Zombies are caused by viruses, radiation, infection, and sometimes there is no reason at all. (Shaun of the Dead, Night of the living dead, ect)

Now, just because something is a reaniated corpse does NOT make it a zombie. If Jason is a zombie based soaly on the fact that he's dead, then i guess vampires are zombies. And mummys, and Frankenstein's monster. And even Feddy. Ya see what I'm getting at?
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Quote from: KYGOTC on December 03, 2006, 04:25:27 PM
Now, just because something is a reaniated corpse does NOT make it a zombie. If Jason is a zombie based soaly on the fact that he's dead, then i guess vampires are zombies. And mummys, and Frankenstein's monster. And even Feddy. Ya see what I'm getting at?

The deliniation between vampires and zombies is quite vague. They both came out of similar legends primarily only differentiating by the locale of said legend. The primary distinction it seems which movies have provided is whether or not the being has self-awareness. That, however, has changed in the movies as of Return of the Living Dead and others where the zombie can be a fully self-aware individual; the only difference being whether they are alive or dead. 

Frankenstein's monster is an automaton in essence. It is a living being, and can be killed just like anybody else.

What Freddy would be classified as, I am not too certain; but it certainly would not be a zombie as his corporeal body is dead and he is not in possession of it.


The difference between vampires and zombies is this.
*Sunlight does not kill zombies. Also, garlic, silver, crosses, and getting impailed in the heart doesnt seem to effect zombies.
*Vampires are smarter then zombies.
*Vampires can turn into bats.
*Vampires seem to only want the blood, where as zombies find the entire human body as a nice spread.

I will admit this similarity. If a vampire bites you, you also become a vampire. same principle goes for zombies.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Quote from: KYGOTC on December 03, 2006, 06:16:05 PM
The difference between vampires and zombies is this.
*Sunlight does not kill zombies. Also, garlic, silver, crosses, and getting impailed in the heart doesnt seem to effect zombies.
*Vampires are smarter then zombies.
*Vampires can turn into bats.
*Vampires seem to only want the blood, where as zombies find the entire human body as a nice spread.

I will admit this similarity. If a vampire bites you, you also become a vampire. same principle goes for zombies.

Everyone of those so called characteristics is movie dependent. There have been vampire movies in which the vampire neither was affected by sunlight, nor were they repelled by crosses. There have been more vampire movies where vampires did not have the ability to turn into bats than there have been where they did have the ability.

Conversely, as I mentioned before, there have been zombie films with otherwise intelligent, talking zombies.

You can make up all the lists you want of what you think makes a zombie or vampire movie, but you can't expect others to follow your lists.


Some very good arguments here.  :thumbup:

My main difference between Jason's FRIDAY THE 13TH films and Zombie films are that Jason uses a machete and his films feel more like slasher films than a zombie film in my opinion. Zombies are usually physically decrepit and decaying in some way. Must admit that some of the more recent Zombie films have them running and moving very fast, but they still don't usually carry weapons.

I'm still very open to the idea of putting all the FRIDAY THE 13TH films on the Database Zombie Poll. Anyone have a clearer definition?

Maybe Jason Vorhees broke the mold and was way ahead of its time in the realm of Zombies. If this is the case then Jason was also the strongest of all Zombies and this killing machine now travels in space. The question still remains.........What is Jason? Is Jason a Zombie? 


Jason never became a zombie until part 6. He is not in the first movie, other than as a memory of him as a child when he drowned, or supposedly drowned. He is a human, of sorts, in parts 2 through 4; it is in part 4 when he is killed. He is not in part 5; it is an imposter. He is brought back in part 6 as a living corpse (zombie) that cannot be killed and has super strength. In parts 7 and 8 he is still a zombie. Part 9 is a little confusing as to whether he starts off as a zombie, but he gets blown to hell anyway, then begins to possess people, then is reborn of human flesh. In part 10, it is clearly stated at the outset that he has amazing regenerative powers and he is not represented as a zombie. The only parts where he is a zombie, and a rotting one at that (as they make that abundantly clear with showing that his flesh is falling off of his bones), is in parts 6, 7, and 8. And yes, they are still slasher films; it's just that the slasher happens to be a zombie as well.


I hear you Menard on the slasher zombie genre, so I'm putting up FRIDAY THE 13TH -6-7-8 for a well fought zombie victory on Jasons behalf.

To put Frankenstein, Vampires, and Mummy's is to broad a list even though they are undead and/or reanimated in some way. They deserve a seperate poll for each respected catagory.


I think that Jason doenst really need a catigory. He's just JasonIf any thing at all, I suppose he could go under the catigory of maybe "gouls" perhaps allong with pinhead, freddy, chucky, and all those other charecters that are a genre all their own, ya know?
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"



Quote from: Menard on December 03, 2006, 07:23:42 PM

You can make up all the lists you want of what you think makes a zombie or vampire movie, but you can't expect others to follow your lists.

And i didnt mean to offenD ya, mon. Everyone is entiteld to their own opinion, im just stating mine. Sorry for any misinterprited hostility!

"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


I was watching a movie, "The Wicked", on Starz cable network this afternoon, staring Ron Jeremy of adult movie fame, didn't get to see the entire movie but there appears to be a zombie vampire in this movie, can't wait to see the whole thing. The part I saw was pretty interesting, voted for Shaun of the Dead but this one may make me change my mind.

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.


Amazingly enough it looks as though DEAD ALIVE (a.k.a Braindead) is ahead of the pack. Passing all others. One of the more memorable moments of this film is when the old lady's ear falls off and into the soup and she eats it.