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Death Ship

Started by stavner, January 25, 1999, 11:21:50 PM

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I watched this movie once when i was on a 'B-grade' Horror flick movie kick. I thought it might actually be cool. It wasn't.


After watching this movie, I feel ashamed to be a part of humankind.


This movie wasn't that bad...My friend said it was the WORST MOVIE EVER, but like it wasn't THAT bad...It had it's moments and made some sense...But yeah i guess overall it really wasn't that great...but not as bad as some of ya'll makin it seem. Lori's kinda good looking too, so that's a plus, see! haha


Death Ship changed my life and we will all never be the same...long live the death ship! if anyone has a signed photo of george kennedy from this movie e-mail me, i will pay obsene amounts of money! the only things missing from death ship were slats and arnold brownswegger. the convincing special affects and great editing make this film a horror classic! All hail the death ship! : )

last voyage 1960

The clip that you have showing the "international date line" where the ships are day and nite includes the engine room flooding scene from "The Last Voyage" (1960).  In that movie, they were trying to stabilize the bulkhead with timbers, and in this scene, as the water floods in, you can see the timbers falling away.

However, I too saw this movie quite a long time ago.  As one of those movies that they used to play on tv late at night, your mind is always in just the right mode for this type of movie.  And for that, I like the movie. Reminds me when I was a kid and stayed up way beyond when I should have!!!


This movie is one of the main reasons my best friend and I have drug-and-alcohol issues. We saw it on late-night TV in '91 when we were about 13 or so, in a haze of THC and vodka, and spent the whole time chasing each other around, screeching "No one leaves my ship!" and howling with laughter. Shortly thereafter, I showed up at her house again, dressed up in pirate garb with a rented copy of this wretched flick under my arm. After being locked outside with her neighbors snickering for about 15 minutes, she relented & let me in, only after I promised more vodka. Still, this terrible flick is solid gold crap! I wish I had a copy.


I saw this film in the theatre some 20+ years ago--what I most strongly recall is that this was the only film I have EVER walked out on.  It was truely awful.


Well sue me, but I like this film, for whatever reasons... It just showed recently on cable TV in my neck of woods, though I saw it when it first came out, when I was a wee lad, and later at the Cinémathèque. The guy who mentioned "Virus" is right, though in "Virus" — which is much, much worse than this mother — they also blatantly ripped off "Moontrap". When a 50 millions dollars movies rips off two B-movies which,wouldn't come near a tenth of of the bill — TOGETHER ! — you know you're in trouble...

Rodrigo Rosa

Well, it's not a good movie, but touched me has good actors, a razonable story...but the movie could be better.
Death Ship, 7 out of 10.

Drew Bergstrom

I read your review of this film, and remembering it fondly from my youth, ended my session thinking you were, to put it mildly, "lame".

I am SO sorry.  I rented a copy from Blockbuster (knowing they have all the new crap, but figuring they wouldn't stock a film THIS bad), and took it home.

OH MY GOD! My eyes were burning after only a few moments of mind-numbing, sense-shattering. . . nothing.

I have now come to grips with the fact that I was very, VERY, stupid child

Markus Kangas

I liked the film - knowing its a B-movie to begin with - and
think its better than some of its competition such as the Devil's Triangle (another good George Kennedy flick whoohoo!)

psycho path

Pretty funny movie,but can get pretty creepy at times!


Private Joker

Are the only good movies George Kennedy is in the Naked Gun series and Cool Hand Luke?  It seems all his others make the guy who runs this site want to kick his butt into next century.


Yes, this movie is bad, but as others have said this movie definitely has something working in its favor.  The concept and atmosphere are pretty creepy, until we near the end of the film and George Kennedy literally blows the film out of the water with his overacting.  This movie made me realize that the concept is not too far out of reality - the Germans, Japanese, and even the British operated "death ships" in a few instances (nothing like the long-term carnage implied by this movie, though) during WWII.  I'll chalk this one up as an interesting failure.


I am deeply upset that this film is a bag of turd. I remember watching this years ago as a nipper and being petrified. gutted.....Is Death Boat, out soon a remake?