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Howard the Duck

Started by Andrew, June 07, 1999, 08:01:20 PM

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Jesus you guys just dont get it do you
Bad movies are the best, if i wanted to spend my good earned money to see the lame ass big special effect titanic film or spend it to see a midgit dress up as a Duck and not just any Duck Howard T. Duck what the hell do you think my reaction to this would be.
This film is a masterpiece it is without a doubt the finest work George "hollywood" lucas would have ever achived infact he should have made a sequal to this film. Howard isnt as great as he is in the comics but he still knows his s**t and he can quack fu your ass if you do not see this.

So to all you movie critics out there dont you see this film is a legend. Nightbeast terror from beyond is nearly as good as this film except it doesnt have everyones favourite actor in who is the "dark overlord" and also in every other damn 80's film that never made it or was part of MTVs music culture god damn it!

tim temmel

OK...I saw when it came out and liked it...and yes I LOVE Lea Thompson...the underwear scene is the best...but I was confused that it was considered such a bad movie. It seemed like it was considered bad because it was a Lucasfilm that didn't do great box office. And there sure as hell were terrible movies earning money  before and since then. Anyway, it's good to see someone else liked it too.  Did I mention Lea's underwear scene?  mmm  mmmmmmm!!!

Roy Smith

This was the first movie of hundreds I've seen with my buddy Jason.  When Leah Thompson puts out a condom from Howard's wallet Jason said something that nearly made me laugh to death, "Wow, a duckie rubber!"


This movie makes my eyes bleed. A true example of Lucas's ineffable power to truely screw himself. The only saving graces here were the Cthuloid beasty at the end and Lea Thompson in bondage...


The best thing about this film is the fact that George Lucas made it. George could do no wrong at the time...RIGHT! If made by some mediocre film maker this piece of s**t would've just turned over once and sank for me. But there's something about an A-List guy rolling out a turkey that just has a warped appeal about it. Stupid, funny in a bizarre way, and reasonably clever story swiped from the underground comic books. I'd love to meet "Howard" and drop kick him back to his star system. I'd love to drop kick Lea Thompson in her undies with her Fender into the Hudson River. I'd love to drop kick George Lucas for turning out to be just as human as the rest of us after all. It just kinda rubs out the thought that there might be true perfection somewhere in the universe. Rent this as a "Free" one on nights when the Vidio Store offers such specials. Be sure to take home alcohol and that certain circle of friends who know just how twisted you really are and enjoy this puppy around three in the morning. If you can remember how it ended, then you have less of a life than the handful of people who actually liked this turkey. It's another "Have to see it at least once" type of bad movie...a Red Badge of Courage sort of thing.


I loved this film and still do!! I haven't seen it for years.
I know it sucks but it was sooooooo funny i laughed for hours. I am now determined to get this film on DVD...(how sad)?? So my kids can enjoy a bit of bad film humour

Reno C

I don't see why ppl dump on this film that much. Its not the Godfather but its better than some films, IMO its better than junk like Titanic or Anything with Julia Roberts. Ok so it was a midget in a duck suit, but was the lion in the wizard of oz not a guy in a lion suit? I don't see ppl crap on that over raited fair tale! George Lucas is not perfect he is only human & they make mistakes. The best part of the film was the sexy, beautiful & lets say it PERFECT Lea Thompson. I guarantee everybody on this page would have sold out to dress up in a duck suit to have been in that scene with Lea in her undies....I know I would have sold my grandma to have been that bird. In conclusion George if your reading this (YA RIGHT) I think its time to have a sequel & CGI the duck this time.


I hate the Wizard of Oz...And though I slammed Howard the Duck as a movie...I don't have a problem with a midget in a duck suit. Don't have a problem with Lea Thompson in her undies either...Even though I groan at the movie, my twenty year old daughter has it on her all time favorites list. I'm forty-two...maybe it's an age thing? One thing the daughter and I DO agree on...we both hate the Wizard of Oz...Bert Lahr in the lion suit in particular. I's almost un-American. If I really hate a movie I tell people to avoid it...don't avoid Howard, but just don't expect much if you rent it either.


The opening scenes in this movie made me cry and panic when I was little.  It is not that different from when I watch it now.


Overall this movie's biggest sin is DULLNESS.  When you consider all the potential pitfalls associated with making a live-action talking duck movie, Mr. Lucas put together a pretty good package and then he forgot to EDIT IT.  The middle of the film just drags on and on (diner, airplane chase).  Watch Howard's arrival and then fast forward to the amazing appearance of the Dark Overlord for best results, IMO.

BTW, the Dark Overlord effects were achieved by "go-motion", a largely unused technology first used in "Dragonslayer".  Rather than pose-and-shoot as in traditional stop-motion animation, go-motion involves having the model move as the frame is exposed to give a better illusion of movement (blurring).  The only other major example of go-motion I can think of is "Robocop 2".  Fat chance of seeing it anymore now that CGI has taken over (blah).

And finally, the movie Howard is much sweeter in appearance and temperment than his comic inspiration.  Too bad they didn't stick with that.  Also, does anyone remember "Destroyer Duck"?  This kick@ss comic lasted only 6 issues before the Howard folks sued them into oblivion.  Too bad, 'cause DD rocked!

Oh, and the "Howard the Duck" song that LT's band plays at the end is a guilty pleasure of mine, right down to Howard's miniature guitar solo.

Luis Reyes

If George Lucas DOESN'T kill off Jar Jar Stinks on the next "Star Wars" movie, the next time anyone sees him, remind him that he alone was responsible for the nightmare that was Howard The Duck...


This is a classic. 1 of my fav. kids movies when I was growing up, along with GARBAGE PAIL KIDS movie - I', surprised that movie ain't reviewed yet.

This is a great chessy film that is very under-rated & under-appreciated.  

"I'm a dead duck!"


I lived 2 blocks away from the Holiday Inn they stayed at to film the airplane scene over grizzley island.  I remember all the big boys getting flown in by helicopter.  I didn't care for the movie.


This movie is the greatest movie of all time.. I have this movie and i was deeply appreciative to have bought it when i did. Though I didn't realize they had a different cover for this movie... Or is there just 2 different movies? hmm.... well it!


Paul Westbrook

Hello to all you Howardfiles out there. Well it has been a long while since I commented on this movie which has graced my video collection for quite a while. It might not be one of my tresured films it is a memory of a good time at the movies when I was in High School. I still to this day maintain the crush for Lea Thompson I have had since 86 and I even had the chance to tell her in a letter which she replied and was very flattered. In fact I also got a drawing of a kitten Lea made for me on a Caroline in the City Postcard. Of course  poor George Lucas to this day probably has horrible nightmares where Howard appears in his room just to remind him of him making this film. I really enjoy this movie anyhow and it has had repeated viewing time in my home. Thacting might have been amateurish, and the story a bit lame, but how can you completely hate a movie about a talking duck? U tell me.