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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

Started by Scott, April 03, 2007, 12:08:52 AM

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I agree on New Japan and Lucha.

WWE seems to do 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.  They've good talent.  Bayley, Ambrose, Styles, Cesaro, Rollins, Jerico, Owens.  Vince just won't let HHH run the show.  I respect Vince for all he's done, but he's 70-something.  Step back.  Run the 'corporate' side of it.  Let HHH have creative.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Pro wrestling has not been the same since the death of the territories. Company run wrestling has not been the same since the there was no more true WCW and/or ECW. The death of kayfabe changed things dramatically although it would never have survived in the internet era anyways...I no longer enjoy WWE but I do enjoy TNA, ROH, New Japan, Lucha Underground, CMLL, AAA and other promotions.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Do you watch any of the highlights at least?  It's hard to watch 3-hour Raws and 2-hour Smackdowns plus NXT.

There are some solid matches with people like Cesaro, Owens, Zayn, Styles, Cena, Ziggler and Rollins.  Not to mention Finn Balor, Bayley, and Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


No I generally do not watch anything WWE anymore (aside from old WWF stuff)...if I do channel jump on it, I find they're usually doing something to quickly make me change the channel...the matches seem all the same, the workers all seem to have done better stuff elsewhere, too much doesn't make any sense and is rushed, corny gimmicks get pushed too hard, guys don't seem to evolve beyond limited gimmicks, etc.

Lucha Underground has a lot of exciting, action-packed matches and the workers seem to really throw their all into it a lot of the time...they have bruisers like "The Monster" Matanza Cueto, Mil Muertes alongside great high-flyers like Fenix, Rey Mysterio, etc. Feuds generally lead to brutal grudge matches, storylines generally have direction, etc. Sure sometimes things get a little too unbelievable and they sometimes go too far into entertainment fare with the backstage stuff although I quite enjoy some of it too. I quite enjoy the backstage and on location stuff in TNA too (at least they take the time to do that stuff).
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Kurt Angle announced for the 2017 WWE Hall of Fame.  Rumored to appear at the Royal Rumble tomorrow.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Royal Rumble 2017: Personal Reaction (w/o too much spoilage):

The Rumble itself:

Highlights: A few good spots; good future feud teases.
The best, this year, is that it wasn't obvious who was going to win before the PPV even started. But then a late entry came in and I thought they were going to repeat force a certain unpopular baby face to win, but I was swerved. Props to an unpredictable ending.

Overall: Disappointment, especially regarding the feuds they've been hyping for this match. I was let down with the big three. And even though the ending wasn't predictable, I still don't like or understand why they chose that route.

The Other Matches:

Universal Title Match: Jericho in a shark cage was actually pretty funny. He plays such a great over-the-top arrogant bastard (damned good at his job). The right person went over.

WWE Title Match: Match of the Year contender. I'm not a fan of Cena's gimmick (but he's a fine gentlemen and a great role model for kids), but he puts on a hell of a match and this was no exception. AJ Styles always puts out top notch matches and he delivered as expected. These two outdid their Summer Slam match in 2016. It'll be interesting to see where they go with both characters after this.

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If they're really doing Cena-Orton again, McMahon is even more out of touch than I thought....I couldn't care less about Yawn Cena or Boring Lames (Reigns)...clicks on WWE these days, sees something dumb or boring or lame, quickly changes channel...

No, they can't have some new blood shock the world and win the Rumble? Why because that would actually be interesting and different and they just want to give you the same boring things over and over and over again...
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Agreed on that - not sure why Orton needed to win.

I heard they might have Cena loose the title to Wyatt, causing a Wyatt family implosion, but we'll see. Also hear they might be building to an Undertaker vs Reigns match (meh).

In either case, it's not really exciting me about watching any of the next few PPVs.
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Bray Wyatt seems likely to be champ soon. Setting up Orton vs Wyatt at Mania.

Cena's match vs. AJ at the Rumble was fantastic
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Why? Because there were a 100+ kick outs? Couldn't have been anything Cena did, that's for sure...he just looks clumsy and unathletic in the ring...
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


it's really weird seeing all my favorites from TNA like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles in the WWE
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Quote from: JaseSF on February 06, 2017, 02:59:50 PM
Why? Because there were a 100+ kick outs? Couldn't have been anything Cena did, that's for sure...he just looks clumsy and unathletic in the ring...
False.  He's looked good the past 2 years. 
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


I haven't seen it...seen him carried by other way more talented guys is all...He's easily the most overrated wwe guy of all time. Lex Luger is a better wrestler IMO.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Hearing rumours the George "The Animal" Steele is either dead or is very ill. Not been able to find out one way or the other if its true or not, but if he is ill I wish him a speedy recovery.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.