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Question: Do you believe in,or have an interest in,odd phenomenom?
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Author Topic: Do You Believe?  (Read 29935 times)
Bad Movie Lover

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Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2007, 08:52:09 PM »

Really RC the universe ends with the planet we recently discovered. There are actually only two life-supporting planets in the universe, (which consists of about 4 galaxies) which lay at opposite ends of it. And that's the end. BounceGiggle We're all pretty plain creatures in actuality, like a colony of ants struggling to survive in an enviroment that could kill us all at any time.

Forgive me for being curt, but this was a joke, right?

First of all, there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth.  And many of them are so far away that light hasn't had enough time to traverse the distance and reach our humble little planet.  Stars are grouped into galaxies, of which there are (conservatively) hundreds of billions.  And galaxies themselves are grouped further into clusters.

As for planet detection, our current methods are indirect as they are lost to the glare of their respective suns.  Our methods are inventive and yield some nice information, but certainly nothing conclusive enough to suggest that life does or does not exist in some form.  Subtle alterations to the sun's orbit tells us the size, proximity, and orbital speed of the planet.  And by analyzing changes in the star's spectral graph, we can get an idea of the major components of the planet's atmosphere.

But as to what exactly life needs to survive, we are still blissfully ignorant.  There is an entire scientific field dedicated to finding the answer: astrobiology.  A lot of their data come from unexpected sources of life on our own planet.  For example, there are entire ecosystems thriving on thermal vents in the ocean depths, taking no energy whatsoever from the sun.  When looking for signs of life on other planets, we can't rule something out simply because the atmosphere is different than our own.  On Earth, life was almost extinguished in the Pre-cambrian Period by the arrival of stromatolites, an organism that converted CO2 to oxygen (like trees do today), because oxygen was toxic to the primitive life that existed at that time!

As for the universe wrapping back in on itself, this is a possibility, though one we wouldn't be able to prove for quite some time as our instrumentation lacks the precision to "see" that far.  But if that's the case, really weird quantum dualities take effect.  For instance, there would be two systems for calculating distance (both proportional to the radius of the cyclic dimensions), the results being inversely related to each other but yielding identical physics.  That would certainly make David Witten and Brian Greene happy!  Haha.

« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2007, 09:08:47 PM »

i've seen a ufo up close. unfortunately nobody truly believes me - even i myself am always 99% skeptical when i hear of someone elses "ufo" story. Ironic isn't it?

my arguement, however, is that i think it was an experimental military craft. at least...i hope. I dunno, the technology i saw was really....uh...advanced. but all the military choppers that followed it shortly afterward seemed to confirm.

just one for the books i guess.

sasquatch? Think i was in an elevator with him once  Wink
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« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2007, 09:18:32 PM »

If these photos don't convince you in ghost then nothing will.

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B-Movie Kraken

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« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2007, 02:45:45 AM »

 Smile Hi RC: yes, I do believe. TeddyR
I remember when I was still in primary school (junior high, I think?) and we were told to assemble on the soccer field behind my school one morning. Apparently a strange object had landed there during the night and there were five circles burnt into the field, four small and one large ~ possibly a UFO? I don't know, but there were a lot of military people around and while we could look on, we had to stay well back. This was in 1977, if I remember correctly.

Yes, I do believe in other-worldly phenomena.  Smile

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« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2007, 08:24:24 PM »

Well, I have a passing interest in all the subjects mentioned, do I actually believe in any of them?  I dunno..  I think UFOs could be possible, considering how many planets there are in existence and how, at least from a mathematical standpoint, there should be SOME form of life somewhere, but why said aliens would want to travel millions of miles just to sneak around and put metal objects into lonley people they've just had seems a bit inexplicable to me.

Of late, I've taken a "I have to see/experience it to believe it stance." 

"Some people mature, some just get older." -Andrew Vachss
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« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2007, 02:48:11 PM »

Really RC the universe ends with the planet we recently discovered. There are actually only two life-supporting planets in the universe, (which consists of about 4 galaxies) which lay at opposite ends of it. And that's the end. BounceGiggle We're all pretty plain creatures in actuality, like a colony of ants struggling to survive in an enviroment that could kill us all at any time.

only 2 life supporting planets?-hmm with countless billions upon billions of stars out there, only 2 can support life?
Crazy Rabbity Thingy
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« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2007, 12:46:12 PM »

I'll second trekgeezer's sentiment: There is a lot more we don't know than we do know. I believe it is pretty arrogant to think that we are the only life in the universe. I don't necessarily believe that aliens are regularly visiting Earth to abduct rednecks, but I would hope that there are other life forms out there. I am a Christian and do believe strongly in the Creator God, but I find nowhere in the Bible that disallows God creating hundreds of life-bearing worlds.

I'll also second DodgingGrunge's idea of sea monsters.

I also voted for a belief in time travel, mostly just so I could claim to travel in time every day: I travel forward in time, one second at a time, along with everyone else.  TeddyR

"They tap dance not, neither do they fart." --Greensleeves, on the Fig Men of the Imagination, in "Twice Upon a Time."
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« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2007, 03:01:07 PM »

I was just kidding about "just us and the other guy", but how exactly would time-travel be possible? Question
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« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2007, 05:26:44 PM »

I believe in most of the things listed here.

Ghosts - I am not religious.  I do not believe in Heaven nor Hell. I have no reason to believe in the "soul" but I do believe in ghosts.  I've written about this on the board in the past, but here it goes again.  I grew up in a house that had been around since the 30s.  The original owner of the house was known to be a less than kind woman and was a bit of a shut-in, spending almost all of her time in the house.

As a child, I would hear a female voice speaking to me.  It wasn't a soothing voice but the raspy voice of an old woman.  I could never tell what exactly she was saying but it constantly scared the hell out of me.  Night after night after night, for years.  As I grew older, I convinced my parents to let me turn another room in the house into my bedroom.  They agreed, and the voices stopped, and I thought all was well....

My parents ended up moving to another town close by, after I graduated High School.  They kept the house that I grew up in.  Once I was married, they let my wife and I live there for a period of time.  Things were fine until my wife became pregnant with our daughter.  One night she woke up screaming, and trying to shake me awake.  I wake up, and she said that there was someone in the room.  I turned on the lights, and there was nothing unusual.  She said she had seen a woman's head on the bed as if she were on her knees with her chin on the bed.  I figured it was just a bad dream that spilled over into reality.  She finally calmed down and I went back to sleep.

The same thing happened the second night.

The third night I could feel a hot breath on my face and when I opened my eyes, there was someone's face staring right back at me.  This time, it was me who was screaming my head off, trying to wake my wife.  It was the face of an old woman and just as my wife said, she seemed to be on her knees, resting her head on the bed...watching me.

Then, nothing after that for a few nights. 

About a week later, I woke up after hearing the bedroom door slam.  I looked at the door and it was completely open, and the room was unnaturally hot, despite the fact that it was summer.  Also, there was a terribly loud noise coming from the next room which was the living room.  I got up and found that the thermostat on the stand up heater was at the max, somewhere around 95 degrees.  The noise was coming from the television which had been turned on and the volume set as high as it would go.  Not only that, but every light in the room was on.  Lamps, overhead lights, etc.

Soon after, my wife and I started looking at homes.  We ended up moving not long after that.  The house ended up being flooded with about five foot of water during hurricane Isabel a few years back.  It has since been demolished and a new home in it's place.  The new house has not had one bit of paranormal trouble and all seems well.

This makes me think that people can become tied to places after death.  I have no doubt in my mind that the original owner was still inhabiting the house as a ghostly presence.  I've never been so scared as I was when I lived there.  It seemed like the house heard EVERYTHING you said and saw EVERYTHING you did.  I'm damn glad it was ruined during that hurricane. 

UFOs- Just as with the ghosts, I believe I've seen a UFO.  I was about 10 or 11 and was outside playing with my cousin of about the same age at his house.  It was night, probably around 8 or so during July.  We were out in the woods behind his house when we heard a strange humming noise that wasn't quite loud but seemed to be pulsating.  You know that pressure you feel in your head when on a plane?  That's kind of what it felt like, but pulsating.

We both looked up and there was a strange green circle in the sky.  On the edges of the circle was a bright yellow.  It sat there in the sky above us for about two minutes or so before suddenly darting to the right and disappearing.  As soon as it was out of sight, the humming and the pressure stopped completely.

I've mentioned it to people in the past but it always gets passed off as "a meteor".  I've even had someone try to tell me that I had seen "ball lightning".  I know exactly what we saw that night and it was not a meteor and it certainly wasn't ball lightning..although it would be awesome to see some.  My cousin and I still speak of the occurance on occasion.    It's certainly not the type of thing you would forget.

Alternate Dimensions- I've done quite a bit of reading and studying on the String Theory over the years, and I do believe that there are other dimensions out there that we are not aware of.  I feel that everything that has ever happened or ever will happen is already in repeat elsewhere and will happen again...if that makes sense.

Here's a wikipedia article on String Theory:

Strange Creatures- I feel that we know next to nothing about this world that we live in.  As humans, we always need to feel like we know everything and that we are always at the pinnacle of knowledge.  That is not so, and we do not know everything, especially about the creatures that inhabit this world with us.  I would not be surprised to find that Bigfoot does exist or that sea monsters are real.  As was said by a previous poster, we have already found the giant squid which was thought to be a legend for so long.

Time Travel- See my thoughts on String Theory and other dimensions.  I believe that Time Travel is possible, but I don't honestly believe it has been done by us yet.  Could it have been done in some other reality or has it been done in our future?  Are there people where now who are from another reality/dimension or the future?  Who knows.

So now everyone here thinks I'm insane.  I highly recommend that everyone go to the non-fiction section of their local bookstores and buy The Men Who Stare At Goats by Jon Ronson ( a book I keep meaning to review on this board), and The Mothman Prophecies by John A. Keel and then wonder whether or not I'm crazy.

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.
B-Movie Kraken

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"Charlie,we're in HELL!"-"yeah,ain't it groovy?!"

« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2007, 07:24:29 PM »

 I suppose it's safe for me to tell WHY I am interested,and read up on this stuff,without being thought of as bonkers (at least as far as beliefs in paranormal things go)... Wink

 Ghosts...When I was about five,me and my older brother Mike were playing out in a field across from our house in Wappinger Falls ,NY. My brother was calling me to him from the other side of the field,so I started running across tosee what he wanted...outta the corner of my eye,I notcied someone running alongside me,a little in back of me. I turned my head and it was a girl,about the same age as me,with pigtails and wearing glasses and somekinda summer dress. I stopped to say "Hi!"...and she was gone! I ran twice as fast to my brother,and when I got to him he said "Where that girl go?" Yikes! That creeped us both out,and we ran home!
  Another time....When me and the boys were renting a tiny house here in Lawton,before I met Tara Sue, Me,my brother Richie,and the boy's Aunt Corky were goofing with an old Ouijia Board. We used to hear lotsa oddball banging and explosions(?) from the small attic we thought we'd talk to this board...kinda like a half joke thing. Anyway, in the middle of this nonsense, a weird,overwhelming feeling of dread came over me-and I almost started to cry(!). Never touched it again! Soon after,REALLY weird stuff started to happen... Once I was agruing with my ex, and the boys were standing there,as was my brother and Corky,when across the kitchen, all the cereal boxes, a can of nuts and bolts,some Ajax,and various other odd junk FLEW off the top off the fridge,like some invisable hand was p**sed and swiped them off! The same day,my brother was fixing to jump in the shower,and he was b***hin about something,and he was shoved into the shower stall and smacked his head. Niether times were any of us drinking booze.

UFOs- When we lived in Paw Paw,on Dead End Road,out in the boonies...I was about  8 or and my brothers and my sister Brenda were all playing was in the of us noticed a BIG zeppilin shapped...thing...only a lot narrower, coming over the house. It was quite low. It made no noise,was gray,no windows or undercarriage...real oddball. It was cruising quite slow. It was BIG! Of course we started hooping and hollering,and Mary Jo,my stepma,was looking out the window and saw it too. She told my Dad about it later,and he laughed and said we were all full of sh!t.
   I think I mentioned once about the two me and my brother Richie saw one day chopping wood . Two silver,shiny things,about the size of dimes,were moving overhead,and I mentioned them to my brother. He looked and said "Yeah. Right. Therye birds. You read too many books." I said "Weirdest birds I ever saw." He looked again and went-"Holy s**t! What the F@ck?!" The two were clipping right along,and did simeltanious flips...then BAM!! They started going like a bat outta hell! We lost view for a few seconds of they going over the roof of the house,so we ran over to the other side..and the ywere gone to site. Right then,some numbnuts drunkie freind peeled in to the drive way and said!" Hey,What you got to drink?" We  just stared at each other,and didn't tell him about it...he'd have thought us nuts.
   As far as most other unusual phenomenom...I'm with Skaboi...I think anything and everything is possible somewhere at sometime. I don't believe UFO's are from outer space,and I don't disbelieve that they are... I just don't know.

"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!
Super Space Age Freaky Geek
B-Movie Kraken

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« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2007, 07:57:22 PM »

I sort of suspect it's all tied together somehow. UFOs, alternate dimensions, ghosts, Bigfoot, Wendigo and all the rest of it.  At least I suspect some of it is.

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

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« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2007, 09:18:53 PM »

RCMerchant I liked the little girl story that was creepy.

When I was a kid about 8-9 years old in Horseheads, N.Y. we use to sled ride down this hill every winter that was about 1 block from my house. The house was vacant and up for sale. One winter the door underneath the porch was open in what was like a storage area. Inside was some kind of chair that was in half and red was all over it. Some thinking it was blood and we all went back outside and up in the second story window was a hairy hand that broke right out of the window. We ran so fast and never looked back. The window was fine days later when we dared look at the hill again. Hoax or Collective imagination?


Last year we were getting our home ready for sale and having already moved into our new home the old place was empty and my mother had just passed away the night before and I had nothing better to do that night than to finish cleaning things up. Started hearing knocking on walls, floors, and windows which never happened before. The hair stood right up on end like in the movies. The sounds were coming from different parts of the house. Would have run outside, but I just kept thinking stay and wait and see what happens. Nothing else happened and I hurried the rest of my cleaning and drove off. It sends chills up me just writing about this.

Two weeks later we buried my mom in her home town of Painted Post, New York. The reason it was two weeks later was the ground was to hard and they had to wait till spring and they put her in a storage vault near the entrance of the cemetary on the hill. Conditions up there got better and she was buried on the same day that her grandmother died 53 years ago which was also my moms birthday. Her grandmother died on her birthday. The strange thing was that she always told us she wanted to be buried in the same cemetary on the big hill where her grandparents where and my brother found out from the caretaker that there was a plot saved for her by her grandparents all this time. Her grandparents raised her because her parents got a divorce when she was young and both got remarried and had kids of their own, so the grandparents raised her. She didn't know that they prepared a place for her 53 years ago. We arrive in town that evening and there is a near blizzard outside. The next morning is cold and the wind chill made it even colder. During the burial the reverend paused for a moment for a moment of silence and the winds picked up and the wind gust doubled and everyone looked at each other, but didn't say anything. The timing was so strange. My brother took one picture that day that showed three figures around the grave site as if they were waiting for our mother. We figured they were her grandparents and her aunt whom was in the fourth grave at the site. They were very close. There is so much to this story that I can't put it all here tonight, but you get the idea.

Just wanted to add that the day we drove up we were about 15 miles from Painted Post (6 hour drive for us) my sister had to use the bathroom and we didn't know where to stop so my brother said lets stop at the McDonalds that we all use to go to when we were kids in Horseheads, N.Y., and we all agree, so we stop, she goes in, and comes running out saying that our father is in there. All of us are shocked as this is the first time we (brothers/sister) had been together in 20 years and we run into my father who we haven't seen but once in 30 years. My sister had stayed with him before over the years, but had lost contact with him for a long while, so she knew what he looked like. It was my brothers idea to stop at McDonalds and he didn't want anything to do with him. We agreed to meet the next day after the burial and we had lunch. Haven't seen nor heard from our father since.

These are not all the accounts to this story, but it kinda confirms for us at least that there is definately something supernatural out there. I have never been a skeptic because I believe all things are possible, but this was like something was saying that everything is alright now. I have no doubts and this was a special gift to all us kids that my mother would have taken the time to do. She was a supernatural person and a psychic beyond her own understanding. We haven't heard from my mom since those two weeks after her own passing. I feel that much was resolved in the afterlife and she's off to better things.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 05:25:54 AM by Scott » Logged

Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

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« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2007, 07:45:48 PM »

I still am haunted, still have sleepless nights, from that experience that happened to me so long ago. Doesn't help I live not far away from where it happened. I often want to think I imagined it or it was some weird manifestation of guilt or whathaveyou. I know it was dark when I saw the thing but I distinctively remember it looked and felt and smelt unnatural ..a rotten egg type of smell. What I remember most was snarling teeth, a furry mane of some sort and a creature that appeared part man (it had a dark-skinned human-like face), part animal. I think my mind was trying to rationalize what I saw to the point I envisioned later it might possibly have been a man on horseback holding an axe  but I don't think that it could have possibly been that in actuality (I've never even seen an actual horse up close)...just it had some of the characters and features that one identifies with the image of a man on horseback.  I ran back home exhausted and completely terrified. I must have looked completely shell-shocked to my parents at the time.


I just stumbled upon this article via  Sounds partly like what you saw:

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.
Super Space Age Freaky Geek
B-Movie Kraken

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« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2007, 10:01:14 PM »

What I saw was more like a combination of drawings/pictures I've seen people make of Bigfoot and the Wendigo. I have to admit I only caught a brief glimpse of it in shadows during the night before running from it like a bat out of hell. Kind of like a combination of these two images but it was different than that too. Imagine the face and head of the Bigfoot  placed on the Wendigo's body only the whole thing being very dark in color and shade. It was large as a man on horseback. I've already described the rest. I do find it interesting though that many native Indian tribes used animal furs to hide under to get in close to their prey while participating in their hunt.  Also I do fear seeing it again. I have for as long as I can remember.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 10:14:15 PM by JaseSF » Logged

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"
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« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2007, 01:25:23 AM »

The only thing I truly believe in is the possibility that anything can exist. Reality is all about perception and perception only ends when where we're willing to let it end. I've always enjoyed the idea of limitless realities existing within mere vibrational differences of each other. I've had too many moments in dreams that have mirrored actual moments in my life that happened later on to believe what anyone tells me about how dreams are nothing more than your mind firing off chemical reactions. I accept science over religion, but I don't think science is absolute all of the time either... a little too hippie?  Drink

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