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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Killer Bees

This weekend I saw

Wedding Crashers
Wasn't sure I'd enjoy this one, but it was pretty funny.  Vince Vaughn's character was suitably over the top and it amazed me how fast he could talk and still make sense.  I'm not surprised he ended up in that crazy family, he fit right in.  I didn't think there was much chemistry between Rachel McAdams and Owen Wilson though.

From Dusk Til Dawn
Absolutely HATED this one.  It was recommended to me by a friend who knows my taste and said I would love it.  I usually love the vampire genre, but this one sucked hairy dog's balls.  That surprised me because I really thought I'd love it.  The special effects were pretty good, but I didn't find any of the characters sympathetic.  Maybe my prejudice against anything Tarantino spoiled it for me.  And I really don't like George Clooney.

X-Men: The Last Stand
Love, love, love anything X-Men.  And Hugh Jackman is a babe of epic proportions.  Special effects:  good.  Storyline: good.  Shock value at character development:  good.  Hugh Jackman shirtless with claws out:  swoon   :thumbup:     :teddyr:

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......

Rev. Powell

Quote from: JaseSF on November 25, 2007, 02:37:55 PM
The Screaming Skull (1958): Dull, predictable, cliched. That said, buried deep within this are some decent scare attempts that don't fully succeed because of a limited budget. Still there's moments here that certainly could give some viewers the willies. The best and by far most exciting part of this movie is what happens after we hear the repeated pounding knocks at the door. Unfortunately it proves rather hard to stay awake through until we get to this final bit. The whole plot of a dashing widow marrying a rich but mentally unbalanced woman was ridiculously overdone in this era and the whole thing plays out in pretty much expected fashion. Laughably bad at times and dreadfully dull at others, this does have its moments. Enough for me to give it ** out *****

Lightning: Bolts of Destruction (2003) (TV): A modern era dull, predictable cliched film, this one runs through every expected twist typically used in the disaster formula. While the cast here including Joanna Pacula, Nick Mancuso, Ellen Dubin and Noel Fisher do the best they could and prove rather likable for the most part, nothing could save this poorly written film with FX and a plot about as convincing as those of Ed Wood's films, maybe even less so. Just simple-minded pointless escapist fare that comes across as way too wholesomely clean and PC on every level. * out of *****

The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961): Undeniably one of the worst films I've ever seen, there's something mindbending about this viewing experience. Tor Johnson stars as a scientist who gets caught in the aftermath of an A-Bomb explosion and becomes an hulking monster whose sole desire is to kill. Meanwhile police on the hunt for him seem just as intent on killing as ole Tor himself. How this all ties to a mysterious voluptuous woman getting strangled as this one opens is anyone's guess? The movie plays pretty much the same way a silent film does only this movie has completely ridiculous and downright demented surreal narration. That said, the desert night setting creates an unsettling iolsated feel and one wonders how this might have played without the narration but then again, the narration is bizarrely entertaining in its weird fashion, almost zen-like as my old buddy Dr. Mality described it. * 1/2 out of ***** just for entertaining me on some weird b-movie loving level.

The Terror (1963): Not even a cast of favourites including Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight, Dorothy Neumann and Dick Miller can save this turkey. Basically it stars Jack Nicholson as wandering French soldier Lt. Andre DuValier during the turn of the 19th century. He encounters a mysterious girl who has an odd habit of disappearing and tracks her to a spooky castle inhabited by a kooky old eccentric named Baron Victor Frederick Von Leppe (Boris Karloff). Eventually the mystery unravels and we learn of murder, witchery and a plot of revenge. Unfortunately it's complete dullsville sitting through this movie. It's mainly focuses on people wandering around. Going for an eerie chilling atmosphere believe it or not isn't aided by padding a film with scene after scene of people walking or riding on horseback. Still it's amazing this is as good as it is given director Roger Corman made this film in like 2 or 3 days. However it's very tough slugging unless you have incredible patience. I often find myself lulling into sleep while watching this to be honest. Tough one to stay awake throughout. * out of *****

JaseSF, I can see you're working your way through that Horror Classics 50 pack too. I gave SCREAMING SKULL 1 of 5, see next post for THE TERROR.  Didn't review YUCCA FLATS because I'd seen it before, but I'd give it 3 of 5 just because everyone should see it as an example of jaw-droppingly bad filmmaking, because it's mercifully short, and for the ambiguous ending.  Was Tor trying to strangle the bunny with his last ounce of strength, or cuddle it?  Coleman Francis masterfully leaves the audience wondering...

I may fall behind you because of my busy schedule, but I look forward to comparing notes on REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES soon.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

I'm in the process of moving, so I haven't had much time to post.  But I have snuck in a few unsatisfying movie viewing experiences.

THE TERROR (1963): A beautiful ghost lures Jack Nicholson into Baron Boris Karloff's castle.  Jack wanders around a bit, opening drawers and picking up random items and placing them back on the table, until it's time for the climax.  There's actually a twist ending that surprised me.  Didn't interest me, but surprised me.  With Jack & Boris acting, and Corman directing with the help of regulars F.F. Coppola, Jack Hill and Monte Hellman, there's no excuse for this to be as dull as it was.  One reviewer said the script was improvised, though I think it was probably just rushed to take advantage of the availability of the sets of the RAVEN and Karloff's schedule.  1 out of 5 slimes.  LESSON LEARNED: If a witch is suddenly struck by lightning out of nowhere, Jack Nicholson will register mild surprise.

SERPAHIM FALLS (2006): Liam Neeson chases Pierce Brosnan across some gorgeous Western scenery to avenge a mysterious wrong.  Fairly enjoyable, if highly implausible, adventure-western features some excellent cinematography and keeps you guessing as to who the good guy is.  Unfortunately, in the final reel the director feels it necessary to add some clumsy symbolism to give it that "existential" feel.  Nothing prepares the viewer for this sudden reality shift.  2 of 5.  LESSON LEARNED: Hollowed out horse carcasses make excellent hiding places from which to launch sneak attacks.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Fred Claus- Decent enough performances.  Vince Vaughn is hilarious, and Paul Giamatti always is great.  Great cameos by Frank Stallone, Stephen Baldwin and Roger Clinton during a scene, and a funny fight scene between rapper Ludacris and Vince Vaughn in the North Pole.

Monster Squad- Great flick from my childhood.  Shame though, cause I found out during the dvd extras that the kid who played Horace passed away like ten years ago.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Quote from: HappyGilmore on November 30, 2007, 09:42:22 AM
Fred Claus- Decent enough performances.  Vince Vaughn is hilarious, and Paul Giamatti always is great.  Great cameos by Frank Stallone, Stephen Baldwin and Roger Clinton during a scene, and a funny fight scene between rapper Ludacris and Vince Vaughn in the North Pole.

I made a pledge a long time ago to boycott all Vince Vaughn movies since the horrible remake of one of my favorite Hitchcock movies Psycho.  Vince as Norman Bates?  C'mon!

I did see Old School against my will (movie night at a friend's house) and I still found him grating.
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place


Quote from: Oldskool138 on November 30, 2007, 09:51:52 AM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on November 30, 2007, 09:42:22 AM
Fred Claus- Decent enough performances.  Vince Vaughn is hilarious, and Paul Giamatti always is great.  Great cameos by Frank Stallone, Stephen Baldwin and Roger Clinton during a scene, and a funny fight scene between rapper Ludacris and Vince Vaughn in the North Pole.

I made a pledge a long time ago to boycott all Vince Vaughn movies since the horrible remake of one of my favorite Hitchcock movies Psycho.  Vince as Norman Bates?  C'mon!

I did see Old School against my will (movie night at a friend's house) and I still found him grating.
I'm judging by the response you haven't seen Dodgeball, Anchorman or Wedding Crashers then?

The Psycho remake was a terrible idea all around.  Haven't actually watched it myself, because I'm a big fan of the original.  I'd like to believe it's not 100% his fault the movie was terrible though, although he'd have to take some of the blame as well. 

Essentially though, I don't think he acts.  He's basically the same character in every movie, and just reacts to what's happening.  He's great in Dodgeball and Anchorman though.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.

Killer Bees

Since we've finally gotten a Netflix type service here is Aussie land, I've been going crazy watching movies I either haven't seen before or not seen in a long time:

In no particular order

Ginger Snaps
Minority Report
Both Tomb Raiders
The Host
Music and Lyrics
Underworld Evolution

On order now are:
Ginger Snaps 2
American Beauty
The Usual Suspects
Cube 2
Raw Feed: Sublime
Deja Vu
O Brother Whereart Thou
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


Did monkey-fest here this weekend, to raining and cold to do anything else.

Mighty Peking Man
Mighty Gorga
Mighty Joe Young
King Kong (Orig, 1976 and new)
Son of Kong


Jason X- Jason goes to space.  I'm just waiting for the flick where he builds a time travelling DeLorean and goes back to the mid '50s and takes his mom to the dance.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


I watched...
For the first time...GLEN or GLENDA!!!

EGADS!!! Whatta  f#cked up movie! I have a new respect for Ed Woods ineptness at constructing sentences that make NO DAM SENSE whatso ever! It was quite surreal to hear Bela mouthing Wood's mindles  psycho-babble. Excellent!!!!
Also watched a dubbed Argentine WIP from 1984  called CONDEMENDED to HELL. Despite the title...not so great. A few boobies...but mostly boredom. The end was ok when the herione excapes the prison and shotguns some of her tormentors...but blah for the most part. Oh-one good line-"Go puke in your panties,you turd!" :bouncegiggle:
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Superbad  *** out of ****.
Not as consistently laugh-out-loud-funny as The 40 Year Old Virgin or Knocked Up, but still a very funny movie.  The main problem is that they strecthed what at the most should have been a 90 minute movie into almost a 2 hour film. The performances are all winners though especially with the kid who plays McLovin.  Every single thing he says or does in the film will have you in stitches.  A very funny film though but just don't expect it to be on the same level as the 2 other films I mentioned.   
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Boogie Nights  **** out of ****.
A truly fantastic movie in every sense of the word. Terrific acting all around, wonderful writing, great direction and editing, Burt Reynolds being Burt in the best way possible and full frontal Heather Graham nudity.  Yeah, the story may follow the typical type of story arc for this film but when it's done with as much style and filmmaking savvy as this it makes it all new again.

Munich  ***1/2 out of ****
A great movie from Spielberg that unfortunately got ignored by most of the movie going public during it's initial theatrical run.  Eric Bana turns in an Oscar worthy performance and the movie is just fantstic and nerve wracking throughout. My only reason for knocking off a half of a star is the middle of the movie drags a bit compared to the 1st and 3rd acts.   
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Ed Wood- ***.  Great performances from Johnny Depp and Martin Landau, especially.  Virtually an unknown flick, which kinda surprised me, considering the stars in it.  Didn't necessarily surprise me either, considering Ed Wood's work in real life either.  Because of this flick I actually went out and bought Plan 9. 

Quote from: Torgo on December 05, 2007, 10:52:42 PM
Boogie Nights  **** out of ****.
A truly fantastic movie in every sense of the word. Terrific acting all around, wonderful writing, great direction and editing, Burt Reynolds being Burt in the best way possible and full frontal Heather Graham nudity.  Yeah, the story may follow the typical type of story arc for this film but when it's done with as much style and filmmaking savvy as this it makes it all new again.

I love Boogie Nights.  Great cast, too.  Don Cheadle, Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly, Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Heather Graham naked.  Haven't really checked out the director's other works though.  I've only seen this and Punch Drunk Love.  Have 0% interest in Magnolia.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.

Sister Grace

Quote from: Scott on August 19, 2007, 07:19:43 AM
Monster On Campus - I remember renting a mildly liking this film. The guy cuts himself on the fish as it's being delivered. Turns him into a monster. Fun b/w monster film.  :thumbup:

The Running Man (1987) - One of my favorite Arnold films. Not just because it's Arnold eithier, but because of the whole future world concept.  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Logan's Run (1976) - Another great future world Sci-Fi film concept. When citizens come of age they must die.  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Don't Look In The Basement (1973) - Wacky low budget crazy film. Worth a look.  :thumbup:

300 (2007) - Great film for what it was. One of the best of 2007.  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Pink Flamingos (1972) - Saw it in the 80's and still haven't had the chance to finish it.

Been wanting to see Shooter, Pathfinder (I felt it was going to be bad), and Yellow looks good.


pink flamingos is great, anything by john waters is awesome, he's a guilty pleasure
Society, exactly as it now exists is the ultimate expression of sadomasochism in action.<br />-boyd rice-<br />On the screen, there\\\'s a death and the rustle of cloth; and a sickly voice calling me handsome...<br />-Nick Cave-


Quote from: HappyGilmore on December 06, 2007, 11:16:04 AM
I love Boogie Nights.  Great cast, too.  Don Cheadle, Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly, Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Heather Graham naked.

Speaking of Heather Graham really quick, man does she still look fantastic at 37!

QuoteHaven't really checked out the director's other works though.  I've only seen this and Punch Drunk Love.  Have 0% interest in Magnolia.

His first film Hard Eight is great though I would really like to see his original director's cut of it as it was taken out of his hands during the editing stage and lost a ton of great scenes.

Magnolia was actually good (though a bit overwrought at times IMO) except for the ending which I thought was too much of a blatent Short Cuts ripoff of sorts.  That movie ended (or I should say just stops) with an earthquake that affects all of the characters while Magnolia tries for something much more profound and thought provoking that IMO just came across as stupid.

Punch Drunk Love is a flick that I have never quite liked that much though Adam Sandler's perforance in it was quite good as I usually can't stand him.

I saw the trailer for the newest PTA film that stars Daniel Day Lewis about something to do with oil back in the 1800's I believe.  It looks pretty interesting.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."