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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The Trollenberg Terror (1958) (AKA: The Crawling Eye)

Deserves way better than the 4.0 rating it currently has at IMDB. A grand example of 1950s Sci-Fi as Forrest Tucker leads a team of scientists into battle with alien eyeball creatures capable of controlling certain people telepathically. Loaded with Lovecraftian style atmosphere, this one delivers the goods in terms of shocks and surprisingly gory thrills and is way ahead of its time (THE MIST owes this one big time just as one example). Overall I'd have to give it a **** out ***** only knocking it a point because it's ending feels somewhat tacked on and is in that way disappointing and of course, its cheap FX, are not always up to par even though there's an effectively chilling moment or two. Favourite moment: the little girl and the ball with the Crawling Eye peaking in.

Transformers (2007)

Well I went into this with low expectations given Michael Bay's past crappola efforts but this one proved a surprisingly entertaining, if somewhat mindless, popcorn summer blockbuster. It's a huge dumb comic book brought to life. Lots of action, explosions and surprisingly likable leads keep this afloat and of course it has giant honking robots which is always a plus! It's stupid yes and one could drive an Optimus Prime truck through its plot holes and lack of believability but nevertheless, pretty much shut off the old noggin aside from keeping a scorecard of various Transfromers handy, and this is not half bad entertainment. Plus it's got giant robots. Did I mention that? ** 1/2 out of *****

The Simpsons Movie (2007)

Basically an extra long episode of the series, one slighty better than usual from the series the last several years or so. However it ultimately disappoints because it tries to cram too much in to its running time in terms of characters making short cameo appearances which of course leaves one unsatisfied and craving more of said characters and also somewhat distracts from the film's basic overall plot. Its story too feels lifted from some other source to me although I can't place it off the top of my head or maybe it's just that it really kind of lacks overall in terms of originality. ** 1/2 out of ***** as it still has some decent laughs then and again.

Treasure Island (1950)

Highly entertaining Disney feature film should appeal to everyone who as a youth perhaps dreamed of pirates and adventures on the open seas. Robert Newton is perfectly cast into the role of Long John Silver, the cutthroat pirate who one cannot help but empathize with more and more as out story unfolds. Bobby Driscoll is also quite good as young Jim Hawkins, the brave young lad who finds himself tangling with a band of dastardly theiving pirates. This movie likely set up many of the stereotypes of pirates we have to this day and is highly entertaining even if it does require much suspension of disbelief and feels more like a TV adventure than a big screen movie. Still I'd have to give it a solid **1/2 out of *****.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Queen of Outer Space
Head of the Family
Dead and Rotten
Starship Troopers 2


Intermedio - four young people decide to buy a bunch of pot, and the deal goes down in some tunnels running beneath the US / Mexico border.  Little do they know (or maybe they do know?  Ah, who the hell cares) that the tunnels are inhabited by goofy looking CGI things, a really bored looking guy, and some kid that appears and disappears.  This is one baaaaaad movie, you could make a drinking game out of spotting all the continuity errors.  Edward Furlong (the kid from Terminator 2) has apparently spent all his time since that movie drinking and putting on weight.  His acting in this could best be described as bizarre.  Instead of acting like a scared and desperate young guy, he acts like a drug addict going through extreme withdrawals.  And listening to him hyperventilate every time he has to get up off his fat butt and walk three feet is just...kinda funny and sad I guess.  Cerina Vincent is in it, looking sexy as always.  I give her a B for effort, nobody could have done anything with this awful mess of a movie but at least she tried. 
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Killer Bees

Good show.  Slowly becoming my favorite of the Law and Orders.  Did you see the episode where he goes into the prison recently and acts crazy to see if the jail is really drugging prisoners and whatnot?  I hope they do another episode like that, cause they need to finish the story.

No, haven't seen that one yet.  Our free to air tv stations are complete bastards because they are always changing program days and times and if you don't have a paper guide, trying to find out what's on is a nightmare.

I'll just buy the DVDs and catch up that way.  I didn't even see the ep where Goren's arch nemesis Nicole's fate was decided by tv poll.  I assume she survived because I saw a bit of an ep later down the track where she came into it and kidnapped some young kid.

This is also my fave franchise of the L & O series.
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......

Killer Bees

Quote from: Jack on December 30, 2007, 10:18:28 AM
Intermedio - four young people decide to buy a bunch of pot, and the deal goes down in some tunnels running beneath the US / Mexico border.  Little do they know (or maybe they do know?  Ah, who the hell cares) that the tunnels are inhabited by goofy looking CGI things, a really bored looking guy, and some kid that appears and disappears.  This is one baaaaaad movie, you could make a drinking game out of spotting all the continuity errors.  Edward Furlong (the kid from Terminator 2) has apparently spent all his time since that movie drinking and putting on weight.  His acting in this could best be described as bizarre.  Instead of acting like a scared and desperate young guy, he acts like a drug addict going through extreme withdrawals.  And listening to him hyperventilate every time he has to get up off his fat butt and walk three feet is just...kinda funny and sad I guess.  Cerina Vincent is in it, looking sexy as always.  I give her a B for effort, nobody could have done anything with this awful mess of a movie but at least she tried. 

I saw Edward Furlong in a movie where he gets sucked into an interactive video/tv game where he's not sure if he's awake or asleep.  It had aliens or monsters or something it it.  Can't remember the name, but it was a brilliant movie and I enjoyed it immensely.
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

Classic Disney Adventure was the first live-action film from them made in the U.S. I believe. Has an all-star cast including Kirk Douglas, Paul Lukas, Peter Lorre and James Mason. The Special Effects work and Set Design is top notch and overall, this is a very entertaining adventure with a somewhat epic scope. The battle with the giant squid though is the real show stealer here and really everything else that follows after that cannot help but feel somewhat anticlimatic in comparison. Plus this does feel just a tad overlong and a certain amount of Disney cuteness, particularly Nemo's pet seal Esmay, ultimately brings this down a notch or two IMO. James Mason gives a terrific performance as Nemo and Douglas and Peter Lorre are quite fun in their somewhat unlikely roles. ***1/2 out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Karate for life *** 1/2 out of ****

This was a good finish for the Mas Oyama trilogy of movies.  More violent and more blood than previous films.  The dialouge is quite good, but some of the stuff I didn't like.  Like Oyama helping a bunch of war orphans seemed out of place.  The fight scenes were really good, and the director did a really good to show the infulence of the US military on Okinawa in the 1950's and some of our culture bleeding out in there.


Black Sheep- (2007) ***.  Any movie with killer sheep = greatness.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.

Yaddo 42

Eastern Promises - The Cronenberg movie about Russian mobsters in London. Good, but I liked it less than A History of Violence. Still brutal, absorbing and intense, but just lacked something for me to call it great instead of good. Effective use of violence, though, as always Cronenberg manages convey how ugly and unglamourous or exciting/titilating death and violence are.

Are You Scared? - cheap and stupid Saw ripoff with an obvious and unlikely plot twist that reminded me of a Lifetime Movie for Women. Dumb characters with awful dialogue to say in stupid unbelievable situations, it took the one girl how long to even remember to even think to use her cell phone? Who can tell if the actors are any good since all got to do was complain and scream?

Married 2 Malcolm - a cute, if slight comedy about a lovable bigamist in Blackpool, England married to two women who he loves equally. Reminds me of lots of US sitcoms in that both wives would be usually considered too attractive for him in real life. Both women become involved separately in an upcoming concert by Noddy Holder of the rock gorup Slade, and the husband leaps through comedic hoops trying to keep both wives satisfied and unaware of each other. Probably funnier if you're British and can appreciate some of the jokes that relate to regionalism, Slade and Holder being bigger names there than in the US (where they had two minor late career hits and are virtually unknown outside of music buff circles here, loved or hated by those music buffs) or digs at how drab and crude Blackpool is supposed to be. Is it like the UK version of Cleveland? Cast includes some familiar faces like comedienne Josie Lawrence from Whose Line Is It Anyway? and Mark Addy from The Full Monty and some others who's names I may not know but I've seen them in other UK films and TV shows. A decent enough little time waster I picked up in a grocery store discount rack. If nothing else you can make an excellent drinking game out of everytime the name "Noddy Holder" or an image from his Slade days appears on screen on posters, flyers, tickets, etc.

I have a couple of more but I'll check back.
blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....

Killer Bees

Ghost Rider
Enjoyed this one immensely.  I could tell it was filmed in Australia.  I've never been to Texas, but there's no way you could ever mistake outback Victoria for the Texas countryside.  Still, it's a minor issue and I guess if you didn't know beforehand, you may not be able to tell.  But you can't fool an Aussie when it comes to our countryside!

I didn't know much about this movie when I started watching it - I was never a comic book fan.  I also deliberately avoided all mention of the movie so that I could enjoy it or not on my own.  So I was expecting to be entertained and I wasn't disappointed.

One little complaint:  I didn't think Eva Mendez was a good love interest for Nicholas Cage.  There wasn't much chemistry between them and she's not that great an actor.  Also, she's not overly attractive and I wish she would stop wearing those low cut tops that squish her boobs together.  They look fake (who knows, maybe they are?)  I guess that's not issue to the male population of moviegoers, but it irks me no end.  It's almost as though she using that look to mask the fact that she's not a good actor and not very attractive in the way that some Latina women are (Salma Hayek case it point - beautiful girl).

The special effects were well done and I was pleasantly surprise when Cage's head became a skull and caught on fire.  (I'll leave that inference to anyone who wants to make one!!)  But I'm glad it didn't stay on fire the whole movie, that would have been boring.  I loved the morphed motorbike and Cage looks uber-cool in black leather.  I also liked the way the story moved along at a fast pace.  He was very believeable as Johnny Blaze and I liked the way he played the guy a little flaky.  I also liked that fact that he embraced what was happening to him and used it to his advantage instead of spending the whole movie trying to get back to his normal, pre-Mephistopheles self.

I would give this 4 out of 5 stars for sheer entertainment value and the fact that he did away with all the bad guys in a firey storm of death.  A rollicking adventure all around.
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


The Night Stalker (1972)

Darren McGavin stars as ever-determined, irascible reporter Carl Kolchak, who's out to get the facts and his story out to the public despite the best efforts of seeming everyone around him, including his editor, the police, the District Attorney and seemingly everyone else to keep him in check.

This movie is just plain entertaining. It's fun, has great moments of chilling horror and suspense and a nice subtle sense of comedy in addition. It's colorful, lively and far better than one expects from a Television film effort. Of course it helps that those behind this one seemed to be less reigned in as to what they could do than perhaps most TV film productions are nowadays.  Also aside from McGavin's terrific lead performance, this is filled with great character actors such as Claude Akins, Kent Smith, Ralph Meeker and Charles McGraw. It even boosts great character actors in bit parts including the always entertaining Elisha Cook Jr. and Stanley Adams. The only off-putting element here is Carol Lynley as Kolchak's unlikely girlfriend Gail Foster. She just doesn't seem to fit in with the Kolchak character at all. Also the vampire villain feels a bit undeveloped but honestly I think they did the right thing keeping him mysterious and having him be a bit more like the vampires of legend, a little more akin to Nosferatu perhaps than Lugosi although they seemed to blend the two together a tad as well. It's interesting to note that when I was doing the "Best Of" Series (Voting on Genre film of the Year for each year), The Night Stalker beat out Solaryis in the popular vote to take top spot. ****1/2 out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I just saw No Country for Old Men a short while ago, and it was an amazing film.  Very intense, and rather poetic.

I've also seen Juno and Sweeny Todd within the past week and I recommend them both.  Juno has a bit of an obnoxious soundtrack, and some of the dialogue sounds like the writer was trying really hard to be hip, but it's good.  Sweeney Todd is probably one of Tim Burton's best.


THE SIMPSONS MOVIE   *** out of ****.
While still not as great as the show was during it's 1st 9 seasons or so, this was still funnier than anything they've done in about the last 10 years.  I was surprised after the Family Guy "movie" that the Simpsons people actually made a movie with an actual story arc that went logically throughout the entire movie.   It does kind of run out of steam near the end but overall it's very funny stuff.

SHOOT 'EM UP   ***1/2 out of ****.
Should be the new definition of escapist action entertainment.  The movie literally never stops moving and approaches the level of absurdity of a cartoon many times, though that's more of an asset in this case than a liability.  Clive Owens is his usual great self, Monica Bellucci does what she does best (incredible physicality and sex appeal) and Paul Giamanti has never been given a chance to cut loose like he does here as the villain.   
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."

Rev. Powell

A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS (4/5): Clint Eastwood inserts himself between two warring gangs in a lawless Mexican frontier town.  Entertaining but occasionally absurd, and really a Leone/eastwood warm-up for the great spaghetti westerns to follow.  The scene where 'the man with no name" makes the desperadoes apologize to his "mule" is a classic and set the tone for the character.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (5/5):  Two bounty hunters (Eastwood & Lee Van Cleef)  track a bloodthirsty, bankrobbing bandito, and each other.  A fantastic adventure full of twists, double-crosses and oneupmanship.  Also probably the funniest of the "Dollars" movies.  The scene where Eastwood and Van Cleef demonstrate their marksmanship using each others' hats is completely over the top, but Leone sells it.  This scene is what made me fall in love with Leone's westerns in the first place.     
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Torgo on January 02, 2008, 05:26:14 PM
THE SIMPSONS MOVIE   *** out of ****.
While still not as great as the show was during it's 1st 9 seasons or so, this was still funnier than anything they've done in about the last 10 years.  I was surprised after the Family Guy "movie" that the Simpsons people actually made a movie with an actual story arc that went logically throughout the entire movie.   It does kind of run out of steam near the end but overall it's very funny stuff.

I've yet to see this, considering how big a fan of the show I was.  Still am, but unfortunately with work I don't get to watch it much, cause I don't get home from work on Sunday until about 10.

Overall though, worth picking up?
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.