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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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If you take Christmas Vacation 2 into account, then that'd be the worst.

I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember not really liking it initially.

But of the big screen films, European is the worst.

I only went gambling once.  Broke even about.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Run Fatboy Run **1/2 out of *****

I've been waiting for this to come out in the States but it never did...Now I know why.  I'm a big Simon Pegg fan and I'll watch anything he's in because he's one of the funniest guys in the biz right now (IMO).  I love his sad-sack persona but he turns it up to 11 in this movie.

Plot-wise, it's you're standard 80's-90's type comedy.  Boy loses girl.  Girl gets new boy.  First boy tries to win her back by competing in a physical contest with the new boy.  New boy proves to be a douche.  Boy gets girl.  The End.

There are a couple of funny parts but there are a few gross-out jokes that seem out of place for a Pegg film.  That kind of stuff is better suited for Sandler or Ferrell.  I'd say rent it if your a Pegg fan...if not don't bother.

Live Free or Die Hard ***1/2 out of *****

This was a fun action romp.  I liked it.  Yeah, computers can't do all the stuff the bad guys do in the film but, hey, it's a Die Hard movie.  Realism, isn't really what they were going for.  Bruce Willis still can pull off the grizzled action hero roll.  Turn your brain off and enjoy.  Film loses points because it's PG-13.
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place


Quote from: Oldskool138 on February 19, 2008, 04:50:40 PM
Live Free or Die Hard ***1/2 out of *****

This was a fun action romp.  I liked it.  Yeah, computers can't do all the stuff the bad guys do in the film but, hey, it's a Die Hard movie.  Realism, isn't really what they were going for.  Bruce Willis still can pull off the grizzled action hero roll.  Turn your brain off and enjoy.  Film loses points because it's PG-13.

The unrated version is much better than the theatrical version. John McClane is funnier when he's excessively profane.
"To be bitter is to attribute intent and personality to the formless, infinite, unchanging and unchangeable void. We drift on a chartless, resistless sea. Let us sing when we can, and forget the rest..."
-H.P. Lovecraft


Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy- ***.  Hilarious movie with Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Christina Applegate, and a slew of cameos from the "Frat Pack."

Don't know how anyone can not laugh during this.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.

Killer Bees


It took me a long time to "get" this movie.  I didn't understand why it was so funny.  To me, it was just a documentary on the fashion industry.  Now that I'm hip to message, it's a fun bit of whackiness to while away some time.
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


Quote from: Killer Bees on February 19, 2008, 11:54:34 PM

It took me a long time to "get" this movie.  I didn't understand why it was so funny.  To me, it was just a documentary on the fashion industry.  Now that I'm hip to message, it's a fun bit of whackiness to while away some time.

The first time I saw it I didn't think it was funny.  I saw it a second time with one of my friends and it was hilarious.  Many people seem to have the same experience.


Zoolander is such an outstanding movie.  Hilarious.  Loved it the first time I watched it, but then again, I'm a big Stiller fan, and the fact that Will Ferrell, Jerry Stiller and Owen Wilson are in it only made it funnier.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Species - fun Alien type movie, good cast, interesting story, and Natasha Henstridge topless.  Rather light-hearted and gruesome at the same time.  Monsters by H.R. Geiger.

The Librarian:  Quest for the Spear - A TNT original.  Totally cheesy Indiana Jones style movie.  Bob Newhart is a kick-ass marine, gotta love it.  At one point our heroes are in an ancient Aztec complex, and arrows are flying out of the walls.  They need to get past the arrows, and they figure out that the arrows come out with a ONE-two-three ONE-two-three rhythm.  The same rhythm as a waltz.  So they actually waltz their way through.  It's goofy as hell, but a fun watch.

Raptor - Jim Wynorski swiped a ton of footage from the 3 Carnosaur films and made a fourth film out of it.  It's actually better than the first three in my opinion.  Mad scientist creates dinosaurs and they roam free killing people in reused footage.  Favorite parts:  three different commando teams are called in, the first in black uniforms, the second in camouflage, and the third in red raincoats.  The battle at the end has a guy fighting a T-rex with a Bobcat front end loader, that changes into a much larger forklift in every-other scene.  It also suddenly becomes night at one point in the movie.  Oh, who am I kidding, my favorite part was Melissa Braselle in her undies  :teddyr:

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


This movie couldn't decide on what kind of movie it wanted to be. It's part art school parody, part triangle romance and part murder mystery.  The movie really seemed liked it thinks that it's more clever than it really is in a lot of scenes.  The acting is good but the plot is just a complete mess at times.  Sophia Myles looks great in the nude BTW.   :tongueout:   
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


The Son of Monte Cristo (1940): Dashing Edmund Dantes Jr. (Louis Hayward), the son of the famed Count of Monte Cristo, uses the masked guise of the Torch to come to the aid of his beloved the fair Zona (Joan Bennett), royal grand duchess of Lichtenburg in an attempt to rescue both her and her country from falling into the hands of a determined dictator named General Gurko Lanen (George Sanders) who would be king and force poor Zona to be his queen.

While this is pretty typical fare of its type, that doesn't make this swashbuckler any less entertaining. This certainly manages to capture one's interest and imagination throughout, its supporting players even proving more than up to said task particularly Ian Wolfe as Stadt and Montagu Love as Baron Von Neuhoff. In the end, while this does deliver the expected goods in terms of lush scenery, a dashing daring do lead hero in Hayward and a devious, devilishly clever lead villain in Sanders, exciting climactic swordplay and further action and intrigue and even perhaps some symbolism of the political intrigue at work in the world at the time this was filmed, it really offers up very few actual surprises and proves far too predictable overall. Regardless, this proves a most enjoyable film experience.  *** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

Rev. Powell

MEET THE FEEBLES (1995): Peter Jackson's notorious sick joke Muppet Show parody, with a rabbit MC who fears he has AIDS, a heroin addicted Vietnam vet frog knife-thrower, and a rat drugging and date-raping a poodle.  I first watched this years ago and hated it.  I found the irony far too cheap and the jokes not nearly funny enough to compensate for the meanspiritedness.  On second viewing the shock value was gone and I was able to appreciate a few of the jokes, especially the "Lyndon Johnson bad egg!" sign and the sodomy song.  And by the climax (if you can make it that far) it becomes so wacky and extreme that you have to buy in.  Definitely a bad movie, but others seem to think it's a lot funnier than I do.  Among obscene puppet shows it's a touchstone movie, so I can mildly recommend it to bad movie fans who are sufficiently jaded, but I also sympathize with "normal" people who want to hold up a crucifix to this movie.  3/5 slimes.

MILLER'S CROSSING (1990): Scheming Irish consigliere Tom (Gabriel Byrne) gets caught in the middle of a gang war in Chicago in 1929 in this reverent homage to 30s gangster films.  Directed and produced by the Coen brothers, with an intricate slinky script and a cast of colorful Windy City lowlifes played by Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney, John Turturro, Steve Buschemi, and character actor Jon Polito in his finest moment as an ethics-obsessed fight-fixer, this should have been a masterpiece on the level of THE GODFATHER or CHINATOWN.  The only reason I can see that it isn't is that we're asked to accept a morose Gabriel Byrne (who does little more than slug back whiskey and get slugged in the gut by various thugs) as the hero.  4/5 slimes.

CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH 3: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE SUBHUMANOID (1994):  After about a ten minute recap of the first two movies, we find that the last subhumanoid on earth has an evil twin brother trained by a corporate genius and a sexy mad scientist with a Marge Simpson hairdo.  In typical late-Troma fashion, the wild plot and twists on B-movie cliches could have been a lot of fun if played relatively straight, but juvenile fart humor, knowing winks to the camera, senseless references to other Troma movies, and silly falsetto voices added to the soundtrack in postproduction sap most of the fun out of it.  Ron Jeremy has a cameo and is by far the most accomplished actor in the cast.  There are plenty of boobies to look at, though, and that counts for something.  Lloyd Kaufmann used to make these things for about $25, then sell them to Cinemax for $75---a 200% profit!  2/5 slimes.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


There Will Be Blood -- I watched this late at night and it ended sometime after 4am, so I was kind of tired, but it held my interest.  I didn't like it as much as I had hoped to but it's certainly unique and worth seeing.  There're some strange and wonderful scenes, it looks pretty, and it's well-acted.  I think Day-Lewis earned his Oscar.  However I think it's a little longer than it needs to be.


American Kickboxer 2 ** 1/2 out of ****

It was cheesy at times and Dale Cook really over acted his part too much.  The fight scenes were good for the most part.

The Protector (Jackie Chan US version) ** 1/2 out of ****

When I rented this I though this was the version that I heard was supposed to be really good.  Found out that this was the mediocre US version.  The fight scenes were okay, but I've seen better.  The acting at times is just stupid, especially Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, who looks like he got the thousand yard stare the entire film.   


"bela lugosi meets a brooklyn gorilla"  ****

ultra retarded but entertaining.  "being here really makes ya feel full a pepsi!"


SEX & LUCIA  (unrated version)  *** out of ****.
Extremely erotic and well acted Spanish movie that is probably most well know for featuring full frontal Paz Vega nudity.  :tongueout:  The downside to this movie that thematically and plot wise it tries to bite off a bit more than it can chew and during the 2nd half of the movie gets weighed down by what is fact and what is fiction in terms of what happens to the characters.   But it is still well worth a watch by anyone wanting to see something truly original and genuinely erotic to the hilt.

This is what Paz Vega looks like BTW for the uninitiated. 

She's a great actress BTW in addition to being stunningly beautiful.

"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."