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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: HappyGilmore on March 04, 2008, 09:52:46 AM
She's blonde and Austrailian, and I like that. :buggedout:

Karma for you on that one. 


Wedding Crashers- ***.  Saw this in theaters when it was initially released and haven't thought about it in a while.  Recently saw it on tv and have to say that Vince Vaughn is really hilarious in it, and Isla Fisher, who plays his love interest, is really cute and funny.

Halloween (2007)- Unrated directors cut- Two and a half stars.  With remakes/reimaginings you either are completely disappointed or really pleasently surprised.  Halloween is such a loved classic that most were disappointed but I watched it with an open mind and felt it was good.  I saw it in theaters and saw some scenes in the directors cut that obviously weren't in the theater version. 

One question I have, and I hope somebody can answer this, is Michael back to kill Laurie or just be with her cause he loves her?  How does he know it's his sister, as he hasn't seen her since she's 2 years old and he's had no contact with her?  I'm not sure if it's explained much in the original either, as he just randomly shows up.  In Rob's version he kinda leaves it open as he's there cause he loves her, cause he gives her a baby picture of her and him and drops his knife.

Quote from: asimpson2006 on March 04, 2008, 10:59:28 AM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on March 04, 2008, 09:52:46 AM
She's blonde and Austrailian, and I like that. :buggedout:

Karma for you on that one. 
Thank you.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934): Sir Percy Blakeney is leading a secret double life. Pretending to everyone in the public eye, including his own wife, that he is a silly British fop, he is in reality the dashing Scarlet Pimpernel, a man devoted, despite the threat to his own head, to helping free the innocence condemned to the guillotine during the French Terror!

Overall this is very well done and features a very capable cast particularly lead Leslie Howard in the challenging dual role and Raymond Massey, who has a great turn as lead villain/spy for the French Republic Citizen Chauvelin for which he seems perfectly cast. Merle Oberon too does quite well and looks quite fetching as Blakeney's befuddled wife.

The problem with this is it feels a bit too static, a bit too talky as was often the case with many early sound pictures. There's just a bit more exposition at times than really seems necessary. This slows the action down a bit to the point things actually get a little dull on occasion. That said, there's enough fun to be found in this one that makes it well worth watching especially those scenes featuring Howard's Blakeney, especially when he uses some means of disguise or another to fool those pursuing him or uses his foppish charm to throw Chauvelin off his trail. *** out of ***** stars.

The Black Pirate (1926): Douglas Fairbanks Sr. stars in this exciting, action-packed swashbuckling pirate adventure yarn, as a young man seeking revenge on a band of pirates after they ransacked and destroyed his ship, killing his father. In trying to achieve his goal, he tricks the pirates into thinking he wants to join their band. Will this ruse work?

This delivers all the thrills and cutthroat pirate action anyone could ever hope for and even more. It has all the elements one looks for and wants from today's big blockbusters: impressive stunts mostly performed by Fairbanks himself, sword fights, pirate treachery, explosions, daring underwater scenes, a damsel in distress, the works. There's a few plot holes and questionable plot twists here and there but it all holds up incredibly well after all these years although in today's world lead actress Billie Dove would have been given more to do. That's a minor nitpick at best. If you like pirate yarns, check this out. Believe me, they just don't get much better than this.  **** out of ***** stars.

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

Killer Bees

I recently picked up my boxed set of Star Trek Voyager that was on layby.  The box is HUGE and heavy and I started watching season one last night.  Got through 4 eps before tiredness and the late hour got the best of me and I had to go to bed.

For something made in the 90s, it hasn't dated at all like Next Gen has (for me anyway).  I thought there would be lameness and cheese, but it's free of all that.  This weekend will be a Voyager fest of massive proportions. 

My son is very excited because he was only little when it was on and he doesn't remember most of the episodes.  Of course, the season when Seven of Nine comes in is the one he's waiting for   :teddyr:

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936): A nine year old Brooklyn boy nicknamed "Ceddie" (Freddie Bartholomew), beloved by all who know him due to his kindly nature, finds himself in for a most unexpected change of lifestyle when he learns he's to be heir to the estate of his grandfather (C. Aubrey Smith), a British Earl and has to move in with him. A bigger challenge for the boy to overcome though is to bring down the barrier between his stubborn, set in his ways grandfather and Ceddie's mother "Dearest" (Dolores Costello), who the Earl resents his son marrying as she's an American.

This one really grabs you by the heartstrings and doesn't let up. Freddie Bartholomew is simply wonderful as "Ceddie", wonderfully capturing his character and winning over the viewing audience's hearts in fairly short time, no easy feat for a child star. C. Aubrey Smith too is just marvelous as the crotchety old grandfather who finds his stubborn, hard-hearted, icy exterior being worn away just by being in the presence of such a terrific young lad who loves him unconditionally. Dolores Costello too was nicely cast and delivers the goods when she's called upon to do so. It's the likable performances given by these stars that make this a real winner in that we're truly made to care about these characters and what happens to them.  ***1/2 out of ***** stars

The Eagle (1925): Russian lieutenant Vladimir Dubrovsky (Rudolph Valentino) vows vengeance against a man named Kyrilla (James A. Marcus) after Kyrilla used treachery to steal Dubrovsky land, which left his father a dying, ruined man. Eventually hiding his face under a mask and assuming the identity "The Black Eagle", he and his band of followers set out to bring down Kyrilla. However Dubrovsky has even more reason to hide his face because having offended the Czarina of Russia by spurning her affections, she has issued a warrant for his arrest dead or alive for desertion from his regiment. Further complicating Dubrovsky's plans is he unexpectedly winds up falling in love with Kyrilla's daughter Mascha (Vilma Bánky).

Well it's certainly unpredictable, you have to say that. This one certainly has plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing what might befall our hero next. Valentino it cannot be denied is excellent in the lead role as an heroic bandit with irresistible charm. This does deliver romance and some tense moments for our ill-fated lovers. The problem here is that really "The Black Eagle" never quite seems to deliver the goods when it comes to action, his most impressive moments firing a shot at a key moment and as expected coming to the rescue of his damsel in distress time and time again. Also the ending doesn't quite seem to ring true given previously established events in our story. Still certainly not bad of its type, just a straightforward romantic adventure, almost fairytale-like, in a fashion. *** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


30 DAYS OF NIGHT   **1/2 out of ****.
While being skillfully made and acted, the filmmakers took what at the most should have been an 85 minute movie and stretched it out to 1 hour and 52 minutes instead.  There's only so many scenes you can watch of the same characters running from one building to another before it gets extremely repetitive. Some of the dialogue was pretty bad as well though the actors did a good job with what they were given.  The ending in particular was pretty bad in addition to the script having some characters do some extremely stupid things. But even with those multitude of problems, it's still worth a rental for fans of vampire movies or horror movies tired of PG-13 rated crap and wanting some blood in their movie diet.  The skillfull direction really keeps my rating from sinking any lower.     
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Quote from: Torgo on March 07, 2008, 05:30:16 PM
30 DAYS OF NIGHT   **1/2 out of ****.   

It's a good rental for horror movie fans that are looking for modern R rated fare.  I liked it more than I hated it.
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place

Rev. Powell

A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS (1966):  The universal theme of a man standing upon his principles, even at the risk of his life, is so moving and well-executed that people tend to forget this is a dialogue driven historical drama concerned with sometimes arcane points of 16th century religious politics.  It's also a mobbing tribute to the power of the rule of law.  A fantastic job by Paul Scofield, who played the part on stage.  With Orson Welles and a young John Hurt in memorable roles.  "Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?"  5/5.

RAISING ARIZONA (1987):  The Coen brothers' funniest movie, and one of their best overall.  When a good-hearted ex-con H.I. (Nick Cage) and an emotionally needy ex-cop Ed (Holly Hunter) find they are infertile, they hatch a plan to kidnap one of an unpainted furniture magnate's quintuplets.  But raising a critter is harder than expected for a screwed up young couple, especially when they also have to deal with H.I.'s old jail buddies and a bounty-hunting biker with supernatural powers.  Full of hilarious exchanges and choreographed mayhem.  "It's a crazy world."  "Someone ought to sell tickets."  "Sure, I'd buy one."  5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Just saw 30 Days of Night on DVD so I dont know if it was unrated or not, but geez what a freakin gore fest this movie is. If you like Vampire movies you'll love 30 Days. We're not just talking 2 holes in the neck, theese guyz will bit you in the face, rip your neck out and disembowel you, just for starters. This movie was very intense and is only recommended for those who are not faint or heart.

On a completely differnt note , I also saw City of Men theatrically recently, excellent. Just as good if not better than the original. Completely makes we want to go back and watch the show. Well writen, directed, acted, just all around solid.


NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN  **** out of ****.
I originally gave this movie 3 1/4 stars as I had an issue with the scene at the end of the movie between Tommy Lee Jones and his on-screen wife while being well acted questionable to the point of the movie.  Upon watching this fantastic movie on DVD again last night, the ending made complete sense now, hence I increased my rating to a perfect 4 stars.  The ending is still highly subjective to each viewer and I won't take the time to explain my new feelings about it as the movie was made to be pondered and for each person to take something else from the ending from another person.  I just can't believe how well made this movie is. Easily the Coen Brothers best movie to date IMO.

HITMAN  (unrated)  *** out of ****.
While this movie is a narrative mess throughout most of it's 94 running time, it's still highly enjoyable. The action scenes are very well executed and avoid the quick cutting the ruins a lot of modern action movies.  Acting is solid enough throughout and the female companion to our title character is one of the hottest women that I've seen lately in recent movies. Just try not to think about the movie too much and just set back and let the action set pieces wash over you and you'll like it. The unrated DVD is about a minute longer and features a bit more blood/gore (especially in the arm chopping sequence) as well as a longer torture sequence with female full frontal nudity that wasn't present in the R rated theatrical cut.     
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."

Killer Bees

Just started Season 4 of Star Trek Voyager.  I'm really surprised by the number of episodes I HAVEN'T seen.

Also, Tobe Hooper's Malevolence.  This was actually quite good.  The film looked dirty and freaky and had some genuinely scary bits and even though I could see them coming, it still made my heart leap out of my throat. 

Ice Queen.  Don't bother with this one, it's lame and very unscary and the Ice Queen herself looks like Pamela Anderson on a PCP rampage.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


Quote from: Killer Bees on March 12, 2008, 07:19:00 PM
...........Pamela Anderson on a PCP rampage.

That could  be a highly entertaining movie actually..........   :teddyr: :tongueout:
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."

Rev. Powell

PLEASURE IN PARADISE (1992):  Softcore porn trash with moderately attractive people and a lame stab at a real-estate-developer-tries-to-steal-unknowing-innocents-inheritance plot.  Perversely pleasurable to fast-forward through the lengthy sex scenes to get to the plot, watching the lead actresses (obviously strippers thinking they were getting their big shot in Hollywood) desperately try to sell dialogue that was probably written on a cocktail napking the night before shooting began.  I put a more thorough plot synopsis in the movie reviews section.   


DONNIE DARKO (2001):A demonic bunny rabbit tells disturbed teen Donnie that the world will end in 28 days.  A loveable jumble of a plot bringing in teen alienation, sci-fi wormholes, parodies of John Hughes teen flicks of the 1980s.  Could have been great if it had been less scattershot, but Frank the Bunny is really scary. 


DEAD OF NIGHT [AKA DEATHDREAM] (1972):  After being informed by the army that their son had died in Vietnam, the boy suddenly shows up at the family's door, a little bit changed... People seem to like this for some reason, but I found it dull, badly acted and suspense-free.  It might have worked better if there had been an attempt to create some sympathy for Andy, the returning zombie veteran.  I wonder if returning Vietnam vets appreciated being portrayed as antisocial, soulless killing machines.   

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Toxic Avenger Part II  ** 1/2 out of ****

Wasn't bad but it still wasn't as good as the first film was.  I think the idea of Toxie going to Japan was a good idea but could have been better.

Toxic Avenger Part III *** out of ****

I personally liked this one better than Part II.  I liked the idea of how Toxie was taken in by evil and show that's no matter how good someone is, they can still be deceived by evil into doing evil things.

Toxic Avenger Part IV ** out of ****

Personally I didn't like this as much as I thought I would.  I did like having Sgt. Kabukiman in the film which I though was a good addition to the film.  The whole doppleganger alternate universe story was nothing impressive to me.  I though the fight scenes were okay but could have been better.

Too Wong Foo, Thanks for everything Julie Newmar ** 3/4 out of ****

I though this was actually a decent film in it's own right.  It is odd seeing actors who play more macho roles in films doing drag queen in this film.  In my opinion everybody played their parts very well and the script was well written.


GHOST DOG: WAY OF THE SAMURAI ***1/2 out of ****.
Probably my favorite Forrest Whittaker performance to date. A very quirky movie that is unlike almost any other that I've seen over the years.  The movie has a really offbeat feel that will not be to some people's liking, but for those who appreciate original independent cinema will probably love it. the only place the movie falters for me is the ending. While it's the only logical way that the film could have ended, it just misses some of the emotional punch that I feel that it could and should have had.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."