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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Raging Sharks (2005) - I only made it about two-thirds of the way through this.  Sharks attack an underwater research facility, chewing off the air line and power line going to the surface.  The people inside stand around and talk about what a terrible predicament they're in, and the two guys who are in charge of fixing the damage are too lazy and obnoxious to do their jobs, so there's lots of arguing.  Meanwhile, the guy who was in charge of the project is on a Navy submarine, heading to the base.  Some IDIOT thought it would be a good idea to include a prosecuting attorney type guy who constantly barrages the project leader with accusations of running an unsafe facility.  Finally the sub arrives at the base, they're all saved!  No wait, just then the sub's engine room spontaneously combusts - for no freakin' reason whatsoever - so they have to wait another 25 minutes (they can estimate this precisely) before being rescued. 

Turned it off at that point.  1.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The X Files : Fight The Future
Terrific ending, but could've done with more monsters.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: InformationGeek on February 04, 2009, 09:20:21 PM
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Verison of Hobgoblins.  Man, that film is bad, but at least the guy and robots made the film bareable.  Would it be normal to actually want to watch the film in its regular format?  I sort of want to.

You might want to check out Andrew's Rick Sloane interview.  He talks about HOBGOBLINS and about the MST3K version. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


hobgoblins is a great episode.

female yakuza boss (1973) -    I'm new to the japanese region of the international grindhouse but I was very impreessed with this.  there  was  atime when people were positive japan was gonig to take over the US as the world superpower.  fortunately for us they screwed it up by going overboard in some real estate specualtion bubble, something that will never happen here of course,  but you can see why people were kind of afraid of them.  Though working with a small budget this has great direction and solid acting, though with most of the action taking place in these little tent/ fort / house things in some sort of underground neighborhood it is certanily lacking in scenery.  Mainly this is remarkable for it's over the top, and that's no misuse of that phrase, sex and violence.  men in this movie are constantly  sucking on womens tattooed breasts and inserting drugs in their private regions for smuggling.  they all act baudy and awful and have dep awful laughs 'harharhar".   finale is stupendous.


Finally saw The Brain That Wouldn't Die.  Why did I wait so long to see this wonderful flick?!  The gory climactic scenes do not disappoint, and I can only imagine what audiences thought when this was first released (I was actually taken by surprise by the neck-biting part).  It's good, goofy, somewhat sleazy fun!


Ghostbusters 2
Bustin' makes me feel good  :thumbup:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


return of the living dead -  I hadn't seen this since it came out, i was 11, and it is just as great the second time around.  Alot of it is funny but it somehow doesn't take away from the horror, probably because the acting is so good, it doesn't just feel like someone voicing some smarmy screenwriters jaded inabliity to write a good horror movie.  It's crazy 80's energy is expressed perfectly by linnea quigley's iconic nude punk girl in a graveyard.  the punks are cartoonish in a way that didn't really make sense at the time but sort of does now, since all the piercings and so forth have been a part of the mainstream for at least a decade.  the commentary track reveals an absurd attention to detail and I think hugely unwarrented self doubt on the part of the director.  a classic.  If I wanted to explain to a martian what a movie was I'd show them this.  5/5


Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 07, 2009, 10:40:08 AM
return of the living dead -  I hadn't seen this since it came out, i was 11, and it is just as great the second time around.  Alot of it is funny but it somehow doesn't take away from the horror, probably because the acting is so good, it doesn't just feel like someone voicing some smarmy screenwriters jaded inabliity to write a good horror movie.  It's crazy 80's energy is expressed perfectly by linnea quigley's iconic nude punk girl in a graveyard.  the punks are cartoonish in a way that didn't really make sense at the time but sort of does now, since all the piercings and so forth have been a part of the mainstream for at least a decade.  the commentary track reveals an absurd attention to detail and I think hugely unwarrented self doubt on the part of the director.  a classic.  If I wanted to explain to a martian what a movie was I'd show them this.  5/5

I love Return of the Living Dead!!!  I'm normally against talking zombies (they can say '"brains", or sentences involving brains, but thats all), but the half zombie lady was really scary and the guy that says "send more paramedics" over the CB radio was golden.  I never really understood (or actually bothered to research) the relationship of Return of the Living Dead and Return of the Living Dead 2, if there even is one.  I just thought they were the same movie for a really long time because at least one of the actors is in both and the only part from 2 that stood out to me was when the girl lets her zombie boyfriend at her brains, because it was really romantic.  I thought that happened in the first one and then I watched it and didn't see that part and thought I made it up but then I saw part 2.

I know theres run-on sentences there, but eh!


paquita- I'm sorry, but don't remeber the scene where the girl lets her boyfriend eat her brains!

Rev. Powell

ZEBRAMAN (2004): When amorphous green aliens invade Yokohama, a wimpy schoolteacher dons the costume of an obscure TV superhero to fight them.  A bit too much drama and character development for an action/comedy, but there are enough of director Takashi Miike's trademark weird sequences, without his sometimes off-putting perversity, to make this (mostly) kid-friendly effort interesting.  As always, the best scenes are when Miike lets his imagination run wild: the deliberately campy recreations of the fictional Japanese "Zebraman" TV show (sort of like a crazier "Ultraman") and a dream sequence where the teacher imagines an intriguing sidekick, Zebranurse!  Obviously, fans of Japanese superheroes will have to check this one out.  3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) - This is the Asylum version of this story.  Some hot babes are supposed to be teleported to the other side of the planet, unfortunately they wind up 600 km beneath the earth's surface, where there's ample sunlight, and dinosaurs!  Greg Evigan teams up with his ex-wife, who luckily has one of those machines that can bore through the earth, and they're off on a rescue mission.  The girls in dino-land run around in their tight tank tops sweating a lot, being attacked by dinosaurs, whining about how they're all going to die, telling each other to quit whining, etc.  Good fun, I love this sort of movie.  Evigan's wife (Dedee Pfeiffer?)  actually does a really good job with her character. 
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Psycho Circus

Kangaroo Jack.....don't ask  :bluesad:


Quote from: Circus_Circus on February 08, 2009, 10:28:27 AM
Kangaroo Jack.....don't ask  :bluesad:

I saw that on ITV yesterday !!!!

Why do I bother getting up in the morning :bluesad:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Psycho Circus

Quote from: doggett on February 08, 2009, 11:32:23 AM
Quote from: Circus_Circus on February 08, 2009, 10:28:27 AM
Kangaroo Jack.....don't ask  :bluesad:

I saw that on ITV yesterday !!!!

Why do I bother getting up in the morning :bluesad:

So did I, I went to see my grandparents and my grandad had it on. It was awful, but I ended up sitting through it because Estella Warren might be the most smoking hot female in the history of mankind!  :tongueout:


Hoffa ** out of ****.  Not bad, but not great wither.  I think instead of using all of the flashbacks to tell the story it should have just started at the ended then go right to past then works it's way back into the time the film started at.  I though that would have worked better overall.  Also the profanity could have been cut back a bit as well.