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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: Wag on April 09, 2009, 01:26:00 PM
Quote from: doggett on April 09, 2009, 01:23:14 PM

I'll never get that time back !

Nope. No you won't. Try not to think about it too much.

It still hurts, Wag.

A 34 year old being one was fallling for it...

No one.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Joe the Destroyer

Quote from: lester1/2jr on April 09, 2009, 10:26:19 AM
JOe - is that the one where the guy carries around the metal cross?  house by a lake?

MST3K:  gunslingers -  this is one of those early mst3k's where the movie isn't actually that bad.  The sound is a little quiet though on the movie part.  It's good, as is typical of this classic show.  that's all I have to say.

That would be the one.  I saw you started a topic on it some time ago, and I almost revived it.  I decided instead to post it here.

Rev. Powell

ANNIE HALL (1977):  A neurotic NYC comic loses Annie because he can't relax and enjoy life. Not quite as wacky and funny as the earlier Allen comedies, but there are lots of then innovative breaking-the-fourth-wall techniques and wonderful characterizations by the leads.  I liked this a lot better the first time I saw it, but the comedy really doesn't hold up on a second viewing (even though Allen gets off one of the all time great one-liners: "Don't know masturbation--it's sex with someone I love").  I'll take BANANAS or SLEEPER or LOVE AND DEATH over this one anyday.  4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


This film must be Circus' wet dream, it's soooo 80's.
When will people learn that just because you're wearing aviators, it doesn't make you hard !!!!
I liked the angels of the city montage !

The villians were useless.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


The Toolbox Murders (2003) - what appeared lite a typical slasher movie, complete with creepy toolbox wielding workman who we were meant to think was the murderer, soon revealed itself to be much less. With loads of characters and hardly any murders, the film tried to introduce some weird mystical garbage and the big reveal of the murderer was just dumb. Plus, a wasted Juliet Landau was in it. 2/5 (and that's generous)

Where the hell is that soothing music coming from?


Pumpkinhead - hadn't seen this in quite a while, forgot how good it was.  A group of young people are going out to a cabin in the woods, and they decide to take their motocross bikes for a ride.  One of them accidentally runs over a child, killing him.  The kid's father (Lance Henriksen) decides to take revenge on these kids, going out to the deep woods to find the old witch woman, who summons Pumpkinhead.  He's a sort of demon who takes revenge on those who deserve it.  Henriksen soon changes his mind about the whole thing though, as he's not the type to take any pleasure in the murder of others.  This was really high quality for a monster movie - the characters were excellent, the pace of the movie was perfect, there were no huge plot holes as you normally find in these things, and Pumpkinhead was pretty darned cool looking.  My only complaint is that the kids who were being stalked by Pumpkinhead weren't all that sympathetic;  the other characters were done so well, these folks really paled in comparison.  4/5 - I really wish more monster movies were made to these high standards.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The Most Offensive Comedy Ever Made (2007) -  people front on this guy like he was Nas 2 or 3 summers ago, but I think his movies kick ass.  Sure the quality sucks, did Jackass have high production values?  Does South Park have really proficient art?  no, that's the whole point.  who cares?  If this had an MTV or Comedy Central logo people would love it.  Anyway, I liked this better than "Dirtbags: armpit of Metal"  and close to but not quite as much as " The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made"   The polish people are stupid,  the black people are uncivilized, the cops are nazis, the italians all work for the mafia.  and then there are strippers, most of them pretty hot some really very attractive.  Yeah, its a  little late to be making fun of "political correctness" but this guy is from new jersey, so it goes with them theme of the movie that they would be totally out of it in terms of whats going on.  obscure death metal plays throughout.  In one scene, the jewish friend of the main character "freddy dingo" finds himself in a gas chamber.  except the gas is helium.   next big thing.  then again, I like some weird stuff

Psycho Circus

Quote from: doggett on April 09, 2009, 06:27:18 PM
This film must be Circus' wet dream, it's soooo 80's.
When will people learn that just because you're wearing aviators, it doesn't make you hard !!!!
I liked the angels of the city montage !

The villians were useless.

It is.  :teddyr: Possibly my favourite film of all time. It's not supposed to be a msterpiece for brain surgeons to debate over in wine bars. It's a totally 80's, totally cheesy thrill ride! Originally Stallone was supposed to star in Beverly Hills Cop, but when that didn't happen they took the old script and made this film with him. Cobra has some of the greatest lines of dialogue in cinema history. Hands down.  :wink:

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on April 10, 2009, 09:38:13 AM
The Most Offensive Comedy Ever Made (2007) -  people front on this guy like he was Nas 2 or 3 summers ago, but I think his movies kick ass. 

What guy?  Who is Nas?  What does "front" mean?  And how did people front on Nas 2 or 3 summers ago?   :question:  Some of us are old squares and we don't get this hip lingo.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Sorry, man.  Nas is a rapper.  He is a very good rapper. His album "Illmatic" was the cherry on top of what was a very good couple of years of hip hop.  After that album he got kind of bogged down in trying to expand his audience into the pop realm and he just wasn't cut out for it.  "front" means you kind of call someone out and disrespect them.   like,  I front on Troma all the time because they are wack.  If someone is good you can't front on them. 

    The reviews at netflix for example are uniformly negative for Bil Zebub's movies.  on the one hand, I'm not trying to dictate anyones tastes, on the other hand I'm sort of suspicious that people all 100% feel the same way about something that just happens to be homeade and have a low budget.  I mean, outside of some hard to hear audio,   theres not much that seperates his movies from the whole sort of MST3K,  MXC, Jackass sort of thing.   I don't know.  I like the guys movies.  That probably means they are total garbage


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
I just finished watching this movie for my review and have to say this one blows.  It's not as bad as my experience was with DOA: Dead or Alive, but not by much.  My review already sums up my feelings towards the movie, but I figure I mention it.  I say you should just stick with watching the first Mortal Kombat movie, not this one.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on April 10, 2009, 04:42:13 PM
Sorry, man.  Nas is a rapper.  He is a very good rapper. His album "Illmatic" was the cherry on top of what was a very good couple of years of hip hop.  After that album he got kind of bogged down in trying to expand his audience into the pop realm and he just wasn't cut out for it.  "front" means you kind of call someone out and disrespect them.   like,  I front on Troma all the time because they are wack.  If someone is good you can't front on them. 

    The reviews at netflix for example are uniformly negative for Bil Zebub's movies.  on the one hand, I'm not trying to dictate anyones tastes, on the other hand I'm sort of suspicious that people all 100% feel the same way about something that just happens to be homeade and have a low budget.  I mean, outside of some hard to hear audio,   theres not much that seperates his movies from the whole sort of MST3K,  MXC, Jackass sort of thing.   I don't know.  I like the guys movies.  That probably means they are total garbage

I was mostly jus' teasing.  I got the gist of what you were saying,  But the Cliffs Notes are nice!
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Jim H

I just saw Keoma.  It was enjoyable enough, with some really great cinematography, and a quite entertaining series of showdowns.  I must admit the operatic songs just came across as ridiculous to me.  I'd like to see a version with identical music minus the lyrics, think it'd come across much better.

Definitely worth a look for Spaghetti western fans.  Probably the most unique aspect of the film - I think it's the first western I've seen with a "half-breed" character where he has a white father who is both alive in the film and cares about him.  In fact, he cares about him more than his other fully white sons. 

It's also a bit odd seeing a half-white half-American Indian character in the American west with a quite noticeable Italian accent (the film was shot in English).  I guess now I know how the Brits feel watching Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves?   :teddyr:


Boogeyman 2 - Saw this on TV and liked it well enough to get the DVD.  A brother and sister witness their parents being killed by the boogeyman - flash forward ten years, and the brother has just completed a 3 month program in a mental hospital.  It seems to have worked well for him, and since the sister is suffering from nightmares of the boogeyman, she decides to give it a try as well.  The other patients at the hospital are all suffering from phobias, and all the characters are really quite well developed.  Tobin Bell gives a good spooky performance as the head of the institution, and Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle from Xena, looking not quite as cute nowadays) is the head nurse.  Of course, the Boogeyman shows up and starts raisin' hell.  I really like the atmosphere in the institution, great setting.  The only bad part were the kills - instead of nice, suspenseful stalking sequences, the killer will have his victims in some elaborate device or scenario, playing off their phobia, causing them to kill themselves.  Not much suspense there, and not much believability either.  Still good enough for a 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Joe the Destroyer

Got my packages from Amazon today, and watched Four Flies on Grey Velvet.  It was a pretty fun film, but it felt like a pretty by the books giallo.  The only thing about this movie that stood out was the intermittent use of humor, which felt strange in an Argento movie.  I still have the Horrorlicious set to watch, and The Stendhal Syndrome, but it'll be a while before I have time to watch those.