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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The Dark Power.
To be honest, I still haven't finished the last 20 mins...
Nothing is happening !!!!!!
Bad Taste is low budget but at least they can afford stuff to happen !

Andrew is a better man than I.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


I didn't care for The Dark Power either.  All the characters were unlikable and Lash LaRou's frequent monologues didn't help matters either.

Candy Stripers (2006) - Alien parasites take over the bodies of the candy stripers at a hospital (they have two doctors, two nurses, and about 10 candy stripers).  A few members of the local basketball team, along with a cheerleader and another cute chick, have to survive and try to stop the invasion.  Not bad, some hot babes, but the whole thing was too tongue-in-cheek for its own good.  3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The Brady Bunch Variety Hour (1976)-  The first hour is more than enough but there are two if you just can't get enough of this insane Sid and Marty Kroft produced ...insanity.  There seemed to be at least a half dozen terrible songs, two individually sung by Greg Brady who doesn't have charisma.  Jan Brady looks good and when Donny and Marie come,  I htink they were required by law to appear in these  things,  marie actually looks pretty good in a 50's get up.  There is a thing where they are dressed as clowns diving into this pool.  It was like a  Jackass outtake and another point they are dressed as various animals.  It's very glitzy and very cheesy,too.  The second hour was a little more tedious though sort of interesting with Greg getting it together to move out of the house.   MIA is EVe Plumb who unlike the rest of the cast was able to get work .  some tv movie, long forgotten.  so there's some other Jan.  totally bonkers.  imagine the cheesiest  70's pg disco variety show possible and you are probably right on the money


Black Cobra Woman:
With all that you'd think it would be good.
It isn't.
Jack Palance is in it (why ? did he need the money) looking like a dirty old man. I don't really know what the plot is...but I've seen enough 70's bush to last me for a while...Just because she's naked doesn't make it erotic in any way !
It's a bit of a snooze fest.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Jack on July 09, 2009, 07:32:48 AM

Candy Stripers (2006) - Alien parasites take over the bodies of the candy stripers at a hospital (they have two doctors, two nurses, and about 10 candy stripers).  A few members of the local basketball team, along with a cheerleader and another cute chick, have to survive and try to stop the invasion.  Not bad, some hot babes, but the whole thing was too tongue-in-cheek for its own good.  3.5/5.

I thought we had discussed this one before?  I thought you went through and re-counted the breasts for me, cuz I thought there were hardly any.   :wink:  Must've been someone else.  Anyway, I thought this was pretty forgettable, a lot duller than the premise would indicate and less T&A than you would expect, and all those Playboy Playmates were wasted.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 09, 2009, 05:59:51 PM
Quote from: Jack on July 09, 2009, 07:32:48 AM

Candy Stripers (2006) - Alien parasites take over the bodies of the candy stripers at a hospital (they have two doctors, two nurses, and about 10 candy stripers).  A few members of the local basketball team, along with a cheerleader and another cute chick, have to survive and try to stop the invasion.  Not bad, some hot babes, but the whole thing was too tongue-in-cheek for its own good.  3.5/5.

I thought we had discussed this one before?  I thought you went through and re-counted the breasts for me, cuz I thought there were hardly any.   :wink:  Must've been someone else.  Anyway, I thought this was pretty forgettable, a lot duller than the premise would indicate and less T&A than you would expect, and all those Playboy Playmates were wasted.

Oh we discussed this before and I remember the whole breast counting thing  :teddyr:  I just watched it again. 

Another one I re-watched:  Planet Raptor.  Space marines and a few scientists land on a planet and discover an Elizabethan village, and raptors.  Comical CGI, ludicrous plot, Vanessa Angel looking pretty hot.  A new subplot every 15 minutes, so after every commercial break you come back to a whole new movie.  It's awful, I've watched it 3 times.  3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Bad Taste
Not as polished as Braindead and the acting is pretty poor. But it always is with the films we like on this site.  :wink:
A bunch of dudes in a small abandoned village fight a bunch of alien dudes...lots of gore and hilarity ensues.

Oh, there's a two good Doctor Who references ! :thumbup:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Steamboat round the bend (1935) -  They were definately not  afraid to lay on the Americana with this one.   Glenn Ford directs Will Rogers in a comedy about a boat race.  There are bits of melodrama here involving the "young lovers"  that are a little heavy handed but gain, the appeal of this is the america of yore!  When a man could float around ripping stupid people off with snake oil and leaev in time to not be there when they figured out it was just that.  The race itself is exciting but it doesn't happen until the final third of the movie.  Prior to that we are drowned in folksy ness which I admit i enjoyed as I have been thinking of buying a boat and have idyllic sort of nonsense gonig on in my weird mind.  The girl is very cute and demure in that old hollyweood way.   Stepin Fetchit has a small role. I had never seen him before and it was kind of a headscratcher.  He was sort of like a sedated bobcat goldthwaite or something.  I couldn't really understand what he was saying most of the time enuogh to laugh or be offended.  


Blood Beach

This movie was just as boring as Frogs.  You get the feeling that even though things are happening, the movie is going nowhere.  The film's plot is interesting though, about a mysterious creature eating people underneath a beach, but the direction this film takes is completely wrong.  At least it was corrected in Tremors.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.

Monster Jungle X-Ray

Fido (2006)

Weird alternate history zombie flick in which we fought a world war against the living dead in the 1940s complete with faux newsreel footage. It takes place place in a small '50s conservative town straight out of Leave It To Beaver, or Pleasantville. The zombie infestation has been controlled with electronic collars that overcome their flesh eating tendencies and relegate them to menial servants. Protective fences are built around these suburban towns with still zombie dangerous zones outside them. It is not mentioned what happened to the big cities, the focus is solely on the small town Mayberry life and how they cope with the dead among them. Parts of it were a little forced in places, but the cast is good and seemed to have a lot of fun with the material.   
" Society doesn't accept us because of what we are, so we're an enemy of society. " - Pa Mooney, THE RATS ARE COMING! THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE!


Quote from: Monster Jungle X-Ray on July 10, 2009, 01:35:51 PM
Fido (2006)

Weird alternate history zombie flick in which we fought a world war against the living dead in the 1940s complete with faux newsreel footage. It takes place place in a small '50s conservative town straight out of Leave It To Beaver, or Pleasantville. The zombie infestation has been controlled with electronic collars that overcome their flesh eating tendencies and relegate them to menial servants. Protective fences are built around these suburban towns with still zombie dangerous zones outside them. It is not mentioned what happened to the big cities, the focus is solely on the small town Mayberry life and how they cope with the dead among them. Parts of it were a little forced in places, but the cast is good and seemed to have a lot of fun with the material.   

Great film.

I ended up watching it online. They had a staggered release date. So when I first heard about it and found that I could not find it in the Uk and unwilling to wait an unknown amount of time (Quite a bit by the looks of it. Amazon has a 2007 release date on DVD and at the time it had no preorder). So I watched it free online. (Thanks to the wonder that is people uploading these things on youtube and other sites like it. Infact I think I saw it on youtube but it was only up for a couple of days, just long enough for me to come accross and watch.)
Finally ordered a copy on DVD.

Excellent film. A classic... One of the most enjoyable, heart warming films I have seen in a long time.

"We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view."Mao. "At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality." Ernesto Che Guevara. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth" Lenin. "Religion is the opium of the masses." Marx.


Class of 1984 -  in the bonus doc The director noted that he was influenced by CLockwork Orange and 50's classroom exploitation movies like "the blackboard jungle"  but I think this is more like "Rambo".  At it's core, it's a right wing revenge fantasy.  and a pretty entertaining one at that.  Salami from the white shadow is a drug dealing (hollywood ) "punk"  who butts heads with the new idealistic teacher played by the slavemasters son from "Mandingo".   There is a bit of nudity early on and certainly alot of violence, I would have liked a little more of the former particualrly in the case of the extremely cute sidekick gang girl.  Part of what makes it a great b movie is that the director really feels it is a serious statement and believes in it to the fullest or at least says he does.  who knows  :thumbup:


Dolan's Cadillac~ A husband wants revenge after his wife is murdered by a gangster. Based on the short story by Stephen King. I haven't read the story since im not a fan of King's so I cant make a comparison.  It really lags at times and Christian Slater isnt a believable gangster.  Its worth a one time watch though if you like revenge movies.

Straightheads~ in a revenge mood I guess.    :smile:   Gillian Anderson and Danny Dyer are leaving a party and run into some very bad guys who.. well, you can imagine im sure what takes place.  Im not a fan of Anderson but she is pretty good in this. Dyers character though is a little too soft for my taste. They were hurt, they (Anderson mainly) wants revenge and they set out to get it. Another one thats worth a one time watch if you like this type of movie.

I need to find a good comedy to watch.   :teddyr:
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Evil Aliens.
This film contains:

Dude losing his virginity to a alien
A splash of farmer semen ( :bluesad:)
Lots of references to other, better, films
Holly...the computer from Red Dwarf !
Lots and lots of gore...seriously, this is the second goriest film I've seen !

Here's the best bit of the film...but it seems similar to another film but on a bigger scale...

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Quote from: doggett on July 11, 2009, 02:57:29 PM
Evil Aliens.
This film contains:

Dude losing his virginity to a alien
A splash of farmer semen ( :bluesad:)
Lots of references to other, better, films
Holly...the computer from Red Dwarf !
Lots and lots of gore...seriously, this is the second goriest film I've seen !

Here's the best bit of the film...but it seems similar to another film but on a bigger scale...

Well that looks stupid. Going to see if I can find the complete film on a streaming website.... (Only as it has Holly!) Overal it looks like a very poor comedy horror like slither, Black sheep and all the other films wishing to be as good as shaun of the dead.

Update had a poke around online and no sign of it. O well its not worth buying something this poor except for maybe a couple of £. 
"We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view."Mao. "At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality." Ernesto Che Guevara. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth" Lenin. "Religion is the opium of the masses." Marx.