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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Alien Species (1996) - Sort of like Independence Day, except on a $10,000 budget.  Two cops are transporting some prisoners, but then aliens invade, causing their truck to tip over.  They hook up with some other people who have crashed their car, and they all go to a cave for shelter.  Unfortunately a bunch of aliens are also hanging out there, so they battle each other throughout the movie.  While this is going on, we get a lot of almost comical footage of alien spaceships wiping out some city.  I thought the characters were pretty interesting and the acting was good (keep in mind I was on beers number 5 and 6 while watching this).  The special effects were definitely worth a chuckle, and the action moved along at a good rate.  They apparently intended a sequel, as the movie ends with the alien invasion still in full swing.  3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Mr. DS

The Story Of Anvil - an uplifting, yet highly depressing all the same, documentary of the 80s rock band who after 30 years were still trying to make it.  It rings of Spinal Tap stuff but unfortunately for the band its real and it is their life. 
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Ferris Bueller's Day Off- a fairly decent movie for it's era, but why the fudge cast geeky Matthew Broderick as a cool guy?

Stan Helsing: A stupid movie with no plot or acting. The only reason to watch this is to see the way they remade some movie killers, and even that's weak, especially for Jason.

Role Models- Finally a movie with kids and sex and swearing. Pretty good.

Bachelor Party- Now this is my kind of comedy, lot's of boobs and chaos. Excellent


Disaster Movie: I will not talk about it.  I will not say anything.  I will not talk abouT THAT HORRIBLE PIECE OF CRAP MOVIE!  I HATE IT!!!  I HATE IT!  DAMN THAT MOVIE!  DAMN IT TO... anyways...

Kung Fu Panda: Need to watch this in order to get those images of that... other movie, which we will not discuss, out of my head.  It worked wonderfully.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


Quote from: InformationGeek on January 24, 2010, 05:43:00 PM
Disaster Movie: I will not talk about it.  I will not say anything.  I will not talk abouT THAT HORRIBLE PIECE OF CRAP MOVIE!  I HATE IT!!!  I HATE IT!  DAMN THAT MOVIE!  DAMN IT TO... anyways...

Number 22 out of 100  :thumbdown:
yeah no.


Quote from: Bull on January 24, 2010, 06:40:47 PM
Quote from: InformationGeek on January 24, 2010, 05:43:00 PM
Disaster Movie: I will not talk about it.  I will not say anything.  I will not talk abouT THAT HORRIBLE PIECE OF CRAP MOVIE!  I HATE IT!!!  I HATE IT!  DAMN THAT MOVIE!  DAMN IT TO... anyways...

Number 22 out of 100  :thumbdown:

Yeah I know.  I mention that in the review and that should have tipped me off or something.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.

Rev. Powell

HEADS OF CONTROL: THE GORUL BAHEU BRAIN EXPEDITION (2006): This is one seriously f-ed up movie.  The loose, impossible to describe plot revolves around a trip inside the brain of mental patient, with robed and masked entities representing drug molecules (or something) who fetch and watch various twisted "memories" from inside his brain.  These consist of various performance artist type skits and monologues---for example, a shirtless man reads Jabberwocky while smacking himself with dead fish---performed in front of a blue screen on which the visually talented director has projected all sorts of trippy, abstract visuals.  Lots of el-cheapo but effective camera tricks are used, too.  Sometimes it works a charm, other times it's a bit of a chore to watch, but you have to admire the director's willingness to go all the way and make the movie as uncommercial and weird as possible.  Lester1/2 jr. may like it.  Unfortunately it does not have a distributor, he just sent me a screener (on VHS tape).  I think he's still shopping it to film festivals.  It deserves to be released someday. 2.5/5. 

MST3K: THE GIRL IN LOVERS LANE: The underlying movie--about a drifter who briefly settles down in a small town and gets involved in a tragic romance--is actually not that bad, although the print is in terrible condition.  It's easy to follow, well acted, and delightfully sleazy in that very sublimated 1950s way.  Riffing and host segments are quality; the best part is when Crow and Tom devise an alternate, upbeat ending for the film that takes a post-apocalyptic turn and introduces dinosaurs into the story.  A very good episode.  4/5. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Book of Eli
Faster p***ycat! KIL! KILL!
yeah no.

Ed, Ego and Superego

I saw this this weekend and generally enjoyed it.  It was a bit silly (obviously) and had copious amounts of blood.   Buit it was a good time waster as I saw it at the movie pub and had a good beer and big screen. 
And for you retro gamers out there, I kept wishing for a voiceover of Lo Wang from Shadow Warrior making asides. 
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes

Rev. Powell

FRANKENSTEINS BLOODY NIGHTMARE (2006):  The bare plot has a scientist---or perhaps his monster, it's never quite clear---killing women to harvest their body parts so the doctor can resurrect his dead love. Director John R. Hand shows a remarkable technical ability to create unique visual and auditory environments inspired by the 1970s trash movies of Jean Rollin, Lucio Fulci, and Andy Milligan, only with with their cheap, desperate Super-8 stylistics amped up to surreal levels; the problem is that, for all its technical ingenuity, the movie has no story to tell, which will cause the average viewer to lose interest quickly. Yes, there is no apostrophe in the title.  2/5. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Alpha Incident (1977) - I've been watching this for two nights now and it still doesn't seem to be anywhere close to being over.  Gawd it must be 8 hours long.  A small group of people are quarantined in a train station because they've been infected with some virus.  From Mars.  None for them show any symptoms (maybe a few more hours into the movie?) so it's basically them sitting around and arguing.  Sitting around and fretting.  Sitting around playing cards.  Then it's announced that they can't sleep or the virus will kill them.  So then they sit around and act really tired.  Occasionally they ask if any progress has been made in finding a cure - cut to people standing in a lab.  For the 10th time.  "Nope, nothing yet".  Uy yuy yuy.  1.5/5.

I'll try again tonight to make it to the end.  No promises though.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


FERN GULLY : The Last Rainforest

A Fairy Who Lives In The Rainforest Shrinks Some Guy Down To Her Size So He Can Help Her Save The Rainforest


A Witch Curses The Family Of The Reverend Who Burned Her , Then Hundreds Of Years In The Future The Decendants Of The Reverend Decide To Live In The Couple Hundred Year Old House Where The Reverend Lived , And Supernatural Things Start Happening And People Start Disappearing

Both Movies Get A 3 Out Of 5


Alibi (1929)- I'm not a film historian but this has to be one of the first real gangster movies.  The quality of the film and the audio are a little dodgy in places but it's a pretty darn good movie.  A handsome gangster guy is dating the police chiefs daughter and trying to avoid arrest for an armed robbery where a cop was killed, or "copper" as they call them.  They say it all the time "I never give a copper an even break" they're like those guys in bugs bunny cartoons. "I got a ditzy dame and a bent fence" or something I can't remember what he called the guy.  

  Anyway, It moves really well and there is alot of action,a few murders, and some really clever stuff.  Unlike some of the more infamous pre code movies it doens't really lionize the gangsters or celebrate all the sin and decadence it's more about the story.  Caught on TCM the other night.  alot of it takes place in a nightclub with that fast jazz from the 20's charleston-ing music and floor shows with dames going around in costume and all that sort of atmosphere


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
yeah no.


Lost Reality, and it's awesome.