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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Psycho Circus

Restless Natives (1985)

Two young scotsmen with too much time on their hands decide to hold up coaches in the highlands. They use masks, one of a clown and one of a wolfman, which bizzarely turns them into local heroes. The two guys differ in personality, with one feeling guilty for robbing innocent people and the other feeling that they're getting what they deserve. Touching and funny throughout, it's one of the best pieces of Scottish cinema you will ever discover. I've watched this film probably about 20 times in the past six months. The scene where they're being chased by the police through Edinburgh to Big Country's "Restless Natives" almost has me in tears....


Sleepaway Camp (1983)
A strange young girl named Angela is sent to camp with her cousin, only to be picked on. A series of deaths take place, with Angela exacting her revenge on her tormentors and eventually she is revealed as the killer - in truly shocking fashion! Basically, this film is only worth watching for the extremely unexpected, creepy ending. I've always found it to be very slow, with very annoying characters. My personal favourite in the series is Teenage Wasteland.

2/5 for the bulk of the film
5/5 for the ending...


I just watched Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me.
Now my brain hurts, and I'm angry at David Lynch.


Atomic Rulers of the World (1964 B&W) - Japanese superhero movie, sort of like Prince of Space or something else you may have seen on MST3K.  Made for kids obviously.  Some spaceman comes to earth to thwart the plans of an evil country that wants to nuke all the other countries.  "Your weapons are useless against me!"  Yet everyone keeps shooting at him.  Lots of long and silly fistfights.  Mostly this guy hangs out with the kids at an orphanage.  2/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Sauna~ After a long war two brothers are part of a group of Russian & Swedish soldiers mapping out borders. They find a small village in the middle of a swamp and.... well, you just have to watch it.   :smile:

This is another movie that is open to interpretation. I will probably need to watch it again to really "get" it.  Visually its very well done, the acting is good(by the 2 brothers especially) and its got a really creepy feel going for it. That being said, when it was over I thought... um, what? 

Its not your typical horror movie that's for sure.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations

Rev. Powell

BRIDE OF THE GORILLA (1951): A rubber-plantation manager (an young and surprisingly amoral Raymond Burr) lusts after the wife of his employer: murder, black magic, guilt and a strange creature terrorizing the jungle follow.  Given the silly premise and sillier title, this is actually a fairly well-scripted and acted, though cheap, WOLFMAN ripoff that should just hold your attention for it's 66 minute running time.  Lon Chaney, Jr. appears as a South American native, but doesn't even attempt a Spanish accent (?). 2/5.   
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


rev- is that the one with barbara payton?  she is awesome

Shaolin Invincibles- why do people front on this movie?  Sure it has guys in very bad gorilla suits doing very bad kung fu but so what? it's colorful.  and in all the talk of the men in gorilla suits the guys with huge tongues seldom get discussed and that's not fair either.  I'm a huge fan of taiwanese star Lung Jun Erh and she is good in this though she hadn't quite gotten the action scenes down.  The other girl is really pretty too.  The action is good, the pacing isn't perfect but there's enough going on that it is generally fun to watch.  It's not as perfectly absurd as drunken wi tang but it's a worthy adfdition to that catagory of kung fu cinema.  liked and would recomend. almost John waters like in places.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 01, 2010, 12:14:24 PM
rev- is that the one with barbara payton?  she is awesome

Yes, indeed.  Maybe she's the reason I found the movie watchable?

It has points of interest, at any rate.  :teddyr:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


her life story is incredible.  I read an article about it in some fanzine years ago. it's like nightmare alley but real


Kong Island: Ever seen a film were basically nothing happens and there isn't really hints of a plot outside of a couple of random scenes until 50 minutes?  That's this film!  From what I could barely gather, a guy has to rescue a woman from gorillas that are being controlled by an evil mad scientist.  The title has nothing to do with King Kong and does even take place on an island.  Bullcrap.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


The Incredible Two Headed transplant (1971)- What a wonderful uplifting movie about a scientist with the pluck and determination to put a rapist/ murderers head on the body of an "of mice and men " style manchild idiot with no thought of the consequences of this.

  I guess this is seen as not as good as the Rosey Grier Ray Milland one "The Thing with Two Heads".  or not as BAD.  It really hit the spot last night. I didn't accomplish much yesterday and was angry at myself so this was good penence for that.  I liked that I had to look at the THISTV logo the entire time.  I really enjoyed it but was also elated when it was time for a commercial break. That seems counterintuitive but thats how I felt.  

        It's an MGM product via AIP so it has a decent budget and level of professionalism.  It reminded me of Octoman but is better which is pretty feint praise I'll admit. The music is awesome crazy psych instrumental / incidental music, Bruce Dern is good as the scientist, the hot milf wife was good. It's definately drive in rather than grindhouse so no overt extended scenes of sex or gore but still frisky.  Everyone plays their parts well and does their job and casey Kasem is even in it.  :thumbup:


Circus- Sleepaway Camp is really more of a Todd Solondz (Happiness) type creep out movie than a horror movie.  I loved it but I think most hardcore horror fans really do not

Born of Fire (1983)-  two genres I don't have alot of time for are "rare' nothing special fan boy horror movies like "superstition" and surrealist creepies like "mansion of madness".  So it's unfortunate for me that I rented this as it's a combination of those two.  Filmed in turkey, some of the scenery was interesting, especially the catacomb things with the early christian paintings but the whle thing was like a bad acid trip.  "no thanks" pretty much covers it.  fast forwarded through the whole scond half then watched "7 Faces of Dr Lao" whch was also like an acid trip but in a gooder way.

Rev. Powell

THE TOXIC AVENGER IV (1999): An explosion causes the Toxic Avenger to switch dimensions with his evil bizarro-world opposite, the Noxious Avenger.  Hopefully this will be the final installment of the franchise; the ratio of 10 incredibly lame jokes to 1 funny one is getting hard to take.  The fetus battle was the best part (probably the only decent part).  I never thought I'd say this, but Ron Jeremy should fire his agent for landing him roles that are beneath his dignity.  1.5/5.   
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Psycho Circus

Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 04, 2010, 12:03:02 PM
Circus- Sleepaway Camp is really more of a Todd Solondz (Happiness) type creep out movie than a horror movie.  I loved it but I think most hardcore horror fans really do not

Huh? I never said it was a horror film.  :question:
I did like it and do class it within the horror genre.



The Toxic Avenger - Finally watched it, not as great as I'd hoped. But still quite entertaining.

"Nilbog! It's Goblin Spelt Backwards!"