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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: Jim H on April 02, 2010, 04:47:29 AM
Quote from: 3mnkids on April 01, 2010, 05:20:55 PM
Quote from: Jim H on April 01, 2010, 04:43:45 PM
I just watched another movie!

Accident.  This is a 2009 released by Pou-Soi Cheang.  Some of you *might* know one of his previous films, Dog Bite Dog.  That's the only one to get a western DVD release, AFAIK. 

Accident is about a team of "accident choreographers".  Basically, they're assassins who make the kills look like accidents.  Pretty well-done, the hits you see.  But something goes wrong on one of them, and the leader of the team suspects another team of accident people is after them.  He becomes extremely paranoid.  And the rest of the movie happens.

Like a lot of Hong Kong movies, especially more recent ones, the second act is where the movie slows down too much.  It just drags on a bit.  It doesn't quite sink the rest of the movie, which is good, however.  Good performances, cool sequences, and very nicely shot.  I also liked the way this one ended.  Don't want to say anymore.


I watched this awhile back and absolutely loved it. I think I mentioned it here, maybe. I dont always post what I watch.

Oh yeah?  That's cool.  You see a lot of HK films?  If you haven't, and like Accident a lot, I'd suggest you check out more films from the Milkyway library.  The types of people that work on them seem similar, and visually they often have a lot in common.  And of course, Jonnie To is awesome.
Thanks for the list. I've seen a few of those but will be adding a couple to my watch list for sure. Triangle sounds interesting, as does eye in the sky.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Bimbos in time (1993)-I saw AT4W review of the comic and decided to see the movie-It is WORST than Monster A Go GO! It's Torture to see it!
yeah no.


Quote from: Funky Kong on April 02, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
Bimbos in time (1993)-I saw AT4W review of the comic and decided to see the movie-It is WORST than Monster A Go GO! It's Torture to see it!

If I may ask, where did you see that movie?  I have an urge to see it for myself so I can just fully comprend that it really exist.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


Layer Cake (2004)  The movies I review are either ones people have long since seen and formed an opinion on or would never want to see. Layer Cake is of the former category I'd assume. This is a very good state of the art fancy pants gangster movie sort of Hong kong meets James Bond but no Kung Fu and the protagonist is on the other side of the law. The plot is very complex with double crossing and triple crossing and you trying to remember who the f**k "The Duke" was. I was glad to see them going a little lighter on all the pomp and circumstance of the gangster universe.  It's like just do the drug deal already enough with all the long close ups of guys face and smoking cigars in the room. Yeah, you are superficially refined but could explode like Darth Vader and kill a guy right there so everyone is nervous. Duly noted, gangster movies. Seana Miller is well cast as a trashy broad. 4/5

Maid-Droid(2008) what's her name from Small Wonder is all grown up and Japanese.  This is the 3rd of these softcore weirdy movies from japan I've seen. It wasn't as charming as Cat Girl Kiki but it made up for it with more sex. The initial story of an old guy and his robot maid is kind of depressing. I actually enjoyed the making of featurette better because it was sort of lighter and cheaper. There is a good deal of expertly kept soft R nudity though. About halfway in is the films best scene with a some other guy trying out a some other robot in a store. It is really over the top and moronic in a great way.  After that there is some really pretty strange stuff involving other kinds of robots I wont get into it. Only an hour long. 4/5 ( Here is the Mr. Skin Review which goes into more detail )

Invasion! (1999)  This started off being a pleasant enough oddball comedy.  All the sudden a woman is making out with a guy and turns to a customer at the hotel she is working at and goes "you'll have to excuse my brother" !!!  uhhh sorry guys. If I was interested in stuff like that I'd read Jackie Collins. Couldn't go through with it. returned unwatched. ?/ 5


Quote from: InformationGeek on April 02, 2010, 11:21:27 AM
Quote from: Funky Kong on April 02, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
Bimbos in time (1993)-I saw AT4W review of the comic and decided to see the movie-It is WORST than Monster A Go GO! It's Torture to see it!

If I may ask, where did you see that movie?  I have an urge to see it for myself so I can just fully comprend that it really exist.

my friend has a bootleg of the movie, not sure if it's legal when it comes to this big POS
yeah no.


They Wait (2007): Returning home to Vancouver's Chinatown with his family during his great Uncle's funeral, a young six-year old boy named Sammy is haunted and terrorized by ghostly disturbances during the heights of a Chinese festival referred to here as Hungry Ghost Month. When he falls deathly ill, the boy's mother Sarah (Jaime King) soon comes to suspect something supernatural may be possessing him and sets out to save her son even if it means coming face to face with the demons of the underworld and the demons of her family's past.

This really surprised me. It's a Canadian film that feels very much akin to the spooky Japanese Horror of the 1990s and 2000s. It is a creepy, unsettling little ghost story and it works far better than I expected it would. I especially like the performances given by the film's true lead Jaime King as the mother determined to save her son. Regan Oey does well as Sammy too and Henry O has a memorable part as a Pharmacist who acts as something of an expert, a wise old sage, for Sarah to consult. A good little movie, the only thing that bothered me was the unconvincing CGI. Loved the make-up and gore effects though. *** out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Bruce Lee the invincible.

Not a Bruce Lee movie, but a Bruce Li movie, the imitator. I quite liked this one, great fight scenes etc.
No way did he fight a gorilla ... That sh*t was hilarious


Quote from: lester1/2jr on April 02, 2010, 11:24:10 AM
Layer Cake (2004)  The movies I review are either ones people have long since seen and formed an opinion on or would never want to see. Layer Cake is of the former category I'd assume. This is a very good state of the art fancy pants gangster movie sort of Hong kong meets James Bond but no Kung Fu and the protagonist is on the other side of the law. The plot is very complex with double crossing and triple crossing and you trying to remember who the f**k "The Duke" was. I was glad to see them going a little lighter on all the pomp and circumstance of the gangster universe.  It's like just do the drug deal already enough with all the long close ups of guys face and smoking cigars in the room. Yeah, you are superficially refined but could explode like Darth Vader and kill a guy right there so everyone is nervous. Duly noted, gangster movies. Seana Miller is well cast as a trashy broad. 4/5

I have a soft spot, some might say obsession, with British gangster flicks.  :lookingup:  While this one isnt in my top ten, I do like it. Im not a fan of Craig but he was very good in this and the ending shocked the hell out of me. Have you seen The crew(2008)? or Clubbed? clubbed I dont think is technically a gangster movie, but its really good.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


If you like british gangster flicks, DEFINETELY watch " Lock, stock and two smoking barrels " + " Snatch "


Quote from: Vik on April 02, 2010, 02:01:15 PM
If you like british gangster flicks, DEFINETELY watch " Lock, stock and two smoking barrels " + " Snatch "

I've got them.  :teddyr:   LS&2SB is fantastic but snatch.. oh my, I love that movie.   :smile:   I have a shelf just for British movies. im a weirdo, I know. One I have been trying to get but not having much luck is Daylight Robbery... more of a crime movie than gangster but I love it.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Quote from: 3mnkids on April 02, 2010, 02:09:06 PM
Quote from: Vik on April 02, 2010, 02:01:15 PM
If you like british gangster flicks, DEFINETELY watch " Lock, stock and two smoking barrels " + " Snatch "

I've got them.  :teddyr:   LS&2SB is fantastic but snatch.. oh my, I love that movie.   :smile:   I have a shelf just for British movies. im a weirdo, I know. One I have been trying to get but not having much luck is Daylight Robbery... more of a crime movie than gangster but I love it.

I love British gangster movies in the Style of LS&2SB and Snatch also  :teddyr: Hardmen was pretty good also  :smile:


This Film is Not Yet Rated
A great Documentary about how corrupt the MPAA ratings board is. Very interesting and well done. Its on Netflix watch it now if anyone is interested.


Parasite Eve, the film. Which is actually a film adaption of the novel, not the game, saying that, those who've played the game and read the novel know they are VERY different. It was alright, definitely not something that will keep everyone's interest, but still a good movie. 



Yella (2007)- I saw Christian Petzold's Jerichow a week or so ago and really liked it. This earlier one seemed to have raised a little more costernation in the reviews I skimmed but I was so won over by among other things the strong pro capitalist message of Jerichow I said what the heck. It's about a woman escaping an abusive loser and meeting a cool non loser. It's "colored" if you find such things colorful, with the backdrop of white collar high stakes poker sort of "we'll give you 10%"  "we won't settle for less than 15%"  long pause and smile "oh yes you WILL because we know about blah blah blah"  "ohh...  okay (you bastard)"  sort of thing.  I don't think it's exactly fair to say as some reviews have that it's like he is getting his MBA or something and writing a movie about it, but there is what you might call a business porn element. I watch CNBC and as I've said am partial to movies about commerce but it is kind of weird that the one extra on the DVD appears to be a straight shot of a business meeting. It's exactly like meetings I had to endure as a temp when I just got out of college and if this is the type of thing that gets Petzold going, let me tell you, it ain't exactly Ayn Rand or Great Expectations to me. As the story goes on you kind of sense something weird is going to happen. Eveything is so spacey ...and Yella never changes her clothes. Is it all a dream?  Not as good as Jerichow but very good



The Streetfighter's last Revenge.

Not as good as the first two, but still a bada$$ movie.