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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The skeptic~ An uptight mans aunt dies living him her old creepy house(well not really, but it doesn't matter)He is having problems with his wife and decides to move into the house to get some perspective, I guess.  :lookingup:  He starts hearing and seeing things.....

ok, the good. It has some kinda scary parts, made me jump once or twice. Was curious about what happen to his mother so it kept me watching..

The bad. Tom arnold, shaky, jumping up and down when talks, and cant act to boot. The ending.. omg! I was p**sed. Its so stupid, so.. I don't know how to describe it, its like they were tired of filming and just said eff it! this will work.. no, no it doesn't work.   :hatred: 
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


An American Werewolf in London (1981) & The Howling (1981)

Well, The Howling made its Blu-ray debut in Germany on Thursday, and to celebrate that event I bought that one along with the Blu-ray of An American Werewolf in London and had me a neat "Lycanthropes in HD Double Feature" last night. I had a howling good time! Joe Dante's The Howling looks absolute stunning on blu, American Werewolf's transfer was a bit uneven but looked much better than the old letterboxed DVD release from Artisan that I have. Both: 5/5


Quote from: 3mnkids on April 16, 2010, 08:52:02 PM
The skeptic~ An uptight mans aunt dies living him her old creepy house(well not really, but it doesn't matter)He is having problems with his wife and decides to move into the house to get some perspective, I guess.  :lookingup:  He starts hearing and seeing things.....

ok, the good. It has some kinda scary parts, made me jump once or twice. Was curious about what happen to his mother so it kept me watching..

The bad. Tom arnold, shaky, jumping up and down when talks, and cant act to boot. The ending.. omg! I was p**sed. Its so stupid, so.. I don't know how to describe it, its like they were tired of filming and just said eff it! this will work.. no, no it doesn't work.   :hatred: 
Yeah, that ending seems to p**s off everybody. Real bummer, because I thought the movie was pretty good.


Lipstick (1976)- If you like Law and Order SVU before it became a bunch of strung together "ripped from the headlines" fragments you would do well to check out this edgy thriller starring Margaux and Mareil Hemingway and Chris Sarandon. The one Hemingway, the older one I can't remember which is which is a model who takes care of her younger sister. She is attacked by a stalker and faces a trial where the other attorney tries to paint her as a harlet and so forth. Sarandon is the younger girls teacher and composes irritating "modern" John Cage type music that he carries around with him on a radio like LL Cool J. I like avant garde music but this music is supposed to be cartoonishly "outside" and was probably made by some normal musician. At any rate if you saw this you'd remember it. This isn't quite as crazy as "I spit on your Grave" but it's similar in many ways though with better acting, a bigger budget and so forth.  We've had 30+ years of cop shows and movies like this since this so if it seems cliched and/ or basic in places keep that in mind. I think other people might pick this apart but I just appreciated and was entertained by it and that's the bottom line. Extended scene of heinous sexual assault that takes up much of the movies first 1/3 may be too much for some. 5/5

The 10th Victim (1965) - Here's a pretty typical Italian movie experience for you. It starts off strong with a very fashion conscious look, a James bond type leading man, a comic book ish scenerio (it's the future and people take part in a thing where they hunt and kill people and are then hunted nad possibly killed) and an extremely hot girl, in this case Dr No's Ursulla Andress who looks incredible. Of course, once they get enough for a decent trailer they phone the rest in so after the first half hour it's pretty dull, despite some pretty girls and weird fashion. Just watch this and say you saw it.

July Rhapsody (2002)- Hong Kong is best known for it's action movies and will continue to be. Here is a drama though. It's decent but boy is it ever slow. I don't think anyone makes one fast moving motion in this entire movie.  It's just this hum of lacksadasical dialogue, kind of like a pretty good soft rock song (I know that's an oxymoron to some) or something. I liked it but couldn't recomend it. It's about a teacher who finds a connection with a pretty student and begins very calmly and lightly on a bunch of long flirtatious conversations with her. It's the polar opposite of that Rose Mcgowan movie. Jacky Cheung is awfully good as the teacher ,the romantic tension between he and the student was good and again, I did like it it's just hard to believe an actual affair would be SO cut and dry. It's a drama without drama!  3/5

Rev. Powell

MST3K: RACKET GIRLS: The movie is a hopelessly inept bit of would-be 1950s sleaze about mobsters involved in ladies' wrestling.  It would be torture to watch without commentary.  One of the "girls" looks to be past menopause, which the boys make lots of fun of; in fact, most of the jokes revolve around how incredibly unerotic this "naughty" picture actually is.  Also with the short "Are You Ready for Marriage?," 1950s style, a subject that's very easy to mock.  Host segments involve a security breakdown in Deep 13, ragging on nerdy 90s songstress Lisa Loeb, and an extended bit about Crow and Tom getting married.  Nice little episode all around.  3.5/5. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Mystery Science Theater 3000: Werewolf (1996): Mike and the Bots mock this direct to video 1996 movie about an outbreak of lycanthropy, brought about following the discovery of mysterious werewolfish skeletal remains, in the Arizona desert. In this episode's skits, Mike attempts to escape, Pearl plans on making her own werewolf but runs into a stumbling block due to Bobo the Gorilla's contribution to the cause and finally Mike turns into a Were-Crow!

This episode did have some funny moments. Apparently I wasn't the only one Sam the Keeper (R.C. Bates) reminded of Fidel Castro as the MST gang said it just shortly after I did. They also mentioned Were-Bear! and that the Werewolf in this film was the most ineffectual in history which I also was thinking. Of course I was pretty much thinking the same thing about Paul (Federico Cavalli) in terms of being a man although he somehow manages to bag Natalie (Adrianna Miles), the hottest albeit perhaps also the dumbest broad in the film. The funniest moment for me was "he's more of a were-slug really isn't he?". The skits here I thought were hilarious, especially Mike and the bots in drag singing a ditty about "my boyfriend Steve is a werewolf", and were a nice way to make the episode a bit more exciting considering how generally and surprisingly boring Werewolf really is. Still the riffing here isn't IMO quite as funny as in other episodes I've seen and I was somewhat disappointed at the editing (for R-rated content) done to the film, some scenes that were cut were key to plot advancement particularly a sex scene between Paul and Natalie. We do get a glimpse of this scene in the movie's trailer. My girlfriend thought this episode was quite funny but more in a strange, bizarre funny way than laugh out loud funny. Still I'd give it *** out of *****.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I watched Troma's BIGFOOT last night, hoping for some of the awful cheesey goodness that is the hallmark of Troma productions.  However, this was evidently one they distributed but did not make, and it was, while low budget and over-acted, totally devoid of the farts, boobs, and stale jokes that make genuine Troma movies so wonderfully awful (or is it the other way around?).  The Bigfoot costume was not nearly as cheap as the one in SUBURBAN SASQUATCH, and the kills were very gory.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Blood River~ A married couple get into an accident in the desert, forced to walk they find a ghost town and met a very strange man... oh boy.. Where do I start?okay, its slow.. not just slow but painfully slow at times, confusing, and has an ending that was so utterly stupid I wanted to smack myself for wasting my time.


okay, so supposedly the cowboy they met is an angel. An angel that makes people pay for their sins.. At least that is what he says he is, im not so sure. There are several times during the movie where a preacher is talking and its all about demons taking human form so maybe he was really a demon?The reason im not sure is because he keeps telling the married guy to confess his sins to his wife and he never does. Even when a gun is pointed at his head he keeps saying he cant, he cant... it was infuriating.. Just tell her dammit!.. Is he innocent or did he really do something and this angel is making him  and his wife pay for his sins? The cowboy/angel/demon/psycho? gets some fingers cut off earlier and at the end he prays and viola, they are back.. Im assuming a demon could do that too.  ugh, I hate ambiguous plots.. well not really, I guess. I hate bad ambiguous plots.

The only bright spot in this movie is the cowboy,Andrew Howard.. He was really good.

Forgot I watched another one..

Tormented~ A kid who was bullied hangs himself and his ghost comes back for revenge. meh, it was watchable but obviously, forgettable. It did have a couple of pretty funny scenes.. the emo kids were freaking hilarious.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Welcome to the Jungle (2007) - Four friends are filming a documentary about Michael Rockefeller who disappeared in the 60s in New Guinea. On their way through the jungle the friends encounter many dangers, and one of them is a tribe of savage Cannibals! Sadly Welcome to the Jungle takes the balls out of Cannibals and what's left is a Blair Witch Project clone with little gore. Even though I've expected so much more I still thought it was an ok time waster. It does take long to get things started however. 3/5


Dororo-What a great movie!
A samurai trades his son's 48 body parts to demons for world domination!
The son is found by an old witchdoctor-kinda guy who makes bodyparts for the boy...from the body parts of dead children!
When he growns up and the witch doctor dies, the man sets out to kill the 48 demons and get his body back-one part at a time!

And on a sidenote, the CGI is not bad at some places.


Mystery Science Theater 3000: Future War: While Pearl attempts to dream up new ways to torture and/or kill Mike & the bots on the Satellite of Love, she forces them to watch a stinking direct to video crapfest called Future War (1997). Following an unbelievably long opening credit sequence that almost left me comatose, Future War finally starts ("It's Dustbuster Galactica!"). It is the story of a runaway slave [Jean Claude Van Damme wannabe Daniel Bernhardt - is he related to Sandra?], who constantly refers to himself as a "tool" [I couldn't agree more!] attempting to find Heaven on Earth while on the run from trackers (incredibly cheesy ineffectually lame dinosaurs [actually very obviously puppets who seem to vary greatly in size] who'd probably drop dead if you sneezed at them) and cyborgs including Master Cyborg [Robert Z'Dar - who looks like the offspring of a mating between Freddie Mercury and Sgt. Slaughter] and just plain Cyborg [Kazja - who kinda looks like an hair metal band mime]. The runaway finds friends and allies chiefly that being a nun named Sister Ann [Travis Brooks Stewart], who is going through recent Catholic Nun Training, and the friends she's made on the streets from her days as an hooker and drug pusher?! The Runaway does Kung Fu fighting against the Cyborgs while Sister Ann and her friends attempt to take out the dinosaurs in effectively unbelievable and lame ways (luckily for most of them, these dinos seem very easy to kill although the dinos do mulch down on a few incredibly stupid characters, one foolish enough to attack one with a boy scout knife?!, and one Forrest J. Ackerman [in a cameo appearance] although we never actually see that on screen). Most of the fighting and dinosaur footage takes place in what appears to be a factory full of pipes, ladders and empty cardboard boxes. "He's boxed in and I'm card-bored!"

The skits on the show include Pearl performing LSD experiments on Crow and Tom while Bobo the Gorilla and Brain Guy decide to form a band (at one point Mike appears in a clown costume - and I went "Circus Circus?"). Later as Mike and the bots thank Pearl for not trying to kill them, that's exactly what she attempts. Crow does a promotional piece in defense of water. In the end Bobo and Brain Guy decide they want to branch out on their own as a band but Pearl has other plans for them. As the mind-numbingly long closing credits role, Mike takes the opportunity to demonstrate the film's use of force perspective for its dinosaur puppets until a giant force perspective Tom Servo suddenly appears!

"He's more like Jean Claude Gosh Darn?" - Mike

This movie even seemed hard on the MST crew. Just a mind-numbing experience and incredibly lame and boring although of course also constantly laughably inept. I give this episode *** out of ***** stars. Someday I'd like to tackle the challenge of watching this all on its own but I'm not sure I'd ever recover.

Knowing (2009): John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) is a single parent father and teacher of astrophysics in this film who stumbles across a coded message, written fifty years ago by a strange little girl and buried by her (also his son's) school in a time capsule back in 1959, which not only has accurately predicted every major disaster for the last 50 years but also predicts three more still to come. Koestler sets out to try and stop these catastrophes from occuring but can he make changes or are these events already predetermined? This movie has some surprisingly moving moments and raises some interesting philosophical questions and ideas. I quite liked Cage's performance here to be honest as a man whose suffered way too much losing his wife to a fire and now fearful he may lose his son and other loved ones to a disaster to come.  Sadly I found the rest of the movie less convincing and it seems to go through the usual expected disaster flick end of the world motions for the most part although I liked the element of the Whisper people. At times, this reminds me of the film Last Night but it's much more mainstream. Has its moments and I liked Cage's performance but I can't give this more than **1/2 out of *****.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Talhotblond~ (Documentary)An online love triangle leads to a young man being murdered.

Wow, there are some really sick people in this world.  I hadnt heard of this case before watching and was shocked at how cruel some people can be. There really should be laws about this kind of online behavior..


While the "talhotblond" didnt kill anyone she should be serving some jail time. IMO she was the instigator and did nothing but continue to torment and play games with Montgomery. She is a sick, sick woman.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


I watched PINOCCHIO'S REVENGE last night.  A fairly interesting movie; a serial killer crafts a charming little wooden puppet, which his defense attorney  accidentally "gives" to her daughter, who of course falls in love with it and won't let her mom take it back to the evidence room.  Then violence breaks out - is it the devil doll come to life, or is the little girl projecting her anger and agression at her mom's failed marriage onto the puppet? 

Lots of neat twists in this one, some gory kills, and a little nudity to boot.  A good evening's entertainment for the true bad movie fan!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Blood Freak (1972) - Back in the '70s, when everything was groovy and far out, a big dumb guy named Herschell meets a religious girl.  She takes him back to her home, where everybody is having a far out time doing drugs and stuff.  That description might make you imagine a group of young people, but no - all the guys look to be between the ages of 40 and 60.  The religious girl is totally squaresville man, so Herschell hooks up with her swingin' sister.  The sister gives herschell a joint, so he's instantly addicted to the wacky tobaccy.  He also gets a job at the local turkey farm, where the "scientists" are adding chemicals to the meat.  They ask ol' Hersh' if he'd like to be the human guinea pig to see if there are any harmful side effects to the chemicals, and he says okay.  Yeah, that doesn't turn out so well.  His head turns into a big ol' turkey head.  He even makes gobble gobble gobble sounds.  No, seriously!  Being addicted to drugs, but being unable to take a hit off a joint because he's got a beak for a mouth (makes sense when you think about it), he finds people who have recently taken drugs, hangs them upside down, slits their throat, and drinks their blood.  There's also this narrator dude who pops into the movie occasionally.  He's hip and with it, so much so that most of what he says is nonsense.  By about the fifth time this guy appeared, I figured out he wants us to find religion, quit taking drugs, and quit eating meat with chemicals in it.  Then he descents into a fit of coughing, which is pretty much the climax of the movie.

The dialog and acting are just comically inept, it's really the whole appeal of this movie.  Well, that and the fact that the entire thing is so stupid that it's hilarious.  3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Killer Bees

In no particular order:

Trick 'r' Treat
Way better than I gave it credit for and not what I expected.

Monsters -v- Aliens
Just love Hugh Laurie and the story was funny.

Heavenly Creatures
I'm a huge Peter Jackson fan and this story stayed with me for a long time.

Lie To Me - Season One
I love Tim Roth and this is one of the better series on television

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
I had no idea what this was going to be and I loved every second of it.  Dennis Quaid does a brilliant job.

Underworld - Rise of the Lycans
I've seen the other two and enjoyed them and I liked this one as well.

True Blood - Season One
This has to now be my favourite show - ever.  Even surpassing Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall (sorry AMH, I still love you!).  I had never heard of it prior to renting it and only did so because it had vampires in it.  Can't wait for season two to come out at the end of May!

Bangkok Dangerous
Nicholas Cage can be disappointing sometimes in his movie choices and although this one can't be considered high art by any stretch, I enjoyed it immensely.

Let The Right One In
I read the book before I saw the movie.  It was well done, but I enjoyed the book a lot more.  Overall, a fresh take on the vampire genre.

Transporter 3
Saw the others, love Jason Statham, enough said.  :thumbup: 

Drag Me To Hell
I tried hard to like this movie and was disappointed when I didn't.  Some good moments, but the scene with the kitty cat really destroyed it for me.  I applauded the ending.

GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra
Boring, and very disappointing.  But the special effects were cool and I want to live in a world where they have all those gadgets.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......