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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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She gods of Shark Reef (1958): Two brothers (Bill Cord and Don Durant), one on the lam from the law after murdering a man, are shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited solely by women who harvest pearls from the ocean and worship a stone idol  shark god. Eventually one of the brothers, the good one, becomes smitten with the island girl who rescued him while the bad brother plots to continue eluding the police all while eyeing the island's treasure in pearls.

Actually that plot description makes this film sound a whole lot more exciting than it actually is. In reality, it's a snoozefest from director Roger Corman which might be even tougher slugging than The Terror which truly says something. Honestly not much really happens throughout most of this film unless you count girls doing hula dances and singing songs as excitement. The few shark scenes prove sadly predictable, unconvincing and at times downright anticlimactic especially given the small size of the shark in many scenes. Honestly most of the women in the film aren't even attractive (aside from the female lead Lisa Montell and Carol Lindsay doing an hula dance) so that exploitation element definitely falls somewhat short here unless you count the beefcake Cord and Durant put on display in their tight little island outfits.  :buggedout: It's astounding how long it takes for 63 minutes to pass while watching this. Honestly the only thing it truly has going for it is its scenic Hawaiian location but even that's tough to appreciate on the terrible print we get in the Treeline 100 Sci-Fi Classic Movie Pack. * out of ***** stars
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"




Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

ONDINE (2009): An Irish fisherman (Colin Farrel) brings up a girl in his nets while trawling in the bay one day---is she a selkie?  Fantastic photography, good script, serious dramatic acting from Farrel and crew, but it takes itself so seriously that it ends up feeling arthouse-routine and unmagical.  Thick Irish accents combined with low sound levels proved to be a serious impediment to understanding what was going on.  Directed by Neil Jordan.  2.5/5.

RETURN OF THE STREET FIGHTER (1974): When the title street fighter (Sonny Chiba) refuses to assassinate an innocent man, the mafia unwisely decides to put a hit on him.  Chiba is much closer to a good guy in this one (he doesn't sell anyone into sex slavery or rip anyone's testicles off their body), and the fight scenes are just as elaborate but not as gory and have a deliberate comic element.  These changes may make you like it more or less than the original; I liked it more.  3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


avant garde films of the 20's and 30's (kino) - This was dissapointing. the films weren't that great to begin with but the music they put on top of them was very pedestrian and not even avante garde at all. would not recomend. 2/5


Bikini Island (1991) - Five stunningly gorgeous swimsuit models go to an island for a photo shoot.  Eventually, a mysterious killer starts reducing their numbers.  This was kind of dull for the most part.  I like watching fabulously beautiful girls in bikinis doing a photo shoot as much (perhaps more) than the next guy, but a solid 45 minutes of it gets somewhat tiresome.  Pretty much everybody in the movie is offered up as a red herring as we guess the identity of the toilet plunger wielding murderer.  Yup, toilet plunger.   When we finally discover the person's identity, it's actually pretty well done.  This had some good '80s style music, very silly kills, and lots and lots of eye candy - though considering that just about all the girls got topless, they sure as hell didn't give us a very good view.  Still, the ending was sort of good.  3.75/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Highlander: The Final Dimension Probably the best Highlander sequel in terms of story and continuity.
Yet it suffers from mediocre F/X, misplaced music, a few overly long scenes (such as sex scene that last up to 2:00 minutes) and a disappointing decapitation.


SCULPTURE - After the death of her abusive father, a struggling artist named Ashley returns home to help her brother get the family business - a gym for bodybuilders - back up and running. As she recovers the memories of her rape and abuse at her father's hands, Ashley begins a string of killings all designed to help her sculpt "the perfect man" from real human flesh.  Can she finish her masterpiece before her brother David finds out?  How long will co-star Misty Mundae keep her clothes on?  How can one diminutive female kill so many bodybuilders?  Will her work get good reviews from art critics?

Camp Film Productions has turned out a wonderful, reeking slice of B-movie cheese here - it's bad in a good way, and worth the rental!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


X Men Origins: Wolverine.

I honestly couldn'r make out the plot. Wasn't Sabertooth the hairy guy in the first film ?
Why didn't he recognise Logan then ?
Why was Gambit rubbish ?

The CGI was poor.
I know everyone says this, but compare claws from X2 to this film and you will notice a difference.

Still, it had mindless action, so alright for a time waster.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: indianasmith on November 17, 2010, 07:32:49 AM
How long will co-star Misty Mundae keep her clothes on? 

Can you answer that here, or would it be considered a major spoiler?  :wink:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Edge of Darkness (2009)- I hadn't heard much about this Mel Gibson thriller but I realy enjoyed it. however, it does have a lingering plot hole: the girl could have posted the information on the internet. It's not as blatant as with older movies (like, say,  the Pelican Brief ) but it did kind og linger there. There were a ridiculous amount of Boston locations, I live here and I mean geez, the tourist board couldn't have put togather a better package. Gibson was a little heavy on the Schulb factor. He got the accent okay but he seemed on the verge of homeless rather than just blue collar half the time. It was great though, thrillers are probably my favorite genre in no small part because they move so well and this one certainly does. 4.5 /5


Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 17, 2010, 03:47:39 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on November 17, 2010, 07:32:49 AM
How long will co-star Misty Mundae keep her clothes on? 

Can you answer that here, or would it be considered a major spoiler?  :wink:

If you want a good look at Misty, you won't be disappointed.

If you want to see Misty meet a brutal end, you won't be disappointed.

This movie has something for everyone!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


some site had a misty mundae t shirt that I would certainly buy

Rev. Powell

HOUSE [HAUSU] (1977): Seven schoolgirls are trapped in a haunted house.  An insane, incredibly stylized film, perfect in its own way; its a bit like EVIL DEAD II directed by David Lynch in the style of a Japanese Saturday morning children's TV show.  Nobody forgets the scene where the piano eats Melody.  I'd say this is a MUST SEE for members of this board.  4.5/5
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Devilfish (1984)

I did watch the unhampered version of this called Monster Shark: prehistoric sharktopus is terrorizing the waters of Florida. The local Sheriff is clueless but a fish expert and a computer genius are already investigating.
Ridiculous Italian exploitation with some fun blood letting and a decent enough creature. Nice pacing, good action - what more to ask for? 4/5 Cheese.


Ghosts of Mars (2001) - I've seen this several times and it's a favorite of mine, so I finally got it on Blu ray.  A group of cops led by Natasha Henstridge are sent to a small mining colony to pick up a well known criminal, played by Ice Cube.  When they arrive, they find that the inhabitants of the colony have been possessed by ghosts and have turned into rejects from a Mad Max movie.  Henstridge and Mr. Cube have to team up to survive.  Lots and lots of shootouts and explosions, and it's all pretty cheesy.  I love the atmosphere of the movie, it's filmed entirely at night and the red surface of Mars is only visible in the lights from the buildings.  And John Carpenter's movies always seem to have great theme music that sort of lurks around in the subwoofer sounding menacing.  Henstridge and Cube do a great job with their characters.  The DVD looked excellent, and I'm not too sure that the Blu ray is much of a noticeable improvement in the video department.  The audio seems to be a step up though, with a great surround mix that's a whole lot more active than what I remember from the DVD.  4.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho