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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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orchids stained with italian blood or something- mediocre gaillo w/ scooby doo mystery  woman are on par,. to their credit, it's something Italians almost always come through on even in the worst stuff. 3/5


Smash his Camera (2010) - This is documentary about Ron Galella who I had never heard of. He is a infamous paparazzo or whatever you call it. He was probaly the most famous one ever, mainly for his feud with Jackie O back in the 70's. People today might not realize what a huge star she was, she was like american royalty really and exhuded a kind of melancholy class,wether it was authentic or not I don't know, that endeared her to many. This meant there was a lot of demand for pictures of her and Galella, who probably had about the exact opposite reputation in the publics eyes, gave them what they wanted.  kind of like in Nixon when he looks at the painting of JFK and is like " people look at you and see what they want to be, they look at me and see what they are!"

bottom line: the film is tight and cerebral and pretty much on point in every direction. The main problem is it isn't un-interesting but it's not exactly fascinating. I mean, this guy photographed people at studio 54, but he wasn't photographed AT studio 54. He is interesting as a footnote to all these people but really he is just a news photographer and not a particularly gifted one at that. I'm not saying this to be a snob, I'm saying it really makes the whole thing, as well made as it is, somewhat less compelling than other documentaries.


Rev. Powell

THE DEVIL'S NIGHTMARE (1971): Seven stranded tourists, each representing one of the seven deadly sins, spend a night at a castle where they are killed or corrupted by a succubus.  The seven deadly sins angle is intriguing but the movie itself is slow and dull; after a perverse introduction, it takes an hour of setup before anything starts to happen.  It's one of those movies I think I may have seen years ago, but I'm not totally sure... can't say a movie that makes that kind of impression is really worth checking out.  2/5, generously.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


 I was really really into devils nightmare. I can't exactly remember why.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on March 26, 2011, 05:01:09 PM
I was really really into devils nightmare. I can't exactly remember why.

It's got a number of defenders online.  I can't exactly explain why.  :tongueout:

There are a few interesting images and the Devil is cool.  I do think I saw it a long time ago and something in it stuck with me, but not enough for me to remember the name or any solid details.  I think it may be the kind of movie you like a lot better when you're vaguely remembering it than when you're watching it. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Forbidden Zone:  Alien Abduction (1996) - I thought this was a sci-fi movie.  

Looks kind of sci-fi, doesn't it?  Ya got an alien, and the words "Alien Abduction" in the title.  It's a freakin' soft-core porno   :buggedout:  Well okay, in hindsight I guess I should have perhaps suspected that.  It's just some girls sitting around a pool relating stories of their sexual escapades.  At least I think that's what they're doing - the Netflix DVD skipped about ten minutes.  After which I turned it off.  Nothing wrong with a SC porno, but I was in the mood for something with a plot and stuff.  I dunno, maybe I'll attempt to slog through a bit more of it tonight.  Hopefully the disk will just freeze up completely and refuse to play any further.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on March 26, 2011, 06:56:00 PM
Forbidden Zone:  Alien Abduction (1996) - I thought this was a sci-fi movie.  

Looks kind of sci-fi, doesn't it?  Ya got an alien, and the words "Alien Abduction" in the title.  It's a freakin' soft-core porno   :buggedout:  Well okay, in hindsight I guess I should have perhaps suspected that.  It's just some girls sitting around a pool relating stories of their sexual escapades.  At least I think that's what they're doing - the Netflix DVD skipped about ten minutes.  After which I turned it off.  Nothing wrong with a SC porno, but I was in the mood for something with a plot and stuff.  I dunno, maybe I'll attempt to slog through a bit more of it tonight.  


Who are you and what have you done with the real Jack ?

I watch Spiceworld

Due to 90's, British nostalgia, I give it:


(Still know all the words to all the songs)

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


I watched the non-MST3K version of Hobogblins with some friends tonight. It's easily one of the best B movies ever made.

Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Quote from: Doggett on March 26, 2011, 07:08:05 PM

Who are you and what have you done with the real Jack ?

Kind of bizarre isn't it   :bouncegiggle:  I dunno, when I'm all in the mood for some cheesy sci-fi and they pull a bait and switch on me, it kind of ticks me off  :hatred:

Watched The Graves (2009) again last night.  Two (totally hot) girls go to some forlorn little tourist attraction out in the desert, but the locals are all devil worshiping psychos, so they have to fight for their lives yadda yadda yadda.  Not a good movie by any means - one minute the girls are terrified, the next they're cocky and don't seem to take it seriously.  At one point the main girl stabs a guy in the leg - with a blunt piece of pipe?  He bleeds to death in short order.  Oh well, I wasn't really watching this for the edge-of-your-seat thrills and chills lol.  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


rev- I just remember it as being really swank and having alot of sleazy sort of nudity and cool theme song.

Rev. Powell

THE SADIST (1963): Three schoolteachers are held hostage in a junkyard by a serial killer (based on Charles Starkweather).  B-movie gem that mixes a greasy, over-the-top performance by failed teen idol Arch Hall, Jr. with a taut and tawdry script to produce masterful suspense.  4.5/5.

TERROR CREATURES FROM THE GRAVE (1965):  An attorney gets a letter asking to help a reclusive scientist and spiritualist make out his will, but when he arrives at the Gothic Italian villa, it seems that the letter was sent from beyond the grave.  Soon local villagers whom the deceased bore a grudge start dying off.  This is the kind of movie where the director insists on punctuating a widow's "my husband has been dead for a year" with a rumble of thunder and a gust of wind suddenly blowing a castle door open.  Barbara Steele is in it as the sexy widow but this isn't one of her most memorable roles.  The print on the "Tales of Terror" 50 movie pack is terrible--at times its almost like watching an unrestored movie from the 20s or 30s.  You could go as high as 2/5 for cheezy Gothic atmosphere.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I just bought that 50 pack.  Are all the transfers that bad?
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

Quote from: indianasmith on March 27, 2011, 05:37:29 PM
I just bought that 50 pack.  Are all the transfers that bad?

No, it's the usual Mill Creek deal, most are acceptable, a few are bad.  THE SADIST looks great. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Casino (1995) -
Ok, I recently watched this film for the first time ever, after having it for many months. I thought it started off a little slowly, but picks up very well after all of the colorful characters are introduced and fleshed out. Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci offer great performances in this one, as well as DeNiro, who is usually excellent in the majority of his roles. The music score is well done, with a lot of music from the 1970's and 1980's as well as older classics. One thing that draws you into this film is the fact that the characters (Sam Rothstein especially) are easy to relate to. I was hanging on DeNiro's every word as he talked to Stone in her most vulnerable moments as "Ginger". It was amazingly done, in my view.

A turnoff for some may be how graphic things in the film are when it comes to the violence level. I mean, there are some brutal beatings that take place involving hammers, baseball bats, and a truly disturbing scene where a vice is used on some guy's head. If you can look past this, it is a fantastic piece of work and I highly recommend a viewing if you are into mob-related flicks or any of Scorcese's work. I would give Casino 4.5 broken fingers out of 5.
This space free, since Photobucket is on dust.

PSN ID: A_Dubya13


The Forgotten Ones (2009) Blu-ray (Region B)

Five friends on vacation shipwreck and seek shelter on tropical island which is inhabited by a tribe of blind ape-creatures. Solid production values and better than average special effects without CGI. Story and acting are sort of bad and unintentional hilarious (super-cheesy "we are having fun" montage with corny hip-hop/rap tune), plus the movie seems to be "inspired" by The Descent. Nice eye candy though, gorgeous location that looks simply stunning in HD. 3/5 Cheese

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (Unrated) (2009) Blu-ray (Region B)

Contaminated water causes bloody insanity at a Prom dance. This film was badly butchered and re-shot by the studio and producers. Director Ti West's original intentions can be seen during the first 40 minutes. After that its downhill all the way. Even though a mess its still watchable to some extent. 3.25/5 Cheese

Flowers in the Attic (1987)

Louis Fletcher nails the religious nut dead on. Her evil Grandma performance makes the movie. The rest is trashy drama on a higher level. Fun entertainment. 4/5