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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: lester1/2jr on May 04, 2011, 03:11:30 PM
claws- is 2019 the one with all the weird gangs?

Yes Sir.


I loved that!

I watched some stupid movie with Chad Lowe cross dressing to meet a blonde. It wasn't funny. It's called no ones perfect or something I can't remember. They play tennis. There was one alright shower room scene. 80's


Slaughter of the Vampires (1970) - Some rich people own a big mansion and they've got a vampire living in their wine cellar.  He shows up at their fancy dress ball looking about as scary as Grandpa Munster (I might have actually laughed if I wasn't bored out of my skull) and uses his vampire powers to make some girl get all tired.  She goes to her bedroom and Mr. Vamp does his neck nibbling thing. 

After 30 minutes I couldn't take it any more.  A half hour infomercial for timeshare condo's in Texas would have been more exciting. 
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The Last Slumber Party (1988) - I watched this again!  I love it.  This is undeniably stupid trash, but it's so awful on all accounts that it's amazing.  Dreams within dreams, no regard for logic, bad editing, shots without purpose, hilarious dialogue, terrible gore, crappy music,a sleep deprived/drugged-up lead actress, ugly home decor, etc.  I want to hug it.

Rev. Powell

THE NINES (2007): Three separate plot strands---about a self-destructive actor under house arrest, a writer trying to get his series past the pilot stage while being filmed by a reality TV crew, and a video game designer whose car breaks down in the middle of nowhere---intertwine in a mysterious way, with the same actors playing different characters in each mini-story.  A valiant and ambitious effort with some remarkable acting by Ryan Reynolds in his three roles; as is often the case in these sorts of mindbender/puzzle films, though, the mystery is much more satisfying than its solution.  3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Pilgermann on May 05, 2011, 12:02:19 PM
The Last Slumber Party (1988) - I watched this again!  I love it.  This is undeniably stupid trash, but it's so awful on all accounts that it's amazing.  Dreams within dreams, no regard for logic, bad editing, shots without purpose, hilarious dialogue, terrible gore, crappy music,a sleep deprived/drugged-up lead actress, ugly home decor, etc.  I want to hug it.


This is a big fave of mine as well. It's so damn cheesy but entertaining! If you own the double feature DVD make sure to check out Terror At Tenkiller as well, which offers similar hilarity.


The Good the bad and the ugly - I loved this movie and can't believe I didn't watch it earlier.


Quote from: claws on May 05, 2011, 12:18:43 PM


This is a big fave of mine as well. It's so damn cheesy but entertaining! If you own the double feature DVD make sure to check out Terror At Tenkiller as well, which offers similar hilarity.

I did start to watch that one afterwards but started to fall asleep.  I'll finish it up sometime soon.


Scared to Death (1981)

Ex-Cop and Scientist are trying to stop a DNA monster from sucking spine-fluid from its victims.

Cheap sewer-Terror filmed in 1979 but not released until 1981. Had its fun moments but snail pacing pretty much puts a damper on the flow. I liked the Brian de Palma-esque nightmare ending rip off though. 2.75/5 Cheese

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Pilgermann on May 05, 2011, 12:02:19 PM
The Last Slumber Party (1988) - I watched this again!  I love it.  This is undeniably stupid trash, but it's so awful on all accounts that it's amazing.  Dreams within dreams, no regard for logic, bad editing, shots without purpose, hilarious dialogue, terrible gore, crappy music,a sleep deprived/drugged-up lead actress, ugly home decor, etc.  I want to hug it.

Please tell me that's the way it was originally edited and not a remix...  :bouncegiggle:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 05, 2011, 03:26:48 PM
Please tell me that's the way it was originally edited and not a remix...  :bouncegiggle:

Welp, that's the original editing as far as I know!  The guy in that scene doing this killing isn't the main killer, but a nerdy character from the same school as the other "kids", but the kooky-eyed fellow is the primary villain.  That doesn't really make the scene much more sensible, I guess.


I've had The Last Slumber Party / Terror at Tenkiller on my Amazon wishlist and Netflix queue forever.  I keep thinking of getting them, but then I'm like "No, you don't wanna do that!"   :bouncegiggle:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Trancers (1985)

Cop is send back in time (1985) to prevent evil invasion. Humorous sci-fi action, one of the best from the legendary Full Moon studios. Too bad the DVD is of poor quality. They simply copied the VHS on disc  :lookingup: 4/5

Future-Kill (1985)

Cheap cyber-punk action with urban setting and a hint of sci-fi. This movie pretty much fails at capturing (ripping off) the spirit if the back then popular raunchy frat/comedy style ala Bachelor Party and Revenge of the Nerds. The rest had potential and could've been better with a decent budget. Poor production values shine through ever so often, especially regarding picture and audio quality. Still, its ok for what it is 3/5 Cheese


Robocop: Prime Directives, Dark Justice- Apparently takes place at some point between 1 and 2. This is the first of the four films that make up a mini-series that Sci-Fi (SyFy) did way back when. It was quite depressive and dramatic with the cheese factor and satirical aspects taking a back seat. Although it was still pretty cheesy, but it was more due to the production quality and the villian, "Bone Machine", who wants to take Robocops place. A former partner with a dumb looking moustache is killed at the ended and it implies that he too will be cybernetically ressurected. It was okay. If you're a die hard Robocop fan, you should enjoy it.