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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: claws on May 10, 2011, 06:53:18 AM
Joe Bob Briggs' DVD commentary is the best thing about Blood Sisters. When it comes to Roberta Findlay movies I prefer Tenement, The Oracle and Shriek of the Mutilated.

I started watching the Joe Bob Briggs intro, but I turned it off when it seemed like he'd be giving away spoilers.  I probably should have left it on, might have added the entertainment value that the movie itself was lacking.   :teddyr:

I added The Oracle to my Netflix queue, maybe give that a try one of these days.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Keep in mind these are Roberta Findlay movies, the Queen of lo-fi  :wink: Me preferring The Oracle over Blood Sisters is like preferring turd over dung  :teddyr:
I think The Oracle is more entertaining because more stuff is happening, plus you get more or less decent f/x, which is a rare thing in her films.

Watching a Findlay movie is like watching porn without porn. Plus she managed to make all her movies look incredibly dated.


The Oracle does look a bit more entertaining at least.  It's #95 in my queue  :teddyr:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Gangs of New York (2002) - To say I was disappointed with this is an understatement. I've liked most of the films Leonardo DiCaprio has been in horribleness of Titanic, so the fact that I was for the most part completely bored to death for the vast majority of the first two hours of this film was quite surprising. The last half hour or so things start to pick up and I really enjoyed the hell out of it.

I felt like this during the first two hours orf Gangs of New York:

Two and a half out of five stars.
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


The Changeling (1980)

I know where The Others got most of its ideas ...
Spooky thrills, very low key with great performance by George C. Scott. 4.5/5

The Final Countdown (1980)

Fun and decent sci-fi adventure about a battleship projected back in time during a strange electronic storm. The biggest surprise was seeing Lloyd Kaufman's (Troma) name listed as one of the producers  :buggedout: 4/5


Savage Temptation aka American Commando 3: Savage Temptation - The mish-mash of two batches of seperate footage directed and assembled by Godfrey Ho is pretty awful.  There are no commandos in the movie, and I'm not quite sure what qualifies as savage temptation, but the plot involves a couple of cops who are trying to take down some drug-lord-guy in part of the footage, while the other stuff is from a Chinese (I presume) film where a woman and her young brother are taken in by a friend of their father's who happens to be some sort of criminal.  He has a few bumbling henchmen, one of whom is trying to take the place of the boss.  I think the woman's name is Nora, and at first they use her to seduce slimy business men at hotels and then rob them.  Eventually she runs away and shacks up with some nerdy guy and his mother, and other stuff happens I guess.  None of it's important, really.

The tape I watched was pretty well-worn, with a weird lawnmower-esque noise that played through the whole film (you kinda get used to it after several minutes) and for some reason the image would start to jump and distort during all of the big action scenes.

Someone kindly uploaded the final scene on YouTube.  If you're worried about spoilers, well, this is the end of the film, but I promise that it doesn't really spoil watching the movie if you ever choose to, and I encourage you to do so.


Okay for Eurohorror, I suppose.  People do illogical things while being attacked (bang on a door with a simple bolt that they could unlatch while trying to escape, for instance) and deserve to get munched by undead Templars.  When the Templars make their way onto a train and slaughter its passengers, things get kinda cool (but that's the ending scene).
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


Killer Klowns from Outer Space, mother dragged into watching it with me no less. :D
It's difficult to top a movie with killer pies. Nuff said.
"Are you Debby's roommates?"

"You wanna be a genius, it's easy. All you gotta say is, everything stinks. Then you're never wrong."


I watched MONGOLIAN DEATH WORM last week.  Pretty decent for a SYFY Original, and the worms were almost believable in a couple of scenes.  Worth the $3 rental.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Dark Mirror (2007) - A husband and wife and their young child move to LA, and it's not long before the woman starts noticing odd things happening in the house.  Is it haunted, or is she just going nuts?  This was pretty good.  I really liked  Lisa Vidal in the lead role, her character was very likable, yet you never knew if she was crazy or not.  That's probably a fairly hard thing to pull off.  The story was rather unique and suspenseful, and the climax had some good surprises.  I liked it   :teddyr:  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

THE MACHINIST (2004): A factory machinist is suffering from severe insomnia and loss of appetite; paranoid hallucinations soon follow, but what's causing them?  Well done psychological thriller; the one thing nobody can get out of their minds is the image of a skeletal Christian Bale, who lost so much weight for the role that's it's horrifying to look at him with his shirt off.  4/5
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Flick James

Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 12, 2011, 11:45:13 AM
THE MACHINIST (2004): A factory machinist is suffering from severe insomnia and loss of appetite; paranoid hallucinations soon follow, but what's causing them?  Well done psychological thriller; the one thing nobody can get out of their minds is the image of a skeletal Christian Bale, who lost so much weight for the role that's it's horrifying to look at him with his shirt off.  4/5

Ah yes, I like this movie. My wife is a big Christian Bale fan so I've seen just about everything he has done. He's lost serious weight for Rescue Dawn, The Fighter, but nothing like he did for this one. He lived on nothing but a cup of coffee and either an apple or a can of tuna a day for 4 months, and I think vitamin supplements to help prevent longterm damage.
I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer


Sleeper (1973)- I really liked this even though it's sometimes pretty silly and self indulgent. Some of the jokes seem like they are either just improvised things or previous Woody Allen material jammed into the plot but it doesn't matter, it's still good.

Woody allen wakes up 200 years ni the future and its a dystopia with mind control and whatnot. Daine Keaton is the love interest and looks great even though some of the jokes really just involve a total suspension of disbelief (How could she not know anyting abut the past and then imitate Marlon Brando? ) lke I said silly and self indulgent. The futuristic stuff is cool and b movie ish. Woody allen is funny 4.5 /5

Flick James

Quote from: lester1/2jr on May 12, 2011, 03:04:48 PM
Sleeper (1973)- I really liked this even though it's sometimes pretty silly and self indulgent. Some of the jokes seem like they are either just improvised things or previous Woody Allen material jammed into the plot but it doesn't matter, it's still good.

Woody allen wakes up 200 years ni the future and its a dystopia with mind control and whatnot. Daine Keaton is the love interest and looks great even though some of the jokes really just involve a total suspension of disbelief (How could she not know anyting abut the past and then imitate Marlon Brando? ) lke I said silly and self indulgent. The futuristic stuff is cool and b movie ish. Woody allen is funny 4.5 /5

This movie has some priceless bits. The whole scene where Woody disguised as a robot has to pass around the pleasure ball or whatever it is is hilarious. Oh, and the whole concept that the scientists of the future have found out that deep fried foods and chocolate cake are the healthiest food to eat.
I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer


The closing monologue was even quasi libertarian "in a few months we'll be stealing Erno's nose."